Ryz Posted December 7, 2015 Posted December 7, 2015 What would be cool is that Nod has an alternative road on some maps to exit the base (drive from a hill example). This would make stankrushes possible, now if GDI camps the front with meds it's GG. On Walls this is possible, but on this map the front of the base is almost never camped...
boxes Posted December 7, 2015 Posted December 7, 2015 Correct me if I am wrong, but light armor was never nerfed, and was semi-buffed at times against sniper fire and small arms fire. I should have said PIC/Railgun buff against light armor. Dealing 100 damage per shot is huge (85 before), but that's not really a serious problem, if at all. However, artillery is very effectively a game-winner on whiteout and Complex when a team uses them right, especially if a team masses them and holds off an equal enemy force, and then proceeds to do what GDI med tanks do while planting beacons that can be defended with the arties. Yeah I don't agree about artillery. We moved to the right flank early game to damage PP but didn't kill it. Than we targeted a building for a while till everybody came to repair to it and after it we killed the PP. Worked great with 4 arties... My main problem is how the arty projectile behaves when shooting at higher elevations. Lets say, on whiteout, a med is on top of the hill peek-shooting you as an arty. When you fight back, almost 9/10 times your shot is going to miss. It'll either fly over the med because of its low profile when you try to compensate for the arcing behavior or it'll land too short and hit the hill when you're aiming directly at it, because the projectile initially goes straight at the med, and slowly dips down. Or when you're fighting a med in an mid-long alley, the arty is going to have a far tougher time actually landing shots if the med is constantly moving around or hiding behind cover because of how slow the projectile moves. Pounding buildings is and has always been the one thing Artys do best. When it comes to providing firepower in the field, it does its job in certain occasions, like countering a mammy train or fighting tanks in close quarters with techs, but the farther away the arty gets, the more difficult it becomes for them to do their job (against tanks) especially now with their slow shots and the longer range meds+mammys. Meds can take them on quite well mid range especially if they take advantage of the terrain elevations, and in long range, MRLS does the "artillery" job far better in the field. This is basically why it's so much harder for Nod to take and hold the field in Field for example. I think Artys need either a straight line shot or faster projectiles. Having a straight shot will not allow them to pound buildings in "dumb" spots anymore, like hitting WF from the silo in Xmountain or hitting the Ref from the middle hill on Lakeside. In return, artys in the field can now provide more consistent damage and no longer have to work 10x as hard as a med to land their shots. Are mutators able to tweak damage/armor/hp/bullet speed/etc?Perhaps you could make a mutator designated for pugs and make the future tweaks for the pub ( since that is the main playtime of Renegadex) and just add the mutator each time we pug with its own tweaks that are better for the pug. If the mutator is impossible maybe just add more customization to the game - server side (that would do same thing that is mentioned on the mutator above) Short of the idea: make the changes based on the pub games and just add a mutator /settings that has(have) its(their) own tweaks based on pug games. Not really necessary. When I'm playing Ren, I want to play Ren, not "pub Ren" or "pug Ren".
RoundShades Posted December 7, 2015 Posted December 7, 2015 My main problem is how the arty projectile behaves when shooting and higher elevations. Lets say, on whiteout, a med is on top of the hill peek-shooting you as an arty. When you fight back, almost 9/10 times your shot is going to miss. It'll either fly over the med because of its low profile when you try to compensate for the arcing behavior or it'll land too short and hit the hill when you're aiming directly at it, because the projectile initially goes straight at the med, and slowly dips down. I just had a decent idea. Make arties able to straight-shot, since they ARE important to Nod bread-and-butter much like Meds are to GDI (i'd rather not have to nerf one when we can make the other work better). What you do is, make the Alt-Fire of the arty the arc-shot. You can even possibly make it even SLOWER so it arcs BETTER, as long as the curve isn't sufficient to base-to-base (in that regard, one straight-shot and one current-arc would be night). I like your idea to go even deeper with the idea of Nod being elite infantry and GDI being elite tanks .Buff up the LCG / Raveshaws / rocketmen? to be more resilient against tanks . I think the LCG is doing ok dmg against the tanks at this point but the downside is , as BroTranquilty said the low surviability of them against tanks. LCG could make the perfect defender/answer to meds rush to be honest. It would be nice if anti-tank infantry were tougher against explosions, even if they were slower to compensate. This isn't even my idea to claim credit for, but it is a good idea that I support. Super-Kh":fzs9iet7]also another note : stanks are becoming more harder to control when steering (or should I say sliding ? ) because it doesn't feel like it has treads instead it feels more like skating on ice and it's hard to avoid inf or even run over them Solution: Release the Shift Key... What would be cool is that Nod has an alternative road on some maps to exit the base (drive from a hill example). This would make stankrushes possible, now if GDI camps the front with meds it's GG. On Walls this is possible, but on this map the front of the base is almost never camped... Complex is a map that stanks shine on. Rarely does GDI own literally every square inch of the center to not allow stanks by, given the 4 paths stanks can get by. If maps like Field had this, it would be nice, but it might not ever happen with EVERY map.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted December 8, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted December 8, 2015 On a side note, I plan on making another batch of videos, some of which will be from this past PUG. Namely that arty-party though.
Radeon3 Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 Solution: Release the Shift Key... Speaking of the „Shift” feature, what is the reason this exist for vehicles? To this day I can’t decide whether this got applied to vehicles by accident or this was planned at the the first place. There’s no documentation (keybinds, loading screen, pop up message) about this and only a few of the new players discover this by accident.
Agent Posted December 9, 2015 Posted December 9, 2015 Speaking of the „Shift” feature, what is the reason this exist for vehicles? To this day I can’t decide whether this got applied to vehicles by accident or this was planned at the the first place.There’s no documentation (keybinds, loading screen, pop up message) about this and only a few of the new players discover this by accident. This was intentionally added back in Phase 2 beta testing (closed beta 9, for those curious).
RypeL Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 Why was it added ? From my understanding the idea came from Battlefield. There you also have a vehicle boost, though a limited one i think. BF was used as a source of inspiration and this feature was one of the things that Havoc89 really wanted from BF. I never was a fan of it but generally players seemed to have adopted it quite well as i rarely saw someone complaining about it. So it must have some value and i can see how different speed options (basically different gears) for a vehicle can be nice. Just wish there would be a way to do that without having to hold down shift.
Ryz Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 Shit, shit, shit, can't be there. Will try to sneak away from family party...
RoundShades Posted December 10, 2015 Posted December 10, 2015 Why was it added ? From my understanding the idea came from Battlefield. There you also have a vehicle boost, though a limited one i think. To be fair, Planetside 2 also has this, and is also unlimited. I believe it is "easier to stumble upon and see the effects" in PS2 than RenX, but idk why that matters. What would make it more apparent, is to have the "sprint/stamina-bar" pop up when you press shift in a vehicle, so you know it's doing "something". I would imagine the instant solution to this code-wise would be to make a tank use stamina but it either be 0 or a 0.1 amount of it, whatever makes the icon pop up. What might make it more useful, on top of what it already does, is if it made vehicle acceleration/deceleration quicker so you could use it to dodge shells when driving forward-back. Maybe if you add this, make it actually cost stamina (but again, even if it doesn't use stamina, that little icon popping up if you press shift while in-vehicle would at least tell the player that it is "doing something")
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted December 12, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted December 12, 2015 Last I checked this wasn't a thread to discuss any of that... it was a tread for me to say ROLL CALL!........ very very late
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted December 12, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 12, 2015 ill be there
DoctorB0NG Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 B...b...but 7 Days to Die A13 might be out tomorrow.
Ryz Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 No No Ryz Stay, its fine Maybe for you, but not for me. Next week is another weekend of parties, so won't make it this and next week. Anyways have fun!
SMayhew Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Won't be there tonight unfortunately. I'll probably be on after it, but sadly I'm busy in the evening.
Totem Arts Staff LavaDr4gon Posted December 12, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 12, 2015 Amazing PUG. From mobiuses finishing the game to gunners raining from the sky, this is why PUG exists.
Agent Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Another very pleasurable PUG, and likely the closest game of Islands I've ever played. Good plays all around.
Xtractor Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 This is how Bad we Hit Nod on island :=)))
boxes Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Islands: GDI down 5k points, 2 minutes left, full bases. GDI wins by building destruction from clutch Ion and mobius swarm Mountain: Yosh switched the teams mid game and we got 7 free med tanks, restarted. SBH rush destroys GDI ref early game, GDI crumbled and died. Complex: Nod inf rush through tunns, GDI inf rush through sides. Bar vs Strip, strip wins Volcano: Nod pounded early game, but holds onto all buildings. SBH rush on bar mid game saves the day and GDI gets overwhelmed and died Walls: Hummer rush takes down ref, Nod crumbled and died, but in a more exciting fashion (raining gunners). Loved this pug, first one where Nod finally won more than GDI.
Moderator Quinc3y Posted December 12, 2015 Moderator Posted December 12, 2015 Yeah it was amazing Islands The starting rocket rush by Nod was one of the biggest fails I saw in PUGs (no offence ). After that it was standard Islands, meds & mrls vs. arties & flamers, the score was even. But with 15 minutes until the end Nod took initiative and accumulated a 5k point lead. GDI couldn't push the Nod army back. And with 2 minutes till the end of game, when it looked like nothing can happen anymore, GDI decided for a Mobius rush. I think 15 mobiuses with 2 Ions destroyed the whole Nod base in the last seconds of the game, meanwhile Nod killed our Ref and Bar. Respect to those 5 GDI players that actually defended the base alone. What a finish and what a turnaround!!! Before we rushed with the mobiuses we knew that we will have to destroy whole Nod's base to win and we actually managed to do it. XMountain Not as intensive or interesting. The beginning was the key, GDI massed tanks while Nod went SBH C4. GDI was stopped and the SBHs managed to kill Ref. Nod's tanks finished the job, GDI was struggling to defend without credits. Complex Once again the beginning was the key. Great rush by Nod leading to exchanging WF for HoN won the game for them. GDI without meds doesn't exist on this map. Volcano A lot of action! GDI was dominating for the bigger part of the game. After 20 minutes GDI had a big point lead and Nod was lucky not to lose any buildings - it looked bad for us. So we decided to give a squad of SBHs a chance and they took the barracks down. With no hotty repairs it was much easier to gain control of the field and GDI was slowly crushed by vehicles. Walls Easy win for GDI. 3 humvees packed with engineers destroyed Nod refinery in the early game, which actually meant game over for Nod, that was pushed to defense for the rest of the game. Soon after Nod base was overrun with GDI meds, orcas and gunners jumping from chinooks Good fun. Team Bong won 4-1 and we saw Nod win 3 games, so that's a positive. Overall great PUG.
Xtractor Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Tap myselft on the back for saving buildings In Volcano Had to stay tech inbase most of the time running around to each Buildings repairing and stuff ..GDI was very strong I didnt see the rainning gunners ..but I saw something similar once and its very cool to see all these parachutes
testman Posted December 12, 2015 Posted December 12, 2015 Still waiting for video and/or screenshots of parachuting Gunners.
Glacious Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 Sadly I don't think anyone actually managed to get a recording of it Sad times, I plan to record every PUG from now on, got it all setup after the PUG so good to go for next week.
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted December 13, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 13, 2015 nope ... shadow play seems to be a pile of steaming shit lately
RoundShades Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 Aww But I do like your pic Kenz3001, I am sort of glad to see you brought it back out this year.
Xtractor Posted December 13, 2015 Posted December 13, 2015 This is NOT from the PUG ,But from a past game ,to show you how cool is rush Parachuting Note cant figured out how to post a Ytube other than by a link
RoundShades Posted December 14, 2015 Posted December 14, 2015 No, it worked a lot better in the pug. It was like 4 transport helis with 4 gunners each, just raining rockets unto the base.
Glacious Posted December 14, 2015 Posted December 14, 2015 If felt so good being one of the gunners and it actually working
Xtractor Posted December 14, 2015 Posted December 14, 2015 If felt so good being one of the gunners and it actually working No, it worked a lot better in the pug. It was like 4 transport helis with 4 gunners each, just raining rockets unto the base. yeah should had been a blast to see ,to bad I wasn't there to see ,I would had taken SS
Xtractor Posted December 14, 2015 Posted December 14, 2015 Oh Cool you recorded it ..best ending ever
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted December 14, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 14, 2015 only one that was recorded
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted December 19, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 19, 2015 yes and hopully i think i sorted my shadow play out
Totem Arts Staff LavaDr4gon Posted December 19, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 19, 2015 If a certain someone activates something called "recorddemo" maybe I can join.
DoctorB0NG Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 If a certain someone activates something called "recorddemo" maybe I can join. Was this directed at me?
SMayhew Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 I'll be there tonight, I think my internet is fixed too! (well, for now) Seems I missed a pretty decent PUG last weekend, so I apologise in advance if my presence means this one is terrible.
Xtractor Posted December 19, 2015 Posted December 19, 2015 (PUG) GDI saving their AGT sneaky1.jpg[/attachment]
Moderator Quinc3y Posted December 19, 2015 Moderator Posted December 19, 2015 Walls Bad game, Nod pushed to defense from the very first second and crushed by GDI. Islands Pretty much the same as Walls, just replace GDI with Nod. Unlike last week GDI couldn't Mobius rush in the last seconds, because we lost barracks before. Time victory for Nod. Whiteout Standard arty party leading to slow destruction of GDI base. Barracks go down first, after that GDI tries to APC rush, but doesn't leave enough people defending and loses all the other buildings. Also should have probably gone orcas instead of APCs. Volcano The beginning looked similar to Walls and Islands, team Bong playing Nod and dominating the game with vehicles. WF goes down early, but GDI still manages to defend itself after the loss of the key building. Then at the same time Nod flame rushed and GDI infantry rushed. Airstrip and Nod ref go down in exchange for barracks and GDI PP. Nod defended for the rest of the game, keeping a comfortable point lead and winning on time. Mesa My first PUG game on this map and the best game of this evening. Beginning looked promising for Nod, who spammed arties at silo side and gained a decent point lead, but then Vertiso sneaked in and killed HoN. Shortly after, Nod stank rushed and destroyed GDI ref, which was followed by a counter attack from team Bong that killed the Nod ref. Since then both teams had problems with credits, but GDI was controlling the game and had a 4k point lead. With 5 minutes till the end of map, when it seemed like nothing can be done anymore, Nod amassed arties and killed AGT, barracks and PP in like 2 minutes and won on points. Really a lot of action for a game where both teams had limited credits. I was the only tech in my team for almost the whole game and was all the time busy repairing / remining after all those sneaking hotties. Overall decent games (at least the last 2), team Bong won 3-2 and Nod won 4 out of 5 games (wow). Also a lot of people, 40/40 most of the time.
Xtractor Posted December 20, 2015 Posted December 20, 2015 3:35 video^^ Wall: Nod side ..Good action sequence ^^at Nod Entrance ..Until HoN get destroyed
RoundShades Posted December 20, 2015 Posted December 20, 2015 Wait? Really? GDI DID LOSE MESA! Haha, I was just bantering to Bananas when B0ng bitched me out about "gloating" when I wasn't, so I left and the teams were a little uneven. That was when GDI lost Ref. So since me opting out left the player gap, I feel that the real winner of Mesa wasn't Nod, it was Me But enough busting chops, because practically the same and opposite thing happened to me in the CT AOW while I was waiting to first get in, since I got in on Islands End. I was in CT AOW, on Canyon, and there was a player gap, so I switched to fill it, just for everyone else to switch suddenly to Nod and slam us despite a dead Airstrip. Anyway, the REAL winner, was all of us, because we got to play MesaII and it turned out to be the most fun match of the week's PUG all despite Yosh's usual hesitation to give the map a try. What did everyone else think of playing Mesa for a change? It was my favorite of the first open beta TBH, watching TheGunRunn play it on stream with the Devs.
boxes Posted December 20, 2015 Posted December 20, 2015 There isn't much strategy in mesa besides controlling the hills and slamming the refs while having one person camp the tunnels.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted December 20, 2015 Author Totem Arts Staff Posted December 20, 2015 Eh Mesa was actually a pretty good match though. A lot of fear came from that Rocket rush in the beginning, and it's sad how much damage it did considering it got called out before it left your base.
RoundShades Posted December 20, 2015 Posted December 20, 2015 Eh Mesa was actually a pretty good match though. A lot of fear came from that Rocket rush in the beginning, and it's sad how much damage it did considering it got called out before it left your base. It was the short path, and only 3 of us actually were on the short path to intercept. I headshot-spammed but dropped 4 of them to low health without killing any 1 in the first clip.
SMayhew Posted December 20, 2015 Posted December 20, 2015 It was a good PUG overall, aside the first two games in which we were disorganised, but it got better in the final three and there were good ones. The unorganised rush from our Ref on Volcano was one of my favourite moments on Ren. However I felt the teams were unbalanced if I'm honest, not anyone's fault it was just how the teams were when we were all ready. But it was pretty frustrating (not meaning to offend anyone!). Still it was a good PUG in the end despite that, good fun.
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted December 20, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 20, 2015 first game of the last PUG
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted December 22, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted December 22, 2015 islands was a good game
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