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Everything posted by PermaGrin

  1. Game is super loud for me also. My Windows volume is set to 50% normally, for this I need to drop it down to like 10%. With that I still need to drop all of the ingame sound volume to like 25%. Sound issues like this will be looked into.
  2. Looks like the weapon that should be on the back (attached to a bone) is instead attach to his root joint (in his hips).
  3. 1) is simply not the best of deformation on the character's mesh through animations. An animation revamp is in progress and plans to address all of the little issues like are in place. But with the amount to do and how we plan on going about it, might be the fastest route, but should yield nice results in the future. 2) Have you noticed the misalignment of tread movement on other vehicles or just the MRLS? 3) Noted 4) Ladder interactions are basic at best. They certainly will be dealt with. 5) What do you mean EVA sounds go off no where near the base? As in you hear an announcement in the field and not only next to buildings or in your base? This is intended. This lets you know if you need to go back to help defend or in other cases, might clue you in to help push the attack. 6) Noted.
  4. Unsure on where you are seeing "only XP & Vista", but thought is incorrect. 7 & 8 should be fine.
  5. At the moment, the game is not offered on Steam. It is just a game you can play without needing Steam access. At the moment, using Steam when you play does two things: 1) Uses your Steam name for ingame. 2) Allows for stat tracking. If you do not use Steam, you have set your name and stats will not be tracked.
  6. Should be able to access bots via the Voting System. - ALT/CTRL+V: Opens up a vote menu where you can vote for changing maps, adding bots and more I accidentally joined a 63 v 1. Obelisk could not keep up with them.
  7. I thought it would be nice to make use of the static text in the menus lower area to change as you moused over options to provide an explanation of what each option is/does.
  8. I imagine in the end, we will expand the keybinding to include all aspects.
  9. 2 ways so far.... If you have Steam enabled, the game uses your Steam name. Using Steam, currently is the only way to have your stats tracked, I believe. Alternatively, the launcher will allow you to input a name to be used in the case that Steam is not being used. As far as I know, this method does NOT allow your stats to be tracked at the moment.
  10. The MP should be optimized better than Black Dawn was, so hope to see you on the battlefield.
  11. Yea, sorry. I am trying to stay out of a trap by saying we will have it by "X". I just know we want at least the originals from Ren and then whatever mappers want. So one of the goals, before we stop working on RenX, would be to have all of the original maps. Personally, I do not see anything standing in the way of getting all the remakes in, other than time. Also one of the goals before the end is to have modding tools for RenX. With those, any maps that modders/community feels were "left out" or should be in, they could pick up from where we left off and add them.
  12. That would depend on whether the creator allows it. Glacier won't be making it in for this reason. Not that we were interested in remaking that one anyway.
  13. At this point, any "alternate timelines" as in, doing TS or RA, is not on our plate. With RenX and with the mod tools, if/when those comes with Renx, then it will/can be up to other modders/community. In theory, modding RenX to make a RA/TS version should be along the same lines as ease as making Ren into RenAlert or Reborn. Granted, personally and currently, I would see the underground aspect a challenge as with Reborn. In the end, C&C mode is setup, PTs features are there, base mechanics are there, it would just be a crap ton of model swapping...on the most basic level.
  14. As of "right now", from what "I know", no. Only the original Ren map then "ours". Forgive me, I get Complex and Canyon confused sometimes, I think the starts of Complex are there. I know City has been attempted, but nothing has been solidified yet. I loved Volcano (and city), I keep trying to get the mappers on that one (those two). I see many possibility with pretty visually with "going through a volcano".
  15. Personal Opinion: It should not take too much (other than mapping to meet gameplay requirements, even then you could just play X game type on an already made map just for the hell of it), to at least have all of the gameplay types that are already supported by default through UDK / UT game types. As in DM, TDM, Assault stuff, etc...
  16. All will be done in the end.
  17. 1) We would NEVER get "rid" of it. 2) We may just give an option to turn it off. Or replace to a more generic kill sound???? 3) Maybe even able to customize.
  18. Think most of the dev staff is on that side of the water if I am not mistaken.
  19. I am unsure at this exact moment on if GDI is slightly higher than Nod's, I do not recall any talks or discussions on it. I would argue that Nod is early game, due to cheaper vehicles and that GDI is late game, due to price and armor values. For your #2, yes, bullets/weapons do location based damage. Getting a string of headshots with the autorifle is certainly more effective than dumping a clip into someone's foot.
  20. Visceroids are not out of the question, but the plantlife look, that was more of a TS/FS. I'm going to try and push for a visceroid to spawn from a death caused by tib exposure. Even if I have to model, texture, and animate it...just need them to agree and code/implement it. I would not mind those little spore trees in the tib fields though.
  21. Main problem I see with 3 or more factions in one map, while it could be cool, I foresee more of like a Starcraft or RTS game would play out. Generally you end up with a 2 on 1, then once that 1 is out, whichever of the 2 left was able to remain bigger can push over the other left over. I even see this in Planetside 2 a bit. Again, while there were times where the 3 factions would meet head on and fight, that actually happened few and far between compared to having the above scenario play out.
  22. You will NOT need UT3. It WILL be free.
  23. I "believe" plans are to increase the testing pool come January.
  24. PermaGrin


    Welcomes. What do you guys have going on at BHP? I know they took over / merged with Reborn awhile back. I used to work on Reborn back in the day.
  25. I will certainly poke our PR guys.
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