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Everything posted by Xtractor
Oh and NEVER leave your Vehicule when your a GDI ,Because it might get steall by a stleath Guy just waiting for that moment
Watch TK0104 few YouTube videos it will help you understand the Game play
You'll probably find many of your answers there ---> https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/LandscapeCreating.html https://docs.unrealengine.com/udk/Three/LandscapeEditing.html And kenz3001 Youtube Channel
I think our team had a good diversity of roles and done what they were good at when it was time for it . If you look from the other side of POv thommy's video of whiteout you can see some gdi trying to sneak in Nod base at may occasions . Imo Nod had good startegies (Bar was save just because ,we just end up to be at the right place at the right moment ..pure luck imo) But overall our team had a very good communication and a very fast actions taken ,and we had good players in their specific role and they keept a constant pressure on Nod. Constant Pressure (Offense) ,Good Back Defense doing also an Offensive role made that game on our side (GDI) very Balance and very fun..+ Yosh lol
SATURDAY'S I !rec Confuser
Real Fun Game with Yosh ( the video start( @15 sec )
Whiteeout was crazy Was rendereing video but had some Black ( What a coincidence )missing sequences on it ..Have to redo ..lookning good so far
Well for everybody newbie like me What you have to do is very simple : Dont bother to try to copy things into your PKG .Just point it to Under Map. In your Landscape properties : Under the line Lanscape Material paste this : MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_Env_Under.Materials.Landscape_MMat_INST'
Yessssss!! Happy happy I got it ! Thats the kind of problems we have, when we dont know what we are Doing lol (newbie learning lol)
@Cronus Thanks a LOT ! Work like a charm
My way Inside the renegadeX game or anywhere else (better somewhere else so it wont interfer with the game) make/Create a *SDK Folder P.S : You can put that *folder anywhere else on any Drive. Dont have to be in the Renx game itselft Put inside the SDK Folder Point the shortcut to this UDK.exe inside t\the WIN32
Could reproduce the sparkling effect ..no problem?
The Mic will find the Mat (s) in the other PKG without me pointing it to where? Doesnt be safer in case that the mat get delete in a next update to have one copy in our PKG ?
I had delete them and recopy .As Id copy the Mat and MIc in my pkg and reassignated the two together as parent . I think there is another thing ,we miss that is doing the sparkling effect . Other than UNDER I didnt see any other map (if I did ,let me know) that is using this sparkling effect in snow . So if someone can reproduce let me know how you done it with the same way that UNDER map is done . If I keep the same setting as Under I should come up with the same result ..and the red halow made with fresnel is part of it ,but doesnt affect the Landscape editor paint the way it does in my map So I have no clue how to
If I Paint in Under with the snow its doing it ok with sparkling.But in my map its making a redish snow and with no Sparkling. I think I missing some stuff in my PKG .Id notice that in the landscape Edit ,UNDER has also an Phys mat ,me I dont ,mb thats why ?? my snow
I have copy the Under Texures into my pkg (,Landscape_MMat and Landscape_MMat_INST) but using it with the painting tool doesnt make snow sparkling . Im sorry I still dont understand much the Material editor to play with ,so I cant do what your saying for now ..But thanks Ill refer to it later when Ill know more how to. But wish I could do it just by copying and pasting stuff for now
How is it done ? Can't get my snow doing it ...It's so nice in Under
Not That important But I still cant open the forum with this ^^ PC using Xp and I had try with Chrome,IE and Maxthon.ProBably something on my side . Did Reset to Default many things still doesnt work. Here a Error message from Chrome (sorry its in french)
Trailer is Awesome!..Hawaii my dream in renX Wow mappers do realy nice maps for renX
you from jelly ? Im an old school renegader also Welcome Soldier !
Its Very cool map , Sand Storm is Awesome addition I like the lay out very much but found the 2 buildings very close to each other ,Would prefer the Shorter path to Base to Base been more etheir close or made less direct .And mb less Silos Other than That 9/10 like a lot this side of the map
It's all about experience like any other things .And Mistakes from Players/team/commander is normal and we have to not worries about it . Some Games will better than other thats all.We will Win We will lose. The Best Defense is the OFFENSE But I Can suggest this : Identify/define 2 Groups (Squads) in the team before its begin -Squad Base/and tanking Primary Task defend the base and go out of base as soon possible if Base ilook safe ,may be leave 1 guy in base to check and dispatch any supect movements -Squad Seals/Special Ops These guys will go on special ops ..intrusion ,Tanks support with Advance infantry to kill an opposite vehicules swarm. Special ops when the base is under siege and been defende by Squad Base . Remark : Special OPS should be enroute in 20 Second .So Guys Say the Mission and be enroute By this time (Act always fast) If Base is sieged may be define priority Buildings to save ,Having the Squad Base not dispersed in all the Base and have the rest of the team go Counter attacking and with the support of Squad Seals . Better Save few Buildings and let go some to win the game than trying to save then all . Squad seals may go for intrusion attemps while the rest defend the base on siege