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Posts posted by HIHIHI

  1. Well... I'm not sure now that they were all set to 0. I only know about two of them... Now I have confirmed that they are all set to 0, though. I have also commented out the lines, and will try to remember to send you the log if the sound bug occurs again.


    EDIT: Whoops, I did that stuff in the SDK...  I'll do it in the game now... : )

    • Haha 1
  2. I must regretfully report that this is not a full fix for the sound bug, although it may reduce the chance of its occurrence (I cannot say this with certainty as I have a small sample size.). Today, on the official server, after a bot war on Field X, I got the sound bug on Under. : (


    • Thanks 1
  3. Medical center? Not the fort MCT that actually controlled purchase options?

    The medical center is officially in the SDK now, so I would think it's ok to use.

    Maybe I'll look into it someday... : )


  4. That's the easy part... I already have that working. : )

    The hard part is removing control of the mesh from a player - the project has kind of stagnated at that for now while I work on things I can understand a bit better. Hopefully I'll get back to it and figure it out someday.


    • Like 1
  5. HaHa. Thanks all for the response! This is a very early version, and there are several things to be fixed. So far I know these:

    1. It can still go on the ground.

    2. It is very hard to get out of. Sometimes you can get out if it is on the ground (which shouldn't happen), but it's kind of difficult.

    3. The muzzle flashes for both MGs occur at the missile turret. : )

    4. The bullets for the right MG come from the left MG. : )

    5. The sounds are broadcast all over the map - they aren't localized.

    6. The collision at the front is too large.

    I'm sure there are other things, too. : )

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, Marinealver said:

    Sometimes I think it should be better if mines were automatically placed at the start of the map. That way you don't need one person to stay in base until they can Hotwire/Tech in order to protect it.

    Yeah... but then you lose a few things, too. I think that if a team is careless enough to not defend in the early game, they should be punished for that by a possible sneaking kill. And also, if mines are already there, who owns them? You lose the boink sound that can alert you to mine loss. Sure, you still have the mine counter, but the auditory warning can be nice.


    • Like 1
  7. I think it would have to be 1v1 with one team replaced. For a three-team match (which would be cool) a lot of two-team-specific code would have to be rewritten.

    EDIT: I wish you great success!

    • Like 1
  8. Thanks for the support! @Marinealver the idea is to make control toggleable. @isupreme this seems to me like another way to increase player voice without complicating the game very much at all. I haven't worked on it much recently, but maybe I'll get back on it sometime. It's just hard to get motivation when I have no ideas. : )


    • Like 1
  9. Yeah, I like how the bases are spread out - there's more to break through after you get the first buildings, and then you run up against the AGT/obi. I do hope to play a full game on it - I've just played a little bit and lost. : )

    As to the invisible walls - I think that once we get used to them, they'll be just fine. I like how they make it seem like the map keeps going.

    • Like 1
  10. Hm... I'll look into it. I'm pretty sure everything can damage them in the editor. There's one important thing - if you were shooting the black rocks, they wouldn't take damage from anything, I think, because they are only on the client. That is also on the to do list (making rocks spawn only on the server). Thanks for the feedback!


    • Like 1
  11. I am looking forward to playing it with others! I had heard some people saying that it was disappointing, but this is an encouraging post!



    EDIT: I just looked around in Skirmish, and I am really excited to play this map! Sure, the AGT and obi seem to be in weird positions, but it looks like a really fun map. I like Crash Site because of all the rocks you can run around in as a tank (when I have a low enough ping to actually drive, haha), and this looks to have plenty of the same type of play.

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