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Tiberian Sun Recon Bike too strong

Eagle XI

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Don't forget that the Recon bike is a Tiberium Sun crate vehicle (unless you are on the AGN mutator server or playing Fort where they can be purchased) and as such is expected to be much stronger than their equivilant purchased counter parts.

All Tiberium sun vehicles are stronger in more than one way over their counterparts.

They are also much lower spawning than other crate types on most servers to balance the fact they can turn the tide of battle much easier.

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So far no one has pointed out recon bikes strongest perks, the ludicrous speed and tiny hitbox.

If you master driving it at full speed while at the same time firing at enemies in the opposite direction you have a godlike "hit and run" machine.
For max efficiency you would require to know pretty much every inch of every map, to be able to drive blindly so you can get in close enough, fire your rockets while at the same time making your way back to safety, before you get rekt.

All of that is purely skillbased, and such things should always be made possible even if exceeds other vehicles average performances.

It does have a quite decent damage output, but lesser range than a C&C dawn MLRS and Arty, and as mentioned its really squishy,
very hard to run people over with it to. So compared to other vehicles (especially Tiberian sun vehicles) i wouldn't call it OP at all based on stats and damage.
It does however have the potential to be the most skillbased vehicle ever in Renegade X in my opinion.
If only you could pop a wheelie with it xD

Edited by Syntharn
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Ah, noo, i wouldnt call it OP either.

11 hours ago, Sarah! said:

On AGN we decreased the damage for the recon bike from 50 to 44 (total clip dmg changed from 300 to 264), and increased to the reload time for 4 to 5.5. 

This is live as of now.

Not a fan of purchasable TS era vehicles as they are supposed to be rare.

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3 hours ago, Eagle XI said:


Not a fan of purchasable TS era vehicles as they are supposed to be rare.

I agree, the recon bike isn't that bad but the rest of the vehicles are to futuristic for me. Are they even balanced? I'm thinking of a titan rush with 10 titans..


The recon bike is fine as it is, one or two hits and it is destroyed. Also it's almost the cost of a med.

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On most maps / servers, as it was pointed out -- they are rare, special units that require 'luck'. Both teams have a fair chance to aquire one, and yes they are stronger than typical tanks. That is the whole point of them. In regards to the Recon bike, I strongly disagree. Strong? Yes, for sure - but as it was pointed out, that thing is made of paper - it makes the artillary look like a mammoth tank. A skilled player can pick it off with a marksman, if they have a good vantage point -- or even a havoc, heck even a humvee can kill this thing if you are careful.

Yes that thing is fast, but on most maps that isn't always a good thing -- as you zip and fly off into rocks. In my exerience hills / rock cover is where the recon bike shines but on the open field -- they are sitting ducks.

I honestly think the 'risk vs reward' is what makes the recon bike worth considering and honestly think they are fine as they are. The 'arc' doesn't always work to your advantage, as the rockets can and sometimes will fly off into a wall or rock (the snow tunnel is a great example of where recon bikes suck, rockets flying off into the wall) but you can get some good shots from an open field if you are careful.

They are a great counter to meds (if you keep your distance and avoid open areas) but any unit (even free ones) can really make life hard for a recon, if a patch or any other higher tier unit gets close to you you've lost.


Edited by TomUjain
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