I did rename to CNC- but it didn't fix my sound issue
(Mb one on 20 reopening did work)
Here Few Things I found
From this link And that had works for me to fix my Sound
Swarm Agent Slow Scan
From This link
My Swarm cache folder location had a wrong Path .
Changed it to the good one and Clean and Validate Cache ..Gave me a super Fast Scan
If this can help other ..Cool
If anyone (s) wants to improve ,complete ,the Map its ok with me ,Coz I really have good hope its should be a fun and nice map ,if done right.
But I'm so slow at it
Still for now I will go on with it ..alone :...( by myselft
Just Talked to a Web live support Flat Tv ..Cool guy At end ask him to come and play renX sometime ,with Renk link ..He'd look interested ..Might see him one day
Must say that our team had like several small squads that were like specialized in specific versatile roles ..Great team !!
ps.part of mountain map video ( my side) incoming soon
Edit: including this SS could tell you something usefull
ON OLD SDK 2015 ^^ Audio memory used is .03% compare to new ver at 100% (below)
Now I have no sound when I Play from here in the New SDK version
I can hear for a second some sound (music)then a declic and sound is off and may redo the same randomly.
If I copy and paste the same WIP map into my old 2015 SDK. Sound is Back no problem and The Swarm Agent Goes 10X or more Faster to complete the check after Built All
Starting to see light at the end of tunnel
Even tho i'm log as Admin on my PC ,look like I have to Run as administrator on the shortcutt to UDK( SDK)
That fix most of the things ^^
Built ALL: Take lots of time to complete compare to before (Swarm Agent when on the Processing Mapping (blue))
Thanks t Ruud033 & Thommy <---Next Dev please
A program to aid filling a game server .This always has been a problem for low populated games. If someone could come up with something that can be use in many different game it should be very popular .
In other words:
The solution to the problem : 0 player in a game server but nobody join because its empty but there is out there enought players looking at that Zero player..to Fill 2 servers
Cant saved it ,cant play from here ,missing texture,rechecking data at every start,seem not keep track of the recent map opened (probably a registry remaining ties to old version still in the registry ..
For some reasons I can't make my old maps (WIP) works properly in the New Version
Maybe I have a file to transfer from old to new That I dont do.
Wich ones I have to copy and paste into the new version ?
Found this ^^ on the web (done it and solve my issue )
Got the new SDK and when it reach FoliageBrushSphereMaterial, SDk stop working ..Never could run it yet
Unblocking UnrealEdCSharp.dll didn't fix Its look Block everytime I check it ..like it doesn't STAY UnBlock
Saw the same topic too late..sorry! But it didnt fix mine