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Everything posted by Agent

  1. I'm having a similar issue. I tried running the game from the launcher and the binary directly, and although Steam itself recognized I was in-game on UDK, the game / servers did not. As a result, I ended up not being able to test a bot-side ladder system.
  2. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    I still need to fix a bug involving passworded channels actually, but in the mean time something like this should work: Configure the admin channel as normal. Add something like this line to the same section: RawData.1=JOIN #Channel PASSWORD Edit: When I get around to fixing this, you'll be able to just add the password after the channel name (i.e: Channel.1=#adminChannel superSecurePassword ). Edit 2: This is fixed for the next update.
  3. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    The bot's compiled for x86, so try using that version of the VS 2013 runtime packages.
  4. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Ah, I see. What's probably happening is the bot's just storing the entire string (including the password) as the channel. I'll look into this more and actually fix it tomorrow, though.
  5. If someone attempts to enter a vehicle leaving the bay, the vehicle seems to stop in place. This seems to be a more likely cause to vehicle destruction than timing. It's easy to mistake a tank as your own, try to enter it, and then watch your tank blow theirs up because it stopped in place. Edit: You can see a guy backing off from that mammoth in that video, too. He likely attempted to enter the mammoth, realized it wasn't his, and backed off, only just to watch it explode in your face.
  6. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    The bot will part channels when their type is configured as negative. The default config sets the default type to -1. You can change this by removing the line "Channel.Type=-1" under [Default], but RenX still will not report to those channels. If you need help configuring, I can help ye with that.
  7. It hasn't really rolled-out for consumer-grade products, pal.
  8. Someone could probably just directly give you the files required to launch the game if re-downloading didn't work, although there'd be no guarantee that giving you the files (without the installer) would work either.
  9. battlefield 4 used less memory and cpu power COD Ghosts used less memory and cpu power world of tanks uses less than half the memory and cpu power with google chrome i can have 200+ tabs open and STILL use less memory than renX even if im playing more than 2 browser games simultaneously at the same time my specs: CPU: Intel Core 2 Duo E6550 GPU: EVGA GeForce GT 620 1024MB RAM: 4x 2gb dimm 240 pin 800 mhz (its all dual channel and ddr2) Hard Drive: 2 TB OS: win 7 professional x64 I'd recommend investing in a processor made in the last 6 (rather than 7) years (preferably one that will support DDR3). Or are you waiting for DDR4 to roll-out?
  10. That's not really all that much. I'd be much more concerned with the CPU usage; I've never seen RenX go nearly that high. Are you using a single-core processor?
  11. I didn't find C-LIST all that bad to parse tbh, though the space in the "NO STEAM" part was rather annoying. Should just replace it with N/A or something. Also, from IRC one day:
  12. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Updated! Mostly a series of minor fixes/additions.
  13. For RCON, there's also the following missing: Proper documentation A way to reliably identify yourself on RCON from other connections (though you can send a bogus command and catch its execution) Events: Radio chat Beacon placement/detonation/disarm. Airstrike deployment/completion. C4 detonation/disarm. Poll creation/completion (with results). Team change. (You can fairly reliably guess this based on "died by" event) Building capture. Edit: Though Kil did say he plans to do far more with RCON once the crashes on map-load are figured out.
  14. Agent

    Spy Crate

    I tend to, for the most part, agree with this opinion. Though, I do feel that the spy crate operated the way it did in Renegade more-so due to the limited compatibility when enabling stealth on a specific player (you would have to have scripts enabled), whereas the SBH didn't have this compatibility issue. Perhaps just enabling stealth, rather than changing into an SBH (or any character for the matter), would be equally effective.
  15. I think I vaguely remember something like this where you couldn't buy something if you had the exact number of credits for the purchase (i.e: dead ref and 500 for a sniper). If that's the case, then someone prolly just forgot an = signs somewhere.
  16. Another important piece is actually calling out when enemies are incoming or in the base. If you're in the base by yourself, you need to be repairing and calling out so that your teammates know to come back and save the base. It's extremely irritating to be wrapping up a plan to take out the Airstrip+Obelisk when all of a sudden you hear "Advanced Guard Tower Destroyed" :\
  17. Right this second: 207. So I'd estimate actual players who play the game to be a couple thousand.
  18. If your issue with rejoining is along the lines of "I get immediately thrown back to the main menu after trying to connect", then you're most likely trying to join a server that's either full, OR the server you tried to join is still running Beta 1 (you can't join Beta 1 servers when using Beta 2).
  19. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    RenX.Commands updated; minor bug fixed.
  20. Agent

    Bot Version: 1.1.0

    Updated! Note: This update will NOT function on Open Beta 1 servers; this is an update for Open Beta 2. Also note that there have been significant changes to the configuration file that require you to modify any existing configs. This mostly (if not entirely) applies to the [RenX] section being changed, and several other sections being added.
  21. Oh, that's not so much, it'll be done before you know it!
  22. The bot in this thread viewtopic.php?f=119&t=72303 will be updated significantly almost immediately after or before the next patch is pushed publicly, which includes some changes to the RCON logging format.
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