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It nearly did get cancelled, fortunately Agent managed to pull through and set up a server for us.

Was kinda awkward to get used to the Team Swapping commands, but by game 2, was fairly good at it.

In terms of organisation out of game, was quite poor, but in-game was reasonable, if only unable to handle the enemy team that well.

Lakeside was Team Tony's time to shine :P

Was fun, but definately needed to be set up more in advance rather than 40 minutes of set-up needed to get the commands and teams sorted.

  DoctorB0NG said:
So is 5.15 gonna be released before this week's PUG? I'm sick of the same old maps. Who else is with me?

It needs to be released today then. If tomorrow, people will be unable to update in time. They get on 2 hours before the PUG, and see an update, depending on their setup it is 3 hours later before it's ready to join.


Now this, was an ACA/AKC Pedigree PUG we had today. Losing or winning didn't feel like rigged doom this week. A lot of highly volatile games too. Great stuff. Quinc3y is going to have a Cnc_FieldDay reciting the tales of glory from this week.

  Quincy said:
  YagiHige said:
Quinc3y is going to have a Cnc_FieldDay reciting the tales of glory from this week.

What do you mean? :D I missed this PUG unfortunately :(

Dafuq? Okay... let me try...

Walls: Nod breathed life into it's first harvester. Not really any further ones beyond that. Took a hellova beating from GDI tanks that kept a 10/10 force the entire game. 6 minutes from the end, with no hope in sight, Nod organizes a nuke alongside a stealth tank rush, then a flame rush alongside another nuke, and eventually claims 3 structures at once. The last one falls, 27 seconds before map-time, resulting in a win for Nod by base destruction.

Unknown Map: Update when someone reminds me, have a headache.

Field: GDI controlled field 4/5 of the game. Nod contested field, using very unpredictable infantry slams onto buildings few and far between. Dinged Barracks with Mendoza the first time. 10 minutes later, finished it off. Damaged WF once. Since field was GDI all game, score was GDI all game. 4 minutes until the end, rash rushes by Nod trying to make up a point deficit, allowed GDI a beacon nobody responded to, killing Obby 1 minute from end. GDI wins by score. Make note, were it 5.15 score, Nod would have had score lead after Bar kill and would have been less desperate and would have won.

  yosh56 said:
  LavaDr4gon said:
For Field:

"If it was marathon we would win"

And then the Obby exploded. I believe you should retract your statement.

Generally, it makes sense than a team would not be as desperate to flock entirely from base leaving it completely undefended, if it were not at the 3 minute time with 4k score loss.

Would your strategy be different on Field if it were 3 minutes with 4k score loss, compared to 3 minutes with 2k score advantage, or 4k score loss on marathon? I trust your integrity not to pass that very real question aside. Even you would have abandoned base for attack in the prior situation, while you would have fought a longer war of attrition and defense in the latter situation.

  • Totem Arts Staff

There MAY be a patch before this week's PUG. That... or everybody's going to be too scared to get out of their vehicles.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  Glacious said:
haha need to save that as a sound clip :P Everytime a gun jams in game " I CAN'T SHOOOT!"

Seriously... I would add that in a patch

  • Moderator

Not a bad PUG imo :) New maps finally!

Grassy Knoll

I've played this map quite a few times on public servers and it was almost always the same - GDI dominating the game all the way. I expected the same here, but suprisingly it went different. Early arty spam worked well for Nod and we managed to destroy the key structure for GDI on this map, the guard tower. After that I lucked out a little and killed GDI ref with stank + tech and it was practically game over.

GoldRush(the new version)

Very easy for GDI. Obelisk falls to vehicle mass (wasn't even a rush, just not enough repairs on the key structure...), soon after that Nod ref goes down and they surrender. I don't know where team Nod was the whole game really, did not see any effort from them.


Intense game. No buildings are destroyed and GDI wins with a few hundred points only. It looked good for Nod in the beginning, we had a 1,5k point lead and barracks was down to 30 health so it seemed like an easy target for stanks. But GDI was organized, started massing meds and was defending bar very well. The deciding moment imo was the raveshaw rush in the last minutes. It was close to succeeding and if it killed barracks, Nod would have won on points. The 2 solo nukes didn't help us with points either.

I liked how the new pointing system worked on this map. I'm sure that with the old way of giving points for damaging building armor, Nod would have won easily with the amount of arty spam on WF we had. But the new system is more fair and it reflects the advantage in field better.


No big story with this game, another easy win for GDI. Tank mass that Nod cannot counter leads to losing building after building. Well yeah, this one also looks like a GDI map in my experience.


Early APC kills the not-yet-mined Nod refinery and it's game over. We really should have spotted and countered that APC ealier and not when it was already parking at the door to our ref.

20v20 mostly, team Bong wins 3-2, GDI wins 4 out of 5 games. It was fun on our side!

  Quincy said:
GoldRush(the new version)

Very easy for GDI. Obelisk falls to vehicle mass (wasn't even a rush, just not enough repairs on the key structure...), ...

I think Bananas was in the Ob or atleast in our base. I was one of the engies trying to get in to rep it and died together with other engies to Bananas C4 i think. Whatever it was it was some sneaky intruding, not just vehs powering it down.

  Quincy said:
GDI was constant afk repairing bar very well.

Aye. We hit it by surprise at least 4 times, and didn't even scratch the armor because at least 2 hotwires were repairing it before we even fired. As lol-tastic as that is, it still burns me that hotwires have the manpower and repair power to get away with this.

If I were on that team, and bar was at 30, I too could eat a hot pocket and "startfire 0" the mct while keeping an eye on door mines and watching anime on another screen. Sorry but this really chafes at me a bit.


Meh, a bit of an average PUG. I was only in the first three matches before I had to go. Last week's PUG set a high standard.

Our team's communication was a bit of a clusterfuck in the first two matches. GrassyKnoll we lost the Ref due to no one noticing the mines going down, and even after we lost it no one sorted the mines out for another five mins. Goldrush was really bad, people came up with plans but we didn't do anything, eventually we got overwhelmed. Too much dithering and people talking over each other, GDI did really well however.

Complex was better from us, a really close game and we defended/worked together well. A lot of Nod rushes, I was really surprised the Barracks didn't go down!

So yeah a bit mixed. Hopefully next time the team chat is a bit more clearer and we're more decisive.

Posted (edited)

I think only the last game 'our' team started to work together. The first 3 rounds there was almost no teamwork. GrassyKnoll was a sad loss, cause we decided to defend the turret at all costs in order to not be overrun by SBH's. As soon as the FIRST attack happened the turret went down without anyone taking care of it, while this was 'our main' plan.

Goldrush: no clue what happened here, we didn't organize any attack. I know that at one point we 'organized' a flamerush and as soon as we left, I watched behind me and I was alone. Most of us didn't know the map since the changes and we were afraid Bananas would use his knowledge of the map to change the outcome, which he did. Also we agreed to have someone guarding the bridge at all times, but nobody did.

Tomb: me and Freak(not sure, but I guess?) Managed to get to the ref early in the game and damaged it a bit, but not enough. Later Tony and I went with stanks from the back of the base to theirs, only to see a big group of meds leaving GDI's base. We spotted them before they were even close to our base, again nobody responded till they were inside our base and killing it. This game was the worst, cause every time someone called for help people tended to ignore it above anything else....

Complex: we won by points, but also by getting lucky a bit. AFK's all game, a player down in numbers, someone Ioning the strip but not being on TS and not responding... Other players not on TS. A few moments where people asked for help cause they were damaging a building (Kenz and Machette had meds at the ref) and nobody responded... We had so many chances, but managed to get one planned rush (with mammies) going at the end of the game. This was the only time I'dd see more than 5 people working together. But during the rush the first mammy decided to drive backwards, so we lost all mammies cause they got r*ped by arties...

Canyon: finally some good teamwork, maybe also cause some people left...? Orders:"If you spawn here (ref) you defend the tunnels. If you start at the bar / wf you go for their harv + silo." People listened and, surprise, coordination works... Later on the plan was meds + repairs which also everybody did. Really the first time it felt like we were playing a PUG instead of a pub. Meds got repaired well, someone brought a beacon in and the person got cover well, than the beacon received the same coverage and in minutes they lost. The early APC rush also helped ofc!

Edited by Guest
  Ryz said:
and in minutes we lost.

I'm pretty sure we won that round.

Also the function-by-spawn (your role depending on which building you appear inside) has been good practice and almost standard for many PUGs now.

If people don't listen or are incapable of reasoning, that's different issue.

Thing with communication is that we have single channel, so it's very important for all participants to provide information as efficiently as possible. Talking over each other is something I find annoying as fuck.

Also I would permaban anyone who AFKs during PUG for more than a minute.

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