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Posted (edited)

To make it easier to find maps and their status I created this topic. The idea is that the maps are removed from this topic when they are released, so I will just update the main post.


No topic, never released map by developers

Status: 30% done according to HappyConscript, but he was no time to work on it



Status: almost finished? needs testing!



Status: WIP



Status: WIP



Status: Unknown


Status: almost done, needs finetuning. 



Status: Unknown



Status: unfinished, probaly done in september

Woods small


Status: needs testing



Status: Almost finished, needs (more) testing!

Kenz tutorial map / Beachhead?

viewtopic.php?f=135&t=74590 (cannot find other topic)

Status: almost done? Needs testing and optimizations?



Status: finished, needs testing



Status: unfinished / very basic concept



Status: unfinished, but (maybe) testable



Status: basics done, needs testing

Pitch Black

https://renegade-x.com/forums/viewtopic ... 35&t=76233

Status: WIP



Status: basic concept, needs more work



Status: abandoned



Status: In progress!



Status: basic concept, needs work!



Status: unfinished, abandoned?



Status: unfinished, abandoned?

Deth Rock


Status: unfinished, abandoned?



Status: unknown?



Status: basic concept? needs more work?

C&C Dead End


Status: abandoned?

Hallstat Bay


Status: abandoned?



Status: abandoned?



Status: not usable for normal games

Coastal Small


Status: On Hold



Status: canceled


Status: wip


Status: wip


Status: wip


Status: wip

Plz feel free to add maps which are missing (in your opinion) or update the status of a map.

Edited by Ryz
  • Like 1
Alaska: Not Ababdonned ..its just is my first map so ..very slow + working on and off..been few months un touch now

Thx for the reply, will update the main post. That's why it said abandoned?

Artic Stronghold


Status: Finished



Status: not being worked on, abandoned

Gobi Redux


Status: abandoned

Another Gobi is made by developers (me) is in patchnotes 5.2

Updated those :) I knew about the map Gobi, but not who made it. Dakuja also has a version...

Hopefully we can remove some maps from the list soon so they can be played :)

  • Totem Arts Staff

Say Ruud why u never announced Gobi Redux? Doesn't matter really, I was thrilled when a brand new map was going to be added.

Status on my maps:


Yeah basics are done. I can't go any further without testing.


Still WIP, but is quit messed up, so I need to re-flash out the map and for balance


More WIP where I post more info soon

Training Yard

Probably will only have bugs from now on, because it's been changed a lot


I only need to find a modeler who can re-make the tomb mesh cause the current one is converted out of the original map


Think this map is quite good balanced to add in the game. But needs more testing

Posted (edited)

I am off for another day and will update the list soon Thommy. Why Ruud never announced? Guess what you mentioned. Sometimes People need to be surprised!

Edit: lot of typos since posted on mobile phone.

Edited by Guest

@Thommy, added river with the topic related to it, didnt change Headlands. The other maps aren't added cause they are (in one form or another) stock maps now.

So what about testing some of these maps. For example tonight? If we can get a small the test City at least and maybe add some more maps to the roster...?

  • Totem Arts Staff

Today is no problem. If the test server is online I can post a message at the testing session forum and see how many are in

But we can also wait till Saturday and do the test session 1 hour before PUG


Does anyone have a preview from Daybreak btw? I once received a overview screenshot, but that's about it I know about the map. And rumours that it was / is close to finish. Haven't heard anything for like 6 months about this...

  • Totem Arts Staff

When you say Coastal, are you referring to both incarnation or just the overly gigantic one?

Chasm is not nearly finished. More like being put on-hold until I can get more motivation to play RenX and make maps again

When you say Coastal, are you referring to both incarnation or just the overly gigantic one?

Splitted this in two, what's the status of the small one?

Chasm is not nearly finished. More like being put on-hold until I can get more motivation to play RenX and make maps again

What can we do to motivate you to at least finish the map so I can make my list shorter!



Status Almost finished? Needs testing

Ahah don't be daft, there's work to does.

*Work in progress/insistent testing.

Updated it!

  • Totem Arts Staff

Unless there's a demand for death match or carnage club I won't be working on it. I am currently putting a lot of work into Frost. I am going to rename it since I didn't see there was a map named Frostbite.

  • Totem Arts Staff
When you say Coastal, are you referring to both incarnation or just the overly gigantic one?

Splitted this in two, what's the status of the small one?

Almost done, I guess. Just the matter of keeping two bases balanced while still asymmetrical

Oh, and possible cliff blockings. Don't want those APC and buggies climbing up places they're not supposed to reach

Chasm is not nearly finished. More like being put on-hold until I can get more motivation to play RenX and make maps again

What can we do to motivate you to at least finish the map so I can make my list shorter!

I'll get there, don't worry. Just the matter of net speed and limited quota



Status: unfinished, abandoned?

yes, for the time being I had to abandon the project, but I uploaded the unfinished WIP for everyone to check it out...

I don't know if and when I might find the time to take it up again, but I was thinking that in such case I might give it a complete overhaul, possibly starting from the scratch with a proper layout/concept and to-do list.

Maybe switching from the current barren environment to a frozen base, snowy blizzard (TS reference) - yet we already have a bunch of snow maps...

  • Totem Arts Staff

Beach head............. Well it was never meant to be releaced as a playable map... That said..... Ive just got marryed i got a baby on the way my priorities have changed big time... But the map will come our one day might even have somthing new with it... Why not give up some of your time to make a map?


We heard Kenz, Family first, than your Ren-X family. Good luck with the child and hope to see your map soon!

  • 2 weeks later...

Updated the topic:

- removed Fort due to be released soon

- removed Paradise since developer considers it done (and it can be downloaded)

- added update about Daybreak

- added Woods small

- updated status tunnels

- updated status woodsv2

  • Totem Arts Staff

Some 'Update' for my Maps:

Sandycrush is gone - it was just a Test, i don't like it anymore because ... things! and throw it on the ground.

- Status: Canceled

Glasses - Is 99% done, still need some Tests (if possible, cause more eyes see more.)

Got some Issue with the EndGameCamera and still had to made an Minimap.

Some 'Update' for my Maps:

Sandycrush is gone - it was just a Test, i don't like it anymore because ... things! and throw it on the ground.

- Status: Canceled

Glasses - Is 99% done, still need some Tests (if possible, cause more eyes see more.)

Got some Issue with the EndGameCamera and still had to made an Minimap.

Well get some ppl organized and we can test it? I am for it. Will update the list once again.

  • 2 weeks later...

Added some new maps. A few are work in progress (RIM) some others where found on Ren-x artists portfolios, but I am not sure if they will ever be released. For example Stella and Snowbound. Hope developers can give an update about these! This list is hopefully getting smaller and smaller once the maps are out there!

Posted (edited)
On 10/1/2016 at 0:50 PM, Xtractor said:

You Can  write Alaska on "Hold" or something similar ...I was Doing  Summer activities all summer  week end ..Should Come back to it Probably on  November or December

Done! Keep me updated about the progress.

Edited by Ryz
  • 2 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Handepsilon said:

You can set all my WIP maps to 'On Hold' since :

1. IRL business

2. Not enough internet to even redownload updates, let alone SDK

Done: maybe someone can send you a stick / CD with the game + updates?  

  • Like 1
On 10/20/2016 at 7:43 AM, Handepsilon said:

I'd totally appreciate it if you are willing to fly all across the sea to Indonesia just to deliver me the game (and SDK) :3

My gf's family has roots in INdonesia, but I doubt I can convince her to fly there for a game not to mention the costs :D

No mail / post option?

Posted (edited)

And update again:

- Glasses (because @DaKuja finished it, gj!)
- Gobi (redux, since @Ruud033 released another one a while ago)
- Reservoir (because @Henk finished it, nice work!)

- CNC-Fallen
- CNC-Storm
- CNC Forest
- CNC Sand

Keep up the good work!

Edited by Ryz
  • Like 3
24 minutes ago, DarkSn4ke said:

River is far from getting released. The map design is good, but you can clearly see that it's one of Thommys early maps. Compared to his last maps this one looks... ugly.

Sorry @TK0104 xD

I like River, it's a nice map. The bases are large with a spacious layout and the best part is that both bases feature an additional building.

Posted (edited)
7 hours ago, CoreDefender said:

I like River, it's a nice map. The bases are large with a spacious layout and the best part is that both bases feature an additional building.

I didn't say it's bad. Design is good, just the appearance... needs an overhaul. Thommy is much much much more experienced now :D

I guess he would change a lot now (if he had the time :/)

EDIT: omg, my first post: design is GOOD, my second post design is bad - damn mistype :D

nah.. once and for all: River has a good map design (imo) xD

Edited by DarkSn4ke

From what I remember Cliffside is done, and it has an interesting layout as well minus the purchasable recon bike gimmick. Redline I think has abandoned it and gave permission for anybody to put the final touches to it. 

  • Totem Arts Staff
9 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:

River is far from getting released. The map design is good, but you can clearly see that it's one of Thommys early maps. Compared to his last maps this one looks... ugly.

Sorry @TK0104 xD

No I agree River is an ugly map that I made during the time I was a beginner

1 hour ago, TK0104 said:

No I agree River is an ugly map that I made during the time I was a beginner

But the idea is good.

Make a remake.... if you have time for that ;) I guess with all the experience you got as mapper NOW. River would be a cool map :)


@DarkSn4ke: thx for the feedback. I like River, but I agree it needs testing / work / optimalisations / changes. Hope @TK0104 gets to work in it soon. 
@CampinJeff. At the moment I am not sure about the status of Cliffside. @Redline assigned it to someone else, but not sure who picked it up.

Overal idea of this topic is to:
a) keep track off the maps
b) encourage people to finish them

I tried many times to get a few map developers together so we could test things. I am not a developer, nor a map maker, but I like to help out the community the way(s) I can. Hope there will be a map testing session soon so more maps can get finished. Good for (the motivation off) the map developers. Good for the community!



Posted (edited)
2 hours ago, Ryz said:

I tried many times to get a few map developers together so we could test things. I am not a developer, nor a map maker, but I like to help out the community the way(s) I can. Hope there will be a map testing session soon so more maps can get finished. Good for (the motivation off) the map developers. Good for the community!

If you want a test session feel free to join T.O. >>> Trys Minibox <<< or the [=SC=] Server whenever it's called <mapname> Tests

Henk suggested T.O. & me as "Testers" but apparently that is not requested. "Internal testing is handled strictly by Renegade X moderators and developers."

ergo: we'll remain dependent to map updates from the mappers for testing [as these are the only game contents we can test before they get added via patches. And... most "bugs" are map-related anyway] - and mappers are somehow dependent on our bug reports (apart from some other devs/mappers reports).

Edited by DarkSn4ke
  • Like 1


17 hours ago, DarkSn4ke said:

If you want a test session feel free to join T.O. >>> Trys Minibox <<< or the [=SC=] Server whenever it's called <mapname> Tests

Henk suggested T.O. & me as "Testers" but apparently that is not requested. "Internal testing is handled strictly by Renegade X moderators and developers."

ergo: we'll remain dependent to map updates from the mappers for testing [as these are the only game contents we can test before they get added via patches. And... most "bugs" are map-related anyway] - and mappers are somehow dependent on our bug reports (apart from some other devs/mappers reports).

I know about this server, but it would be handier to have a regular timeslot and some more people involved to test the maps. 

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