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Posts posted by HIHIHI

  1. Yeah, it would be boring. And the rest of your team would have to be on board with you doing it. Just a thought, the game's good with or without it.

    Haven't noticed the q-spotting disabled, but I do know voting is disabled. (I try it all the time, and it always fails. You think I'd learn. : )  )

    Thanks, HIHIHI

  2. So in the Patch 5.361 Changelist It was announced:

    + Fixed being able to see stealth units when you were dead

    However, you can still see everything else before you respawn, for apparently an indefinite time. This could be used to stay in base and watch what the enemy is doing (preparing a rush, demining buildings, etc.). I know that I have used this to see if my C4 destroys a structure/GT/Turret, but it could be used more nefariously. I just wanted to bring this to the devs' attention in case they hadn't already thought of it and made a decision (which may very well be the case).

    Maybe a respawn could be forced 10-15 seconds after death, or 10-15 seconds after friendly units have left the area (to let people watch the end of the game-winning rush from their spot of death).

    I don't know that this has been abused, and I don't think it's terrible; it's just something I thought of (as I lingered after death to watch my C4 : )  ).

    Thanks, HIHIHI

  3. Well, I've found a limitation. I lose all textures in a component of my map if I try to:

    1. Paint more than four layers in that component, or

    2. Paint more than three layers in that component if there is a landscape visibility hole.

    Is this a known SDK limitation, or do I have something set up wrong? I tried on Whiteout and was able to have all five layers of its landscape material and a visibility hole in the same landscape component.

    Thanks, HIHIHI

  4. Hello!

    I've been playing RenX for a few months now, and I have started to make my own map, with the help of kenz's tutorials (Thanks kenz!). I would like to add some tunnels through my landscape. The way people say to do this (as far as I can tell) is to set up your landscape material with masked blend and then plug in a LandscapeVisibiltyMask node into the OpacityMask part of the material, after which you can use the visibility tool to paint away landscape. The problem is that this node does not appear in the node browser. I can search for "land," "vis," "mask," etc, but I can't find it.

    My SDK is from March 3, 2017. (I know it's old; I just didn't want to download a new one in case I decided mapping wasn't for me. I would have the newest one by now but someone said in-game that there was an update planned and to hold off until then.)

    Anyone know what the problem is? Or is there no problem and it's all me? : )

    Thanks, HIHIHI

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