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Everything posted by Agent

  1. .ladder/.rank is related to this thread: viewtopic.php?f=13&t=75518
  2. I really look forward to watching our stank rush that totally didn't dodge half a dozen bullets, kenz hahahahaha
  3. The majority of your idea seems to be a bit disproportionate of a response, though I'm not against a couple well-maintained "official" servers.
  4. As far as I'm aware, TmX is the only real server still having DDoS issues atm? EKT seems to have adjusted much of their DDoS mitigation so that it's significantly more effective now (the attacker is apparently trying different types of attacks as a result), and CT also has fine mitigation in effect now. As I look at the launcher right now, I see that there are 3 servers populated -- one being CT, and the other two being EKT. At the current population levels, 3 active servers are honestly enough for the time being. It'd certainly be beneficial for TmX to get some tweak their mitigation a bit, especially if they plan to promote their server, though higher-end mitigation isn't critical/required per-se. That said, 10 euros/month isn't bad at all, and should be fairly easy for TmX to accomplish. I'll be honest though, I haven't been on as much for the past few weeks, so I'm basing most of my information off of conversations with community owners/members rather than in-game experiences.
  5. Fantastic video -- nothing quote compares to a less than 5 minute game of Canyon
  6. I think I started working on something similar this at one point as a mod to toy with, but never actually finished it (never got the "power back up" part done).
  7. Yeah, that's precisely what I'd love to avoid. It shouldn't go to whoever got the last hit, and we need to discourage kill steals which have the potential to team hamper (i.e: by not killing a building, because someone decided to wait to attack).
  8. 1500 sounds fine as some sort of bonus for those who manage to go commando and sneak into the enemy base to wipe out a building, but I don't think it's really desirable to add such a thing for just whoever gets the last hit. Perhaps this should go toward whoever contributed the most damage in say, the last 30 seconds of the building's life, maybe with some sort of minimal threshold (i.e: you must have been responsible for killing at least ~25% of the building).
  9. I think my top three (in order) would have to be: 1) RenX (naturally) 2) OpenRA (this is a pretty awesome project, imho) 3) APB (haven't played it in many years now, though) Reborn I haven't checked out since the infantry beta, and I've never bothered even touching the other 4 though, so I don't know how those would fare.
  10. Not really; it should just work, in my experience. It doesn't seem to work with VS 2015, though.
  11. I use Visual Studio 2013 with the nFringe plugin when working on RenX, but Visual Studio 2015 for pretty much everything else; sadly, nFringe doesn't have VS 2015 support.
  12. The source is already on GitHub, though the master branch hasn't been getting updated regularly (last updated about a month ago?), so I'll update it at some point today. All the non-code stuff isn't on GitHub, though. Edit: Forgot to mention where it's at on Github, which is here: https://github.com/TotemArts/Renegade-X
  13. Yeah, the player's name was "Raveshaw". I actually saw this player in-game earlier today on my server, but he wasn't abusing any glitches (the map I saw him on was Canyon). I'm sure this will definitely get looked into though. -nudges kenz-
  14. Yeah, I just updated my post to refer to your edits haha. I definitely looked at any/all documentation I could find, and Yosh took a stab at it as well, in addition to several interested server owners.
  15. That's not a horrible solution, but it would require adding this information to the server list (or adding some entirely new mechanism), and would require transferring a ton of data (several GB) if someone were running a custom maps server with many custom maps. Similar to writing an entirely separate in-game transfer system, this would likely require a substantial amount of code, but would certainly be possible. I do plan to go back to looking at this, once I've finished up some web interface stuff for the ladder; lately, I've been working on some general improvements (i.e: cleaner tokenization) on Jupiter (Stats bot), which may ultimately end up powering the web interface to the ladder as well. Edit: oh look you updated your post, and I'm apparently very slow at typing responses. Pretty much every stupid setting has been toyed with, and nobody has found something that really fixes the issue though. You're more than free to mess with these, and if you find a solution (especially with Engine.ChannelDownload's slow speed), feel free to post about it. GameName should have little to no impact, though.
  16. Writing it into the launcher is very, very far from the "best solution". For example, when maps change mid-game, you would still get removed from the game, and users would be left sitting there thinking "wtf just happened?". A player would then have to close their game and try rejoining that server, or just join another server. That said, some sort of map repository accessible via the launcher wouldn't be bad to let people try out new maps, and allow mappers to submit content to the repository. This is an entirely different feature than auto-download, though -- this is essentially just a file browser. The "best" solution would be find a fix for the issue (which seems elusive), or to write a separate system entirely, but I'm not entirely sure how practical/possible such a thing would be. In the mean time, my only real suggestions are to limit map file size, or occasionally push well-made fan maps via patches.
  17. This issue has been thoroughly looked into by multiple people, and no solution has been found. Auto-download is a UDK feature, and is written in entirely native code, so there's no way we can modify or even really look at the faulty code. This essentially leaves 3 options: 1) Keep messing with client/server config settings, until someone discovers something that works (no solution yet found). 2) Write an entirely separate system from scratch to automatically transfer files (that's a decent bit of work). 3) Keep using the system as-is (buggy).
  18. It might also do this if it can't connect to the stats/ladder server, which is also online, and doesn't appear to have suffered any connectivity issues.
  19. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Updated! Add RenX.Ladder to the plugins list to enable a server-specific ladder. The ladder is currently only interacted with by chat commands; a web interface should be coming before too long.
  20. Is the "RenXPath" variable in "HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Totem Arts\" not a thing anymore? It's in my registry, but it could be from an old install ("InstalledVersion" in my registry still says "Open Beta 4", after all), so can someone please confirm/deny this?
  21. I'm not really a fan of spawn delays; being able to quickly react to beacon placements or rushes, without a feeling of complete and utter hopelessness is actually rather nice, and keeps me further engaged in the game. ...I also thoroughly enjoy going in as a kamikaze engineer.
  22. Better organization and communication would've gone a long way to make this one more fun.
  23. Seems redundant to have multiple systems that do the exact same thing stickied, especially when their feature sets are extremely similar. That said, if i ever get around to updating the "Administration Systems" thread, this will definitely get a mention. A number of threads in this forum need updating, actually. It'd also be neat to see some unique features, maybe like TeamSpeak logging or something.
  24. Not too shabby! When will these maps be available for download?
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