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Pick Up Games (PUGs)


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Months ago the game was hanging on a cliff, but now with the new patches and fixes, the player base is improving itself. More and more people are playing ren. Give it time and keep it up with patches and fixes and we may have 3 full servers or even more.

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Surely better than last week!


Ok, this one wasn't better than last week :P

Nod gains point advantage in the early game and keeps it until the time runs over. No rushes work, keeping control of the tiberium field again proves to be crucial here.


Apparently no one on GDI called out a big apache rush that killed barracks and WF early on. After that a failed rocket rush by GDI and some pushing back-and-forth with vehicles, but this wasn't leading anywhere. GDI surrendered.

I do think Nod lucked out with that apache rush :P


Fun game. The first time I saw an early rocket rush by Nod and that a successful one - we killed refinery, but it cost us HoN. I would say this exchange favours Nod, but soon after we lost our ref (honestly I have no idea how 2 or more people managed to get there unnoticed). GDI finished it with style, gunners raining from the sky :D

There was also a 10-minutes-long game on GoldRush, where Nod managed to accumulate a rather big point lead, but the server crashed on this map again :( Shame.

Overall score 2-1, Nod winning 2/3 games and 20v20. Much better communication and more interesting games (and maps) than last week.

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I would say this exchange favours Nod, but soon after we lost our ref (honestly I have no idea how 2 or more people managed to get there unnoticed).

We did a 3-4 vehicle APC rush that slammed into the Nod barracde, whilst it was mostly stopped dead my APC still managed to crawl over the light tank blocking the way, the APC was soon destroyed but I managed to run to the tunnel without being pursued, switched sides underneath and started making my way past the destroyed Hand of Nod towards the Refinery. Apparently Kenz was doing the same thing. There were two people on Nod re-spawning with tunnel vision that should have seen us running past the Strip, but didn't. We planted C4 in the Ref which wasn't mined and the rest is history.

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Luckers :P

Nicely done, you two won that game for GDI.

They were lucky, but not I. I was the one supposed to watch all doors (on nod they are within eyesight of each other). I figured the ref to be the lowest threat, but the fact that it died killed us, and it's hard to explain why I didn't see it to people that blamed me when it died.

It was a good game, I just don't know how I didn't see it from behind the PP, I can see PP, Air, and Ref doors. Unless they walked in the front, which I assumed to be too trivial to check. Meh.

I prefer to just take it to experience, with what B0ng said, about "investing too heavily into a rush". I ALWAYS officer or marksman at game start, I heard rocket rush and was all aboard, but I SHOULD HAVE officered up anyway that game to defend in absence of the team. Always need 2 to deviate from plan, so when you gather rocket soldiers they escort with chaingunner or tech, and we didn't do that this time. GG.

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I can get a server online, though I'll likely be sleeping through this due to spending far too much time watching anime and hunting memory leaks :S

I'll see if anybody is interested in operating the server for the day (if not, I might look into acquiring a large volume of Dr. Pepper).

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Or Reborn

Old school renegade is hard to play after playing a version rid of sniper and technician only style gameplay.

Reborn however, I personally am a fan of W3DHub but it looks like we are likely going to end up with Ren-X, either mid-size organized game, or a pub with 2 split up teams playing within it.

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There will be people on Renegade-X today. That is the most we can promise. Worse case scenario, pick 8 guys whose name you recognize in Teamspeak, join a public server all on the same team, and play against 8 other guys in Teamspeak who are on the other team. If we would do this everyday, we'd have a PUG everyday.

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So there was like 12 of us and we ended up joining the public marathon server and playing in different teams together with random people. It was fun, much easier to sneak in/rush than normally on PUGs, so some cool stuff happened (like me and DeViTTo killing 3 buildings with humvee/APC rushes on Volcano).

Hopefully next week will be back to normal though :)

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What we did play, unofficially and only semi-organized:

Walls: Was Nod. Lost PP Early. Rest of game fell apart slowly around that.

Canyon Night: Was Nod. Lost Ref early. Rest of game fell apart slowly around that.

Volcano: Was Nod. Lost PP early. Somehow. Again. Started raging at this point. It wasn't like we weren't making any good attacks, but c'mon...

Under: Was N̶o̶d̶ fuck that I switched to GDI. I knew where that map was headed, and it didn't disappoint. GDI destroyed PP probably when meds and mammies aggro'd Obby, then the next wave did it's thang...

XMountain: Was G̶D̶I̶ Nod because GDI had Vertiso and Quinc3y. Honestly, would have been more use if I sat in back of base as SBH just watching, but I didn't, and we lost ref, but they did lose ref or pp too just when I was leaving (had a house to clean anyway so that was gg for me), donated my money to JediKnight and moved on.

It was... honestly bad even for a few-guys versus a few-guys, but I was of no authority to rebalance teams later, so I left rather than try. Usually, rather than join a stomp, I play against one, and usually whether it lasts well or not, after a few games I am usually done with that, so IDK what to say about that.

Xept that I should expand Under's tunnels, and we should slap that mofo right into the rotation. Otherwise, we might as well made GDI a 40 man team, put bots on Nod, and let the fastest man boost his leaderboard score with that map, just so we can end it fast, nobody is fighting a futile fight, and we can move on...

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Wasn't much better than last time, and this can't be good for my condition, so I called it an early day on it. If next weeks looks more like a PUG than a Dachshund I might join, otherwise I might take vacation instead.

P.S. 2nd map is already half a base destroyed and it's literally 19 minutes into the PUG, in case you were questioning the "why". So if you need a visual, it felt kinda like this...


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Ok Tony, maybe use a normal font so my eyes wont burn out...?

I didn't make it cause I wasn't sure it the PUG would be on. Would be good if we can 'guarantee' it to happen, otherwise I have plenty of stuff to do. Would love to play though..

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