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Is the !noob command good for the RenX community?  

21 members have voted

  1. 1. Is the !noob command good for the RenX community?

    • Yes, keep the !noob command!
    • No, remove the !noob command!
    • Maybe... Limit the !noob command to players with at least X hours gametime!
    • Maybe... Limit the !noob command to players with at least X !rec's on their account!

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Posted (edited)

Hello guys,

long time Renegade & RenX player here. Since the release of C&C Remaster we had a big influx of new players, which is generally great for this community and this game.


One thing i noticed though is that a lot of the new players are quite toxic and more often than not this toxicity gets amplified by such things as the !noob command.

RenX kinda has a team oriented gameplay and like most team oriented multiplayer games a lot of toxicity is expected. I don't think we can change that.


But i think we can limit the negativity that goes through the ingame chat by limiting or flat out removing the !noob command. I know the !rec and !noob commands have a long history in C&C Renegade Multiplayer Servers. I still think the !rec command alone would be enough... The !noob command just always creates discussions and toxicity ingame while the !rec command never does that.

I don't want to read all that toxicity ingame just because someone !noob'ed someone else. Most of the time both players are quite new to the game and thus noobs themselves, which lets the bickering over it seem even more pathetic.

Also the reason someone !noob's someone else sometimes are so ridiculous as like "you healed the other player and not me and i'm clearly more important than that other player".

We could limit the usage of the !noob command to players that have at least a certain amount of playtime or a number of !rec's, but to stop toxicity i would just remove the command and keep growing a healthy and mostly happy community. The command just feeds the negative people in the community and does nothing good for the rest...


Please vote and share your reasoning. Thanks :)

Edited by rocky44r
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You can only use 1 !rec and 1 !noob command per game and without this people would be a lot more negative because of just "!noob example123" it would be "omfg example123 is suck a fucking retard" and i think the noob command would be much more helpful and it mirrors the rec system which should never be removed from the game. And who doesnt find it funny when someone !recs themselves and gets noobed instead.  


What effect is the !noob command supposed to have in renegade x? its just an insult and nothing more isn't it?
Have used it twice ever far as i can recall, both for the same knowingly team hampering player in the last 2 weeks.

But I don't think it will stop him from acting like a selfish idiot, nor will it openly flame him when he joins.
Even if it added up towards a temp ban or something not everyone uses it seriously.

I need the !noob command now more than ever but i might just as well just call him an idiot.


!rec and !noob commands do show message and increment/decrement counter, but changed counter doesn't save, so effectively those commands do nothing atm.
Originally they would have show a welcoming message depending on counter, going from basically insulting you to comparing to gods. I still don't get what fun is in being insulted by system itself.


I see it often used as a 'value' for when people differ in opinion / have different mindsets instead to 'downvote' a really stupid action... It's more an emotional command to show you don't like someone, then anything else. To me it serves no point, but who am I :)

Posted (edited)

It isn't supposed to be fun for a player with negative reputation, !noob command is supposed to be a punishment, not just an insult or a joke.
Or that's how i envision it should work it at least, i don't see any purpose for it other than being the equivalent of flipping someone of atm.
The !rec is also basically just a "tip of the hat", but that one i think everyone likes even if it doesn't have any long lasting effect either.

Idk, remove it i guess.
Probably better to just !modrequest if someone is being a complete asshole.

but is the !noob harmfull to the community? not more so than the players deserving one.

Edited by Syntharn
sometimes i think my brain is 2 different people
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The !noob and !rec commands are a type of speech in-game. Like all speech and language it can be used to many different effects. Language can be used to praise others, insult people, and 57 thousand other uses. It's pretty cool when you think about how multi-layered language can be when you take into account connotation.

Point is, you can use the !noob command ironically for comedic effect, and it serves a purpose just beyond being an insult. Say you are on a team with a really good commander that has led you to victory against all odds. !noobing them after the match is obviously a joke, everybody would agree. The !noob command can also be an insult if used in a negative connotation.

But what are you going to do? Just ban every single person who has cast an insult at another person? Anytime an argument comes up in-game just ban the person who is being the meanest?

Freedom of speech is a good thing I hope we can all agree. The !noob command is a type of speech/expression and banning it would be dumb. We don't have to agree on everything, but I respect your ability to !noob me in game. Also take a look at the reaction button in the bottom right corner of this message. I also respect your choice to hit the dislike reaction.

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as a frequent abuser of !noob I agree that getting rid of it would just lead to worse behavior.....not from me obviously.......but from like other ppl--

inoob doesn't actually do anything, right?  it's a really PG way to deal with disagreement or frustration...


you can get rid of !rec though i mean it's pointless.  why would anyone use that...

Posted (edited)

you can get rid of !rec though i mean it's pointless.  why would anyone use that...

This must be sarcasm?        

I think both  uses are great as an inconsequential expression of feelings.

Edited by isupreme
On 8/5/2020 at 1:01 PM, rocky44r said:

One thing i noticed though is that a lot of the new players are quite toxic and more often than not this toxicity gets amplified by such things as the !noob command.

How many times did you use the word toxic in your post? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.... 6 times. Jesus Christ man, lol. You need to upgrade your vocabulary. The word "toxic" is soooo overused it's getting pathetic. Here's a reminder to any brittle spirited forumites (I count 7 so far; remove votes): you do not represent the vast silent majority of players who have no forum account and who couldn't care less about someone raging in chat because he's butthurt.

As for the !noob command? That's been in the original Renegade servers for quite some time. I've been marked with it before. And I deserved it. I've also witnessed some hilarious altercations between players because of it, some classic lulz. I use the !rec and !noob all the time

So leave it in; no need to fix what isn't broken. ;)

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I think it should get removed, not because of what it's about, but because people will be stupid enough to abuse it. Plus some snowflakes are gonna get butt-hurt when it happens to them and then leave the game.

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On 8/12/2020 at 4:35 PM, AshbyJones said:

as a frequent abuser of !noob I agree that getting rid of it would just lead to worse behavior.....not from me obviously.......but from like other ppl noob doesn't actually do anything, right?  it's a really PG way to deal with disagreement or frustration...

This. The most likely alternative is to start arguing in the middle of a match. !noob is just enough of a dig at someone to act as a vent for frustration. Even if the counts don't actually mean anything.

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Oh snap

Did you know that Youtube's "dislike" button for comments actually does not work at all?
It does exactly NOTHING publicly. It is only for yourself. 😂

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