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Everything posted by Sn4ke

  1. 100 credits / 180s donation disable timer we'll announce the server settings (initial CP / max CP, /crate settings etc etc.) soon
  2. Rules: no cheats no bug/glitch exploits no toxic behaviour no superweapons (due to low player count) participating players have to use the nickname from the team application max. of 3 substitutes per team players can signup for one team only In regard to exploits: The Renegade X Squad Wars is a small league / tourney, hence it'll be competitive. Exploiting bugs / glitches will not be tolerated. To give some examples*: hiding in meshes (textures) placing deployable items in textures using out of map spots base-to-base wall glitches (e.g. shooting through building walls / hard glass) accessing spots which are not intended from map design vehicle physics abuse (e.g. stealth tank climbing steep rocks) vehicles on rooftops etc. infantry wall hop (which is possible on some maps) * this list is not comprehensive! Play hard, but play fair. Vehicle surfing & speedboosting is allowed. If you think that someone exploited a glitch or used a somehow unfair mechanic, please report to the organiser team. A neutral mod (who does not participate in the tourney) will review the server demo files. In regard to behavior: We want to have a peaceful & friendly atmosphere on chat (pre-game). If you are not the team captain there is no reason to use the global chat during actual matches. If you have a problem please let your team captain sort things out. Be nice & respectful towards other players on global chat / forums / Discord. We also advise to refrain from rage-quitting. Disrespecting the above rules may result in a ban from the tourney for the individual player and a loss of points for the team. Regards, Sn4ke
  3. you're aware that sniper rifles got changed to bolt action?
  4. vehicle surfing is okay. but using vehicle physics to jump over walls or get to spots that are not intended by map design is forbidden. e.g. Walls side ramps, Whiteout rocks (stank to PP) or MRLS on Walls, vehicles on rooftops etc.
  5. TGM is back
  6. I'm still waiting for the mesh fixes for Complex ( @Ruud033 ) & Tunnels ( @Henk ), I passed the report to @boxes which he posted on the dev forums.
  7. time for some trip hop
  8. Another Lappen is ready to clean up some filth: @Cephyrus
  9. @Madkill40 from T.O. http://tank.stalker-contact.de/Toxicity_1C_TO_Test.rar
  10. closing the Launcher doesn't work properly (sometimes) - you have to terminate it via task manager @AlienXAXS changes to projectile lifespan modifiers seem to have a bad side effect to hitbox / target focusing. while you're able to focus on a certain target you might still be out of range (probably displaying 15% increased projectile lifespan once you get Veteran though you just get 5% increased lifespan) @yosh56 Suggestions: CP should be displayed for everyone Sunrise: GDI GT should be moved slightly towards the shoreline, vehicle path should be less gloomy Cliffside: sneaking possibilites should be drastically reduced, map design foces both teams to constantly camp certain spots to avoid losing a building
  11. kick vote menu is currently broken
  12. alt-J
  13. you could delete your UDKInput.ini - once you start RenX again you'll get the default ini back.
  14. You make this easy fleshbag! HaHaHaHaAhaHa!!!!
  15. With all due respect, I think the current team picking system for PUGs is broken. For the past weeks (if not months) teams have been imbalanced in ~8/10 cases. We have enough seasoned players who can judge the skill of the participating players to split them fairly, but for some reason it's not happening. PUGs should be competitive but fair matches. If players had assigned Discord roles for PUGs, commanders might be able to split them more fairly. Roles like: tanker, infantry, support, etc. Currently there's no point for me to join PUGs any longer. If I want slaughter, rage-quitting and tilting at windmills I could just join a public match. [just posting here for the record as I'll get drowned in Discord spam soon enough]
  16. Both teams get the "Mission failed" notification as both teams failed to defeat the other team. The "Nod wins" is probably some default setting which should be changed to "DRAW" (or whatever).
  17. Please don't forget what @Xeon Wraith said:
  18. Team Lappen: BioZ Jacky Droid Katata CBR AnDup Mamba Tank [Team Captain] maybe more
  19. Known staircase issue. Mappers could add small blocking volumes to fix it though..
  20. I disabled both acceleration and smoothing and that changed a lot
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