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Posts posted by HIHIHI

  1. Just a quick feature request.

    Problem: When driving a Hover MRLS, the body of the vehicle will turn when you aim the turret to the side. This makes it hard to move and shoot at the same time, especially if you want to move quickly.

    Negative impact: For me at least, and probably for many other players, a vehicle fight is more fun when one's driving and shooting are both uninterrupted. Challenging, perhaps, but not awkward. The aforementioned property of the HMRLS to turn while aiming interrupts the fluidity of one's actions. For me, at least, this makes it a little less fun than it would be if this could be controlled. (Although it's still really fun.)

    Proposed solution: Add the ability to momentarily lock the yaw of the HMRLS with the Control key, as is already possible with the Orca and Apache. I liked this on the Orca and Apache, and I'm sure I would like it on the HMRLS too.

    Thanks for your time,


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  2. Ok, if anyone wants to have fun with the new and improved version of the digger in the editor, here are the files. Please note that this is not the final version. The final version will not have the tracks spinning sideways. : )

    You should be able to just unzip this into the base folder of the SDK and compile scripts to have it ready. The class right now is "RenX_Game.Rx_vehicle_Digger_bkup". If I should put it outside of RenX_Game, let me know and it will be done.

    RenX_Digger_Alpha1.zip (Old)

    RenX_Digger_Alpha1.01.zip (New, proper *.uc location)


  3. Today is a glorious day for Nod and GDI construction crews!

    Problems 1, 2, and 4 have been solved, all by the same simple action!

    I moved the location of my armature up. It seems that with the way Blender and UDK are, it treats the location (origin, I think?) of the armature object as a bone. I always had this at (0, 0, 0) because people said that it was VERY important to have the pivot point of one's vehicle at (0, 0, 0). However, I was experimenting today and decided to move this up (As it seemed that it was moved up in stock RenX vehicles). Now in Blender, it says that the origin of the armature is moved up about 0.77 units (meters, I think). However, in UDK, it says that the origin of the skeletal mesh is at (0, 0, 0), but my root bone is about halfway up the digger. So somehow it's all good. My cameras no longer behave strangely on the air or on terrain, and I can get in the digger while it's standing on the ground. So now it needs some handling tweaks, and I think that part of it is done!



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  4. Being almost invisible is a big responsibility.

    I really like the profound statement you made as commander on Under the other day. People were too afraid to push out of the base, and you said something like, "If you want to live, you must accept death." Really spot-on in many areas of life. Temporary loss for lasting gain is worth it.


    • Thanks 1
  5. Okay, scratch number 3. I was looking at things and found that the COMOffset (Which I found was Center Of Mass, and started to suspect it) was not near the actual center of the digger. I set it to x=0, y=0, z=-10 and now the digger handles much more nicely. It turns very nearly at its center and it doesn't tip around when it goes backwards.

    An update on number one: it seems that what's really happening is that in the first-person view, it's normal except that I can't see the mesh. In the third-person view, I think that the digger is still on top of the terrain, but the camera is at ground level.

    Problem 2 is still the same, and problem 4 is the same except that my COMOffset change keeps it from raising when I shoot the roof. :  ) Of course this won't be necessary when it's fixed.

    Original post:

    On 1/5/2019 at 9:56 PM, HIHIHI said:

    Okay, so here are some questions. The digger was set up pretty much like Havoc's supertank, except that it has no weapon. (It used to have one that fired a 25-round magazine of med tank projectiles at 10 rounds per second and took out a building in less than two magazines. Maybe just a bit OP. : )   )

    1. When driving on the Test MP map, it seems like the digger sinks below the ground. Back when I had a gun with recoil on it, it would appear above the ground when I fired and then go back below. I noticed that the Test MP map has a terrain instead of a landscape. Any idea what causes this?

    2. I have been testing it on Gobi instead (For no real reason other than that it has a landscape, which the digger drives on top of.). When driving it up the airstrip, it seems to sink below it at the approximate location of the big white numbers and when transitioning from the ramp to the red platform. Any idea what causes this?

    3. When I turn the digger in place, it turns around a point at its back instead of its middle. It does have the root bone and the pivot point in the middle, as far as I know. Any idea what causes this?

    4. If the digger is on the ground, I can only get in by shooting at the roof to make its front lift up and then getting in. It seems like the digger has to be raised to get in it. Any idea what causes this?

    I can come up with some other questions later, but these will do for now. Attached are the code and the package. I'm not asking for anyone to fix it, I just would like a little guidance.







    EDIT: I am using the 03-03-2017 version of the SDK, if that matters.

    p.s. (It's pretty funny to spawn up a bunch of diggers and destroy the enemy wf/air, then spawn a bunch of bots on the enemy team. You suddenly become a digger magnet. : )   )




    EDIT: Not trying to bug anyone, but I'm kind of lost without @Havoc89 or @Veyron or someone. If people have been busy, I understand completely.

    • Like 1
  6. I do have the newest SDK, just on a different computer. And maybe it's not really related, but I got the skeletal mesh imported very soon after I started working on this computer instead of the other, so I'm a little hesitant to change things on it. : ) However, must of my work is done on the newest SDK.

    Thanks, HIHIHI

  7. Okay, so here are some questions. The digger was set up pretty much like Havoc's supertank, except that it has no weapon. (It used to have one that fired a 25-round magazine of med tank projectiles at 10 rounds per second and took out a building in less than two magazines. Maybe just a bit OP. : )   )

    1. When driving on the Test MP map, it seems like the digger sinks below the ground. Back when I had a gun with recoil on it, it would appear above the ground when I fired and then go back below. I noticed that the Test MP map has a terrain instead of a landscape. Any idea what causes this?

    2. I have been testing it on Gobi instead (For no real reason other than that it has a landscape, which the digger drives on top of.). When driving it up the airstrip, it seems to sink below it at the approximate location of the big white numbers and when transitioning from the ramp to the red platform. Any idea what causes this?

    3. When I turn the digger in place, it turns around a point at its back instead of its middle. It does have the root bone and the pivot point in the middle, as far as I know. Any idea what causes this?

    4. If the digger is on the ground, I can only get in by shooting at the roof to make its front lift up and then getting in. It seems like the digger has to be raised to get in it. Any idea what causes this?

    I can come up with some other questions later, but these will do for now. Attached are the code and the package. I'm not asking for anyone to fix it, I just would like a little guidance.







    EDIT: I am using the 03-03-2017 version of the SDK, if that matters.

    p.s. (It's pretty funny to spawn up a bunch of diggers and destroy the enemy wf/air, then spawn a bunch of bots on the enemy team. You suddenly become a digger magnet. : )   )

  8. 1 hour ago, Madkill40 said:

    Give Disc thrower's discs homing, so they can frisbe to aircraft..?

    Not totally far-fetched. : ) In C&C3 the grenades had homing properties. That would be funny though.


    Back in a thread about spies, someone suggested a watch dog as a counter. Now we would need a frisbee dog character to catch the discs in his mouth and disarm them. At heroic, instead of the standard red tracers, he does a flip while catching the disc. : )

  9. Thanks to Thursday's MAJOR breakthrough, I now have been able to finish Havoc89's tutorial videos and can actually spawn a digger while playing in the editor! It still has some work to do, but this is another big mark of progress!

    Thank you all for your assistance, especially @Havoc89 for your tutorials!

    I will probably have some more questions coming soon as I work through the rest of this, but those can wait.



    • Like 3
    • Thanks 1

    Okay, so maybe not all the way, but I have successfully imported a skeletal mesh of the digger from Blender into UDK. I don't know all of what I did right, but one thing I found was that I had to have all vertex groups assigned to bones. I have a workflow now that appears to work, and it's not terribly hard, either. Just don't stare at my computer or something is bound to break. : )

    I still need to refine the armature; there aren't even any wheel bones yet. This is solely a proof that I CAN finally import. Then I guess maybe a few animations and then coding!



    • Like 2
  11. Just a quick reminder for Nod engineers and technicians.

    If you repair a stealthed unit in the field, you have effectively unstealthed them, because GDI can see that you are repairing something, and they can see where it is by where the repair beam ends. So do not repair a stealthed unit in the field unless they ask for it, or you may blow their cover and waste their unit. Of course, in base this rule is nullified.


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    • Haha 1
  12. Interesting. So the AGT cannons and missile launchers are really vehicles deep down at heart, correct? As is the Obi laser? I know I have got a missile lock on the Obi tip a few times, although it didn't want to stay.

    It's always interesting hearing how stuff breaks and what fixes it. (I say this having not spent countless hours wondering about the problem and searching for a fix.)


  13. Cruise missiles caused crashes? Great to hear it's fixed!

    Has the issue of the WF randomly stopping in Eyes been fixed? (I'm the last person to rush fixing that, though. Call me crazy, but I actually enjoy when the WF breaks on me. Gives us an extra challenge. : )  )


  14. So I was looking at old forum posts and found the one on Operation White Sun.


    I started reading and thought: "I need to find this." I read farther and saw it was going to be on Origin and Steam for $10, and thought, "okay, I'll go find it and buy it. I wonder why I haven't heard of it before." I only suspected April fools at the last paragraph or so (Maybe even when I saw the next post decrying it as a joke, I'm not sure.). So as you can tell, I can be April fooled quite easily, and I love a good April fools joke. : )

    Just thought I'd share this with those who may not have seen it. It's pretty funny. I believed almost every word of it, especially because I wasn't paying extremely close attention.


    • Like 1
  15. I've got another one here.

    Q: How can you tell that Kane is bad at using fountain pens and other inky things?



    He has a Black Hand, so he must spill the ink all the time.

    Happy New Year!


  16. Okay, here's a better one.

    Q: Why are Gunner, Sydney, Raveshaw, LCGs and commanders so polite to the enemy?



    Whenever they stop vehicles, disarm mines, or reveal stealth with an EMP, it's like saying, "Excuse Me Please."


  17. 24 minutes ago, BubbleTea said:

    The Kane in Rivals. No punchline, but it’s just laughable that they thought he would pass as the real Kane.

    HaHa. I looked at the trailer, and that's for sure.


    Here's another one.

    Q: What happened when GDI made a contract with an auto manufacturer for GTs?




  18. Okay, thanks for the confirmation on fbx. I have Paint 3D as well; it is a standard Microsoft program. Thanks for letting me know, maybe it will be useful.

    I must confess I haven't really watched Havoc's tutorials, because they are in Max, and as a beginner, I needed to learn Blender as I learned everything else, so a tutorial in Max wasn't much help. Maybe I can gain more from them now that I have a bit of a basic foundation.

    Thanks, HIHIHI

  19. Okay, thanks a lot, Veyron. If you thought that fbx was complicated, you should have seen some of my earlier versions. I'll try to make a simpler setup like you did, too, as I think my main version won't even have the digger arm. I was rigging it more as a first exercise. Probably I should focus on getting a simple skeletal mesh (Like with just a root bone) imported so that I can get a process established.

    As I understand, Kenz, there is no ActorX plugin for Blender, exactly, but there is a *.psk/*.psa exporter. I might try that after I make a simplified digger.

    Also, thanks very much for your mapping tutorials, Kenz. They have been extremely useful in making my map (Although the digger has been taking my time when I work RenX stuff.).

    Gratefully, HIHIHI

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