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Everything posted by AshbyJones

  1. True fact: every bug in Ren-x is caused by devs—devs are the worst They know it can’t be fixed, that’s why they created this Firestorm vapor ware #blamethedevs
  2. I swear this may be the worst idea I’ve ever heard. …so devs integrating in next patch yea?
  3. To paraphrase the late, great, Shpetim, If the game lets you do it, it’s what the devs intended. I mean it has been this way forever and the devs haven’t fixed ithow is it even a question—of course you should do it also—“ethically correct?” since when does that matter in ren-x? #roweboatisafatty
  4. Wow you all really can’t figure out what to do with Toxicity. Just burn the hard drive it’s stored on already
  5. Ur doing it wrong…obviously…
  6. hold my beer. also, roweboat sux. Can't remember why but he does.
  7. omg WHAT? Rusty Shackleford is Shptetim?? WHAT A COUNTRY also I loved that forum thread. good stuff...
  8. omg I'm so glad I clicked on this. at first I was entirely confused but now I agree completely! !rec Rusty also I clicked on repeat a few times to pretend it was a gif it was so awesome btw get you effing truckers under control Shpetim...ffs
  9. I wonder if Totem Arts has the same devs that worked on Project Longhorn…? ha 20 year old reference burn
  10. After all these years you potentially hopefully might have fixed the sound bug? Lolololol #blamethedevs
  11. There was never that many ppl playing this game…no way— and the game *really* went to hell since I stopped playing last year…hopefully shpetim’s still around to add some flavor…
  12. Wow is soundbug STILL a thing?? #blamethedevs
  13. So um…has Firestorm been released yet?
  14. It is a verified fact that Firestorm does not exist. VAPORWARE
  15. as shpetim would say, "it's what the devs intended" also, C WORD??? !mute sniff my danglers
  16. not testy--but I know a thing or two about being a bad player
  17. shpetim has his own set of rules...just how it is !rec shpetim
  18. There should definitely be a !mute all chat
  19. Stop bitching about hax they aren’t cheating you’re just bad
  20. Get bigger glasses noob
  21. Who are all these people who didn’t vote meow?
  22. 1000 times yes. Solution is to prohibit cruises on gts—like airstrikes on nukes. Cruises on gts are basically an exploit ...and you cruise gts...
  23. Bigger thing has been emps being bugged...like having no effect on vehicles when they hit straight on.
  24. This happens to me all the time. I mean not literally every time but frequently.
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