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Everything posted by PermaGrin

  1. Most likely no. If anything, revamping BD and/or tutorials levels. But actually breaking out into an actual story and levels, high doubt it.
  2. The game should run at that, but seems to not want to stay at that. I run 1600x900 in windowed mode. Updates to the menu are coming to fix some of these issues. And the leaderboard has plans for expanding more I believe.
  3. If we could easily update to remove it, why not just update with a fix.
  4. Very much planned. I wish more made it in to begin with.
  5. Will most likely be added in the future.
  6. Known and being worked on.
  7. Should get better over time through player counts and new maps. At the same time maps can not be TOO big. We had some of these in the original Renegade. While fun and neat at first...with vehicles...once you lost your vehicle production, traversing the map became a pain. Some maps you could walk for 5 minutes and not find anyone or anything. So maps that are seeming good at one player count, might not be as fun with another.
  8. While I can not comment specifically on any specific skins for characters, I know we would like add skins for vehicles; camo, snow covered (for snow maps), etc... Something we will look at in the future.
  9. Remember... ...we were all new once.
  10. Just from playing a small game last night with a few random people. Do NOT get out of your vehicle unless you know zero enemies are around. Several times players would try to jump out and repair only to allow me to walk right up and grab the vehicle. To alter that general rule for GDI, if they have a Hand of Nod, make sure base defenses can see you when you get out. Stealth Black Hand love to steal those vehicles that people are repairing.
  11. For that long of time after, it was probably a crate, if not, then a bug. I have noticed that the Q or a part of Q continues to build after the building goes down.
  12. I have moved your thread to the Technical Support section.
  13. We are aware of such issues. Coders are working their voodoo. Yes, the growth has been more on the unexpected end.
  14. By yourself, yea, it is very unlucky to run into. Yet, when storming the base, I mean that is the one of the advantages of being on home turf. At the same time, while refilling can be fast, it does put the person refilling at a disadvantage, because you know where they are going to be standing next. About saving up until you have enough people...well that is just teamwork. If you have such control over the enemy base, a good way to stop this, is to have an infantry unit stand outside, but in range of the door. This will force the doors open to allow tanks to fir inside. Your perspective on being able to hold out might change once pedestals are added. Be glad you can no longer access the purchase terminals from outside the buildings anymore. I will admit we had games in the old days where it took "teamwork" to let the building die, because it was so hard for the enemy to finish us off.
  15. I can not comment on the exact time of the patch, as I do not want to get in trouble for commenting on something not exactly set in stone, but internally there is a date and we are working toward that as this very moment. For the SP comments. On one hand, MP comes first before touching SP. On the other, I would really love to see Black Dawn updated to the standards that MP achieves. I would also think it would be really neat to add it into the MP as a selectable option from the Main Menu.
  16. Thoughts of Steam (aside from how it is currently used) have been in the works.
  17. Patches. In efforts to create the Open Beta, we made a "release candidate". The second RC made for testing was a patch to RC1. While we also had the option to just grab a whole new exe of RC2, we also had the option of turning RC1 into RC2.
  18. Hopefully the cheater issue will get solved either through our end or simply through server moderation. As an animator, it is hard for me to exactly confirm such aspects.
  19. All have been noted and will be taken into consideration.
  20. In the end, beacon pedestal should be making in back in. With those, the chances for a team to win would greatly increase...compared to not having a pedestal at the moment.
  21. Definitely being looking into.
  22. Somehow the 1st person are staying in the "scene". Toggling back to 1st and out again should make them go away.
  23. We believe they found the problem and trying things to fix it. But for the moment it does seem to be tied to player counts and bandwidth usage. From personal testing, it seemed like around 30 it would barely start, then be noticeable around 40, then bad after 50.
  24. Noted. Discussions on additions (such as favorites) are happening.
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