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New HUD Poll - Chat / Kill logs position


HUD Chat/Kill log position  

32 members have voted

  1. 1. Should we keep the current chat/ kill log position?

    • Keep it
    • Revert it back to previous version
    • Other?

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  • Totem Arts Staff

So it's been weeks now since the release of the new HUD. So the question now is, should we keep the current position of chat log/kill log or would you like it being reverted?

In the long run we'll probably try to have this portion customizable, but before that happens, we'll have to stick to fixed position.

P.S. :We'll probably still keep the separation of normal chat and radio though, but keep the feedback going regardless

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chat top left corner, kill log middle left, tech buildings on screen and harv status somewhere either back on the K-list or on map (since it usually doesnt show on the map)

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  • Totem Arts Staff
56 minutes ago, Madkill40 said:

Just fix that K-list

Well I wanted to say that 'no, we can't do that', but then I took another re-look and seemed to have found a solution that works.... at least for a monitor with big enough screen. Scaling is possible, but people with lower res will be more likely to see specks

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  • Totem Arts Staff

You and I both know that is not possible at all. When I handled the HUD it's already detracted from the HUD we had

And unless you're willing to take the job, we got no one in the mood of reverting all the changes in other classes that gets hooked up by the HUD functions and variables, all the while preserving the optimizations that I've set up so that the HUD doesn't eat as much memories as it did

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  • Totem Arts Staff
21 minutes ago, Nexus51325 said:

I really like the new hud !
But I agree with the fact that chat and kill list are weird... even if I'm good with them now lol

game play is way faster and smoother now thanks to the new HUD,
just would want the chat to be on the old spot again so it would be easier to track converstion while im shooting @Tytonium sbh.

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hmm.. i think there are no many ways to fix that
there are 4 datas, K-list, kill-list, chat and radio commands.
K-list in 64 player games is.. a bit huuuuge :D image.thumb.png.26cd1db750f6fe8105beb9e35ccc5e84.png

my monitor is 1920x1080 and K-list is so huge it's close to be on the volt rifle pic :D
and you see how kill messages are "on" K-list
in a 32v32 game, i'll never read the names of the top players if i don't use tab cuz kill messages are spammed :) 
radio commands are in top left corner, and chat is in a good place. I agree, it's a good idea to separate chat and radio commands
but the question is: where to put everything?


if you see at the old hud, there was no problem

i think the best option (atm) is to put kill list, radio commands and chat at the left.
because - on my monitor - there are enough place between them.
but yea it will be horribly stacked (lol) and it will be a text wall (Dan will be pleased)
i honestly don't see other options, excepts revert back to the old HUD (only for chat, radio and kills)
but i don't know if it will work on all monitors, cuz i know many of us have huge monitors, and a few still have little monitors :) 

i've another question who just spawned in my mind
where is the tech buildings icon on my screenshot on Reservoir?
i never notice tech bldngs icons because i often use M (the map) to see how is the global situation and to see where my team needs reinforcements
but.. there is a place to put tech buildings icon on the new HUD? for ppl who don't use M (i'm sure i'm the only one to use M every mins cuz i spent too much time on classic C&C haha) it will be hard for them to see who controls silos/uplink/comm centers/medic centers/meow

thanks for your amazing work ;) 

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  • Totem Arts Staff


12 hours ago, Kaunas said:

chat top left corner, kill log middle left, tech buildings on screen and harv status somewhere either back on the K-list or on map (since it usually doesnt show on the map)

This exactly. I think the tech buildings should be down with the other building icons like with the old UI.


Having harvester always on the main UI might be beneficial too. Maybe in the top left between EVA log and chat log?



EVA Harvester ready.

roweboat: Destroy it now!

Kira: Affirmative.



roweboat: MOVE IN NOW


Player6428: Enemy Spotted!!

[TmX]Ryz: It's over you guys no one is listening.

Max: Your mom's a tool.


Sheptim killed roweboat

Tytonium killed LavaDr4gon

Havoc89 killed Tytonium

Edited by roweboat
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I agree with everything Kaunas and Rowe are saying except harvester status. I think having harvester status might give too much an advantage to some teams Especially early game.  The harvester should need to be observed by an actual player and reported to the team, not a permanent icon on everyone’s screen.

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other for:

keep radio messages + chat on the same box, since i often use radio commands to respond to chat. maybe filter spam more? right now it already filters spam from the same players (when i spott the same thing it shows just once but makes it bigger). i think the spam filter should not just filter on a per-player-base, but also on a team base. e.g. if everyone spotts the same tank / building or gives the same radio command, just make it bigger or add a counter how many said that instead of showing the spam from 32 team mates. if position or building health percentage change just update the original line (and obviously keep it on the screen longer).


kill feed can stay where it is, but in 64 player games it's just spam... could maybe also be removed entirely. maybe integrate it into the TAB menu (skull-symbol or grey out for each player that currently is dead).


get rid of the K menu and instead make a hotkey for the donation menu (so we can quickly look how much money the players have).


Money, Mines, Tanks, CP and Time should be back in the bottom center of the screen as i look at those all the time. Number of Players and team points are irrelevant and should stay in the TAB menu. Remove from the middle of the screen.


player points and rank are also quite useless imho... i can look that up in the TAB menu... so i would suggest to remove them from the top right corner...

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Other - includes revert. I would prefer seeing the kill log back on the left side - as to its position on the left side, I'm not sure how much it matters to me... But having it on the left makes the most sense to me. I find it more of a strain to look at it in the top right where it is now.

1 hour ago, rocky44r said:

kill feed can stay where it is, but in 64 player games it's just spam... could maybe also be removed entirely. maybe integrate it into the TAB menu (skull-symbol or grey out for each player that currently is dead).

I would like to say that some (not all) players, including myself, use the kill log for tactical information, at least sometimes. You can judge who is in which area if you know where your teammates are, and it influences your choices. So I would prefer to keep it.

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I do think I prefer the new version more, but with a few tweaks to items being discussed:

Do we even need a text print out for radio commands everybody can hear anyway? This way it's just none interrupted chat conversation. I would prefer the chat get moved to upper-mid section near to where it used to be and I agree about moving the kill feed back to lower mid left. I dislike the trend of putting lots of name/text labels in [square brackets], it looks really clumsy, unnecessary and harder to read/process.

Edited by Mystic~
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  • Totem Arts Staff

Do we even need a text print out for radio commands everybody can hear anyway?

Yes, because the radio commands of 'Building needs repairs' don't really say *which* building needs repairing.


If a player Q-Spots an enemy unit, can we have some sort of meta transparent ghost text that then appears on the screen indicating the direction of where the unit is until it's visible instead of creating another text feed, could then potentially remove even more feed clutter.

Yeaaaaah wouldn't that just create clutters all over your screen instead?


This exactly. I think the tech buildings should be down with the other building icons like with the old UI.

There really is no place for it, and I still don't know how to make them tween nicely with the current setup we have, which dynamically adds the icon as opposed to just having a fixed 5 slot and then hide the ones that's not present

AS A FRIENDLY REMINDER we're here discussing about the chat position, not the HUD overall. If you have any other complaints about HUD elements, refer to this :


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14 hours ago, Pennydude17 said:

I agree with everything Kaunas and Rowe are saying except harvester status. I think having harvester status might give too much an advantage to some teams Especially early game.  The harvester should need to be observed by an actual player and reported to the team, not a permanent icon on everyone’s screen.

harv status was always in game, you held V to extend the player list and at the very top there were harv HP tabs, was really easy to tell whats going on esp in the start of the match

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On 12/30/2019 at 6:46 PM, Pennydude17 said:

I agree with everything Kaunas and Rowe are saying except harvester status. I think having harvester status might give too much an advantage to some teams Especially early game.  The harvester should need to be observed by an actual player and reported to the team, not a permanent icon on everyone’s screen.

I got the same opinion.

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