N3tRunn3r Posted August 2, 2022 Posted August 2, 2022 (edited) Greetings there, I just want to let you notice: Cheater are either increasing - from these players I had never thought they would even do that - or spoofing ones simply "impersonate" other users. I more like to tend about this spoofing and impersonating fact/issue, as these "players" always handle, act and re-act the same, by a same typical human character.. During all these times in RenX, they could have even created "multiple playing characters" (so could impersonate theirself) with different names. Without to blame & shame some names here, yesterday I had become "one-shot" by an enemy Officer multiple times. This shouldnt even be possible.. Also that "player" had a "unnatural" K/D of 250:50... Just imagine our Team had about 250 deaths less. One crappy cheater simply unbalances a whole match, even if they aimbot and secure the freakin Silo, to so gain control and to unbalance a whole area, as on Field. Also this "impersonating" has really increased during past few days and weeks, obviously, and has additionally become a problem. Please.... in the name of Kane, do something against this cheating mess... Implement an Anti-Cheat software, upgrade to a higher and more secure game engine, lock down some (console)commands behind a password, encrypt .ini-files, be finally actively active against cheating... and trash this freaking "conspiracy" as none gain profit out of this, but just 1, 2, 3 guys... K/D means nothing in Renagade X, but these braindamaged lowbobs even try-hard... Talk with Electronic fArts, plan and do something with em to stop this cheating mess. Or I am going to begin to do that, even if this means Renegade X needs to be shut down! I wanna have fun in RenX, I wanna hunt for crates, I wanna relax in RenX and whatever, and not to become this massively angry about one simple idiot which easily destroys a whole neat day we had, as for everyone else. Have a "good day"!! Edited August 2, 2022 by N3tRunn3r 1
Suspiria Posted August 2, 2022 Posted August 2, 2022 Ever since players can be HWID-banned, the quickest way to solve this kind of problem is through moderation IMO. For building a highly advanced anti-cheat engine is going to come at the cost of equally or more important features. And might also become an on-going competition that keeps on slurping up half of developer's resources. Why don't you do a !modrequest ingame the next time you encounter this behaviour? If cheating is encountered, it is likely that they will get perma-banned.. 1
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted August 2, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 2, 2022 I haven't been made aware of any recent cheating incidents and I am usually the one that ends up globally banning people. Feel free to .modrequest (global mod request) in-game for any cheating related incidents. Recently we have taken safeguards to prevent one of the recent cheaters that likes to instakill buildings. Also funny that you think EA cares at all. 1 1
N3tRunn3r Posted August 3, 2022 Author Posted August 3, 2022 (edited) Greetings there, and thanks for your replies. Yup, I usually enter !modrequest whenever a cheater has been spotted, though during this "event" 0 Moderators had been notified. I hope they have gotten my notice/modrequest text logged in IRC/Discord. Even a simple encryption of various and important files as well as a lock of various console commands could already prevent some sort of exploiting and/or cheating. See the "sv_cheats 1" command within the CS universe. A bunch of commands are locked behind this "wall". Hehe, all blames go to EA. BTW, insta-killing buildings? If it is this same issue as I have mentioned that already within official Hotfix Patch Notes, by the Patch v5.64a.x a "Recruit Engy" could insta-kill any structure with a Timed and 2 Remoe C4 Explosives.. if none would save it by a second-repair. On 5/30/2022 at 6:19 PM, N3tRunn3r said: EDIT_001: On Map "Tomb", I solely insta rushed GDI REF as a Nod Engy. 1 Timed C4 and 2 Remote C4 nearly killed their REF. As about 3% was left only, prob saved by a-second repair. But don't let change the topic in here.. Edited August 3, 2022 by N3tRunn3r
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted August 3, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted August 3, 2022 The game does not have free access to all commands in the engine. These things have been restricted in the past.
Undertaker Posted September 4, 2022 Posted September 4, 2022 On 8/3/2022 at 12:22 AM, NodSaibot said: I haven't been made aware of any recent cheating incidents and I am usually the one that ends up globally banning people. Feel free to .modrequest (global mod request) in-game for any cheating related incidents. This is really funny and "playing dumb". There have been a many reports about certain players over the last 10 years to TotemArts, everyone knows which players are being talked about here. Some people have invested a lot of time to prove cheating, but got ignored, or were systematically pushed out of the community and DEV team. Only obvious cheaters have been banned. Possibly it is simply because the networking between certain people from the DEV team and these players exists "friends". One could simply assume coverage of these individuals here and concealment of own deeds. But why care about a nearly dead game, as long as there is one full server every day with the unknowing players to slaughter to feel better. 1
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted September 4, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 4, 2022 2 hours ago, Undertaker said: This is really funny and "playing dumb". There have been a many reports about certain players over the last 10 years to TotemArts, everyone knows which players are being talked about here. Some people have invested a lot of time to prove cheating, but got ignored, or were systematically pushed out of the community and DEV team. Only obvious cheaters have been banned. Possibly it is simply because the networking between certain people from the DEV team and these players exists "friends". One could simply assume coverage of these individuals here and concealment of own deeds. But why care about a nearly dead game, as long as there is one full server every day with the unknowing players to slaughter to feel better. You must be very new to the RenX community to think that I don't see people calling everyone cheaters, aimbotters, hackers whatever. I myself was long accused of such things, undoubtedly I am familiar with the hackusation tendencies of the community. I was specifically referring to things like insta killing buildings. And by recent I meant literally recent, as in the last few days. I'm not sure what makes people believe that the dev team that has worked hard and for free would let people cheat and destroy their own creation. 1
Suspiria Posted September 5, 2022 Posted September 5, 2022 19 hours ago, Undertaker said: This is really funny and "playing dumb". There have been a many reports about certain players over the last 10 years to TotemArts, everyone knows which players are being talked about here. Some people have invested a lot of time to prove cheating, but got ignored, or were systematically pushed out of the community and DEV team. Only obvious cheaters have been banned. Possibly it is simply because the networking between certain people from the DEV team and these players exists "friends". One could simply assume coverage of these individuals here and concealment of own deeds. But why care about a nearly dead game, as long as there is one full server every day with the unknowing players to slaughter to feel better. When I first joined, for a short while I really thought Minji was cheating, until I saw her Twitch and now I know she's just truly a pro in terms of skill. The K/D ratio of 5:1 that you suggested is actually probably a bad day for her in terms of aim. And there are quite a few more people with some serious (aiming) skillz in Renegade-X. I don't know why exactly, but Renegade-X seems to attract a lot of players like that. It's a Renegade successor after all. As to the art of hacking.. one does not simply reverse-engineer a game engine. Hacking is hard, and 1337 hackers are relatively rare. The reason why cheaters are "everywhere" in the world is because those handful of true hackers share their stuff with the public. And then novice and mediocre programmers, who know just enough to use the stuff, will pick up on it. They're the same kind of people who buy DDoS for $5 and call themselves 1337. My point is: try searching the internet for Renegade-X hacks. You will find none. At best you will find discussions where people concluded it wasn't worth the xxx hour investment. I would bet a $100 that more than 95% of hackusations are false. Maybe not 100%, but I truly do not believe it's anywhere near as bad as you may be thinking right now. Hope this satisfies a part of your concerns. 1 1
N3tRunn3r Posted September 5, 2022 Author Posted September 5, 2022 (edited) As I completely agree with Undertaker, I sorta disagree with Suspiria. I could list you hacks "for RenX" in an instant, even their source codes, and all for free. One vehicle and its "engine" could be "injected" with "various petrol", same goes with hacks! As RenX doesnt even have an anti-cheat implemented, for example the Unreal Engine's own Anti-Cheat EAC (Easy Anti-Cheat), invented and created by Epic Games which even has become free to use and to implement since 2021 and which would be a "first step" and so a barrier to fight cheater after all these years of suffering, any sort of cheats and hacks would work in RenX. Even if it is a simple unsecured console command/script and/or simple ini.-file edits of various game data. These tools or more like injectors/hacks provide exactly these kind of stuff, exactly these "unnatural and non-human" but machine-like behaviour of known cheater in-game, who even become shielded by Devs and Mods. A true conspiracy! Those aimbots/aim assists they use are really blatant. And as mentioned a couple of times already, instead to fight cheater, they fight and threaten and especially "suppress" the good guys and even try to destroy their reputation for whatever reasons. They simply ignore and deny everything about cheater and counter and lie like crazy! At least it feels like that... Closing threads and conversations with a blatant lie, a reputation-killer sentence, without even have a simple investigation and research done. Gladly they listened on this case and edited it. But damage might be done already.. EAC would be a first and even impressive barrier and step to stop cheater in Renegade X!! And even if there are exploits and bypasses for cheater in RenX simply by editing ini-files, other game files through "SDK Generator" and/or by using the console, heck, lock, protect and encrypt these commands behind a password. After all these years, it cannot be that hard to implement some kind of a simple anti-cheat protection as a solution.. even if it is just against a handful of cheater in RenX. A year ago, EAC has become FREE .. !! https://dev.epicgames.com/en-US/news/epic-online-services-launches-anti-cheat-support-for-linux-mac-and-steam-deck https://dev.epicgames.com/en-US/news/epic-online-services-launches-two-new-free-services >> https://www.easy.ac/licensing/ I am tired of non-official conversations and talk as this leads to nowhere. The public should be involved! I "may have" a reason being angry ... Edited September 5, 2022 by N3tRunn3r
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted September 5, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 5, 2022 5 hours ago, N3tRunn3r said: Closing threads and conversations with a blatant lie, a reputation-killer sentence, without even have a simple investigation and research done. Gladly they listened on this case and edited it. But damage might be done already.. How do you know all the internal workings of Totem Arts? Also might I add that COMMUNITY hosted servers also have their own mod teams. So unless 2 entirely different groups of people are "compromised" and "friends" with the hackers, then it doesn't really make sense. Also it is pretty well known that some CT staff don't like some people that are heavily accused, such as poi. I'm sure they would jump at the chance to ban if there actually ever was any proof.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 23, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 23, 2022 I can attest that Poi is probably one that CT disliked a lot. I've played with Poi on Left 4 Dead 2 at least and I can also attest that Poi's aimbot-like shots also translates to that game closely with high percentage of headshots. Would you like to suggest that they also downloaded a cheat for that game.... which only comprised of the two of us at that moment might I add? Jpj, I know a bit less, but I do know Bred mentioned that he's also very good at Planetside 2. I also know he was accused for hacking in Osu and I was given an explanation that I cannot disclose due to it being rather personal. All that aside, we were still crosschecking demos and streams and there's still no solid proof. This was also backed by MathDotPi, one of our lead testers whom I might add, was wrecking people in the alpha testing sessions with his sniper plays too. And if you would like to accuse him of hacking as well during our test sessions, I'd like to hear your explanation on why he'd sabotage an ongoing game development All in all, I'm sick and tired of all this accusations that we were defending certain players in the community. Just so you guys know, I developed the bounty system specifically to target people like Poi and jpj who always had humongous K/D, and I've already lobbied it (multiple times even) and was given an ok by the community. I dunno, perhaps it is time for you to realize that some people are just in a whole different league than the rest. This game doesn't have matchmaking after all, so don't be surprised if you meet some 5000 rated players fighting against 100-1000. Edit : I will also add that I don't even know if these reports should start getting taken seriously anymore. It has gotten to the point that even BlackHand12412, I believe, mentioned that he was also being accused of hacking one day. He wasn't even among the infamous people who had massive K/D. I really don't know what to tell you all, but I'd appreciate of you would bring us a solid proof for once, without sugarcoating it as 'blatant hacking'. It is starting to become clear that some of you are also starting to become heavily biased. I'm heavily disappointed at that, personally
scrin-124678 Posted September 23, 2022 Posted September 23, 2022 3 hours ago, Handepsilon said: Edit : I will also add that I don't even know if these reports should start getting taken seriously anymore. It has gotten to the point that even BlackHand12412, I believe, mentioned that he was also being accused of hacking one day. He wasn't even among the infamous people who had massive K/D. I really don't know what to tell you all, but I'd appreciate of you would bring us a solid proof for once, without sugarcoating it as 'blatant hacking'. It is starting to become clear that some of you are also starting to become heavily biased. I'm heavily disappointed at that, personally There is a difference in taking a report seriously or just ignoring it in a advantage for a player that have "higher friends". 1. For example you can call mods ingame and write an explanation to it for a player that was clearly cheating, do you think admins are going to review the situation and make a decision? All I saw it got Ignored. That player killed a lgc as a patch almost died and while fighting against me he just stopped moving for 2 sec while i was shooting him and suddenly full HP and armor. Totally legit. 2. Or random kicks you get because people are pissed that youre good at sniping. Admins just let that happen because idk they dont care if some pissed people take your fun from gaming. 3. Or the best one yet: Cyberbullying 8 days straight by a guy everyday under a new name and sometimes with "friends" or other people they begin to convince to troll/hate on you via Flaming/Blocking/Kicking/Shooting/Smoking you with grenade. And the admins did nothing. Only changing the nickname stopped that. Funnily enough all this Cyberbullying started with a guy that was admin friendly or close friends by trolling and later abusing teleporters on crashside. and all the admins did was speaking with him in discord about that abuse. and ok the abuse of teh teleporters stop, not the constant bullshit he did every day. And sorry people should play this game because? no admins try to help I mean you guys dont even have a sub forum for reporting players. So in the end youre here to play and getting taken away the fun on playing after some virgin no-lifers troll you and have fun doing that because they never got any attention in life and admins support those people by doing nothing about that? But sorry better ignore this in favor for you.
Totem Arts Staff roweboat Posted September 23, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 23, 2022 Not sure what else to tell you. I treat every accusation impartially. I'm friendly with everyone, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't bring the hammer down if the situation calls for it. But as said before, the UDK engine that runs Renegade X, is janky as hell. Lag, frame drops, missing animations, bugs - all these can easily contribute to the perception of "hacking/cheating". And maybe some of it is borderline abuse of the game as it was made (eg a light tank ramming into a medium tank and completely getting underneath it). Another factor, some of these players being accused... they play video games like 10+ hours per day. I don't care what you're doing with your life... but anyone who puts that much time into anything will become expert level with that kind of dedication. And not every situation will always be handled swiftly and correctly. were all human. And some of it is out of our control; but we do what we can when we're available.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 23, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 23, 2022 Quote 1. For example you can call mods ingame and write an explanation to it for a player that was clearly cheating, do you think admins are going to review the situation and make a decision? I've seen at least 2-3 reviews that were being screened by both CT and TA moderator team myself. I was involved heavily in one of them as N3tRunner would be able to attest. Quote All I saw it got Ignored. That player killed a lgc as a patch almost died and while fighting against me he just stopped moving for 2 sec while i was shooting him and suddenly full HP and armor. Totally legit. Do you have any video or timestamp on when that happened? This one never reached TA at the very least. The first part of moderation was usually done by the server's own moderation team, and if deemed serious enough, would be forwarded to us. I do know refill crates and client lag exists, but better context is needed. Quote 2. Or random kicks you get because people are pissed that youre good at sniping. Admins just let that happen because idk they dont care if some pissed people take your fun from gaming 3. Or the best one yet: Cyberbullying 8 days straight by a guy everyday under a new name and sometimes with "friends" or other people they begin to convince to troll/hate on you via Flaming/Blocking/Kicking/Shooting/Smoking you with grenade. And the admins did nothing. Only changing the nickname stopped that. Funnily enough all this Cyberbullying started with a guy that was admin friendly or close friends by trolling and later abusing teleporters on crashside. and all the admins did was speaking with him in discord about that abuse. and ok the abuse of teh teleporters stop, not the constant bullshit he did every day. . These are really the server owner's problem. Player behavior in community-run server usually falls out of our jurisdiction. If that does happen in the TA's server, do report that to Roweboat. If it happens in community server.... well, we can't do much because if we get involved, people will start saying that we're abusing our power. CT and FPI have their own site and discord server to complain to, so those two problem, you should talk it out with them rather than us. 1
scrin-124678 Posted September 25, 2022 Posted September 25, 2022 On 9/23/2022 at 9:16 PM, Handepsilon said: Do you have any video or timestamp on when that happened? This one never reached TA at the very least. The first part of moderation was usually done by the server's own moderation team, and if deemed serious enough, would be forwarded to us. I do know refill crates and client lag exists, but better context is needed. Sorry for the late reply, I looked into my video library and couldn't find any video with it (could be deleted because of computer change or not recorded). I took refill crates and client lag into consideration but there is no crate spawn and for client lag wouldnt helped him because that guy infront of me got him down to like 50% and then he got killed by him, and from there he took more damage from me and suddenly got full hp. That was something I haven't seen since I began to play Renegade X and Im sure that It happened before but not that obvious infront of players. On 9/23/2022 at 9:16 PM, Handepsilon said: These are really the server owner's problem. Player behavior in community-run server usually falls out of our jurisdiction. If that does happen in the TA's server, do report that to Roweboat. If it happens in community server.... well, we can't do much because if we get involved, people will start saying that we're abusing our power. CT and FPI have their own site and discord server to complain to, so those two problem, you should talk it out with them rather than us. The problem was In that time i haven't used discord and reported that guy directly to a CT admin without hearing from him back. I think all admins of those servers have accounts here on this website, why not making a player complaint board stating on which server it happened and then they trying to solve/checking it out. I know it could also end up into a crying topic where people begin to report every second player that makes headshots (we had already enough ingame conversations about that), but in that way not everything that also could hint that some players use tools to cheat or abuse something get ignored/overlooked.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 25, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 25, 2022 Quote Sorry for the late reply, I looked into my video library and couldn't find any video with it (could be deleted because of computer change or not recorded). I took refill crates and client lag into consideration but there is no crate spawn and for client lag wouldnt helped him because that guy infront of me got him down to like 50% and then he got killed by him, and from there he took more damage from me and suddenly got full hp. That was something I haven't seen since I began to play Renegade X and Im sure that It happened before but not that obvious infront of players. A date and estimated timestamp would still be helpful to track down the event. I know CT at least kept a lot of demo from time to time. From there, I can ask if the demo is still available. Otherwise, there's no proof to warrant ban. I'll make this clear : We're not going to invoke ban based only on word or majority community vote. Imagine if a lot of people dogpile on you by claiming that you're cheating and we simply just take their word on it without making any investigation to clarify the claim. In this case, that report never came to us... until now that is. To take action, we need concrete, undisputable proof. UDK is, as you already realize, a janky mess. It really blurs the line between glitch, engine quirks and actual cheating. It's especially the case in netplay Quote The problem was In that time i haven't used discord and reported that guy directly to a CT admin without hearing from him back. I think all admins of those servers have accounts here on this website, why not making a player complaint board stating on which server it happened and then they trying to solve/checking it out. I know it could also end up into a crying topic where people begin to report every second player that makes headshots (we had already enough ingame conversations about that), but in that way not everything that also could hint that some players use tools to cheat or abuse something get ignored/overlooked. EDIT : The CT administration said he wanted to post himself or let someone post for him
AshbyJones Posted September 26, 2022 Posted September 26, 2022 On 9/5/2022 at 4:05 PM, NodSaibot said: How do you know all the internal workings of Totem Arts? Also might I add that COMMUNITY hosted servers also have their own mod teams. So unless 2 entirely different groups of people are "compromised" and "friends" with the hackers, then it doesn't really make sense. Also it is pretty well known that some CT staff don't like some people that are heavily accused, such as poi. I'm sure they would jump at the chance to ban if there actually ever was any proof. when are the devs going to release Renguard-X already??? VAPORWARE
gordoismyname Posted October 13, 2022 Posted October 13, 2022 totally new player here, but i played a few rounds for the first time today. while the game was really interesting, the experience was not. i only post this because the game is fun, and has potentials. but the experience for a new player is so upside down in regards to KD ratios, i would imagine it would make bringing others to the game a very hard sell.
Odanert Posted October 18, 2022 Posted October 18, 2022 On 10/14/2022 at 12:59 AM, gordoismyname said: totally new player here, but i played a few rounds for the first time today. while the game was really interesting, the experience was not. i only post this because the game is fun, and has potentials. but the experience for a new player is so upside down in regards to KD ratios, i would imagine it would make bringing others to the game a very hard sell. Forget about K/D ratios. this is a stat that a newbie will follow but you can be usefull in your team without killing players as repairing, dealing damages and advising the team from incoming rushes.
Undertaker Posted October 22, 2022 Posted October 22, 2022 Finally! The Devs developed anti cheat measures! This measure will stop cheating (not hacking) reducing instand. Thank you very much @NodSaibot 1
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted October 22, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 22, 2022 4 hours ago, Undertaker said: Finally! The Devs developed anti cheat measures! This measure will stop cheating (not hacking) reducing instand. Thank you very much @NodSaibot There actually was some anticheat measures implemented, thanks for noticing.
Totem Arts Staff roweboat Posted October 23, 2022 Totem Arts Staff Posted October 23, 2022 @Undertaker et al. Please. the snark isn't necessary. The team has very few resources spread very thin. Have some gratitude for the game that is nearly 10 years old and still getting "official" support. 1 1
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