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Everything posted by Xtractor

  1. Your new * files lock my Renx at the loading stage . (CNC-CityRedux) Did delete every thing an replace RX_Env_City.upk for the original copy (may be that is the filecausing problem )
  2. Id try Meteor and played quit a while with the bots Pretty fun map ,need to some fix for sure on the invisible walls and stuff ..But I like it ,I like that its not too dark also
  3. Bad ^^ Good ↓↓
  4. I noticed that but it's not all that clear for everybody (you have to know the maps )
  5. I do repair a lot and probly saved many time ..But I dont need The spot ligth on me for that. Credit gained and points are enought ..The one thing that i could see is the score Final screen Mb make some kind of Awards in there ..like MVP ,Best repair,and stuff like that .Would Also Really appreciate that the Score screen include The map name that was played and time duration ...Its important for SS ,to know what it was
  6. look here
  7. If you go out of your Vehicule and Q it :Take my vehicule ,After The Second Q it says Get in the Vehicule 3 Q on a Friendly Buildings : Intruders Alert @X bullding
  8. What kind of player are you? Noob!
  9. I'm an Original Renegade player and have no problem with evolving/new stuff. What I think now is : Buildings shouldn't be allow for interior mining ,This is unrealistic first ,unless you boogy trap and damage your own buildings. Mining Have to stay tho at full power else where. If a Good Fair system is put in place for Defenders and Attackers i'm ok with that ( usualy ppl look at only the defending side) Until then leave as it is . I think the Questions should be ? -Should Mining interior buildings be replace by an other building defense system ? (if pool say Yes go to the second question) -What other defense system to replace mining interior do you suggest. last pool :all thebest suggestions choices End of story lol
  10. Whatever ,A sytem Allowing Different mining patterns is welcome and some few extra mines for Field ..you know ..Mines field anyone lol
  11. First automatic Mining : Is a NO go for me ..never! (its counterintuitive and like press Key to activate ) Second ;Mines Banning Should Stop ! Make the system to counter these mistakes or intentional behavior without Banning My sugestion ^^ few post up ..Is a learning system for beginner without any banning and has full benefit to experience players
  12. Well Its probably not possible at the moment ..Terms mb be call what ever Devs thinks ,its just an exemple..If Vote decide it , its not from Mods /owner .
  13. No
  14. Server Mods increase\decrease Miner status to players Status :Noob(Default) ,intermediate,Pro Depending on your status your mines limit is increase or decrease Anytime your rejoin this server your statut stay ,unless a Mod or a Vote change it Enabling Global OverRide Status Change for PUG ..Everybody is Pro Or the contrary mb better : All Pro by default and Mod or vote decrease Status if needed
  15. Why all this debate !! Its only for bad miners ? Why trying to implement Complicate Stuff\mechanic only to counter bad mining .. I like prox mines and I like putting them where I want BUT if im limited in the numbers of mines I can deploy I think it should do the trick of overming and go crazy with them lol Noob vs pro miners If the limit of purchasable mines would be less for a newbie\noob and increase to a Maximum to a Know pro miner this would solve the problem
  16. Me Also I think mines should stay and be place where we want as a Suprise strategic system. Always fun to kill someone that wasnt expecting a mine placed somewhere lol ..But making them limited and pursasable would be a must . @Axesor The energy or hacking doors and the laser wall system look to me complicated ,non friendly coding ,and doesnt bring enough improvement to add it as a game mechanic
  17. As much I like the cool laser system ,I can only see many difficulties to get the system right. -group infiltrators (Damage distribution) -SBH entering At the same time of a GDi players -Open door Block or not block bulliets and tanks firing -Mining allow us to see if an infiltration is in progress (missing mines) -... Laser system must be as realistic as possible ,and making doing stuff that arent ,would not be good . EDIT: What I may see more is a Laser\bullet celling turret ( power plant dependant) place in a strategic location in buildings . That when activated by an intruder its shooting the in range intruder(s) and power on a signal ligth (mb like police one) outside/attached of that building So you can see from anywhere in the Base wich buildings is been intruded and no need to look at mines count . And this system would (imo) be much more easy to code and wouldnt alter the already system in place (like Door open shooting and mining doors )
  18. I like the Door Laser thing (MB a PP destroyed kill all power to laser doors )+ the purchasable mines only by Techs with a limit per team eg 12 mines per team ,only 3 at the time can be bought by a player and by only tech-hotwire
  19. weird ..than probably damaged in transit lol..will try again later mb it pass by Japan and got hit by the tsunami lol EDIT: in progress with GetRight app The server Disconnect at 22% and again at 44% and 66 % and 88% (But got it all OK) Resumed 4 times -------------------------------------- All%20Maps%20Pack.zip Resumed 14 times ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- With the default Windows 7 dowloader Its losing 230 MB in the process and only resume 1 time at 22% (incomplete and damage files) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Remark :you should consider FTP as a sharing tool
  20. For Some reason I cant extract them I unblocked them When I try to extract, its says its empty ...But its not ! Edit: Id Sent to another pc Where I have IZarc installed IZarc said that the headers was damaged on both Zip. I could continue ..At the end it said CRC Check failed on Both zip .one was for Tunnel the other was for Frostbite these 2 was not extracted
  21. I joined very late and my game wasnt reponding ,My tank was reponding like 2 sec after ,when I was going out of it I was in The ground (Below map) I rejoined ,was much better got a tank but Didnt see our havester coming He pushed me ,,no suprise It get destroy fast Wish I was there earlier
  22. My opinions about the game Just want to Say without making a new thread : That I'm very Happy How RenX and Forums Had improve so much since I joined more as a player 2 years ago mb, and very Gratefull to everyone who did that Big or little something That made RenX what it is today . Honestly I'm really Happy ..Great Job guys and girls ! RenX is a Beautifull Game and well administrated IGN 9.5 Metacritic 9.0
  23. You all found this ..hey??
  24. What these ^^ Scare me the more is the Flexibility of players . Eg, Im on a Rep Squad and I decide to quite my designated "job" for a moment for somthing I sense I Should do and wasnt plan, I Can hear already the TS
  25. LavaDr4gon you were the ONE Often !! great Job Thanks
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