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Posts posted by HIHIHI

  1. Here's an example. In my short test, this works for the first map you choose - after that, you may have to reload the mutator. You may be able to do that by typing "/loadmutator MutatorPackage.Mutatorclass" into the console, but I'm not sure. Restarting the game with the bat or starting a map from the console with the mutator will work for sure.


    Of course, you can edit the bat to use a different mutator, and include other parameters if you like.

    Hope this helps! If you have more questions, it may be simpler to ask on Discord, via PMs or in the #support channel of the official Renegade X Discord at https://renegade-x.com/discord .

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  2. It has all vehicles, and is a normal command and conquer map. I do not know of any reason that it would not be available in skirmish mode. If you cannot find it in the menu, it's probably because you don't have a configuration file for it. You can just type "open CNC-Oasis" in the console (press F5 for the console) to open it in skirmish mode. Then you can add bots in once it is open.

  3. Another thing I have been meaning to say for a while: I seem (no hard data here) to get the soundbug much more often during PUGs (when I of course am using voice chat, which takes more audio resources). So I suspect the soundbug may be tied in some way to resource usage. Just letting people know.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Riou Insuiko said:

    Moderate increase to projectile flight speed.

    Well... The marksman rifle is already InstantHit. You can't get much faster than that. : )

    As to the rest of your suggestions, I tend to agree with them. The marksman (to me, at least) seems like THE most useless infantry unit in the game, capable (in my hands, at least) of little more than harassing snipers IF he has cover nearby.

    As to the shotgunner... I like him as he is. He can be outperformed by a regular soldier if his aim isn't good, BUT - they are both wearing Kevlar armor. Flak armor infantry are much more susceptible to shotgunners, and even LCGs are in trouble with a good or decent shotgun around. Perhaps a very slight decrease to the spread of the pellets would be ok, but still, you would risk the shotgun becoming OP against AT infantry. It is one of my personal favorites of the free infantry to start a match with.

    Officers... Perhaps a slight increase to damage per second would be nice, but I think that the Officer's accuracy is fine where it's at. After all, he is wielding a very heavy chaingun with absolutely no sights whatsoever. : )

    I also feel that the officer, for the same reason, should be more of a medium to medium-short range unit, albeit somewhat more powerful than he is now, perhaps. Not too much, though. He's already at 100 DPS, vs. 80 DPS for the autorifle (granted, the autorifle has greater accuracy, but at close range, it's nice to have a little spread to catch people in without having great aim).

    And I see Sarah has replied... I'll post anyway and see what I repeat. : )

  5. On 7/24/2019 at 6:13 PM, Mystic George said:

    Will be complemented with full vehicles, or is it just meant to be light armour and APCs?

    It has all ground vehicles, at least right now, as far as I know.

  6. 2 minutes ago, Kuzco said:

    Infantry can easily make it into bases with AGT's and Obi's - it seemed way harder in the old Ren to be able to sneak into a base undetected.

    The development team has generally tried to reduce the stalemates that were (as I have heard - not a veteran Renegade player here) so common in Renegade, and I'm sure this is part of those efforts. Some people like quick games, some people like stalemates, some people like it in between. The devs just try to do their best for the game, and this was what they decided on.

    3 minutes ago, Kuzco said:

    I'm assuming it's EMP's that infantry use to remove a bunch of mines at the same time?

    Yes, EMPs can be used to clear mines. Commanders can call in EMP airstrikes (interceptable by AA and SAM turrets) or the advanced AT characters (Gunner, LCG, Rav, and Syd) can use their EMP grenades. I am not aware of any way to get EMPs through crates (except if you get a character or spy crate that turns you into one of the aforementioned AT characters).

    I'm not sure what you mean by this:

    1 minute ago, Kuzco said:

    Bonus vehicles being given to teams by the commander.

    The commander has no special access to vehicles with a dead WF or Airstrip. Humvees/Buggies and APCs can generally still be bought (for high prices), but other than that, it's only crates and stolen vehicles.

    Hope this is helpful,


  7. Renegade X (my favorite, duh : )  ).

    I have recently started playing Portal and Portal 2 and enjoy them very much.

    I used to play Planetside 2... Hopefully I will be getting a new computer soon and will be able to run it once more (totally unplayable on my current computer, sadly : (  ).

    I have played TD, TS, CNC3, and CNC4 to some extent... Mostly CNC3. I don't play them as often anymore.

    I also enjoy a little Medal of Honor: Airborne and other older MoH titles every once in a while.


  8. It's also pretty fun to fly a chinook among the mountains. The scale just makes it fun. It reminds me of Planetside 2 in a way. : )

    Although it would be a little too stressful on the engine, it would be amazingly fun to have a 64v64 battle on this map, with huge tank battles, naval engagements, etc. : )

    EDIT: Ok, maybe more than just a LITTLE too stressful on the engine... : )

  9. 28 minutes ago, Madkill40 said:

    These roles should be for the whole match... if this was even going to be a thing.

    Definitely. It would be terribly broken to allow a person to be Support and buy a Hottie, then switch to Tanker and buy a Med... With the Bar and WF both dead. : )

    I feel that allowing the purchase of Doza and Mobi with a dead bar is a little too powerful (but the idea itself is interesting). Perhaps lower tier characters? (Although the only lower tier characters that weren't Gunner and LCG like Madkyll said would be Patch and SBH... SBH seems like it should be gone for good with dead HoN...) Or perhaps just make them significantly more expensive as well.

    I'm not too much for or against either way... Just interested and giving my thoughts.


    Maybe my point was lost in that mess... I tend to repeat myself with slightly different words two or three times sometimes...

    I was basically asking, "Why would anyone buy or sell CP if it couldn't do them any good?" Unless you can use CP, you have no reason to buy it. And since it is used to benefit the team, and not commanders/captains personally (in most cases), they should not have to buy it from players.

    I do like your "player voice" philosophy, and I think that taking it into account in development considerations and balancing that with simplicity and elegance (as RenX is already pretty complicated) is a very good idea. I also see potential in the idea of sub-commanders, and there have been some good ideas put forth on that concept in this thread, I think.




  11. How would players accumulating separate pools of CP make it better than it is now? If they can't do anything with it except donate it to the commander/captain, why would they use it as bargaining material (CP for credits, like you said)? It won't do the person who got it any good (unless they are a captain or commander - maybe that's what you meant earlier). However, if they are, since CP is used to help the whole team, generally speaking, I don't think individual players should buy and sell it. You could make them help earn it faster by participating in combat, but if the commander (and possibly captains) is q-spotting, they are doing that anyway whenever they kill a target.

    Also, having to mess with donating CP to commanders to use for buffs doesn't sound like much of a good idea to me... It just makes coordination and rushes harder (if the commander and captains are the only ones who can use it, just give it to them in the first place, without an extra step of donation). And I, for one, am against pretty much anything that makes executing a rush harder. The lack of consistent teamwork is enough of a hamper on that already, in my opinion. And if your team is working together enough to consistently rush, I think that they deserve any success that comes their way, without having to donate CP.

    Just some things to think on.


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