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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)
  • Totem Arts Staff

Hey looking good!

I love the environment so far you've already done an awesome job on that. I'm looking forward on how it looks with some Post Processing! The only thing I find kind of annoying at the moment is that most of the trees don't have any leaves anymore. I've seen some with leaves on it, but for a yellow zone. Try messing with the material and make it look like they're about to fall of or make a nice particle for falling leaves (Field has those too so you can take a look at that one). And small note: I don't think there should be snow on the trunks in this kind of environment :P

I strongly suggest you finish the AI pathing first. None of the AI (except the harverster) left their own base and it becomes quite boring when the AI stays in base running around. Then we can start play testing it with AI.

Keep up the good work! :D


(P.S. Change the base lights to the standard model most of the maps use. Current one will be gone soon out of the City package since he won't make the cut)

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Thank you guys !

Goku, currently the version is playable on the public testing server, but the map is far from finished, the pathfinding of the collectors has some problems, and the pathfinding of the AI is not done yet, and still other things 😄

Thank you TK0104 for all this advices !  I will work on all its details :D



Great, please let me know when you think its at a stage that people can play it id love to put it on the FPI server for people to try.

  • 2 months later...
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Hey everyone ! Desolation is now in Beta 0.30 Version !

This Version is Playable.

What new in this version ? : so many things compared to the previous version.

Remove bases spotlight for classic spotlight, fps optimisation, Minimap, adding a lot of alive trees with
leaves particles effect for more Yellow Zone immersion. Fix lot of stuck/bug/glitch spot...

Special Thank to Madkyll for the Minimap and STANISLAV (no kill) for Optimisation tips. Statler88 and Limsup for testing.
Thank you to all the others who helped me.







Edited by Nexus51325
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This was the first map I played this evening and it mostly seems to have a very good look and feel, nice work. I was Nod faction so will only comment from this perspective. There's still a lot for me to explore, so I will come back and edit this as I play it more. I liked the small command centre cave I discovered, whether it would be used or not, I'm not sure.

I am wondering if the tunnel leading directly to the GDI power plant is too easily defensible by way of a camping MRLS? And does it need some X vehicle blockers in place so it's mainly defended by counter infantry rather than tanks. 

GDI seemed to have two very easily defensible choke points with little cover for enemy Nod tanks to use (someone else commented this), although my opinion of this might change once I've played both sides.

I don't personally like all that extra information included on the mini map graphic at the top and it's mostly just repeated info and a bit distracting when planning, we can see all of this information in game through the existing UI and people can easily see and learn how many turrets each team has. If there was some sort of dynamic display to say how many turrets were still alive/active, this might be different but I don't think you can do this with a fixed graphic.

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  • Totem Arts Staff
32 minutes ago, Highlink said:

Just wanted to give a heads up second time on this map I crashed from an out of memory error. First time was fine, not sure what the difference was.

Those will always happen randomly on 32-bit version of Renegade X. Make sure to select the 64-bit version found in the launcher settings (top right)

  • Thanks 1

Just wanted to give a heads up second time on this map I crashed from an out of memory error. First time was fine, not sure what the difference was.

I've been getting the same error recently, but I think it was already after this map was over, so I turned down my anti-aliasing settings, although in theory the Nvidia RTX 2080 is such a new card with 16gb, I'd thought not to need to do this to prevent that error, but I'll try ticking that 64 bit box I've just found.

  • Totem Arts Staff
23 hours ago, Mystic George said:

This was the first map I played this evening and it mostly seems to have a very good look and feel, nice work. I was Nod faction so will only comment from this perspective. There's still a lot for me to explore, so I will come back and edit this as I play it more. I liked the small command centre cave I discovered, whether it would be used or not, I'm not sure.

I am wondering if the tunnel leading directly to the GDI power plant is too easily defensible by way of a camping MRLS? And does it need some X vehicle blockers in place so it's mainly defended by counter infantry rather than tanks. 

GDI seemed to have two very easily defensible choke points with little cover for enemy Nod tanks to use (someone else commented this), although my opinion of this might change once I've played both sides.

I don't personally like all that extra information included on the mini map graphic at the top and it's mostly just repeated info and a bit distracting when planning, we can see all of this information in game through the existing UI and people can easily see and learn how many turrets each team has. If there was some sort of dynamic display to say how many turrets were still alive/active, this might be different but I don't think you can do this with a fixed graphic.

Thank you for your opinion ! im actually working on a second tank path, and on bases entrance !
Also Nod can camp tunnel with arty too, i don't think that is a problem because the 2 times when i played in 20 v 20 match, and 16v16 match, GDI Ref was destroyed by sneaky tech, so i think it's important to have mlrs and arty camping spot but maybe im wrong.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Finally had a chance to play this map with a decent server population 😃


I think it does play well. I think one thing that should be changed is the 2 crates on the main vehicle path. I think it should be moved to just 1 crate in the broken silo area. The multiple crates in the open can lead to too much of an advantage for whichever team holds the area.

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Posted (edited)

I just wanted to add, I've noticed there's a smaller vehicle path that sort of emerges for a short distance which hugs the central rock race, it, seems like a natural route for stealth tanks and other small tanks to take because it seems to prevent things like mammoth tanks or flame tanks using it due to being too narrow, I enjoy using this more difficult route for some reason, but it would be nice if this could be extended, perhaps raised further away from the lower ground level or defined more by things like well placed stumps, rocks or tiberium to distinguish it more as a less travelled route, but not a totally new second path in it's own right, if that makes sense.

I get a little annoyed at encountering so many random tree stumps in the central region travelling between each base in a vehicle, especially when it seems there ought to be plenty of space to move around and there's no obvious reason for them being there. It would be good if there were a few more earth mounds to provide cover from artillery shells and obelisk lasers, and probably ought to be the same on the GDI side. This area sort of feels like a no mans land, it would be cool if there were some models of dead soldiers also or something that indicated roughly where base defence ranges are.

There's a tree near the upper silo region where it's possible to get stuck on with an infantry character, and even when finally managing to seemingly free myself it kept trying to rubber band me and forced me to move at a snails pace, before getting sniped. It's the one nearest the Nod bridge from the higher path going around the back of the silo, sorry I didn't take a screen capture.

My impressions so far have been that people are enjoying the map and similar to X-Mountain teams are doing a good mixture of infantry rushes and tank sieges. If you continue to work on it I'm sure it could make a permanent addition to the map rotation. I see so many new maps get put out for a short period only to see them removed again, usually because of some bad criticisms, when all they need is some honest feedback and a map maker prepared to refine their creation. I'm getting tempted and encouraged to see if I can try making my own map now I have a higher spec PC.  

Edited by Mystic George
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Posted (edited)

Honestly, my first impressions of your map exceeded high expectations, even after brushing over it with a fine comb I still encourage everyone to vote for this map whenever it is on rotation, though as you know I do have my opinions (as many others do) about how it plays, there still seems to be a general consensus about what is not appreciated about this map and the consistency of these opinions does make a few things obvious to me.

I have only been playing ren X for about 5-6 months and I can tell you that bigger, strategic tank superiority maps aren't looked on with much favour. (Think of Outpost & Sunrise) and this has always baffled me since Old-ren was 95% about that long, endless vehicle grind. It seems to me, people like a map with an infantry element that I'd say is atleast 60-65% of the maps design focus, vehicular stalemates are something frowned upon.

When people play your map and grab a vehicle, they're immediately thrown into a very vast and open landscape full of strategic possibilities. This contrasts heavily with the smaller maps like field and walls, the goal is no longer about taking that mindless 10-15 second drive until you're knocking the enemies front door and holding them there, It's now about paying in blood for every metre of this vast battlefield you wish to claim for your team.  This, is more akin to what I've always found attractive about tank superiority maps, as you trade punches with vehicles, not structures. But as you can imagine that's rather stressful if you just want to get in a vehicle and camp the enemy base structures maybe after encountering a short and easily broken vehicle stalemate. 

So, I believe your initial design choice for vehicle warfare on this map is perfect (to me) as it brings back the strategic nature of tank superiority,  but to what I find as the general population of ren-x, it's not so favourable. It requires an enormous amount of think and thought and can grind on far too long with what seems like little progress. And along with this, even if a stalemate has a clear victor, base infiltration seems unbalanced from my experience. NOD can have great success with stealth rushes after a lockdown, owing mostly to the ineffectiveness of the AGT covering the respective field. 

In contrast, the obelisk does an exceptional job at covering NODs field, I think there is some minor difference in the map design of the two fields that aids that bias, but ultimately it's because AGT is more infantry focused. I recall the two turrets on the GDI base walls, but I can't recall whether NOD has any on their wall. (NOD shouldn't have any either way) The turrets are critical for making up the AGTs shortcomings, but the turrets have quite low health, exploitable blindspots, and they don't seem to repaired? perhaps they're not easily accessible? I wish I could test the map in skirmish to confirm that better, but it's food for thought.

So for vehicle warfare, it's going to be a hit or miss for some people, owing to perspectives of how the game should be played and what people want to do, irregardless of what changes you now make. (Though, there are changes to be made, as mine and I do like Mystics idea about that stealthy vehicle path)

Now when it comes to Infantry, a similar pattern is found. It's not a mosh-pit free for all, it's again bigger and more strategic, how good you are is not as relevant as where you are, so it makes for quite alot of sniping and stealth play. I can't really say I've heard any real negative feedback on any infantry element on this map,  though you know one my first major complaints was with the balance between infantry paths to NOD air and GDI Refinery.

In that I mean, NODs most valuable asset on this map is placed under no obelisk cover, not even a guard tower with very short distance to the terminal. Thinking about it more, the tunnel that leads to the airstrip is an incredible chokepoint, though for the early minutes of the map it is very common to have people kissing the terminal of the airstrip regularly, but again also if there is a fair armoured GDI thrust, purely because the distance from the chokepoint to the strip terminal is less than 5 seconds. 

To really balance out this, NOD has to be on their toes manning the tunnel exit and entrance. I feel as this level of vigilance pulls vehicles from the battlefield and prolongs stalemates, I think the air building needs to be further away and it would balance this out better. *MAYBE* allow the obelisk to cover the rest of the distance too, as the obelisk seldom will put a great dent in a large mass of infantry running a short distance.  Alternatively, keep the distance as it is now but allow obelisk cover.

Either way, something should be done to help NOD protect their most (or one of the most) valuable assets here. - As for the GDI tunnel, I do not think it needs any changes.


As for any specific changes to objects like rocks, terrain, etc I do not have any. I don't think you need worry about very fine details like that, the most realistic maps are very random and care-free, as the real world often is, forcing players to make their own interpretation of the things you lay down, where ever you see fit. Nobody likes a synthetic map. 

Anyway, I really appreciate your time & effort with this one, it's right up there alongside my favourite map. Which will forever be a secret :P


Edited by euan-missile
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  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Wow, thank you guys for opinions ! I taking notes ;)
all annoying tree stumps will be removed in the next version.

btw Mystic George if you want try sdk, Ren X have a community/modder help discord with really cool peoples !


Edited by Nexus51325
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  • Totem Arts Staff

Glad to hear GDI most likely paid for a professional stump removal service. ;)


Also, are there still plans to remove the Comms center? I think that would be a good idea. 

My other suggestion , but would need more testing. Is to rotate the Air Tower entrance on Nod to face towards the Obelisk, so it's not so easily infiltrated.

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  • Totem Arts Staff

Personally I feel the comm center is confusing to find and it add too much of an advantage to the team who has it (yes this is always the case but esp. on a map this size)

  • Totem Arts Staff
On 8/29/2019 at 4:38 AM, roweboat said:

Personally I feel the comm center is confusing to find and it add too much of an advantage to the team who has it (yes this is always the case but esp. on a map this size)

So the advantage goes to those who can hold off their opponents in infantry combat - the radar giving that distinct advantage of knowing where the incoming enemy infantry are? 

I'd just leave very few corners to hide behind near the Comm C. so there isn't as much a disadvantage for the opposition to take back control but - not my map so imma stfu

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  • Totem Arts Staff
On 9/9/2019 at 3:20 AM, Nexus51325 said:


Ahhh ahah, in Tiberian Sun the laser fences just block units, no damages, but i wanted something cool, so i put damages volume on them eheh 😛


Maybe you should also put a warning sign next to the lasers XD

  • Haha 2
  • Totem Arts Staff
Posted (edited)

Hey !

New version avaible 1.7

This version change 3 principal things...

AGT has been modified, the rocket is more faster, so AGT is more useful against tanks. (special thank to Cynthia for this mutator)

Destroyed Silos are now open to tanks.


GDI base entrance rock has been changed, it's more hard for Nod to hide behind it.


Fixing some stuck spots too...


Edited by Nexus51325
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3 horas atrás, Nexus51325 disse:

Ei !

Nova versão avaible 1,7

Esta mudança de versão 3 coisas principais ...

AGT foi modificado, o foguete é mais rápido, então AGT é mais útil contra tanques. (obrigado especial para Cynthia para este modificador)

Destruído Silos estão agora abertas para tanques.


GDI entrada base de rocha foi alterado, é mais difícil para Nod para esconder por trás dele.


Corrigindo alguns pontos presos também ...


Nice  Update!!

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  • 2 months later...

I enjoyed the laser fence, I got to close on my investigating it and was delightfully fired by my own bases defense! LOL I wish we saw more of them.

  • Haha 1
  • 2 weeks later...

pro tip @Ketchup ;) if you want visit a map, try that in testing server ( like T.-O. Custom Server ;)  ) or in solo mode :) you can use F5 god to become Terminator, F5 teleport to become a fkin op chrono soldier from RA2  scrin, F5 fly to.. fly like a fkin op rocket soldier from RA2  aaaaand F5 ghost to become a.. ghost. not a invisible ghost, but a simple ghost. :) 
you'll find many fun stuffs if you visit maps ;) i really enjoy to visit maps (and outside of maps hehe) and i like fly with planes like Terada 😜
  you will probably enjoy that hehe

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