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Posts posted by HIHIHI

  1. I also think it would be neat to have a limited set (scans, smoke, and EMP, maybe) of Commander Powers available to captains (although I would prefer the term lieutenants), and give them an allotment of the main Command Points, the size of which can be set by the commander (so if there are 3000 CP, the commander can give the captains (or lieutenants, as the case may be), control over 500 CP, reserving 2500 CP only for the commander (who can also cut into the 500 if necessary for a double buff or something).

    3 hours ago, Mystic George said:

    This is just random, but I'd like to see a flare gun or coloured smoke being used by a commander as a more obvious signal to commence a rush or attack, rather than using c/ or "move out" radio command.

    It's a neat idea, but perhaps you would want to do something that would be less of a possible alert to the enemy. It's already hard enough to get a successful rush together; making it even more difficult would not by good, in my opinion.


  2. Ah, ok. How would you judge that, though? It seems quite difficult to me to accurately judge those things, and take them into account, weighted properly against other factors (like kills). It's a neat thought... But this Bear of Very Little Brain doesn't quite see how to integrate such things into a judging/scoring system.

  3. A mixture of maps does sound nice. I would think that in each round, everyone should play on the same map, and then in the next round, you can all play on another map, etc. That way each round is balanced, and one pair of individuals/teams doesn't get a map that's really easy and the others get hard maps, or something.

    Your second point is interesting... I would never have thought on judging it based on something other than kills. A sniper tournament that was judging people based on their true usefulness in the game would include stuff like how well they could snipe enemy repairs, but that would be quite difficult to simulate... I think that making it a simple sniper deathmatch is the best way, although if there's something else that makes sense, that's fine too.

  4. So... It was suggested a few weeks ago that we have a Renegade X sniper tournament (after poi and 00G had their duel). I think that this would be pretty cool and pretty fun, if we could get it planned and get people to join. It seems to me that there are several things to consider:

    1. Normal maps or sniper maps? I've had fun with informal sniper battles on normal maps like Under or Twilight, but I can imagine that sniper duels on the dedicated sniper maps, like Sniper Park, could be fun too.
    2. Duels, 2v2, or larger teams? I prefer duels or 2v2 battles, I would think. Larger teams can be all over the place, and it's harder to keep track of your enemies. Perhaps duels if not many people participate, and 2v2 if lots show up.
    3. How should individuals (or teams, whichever way it is done) be matched against each other? Have one or two regular maps with all participants randomly distributed between teams, and then pair based on kills (I know basketball tournaments often pair the highest seed with the lowest, next highest with next lowest, and so on)? Just randomly match players/teams against each other?
    4. How should it be done, technically? I know that there is a sniper mutator that Try-Out uses on his sniper server. Perhaps that could be utilized, which I suppose would be the best way. A mutator could be written, though. Another way could be to start people off with tens of thousands of credits and only let them buy snipers, but that is quite easy to abuse and less efficient.
    5. When should it take place? Before or after a PUG seems like the most logical time to have it (possibly before, as PUGs don't all end at the same time, but maybe it's ok). It may have to be spread out over multiple days if there are enough participants.
    6. Where should it be hosted? FPI can host it on a separate server if desired, but if anyone else wants to host it, that's fine too.
    7. I'm sure there are other questions that I have not thought of - if you think of any, please put them out here for us to discuss.


    Let's have some discussion! I would really enjoy it if we could get something planned out and executed.


    EDIT: Try-Out's sniper server does not use a mutator, except for the bighead mutator. They are map settings. Thank you, Try-Out, for letting me know.

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    • Thanks 1
  5. Not silly at all! It's nice to be able to take a break from the action when necessary, especially when you can still be benefiting your team (support, afk repairs, etc). So many different play styles exist, and nuances inside those styles as well. It reminds me of your comments on "player voice," which I have found to be an interesting way of looking at things. : )

  6. I voted community and other.

    Other first:
    This was basically a vote for those times when I join a server because people are playing Eyes and then 5 minutes later, it's game over... Not a problem with the game, it's just that I join my favorite map at the wrong time... It's really the most frustrating thing about actually playing RenX in general (except, perhaps, getting locked in base and sniped inside buildings... Doesn't happen too often, and I can still enjoy being locked in base all game sometimes when the snipers aren't having a field day : ) ).

    Basically people need to not bash each other when debating topics, as this is unhelpful and can be frustrating to everyone... Just bring forth facts and logic (opinions too, of course, because those are very important, but with basic civility, if nothing else). My thanks go to those who do so, and my requests go to those who do not, that they attempt to keep a level head when debating topics, trivial or important. It will be better for the game and community as a whole, and make it more attractive to new and old players.

    Thanks for reading,


    • Like 2
  7. Dell Inspiron 13 (5000 Series)

    Intel i5-6200U @2.30 GHz

    EDIT: 12.0 GB memory  (not sure which type)

    EDIT: Intel HD Graphics 520

    Waves MaxxAudio Pro (output through 3.5mm jack (which I think is also a mic input) into a pair of plain headphones (no built-in mic or anything))

    HDMI audio is also available, but it is unused.

    NOTE: One or two times, I have gotten the soundbug in the middle of a game. My computer REALLY hates it when I alt+tab out of RenX, and my FPS drop down VERY LOW for a minute (occasionally the game crashes). A while ago, I alt+tabbed out of the game, and when I came back, I had low FPS as normal. I then heard a kind of buzz, and then sound went back to normal. A few seconds later, the sound quit, AND my FPS went back to normal at the same instant.

    Other than that, I get the regular soundbug probably about every 5-7 games or so (maybe a little less often).

  8. Update: a new digger is available! It can spawn rocks and destroy things MUCH faster than it could before. Its spawn name is BigPack.Rx_Vehicle_Digger_Fast. To ensure it is not abused, it will NOT BE ABLE TO FIRE unless the driver is logged in to the game as an administrator. More details can be found on the download page here.

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