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Everything posted by PermaGrin

  1. Into CAD, probably no one can help. But if you can extract the models, into a 3D program, you should easily be able to convert them to CAD. Do you "need" CAD for 3D printing? my little collection of Renegade toys.
  2. Rengaurd was a community based project of the game/engine's standards at the time to prevent cheating and to streamline map updating and fixes, etc... RenX is not on the same engine, so the type of fixes Rengaurd was accounting for, we do not...as far as I know. The community of people that did Rengaurd, are not part of this one...as far as I know. In the end, no...as far as I know...
  3. This will probably/most likely be looked into. At the moment, with adding/taking away/changing things still, it would be more hassle to constantly update the language aspect. But in the end once it is pretty "complete". Ryp and others comment on it here also viewtopic.php?f=26&t=70505 @sunniva Sorry I have no information on your issue.
  4. I highly doubt it. As is, there are way more things that need addressing than the implementation of an Oculus. Frankly, getting RenX to work with an Oc sounds more like an experimental project/mod that one can do on their own after the game is out. I assume this way due to the way some people were applying it to older games to see it effect. Plus, if RenX was to support it...how much time / effort / resources would go into that versus how many people would actually be making use of it. Supply and Demand almost, no demand of it, so it is not supplied.
  5. Our last "change log" has around 200 points of documented changes.
  6. Unsure on the laggy-ness part, I do not recall lagging. Are you more referring to slow down based around possible needed optimizations that probably put extra stress on your machine?
  7. I want 'extras' accessible.
  8. I used to rock oo00o00oo back in RenStation.
  9. While I will not comment on the specifics on game modes listed here, I will just give general feedback to the whole idea as it pertains to us. First of all, the main goal / mode of this is C&C mode, without, we have not "Renegade". So that is most import. Every gamemode we look to at will only delay the final product. This would be due to asset/content creation, balance, and making sure all the modes / maps play properly. Due to the nature of Unreal / UDK, we have already discussed modes like DM and TM for example, since they are really just simple off shoots of the main game. But other require that much more work. Finally, with the plans Havoc has, RenX should be moddable, thus allowing the community to expand and create these extra modes. *edit* For example, we have looked into the idea of turning the Black Dawn map into an Assault type gameplay mode.
  10. 1. Problem with limited ammo on tanks is the constant firing people do would make you run out of ammo super fast. Imagine being on the front lines with a mammy and running out of ammo. Get ready for the trip back for ammo. Plus due to map size/layout, the need for infantry to have limited ammo VS vehicles is fair (in my opinion) due to vehicles being easy targets when compared to infantry. 2. Due to not having an ammo limit, there is not need for this. Another point to this is, we just have enough to do already, we do not need to add another vehicle for a change in gameplay that we do not want to have test/balance around. Then we would have to start looking into vehicle ammo counts and what is fair for one but not too much or too little for another. 3. While I will not comment specifically on this, the ideas of extra things to purchase is already being looked at / discussed.
  11. Sorry. I am trying my best to talk these guys into not allowing any release sooner than it should. Unlike things I seen in the UT3 and the SP version, I want to make super sure we are striving for quality in the end. Don't need to go too fast and release stuff that no one wants to play due to bugs, etc...
  12. I do not know the specifics, but I know Havoc's original intent was to allow RenX to be moddable.
  13. So grabbing me one when we are done or maybe close to being done for extra testing reasons before launch.
  14. Yes, admittedly longer "down" than we (I) would like to be in, but not out.
  15. I understand. I would love to show you, but I just work here and I do not want to piss my teammates off by showing stuff out of order and without their permission. But with MP being tested with just a few of us (already probably more than I should say), all the "somethings" you would like to see one of at least...we will easily be able to show those and more. Appreciate the patience and hope (i know we will) we live up to the wait.
  16. We playing possum. Some are in the process of writing up and proofing a News update. Not as in today, but soon.
  17. Maybe once we are done (i think havoc wanted this in the beginning) we might make it to where people can mod RenX. If so, maybe we can get BHP to try and port over APB and Reborn assets. Thus covering part, present, and future C&Cs.
  18. I actually been rolling solo on World Server 5 (GDI) and Closed BETA 1 (Nod) for a while now. I been going solo as to advertise for Ren X through the alliance names
  19. Without going into details, as plans for an update are being discussed/agreed on. 1. An update is being discussed/agreed on. 2. By graphics, I assume you mean the art side. Aside from a few weapons, maybe some character models and maps; art is all there just getting tweaked as code is being tested. 3. The seems to be gone as part of a cleaning/revamping process.
  20. Internally we have been reorganizing and relooking at things in order to achieve our goals easier and better. Obviously we want a better more stable version for MP. Hopefully soon they will make a news post to give you guys an update. Thanks for you vote of confidence. You seems like you know exactly what is going on. Maybe we should just listen to someone with 1 post and just stop now.
  21. Most have already been brought up and others will be noted.
  22. Legally....no you can not donate. If we make money off of EA's IP, we get in big do-do. As I have seen from other team members, best way you can contribute to us is to spread the word. Thanks.
  23. SP was basically the "test=case" to get most of the game data from UT3 to UDK standards. Now that a bulk of the UDK framework is present, we can tack on more art (maps/buildings/etc) and more code functionality (buying stuff/way stuff spawns/mp specific code/etc) to then fill out the MP so to speak. On one hand, I quickly noticed the AI and wished I even took the extra time early to address and improve on this. On the other hand....we just wanted to recreated the original Renegade's AI
  24. Guess we will have to postpone the release date to redo the intro...
  25. As someone who did not care for your attitude (back then), regardless of how good you thought you were... ...if you truly say you are not as you once were, then I can not see the harm in another artist.
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