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Posts posted by HIHIHI

  1. So, after quite a few tries of exporting the skeletal mesh of my digger, including tries with both *.fbx and *.psk, several different settings on import/export, etc, I have made little progress. I can export an fbx file from Blender, run it through a converter from Autodesk to make it fbx 2013, and import it as a static mesh into the SDK, but trying to import it as a skeletal mesh crashes the SDK. I also tried exporting it as a psk file, but that also crashes the SDK.

    Does anyone have any suggestions? Attached are my blend file, an fbx, and a psk. Really, this is quite frustrating. If anyone can help me get this into the SDK as a skeletal mesh, they will have my extreme gratitude.





  2. So, when is the Bradley going to get upgraded to this TOW missile?

    I bet it'll one-shot a med, and at the very least, two- or three-shot a mammy. : )

    Okay, so we would also need to make tank shells have realistic damage, too, but this is really cool.


    Edit: (Just to make it clear, I don't really want this in-game. I just thought it was neat.)

  3. It's fun to see the connections between languages. But you gotta be careful too. When I was just starting to learn some Dutch, I was doing animal names.
    Kat = cat, hond = dog (hound), koe = cow, so when I got to dier, I thought, "I don't have to look at the answer. It's deer!" Wrong. Dier means animal. : ) Hert = deer.

    Another fun thing I discovered while learning Dutch: in English, a mural is a painting on a wall. Dutch for wall is muur.

    I think learning a second language helps you learn more about your own language too, because you have to focus on grammar and such, when you never had to do so learning your first language.


  4. 1 hour ago, Ryz said:

    Well the mountain maybe not that high as you expect either, but we have small mountains :P

    Yeah, I know. Hoge Berg is 15 m. When I think "high mountain," I think more in the thousands of meters. : )

    I read that in at least one province, the highest point is a highway overpass. But then while we were in Florida (the flattest state in the U.S.), a tour guide told us that in Florida, overpasses are called mountains. : ) (It's funny, some Dutch people were on that tour too, although I wasn't into Dutch things yet then.)

    If you have more facts about the Netherlands you want to share, go ahead! I always enjoy learning about it.

  5. 2 hours ago, Moat said:

    These days there are not many real typical traditions anymore everything is mixed with different recepies.

    Yeah, that makes sense.

    2 hours ago, Moat said:

    And one really typical Dutch thing, maybe the most typicall Dutch christmass thing that most of the people do is gourmet. The whole family sits on the table and in the middle there are one or two electrical grills. The table is full of raw meat and vegatables and you cook them on that grill on the table. You can have one big grill or a grill with small pans when every one has there own mini pan. Basically a bbq but then inside the house, and yes the houses get full of smoke.

    That sounds really good! You can have good food and a fun time cooking it all at once! It seems like the Dutch enjoy having good times with their families.

    Thanks, HIHIHI

    What am I doing here? I don't drink coffee. : )

  6. 2 hours ago, Syntharn said:

    If they were to make an action/RPG/civilization game telling Kanes whole backstory with him as the main protagonist i would be all over that.
    Spreading the seeds of world domination over the course of 20000 something years, awwyessss fresh game idea.

    Interesting. Of course, if I played it, I would have to play at least once with making him do as horribly as possible as my main objective. Just to see if I can kill him. : )

    2 hours ago, Syntharn said:

    I burned my hand today when tipping out the boiling water out of a saucepan filled with potatoes, feels like someone shaved my skin of with a razor.

    Ouch. I've never been burned badly over a very large area, but I did once get a piece of coal from my forge into my glove and burned a spot on my wrist. Although that doesn't compare with the kid my blacksmithing instructor told me about. He, for some unfathomable reason, stuck his hand into the fire (Probably 2000 degrees Farenheit, about 1100 degrees Celsius)! I cannot imagine what that felt like.

    I hope the potatoes were good, at least.


  7. I am DEFINITELY looking forward to this. I played one of the earlier versions on Try-Out's server and was quite impressed. The dynamic weather is really nice looking. When finished, this will be added to the base game, right?


  8. Yeah. I think I have, until now, envisioned the Netherlands as being about as flat as a tabletop. I now realize that it does have SOME hills, and that berg doesn't always mean "mountain" as I think of it; it can mean a hill.

    Maybe the towns with "berg" in their name used to have hills nearby. When I looked up Zevenbergen, it said the hills it was named after existed quite a while ago, but they were buried now.

    It is kind of strange to think that there is probably more variation in height on the 10-acre piece of land I live on than there is in much of the whole country of the Netherlands. It just shows how different parts of the world can be.

  9. Okay, thanks!

    4 hours ago, BubbleTea said:

    All of these sounds were taken from Ren itself

    I guess if I had actually played Old Renegade on more than just the campaign, I would know that. Maybe I just don't play Havoc enough to realize when a line is new or when I just haven't heard it. : )

    I just thought boink would be kind of funny, seeing that it is already a very distinctive part of Renegade and RenX. Maybe I'll see if there are any characters whose voices I can mimic well enough to be convincing.

  10. I have noticed that after patches, new character sayings are generally added (e.g. Havoc now says "One more for the home audience!") . If you take suggestions, perhaps someone (Maybe even Havoc, I don't know) could get "Boink!" as a saying sometime? Or is that too over-the-top? : )

    Thanks for the consideration, HIHIHI

  11. Just a few happenings tonight on the NA server.

    This was going to be a bug report, but then I found out there was a stank under the engineer. : )


    I got a spy marksman and hammered away at the Nod PP until it went down. I had to do about 40 damage with a pistol until I was promoted and got more ammo for my rifle. That is not for the impatient. : )


    Lastly, possibly my best KD ever (8.6) in MP, excepting on T.O's sniper server and such. I attribute it to the fact that the GDI bots were not at all getting tanks or AT infantry. I'm not trying to boast; remember, these were bots. It was just fun. : )


    Come one and all to the NA server! Two nights of fun already! Hopefully many more to come.


  12. 4 hours ago, Akbaro said:

    -worth, -ing, -ton, (those 3 combined are probably a town)

    https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Worthington,_Leicestershire Yep. : ) I also saw that there's one in Ohio, too.


    3 hours ago, Gliven said:

    Old Dutch 


    1. to get to safety, to keep safe
    2. to stash away, to hide
    3. to store, to keep

    From Wiktionary.


    It could also mean a fort or a barracks.

    Interesting thought. Also, I looked up Zevenbergen (Not sure why I didn't do that earlier), and it seems it's named after hills surrounding it several thousand years ago. I think my view of the Netherlands is a bit TOO flat. I guess they do have some hills, albeit small ones. : )

    Edit: I just remembered. I bet the "bergen" you referenced is related to "verbergen," which is also, "to hide." It's fun to find connections between words. : )

  13. I am aware that there are several Dutch people who play RenX, including TK, Ryz, Moat, etc. My question to you is: Why do you have several towns in Nederland with "berg" in the name (e.g. Bergen op Zoom, Steenbergen, Zevenbergen, etc.)? As I understand it, "berg" means "mountain," and the Netherlands is very flat, is it not?

    Do the towns have terrain features that are mountains in the same sense that Hoge Berg (15 m tall) is a mountain? Or did the namers of the towns just like the thought of having "berg" in the name, even if there wasn't really a mountain? Or am I mistaken, and "berg" can mean something else as well?

    Don't take this wrong; I like the Netherlands. I'm just wondering how these towns got their names.

    Bedankt, HIHIHI

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