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3D printing

Kalle Bowo

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  • Totem Arts Staff

@Kalle BowoWell I noticed that you are a-ma-zing with modeling. If you could make it less detail and give it the right scale and less polygons it might actually work. I already can hear EVA saying: "GDI Advanced Power Plant under attack " :P

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If you are willing to share the models, we would have a base for extending the current building portfolio. I still want the Real Comm center as the model for the current one, even if it takes up more space :P

But only if you are willing to share them. If we have the models, we might/could do something with them... (I'm talking for myself here, not the team)

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First: Sure! It would be great to see these models ingame.

Second: As I said before, I just need to optimize the models for the game. Right now they got way to many polygons and details that could be solved with putting a texture on it. Just give me some time, I will come back to you.

So at the moment you are asking for the Advanced PP, the Radar and the Temple, right?

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Great job on the advanced PP. Your design makes way more sense, than the original TD one.

*wipes nostalgia tears away*

It would be great to have this ingame, although I do not yet see the benefits for gameplay...

... unless the base power supply is changed from binary (power / no power) to an additive mechanics:

The standard and the advanced PP could generate enough to power the whole base (maybe with additional buildings?), but if either of them is destroyed, base defenses are offline and maybe some other high tech structures.

While defences are offline the enemy might attack the base and destroy more buildings, reducing the base power demand, until eventually the base power suffices to supply defences.

This might actually be cool, and force teams to prioritise on destroying the Defences eventhough power is offline. Rather than not care about them at all once PP is lost...

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  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Happy new year, folks! I can assure you, the project is not canceled :) December was pretty busy, so I didn't have much time for modeling and printing. But I'm back and working on something bigger this time, the GDI Titan. Modeling is nearly done. Afterwards I need to cut it into printable parts. Stay tuned!





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  • 5 weeks later...
11 hours ago, Madkill40 said:

Adv. PP and Comm. C. models exported for use in RenX please. :D

If the Comm. C. model gets an export and texturing then C&C Lunar could be remade.

Who exactly would be interested? I got an email from one of the RenX Mappers, Thommy, a while ago, asking about the Temple. Should be no problem to give you or him or whoever needs it the Adv PP and the Radar. Just drop a mail, telling me how you need the file (Thommy requested an fbx-file for example) and I see what I can do :) ---> contact@printed-armies.com


btw. here's another photo of the GDI Guardtowers + Mammoth, just to give you an impression of how tiny all the stuff gets. It still baffles me that the Ultimaker can print those delicate details.



Edited by Kalle Bowo
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@Kalle Bowo You could always export the Adv. PP and Comm. C. models in the right filetype into Here as free-use for any budding texture artists and programmers to sink their teeth into and hopefully these two models will reach the point where the mappers (myself included) can use the structure(s) as an asset for mapping. Credit to you for the models as always.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • Totem Arts Staff

@Kalle Bowo again thanks for the temple but no luck for me. I still got the file so maybe in the future when I know how to use 3ds max better I'll be able to edit the mesh properly without messing up :)

Edited by TK0104
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  • 1 year later...
  • 4 weeks later...
On 8.3.2018 at 12:38 AM, Madkill40 said:

You still got that Adv. PP model laying around ? :D

You won't believe how much stuff I have laying around here :D 3D models, unfinished prints, letters, bills ... ^^

Jokes aside, yes, the Adv. PP is still on my hard drive. But it's really not my priority at the moment to prepare it or any other of the models for ingame use. There's just so much stuff I have to take care of in RL after 10 months of sick leave due to the burnout.

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  • 9 months later...
  • 1 year later...

Sweeeet! Your model and print quality are looking good! If you have more stuff to show, go ahead :)


Sorry for not posting for such a long time. I guess it's time for an update. Last summer I finally managed to meet a lawyer (specialized in copyright law) and a business consultant, to see if there's any way to destribute my 3D prints. After all there are plenty of pages where you can buy high quality 3D printable models of Iron Man, Godzilla, Lara Croft or Link from Zelda and the like. But as it turns out, there's no way. Those pages have written their terms in such a way that they just provide the platform and the creators who upload their models will sooner or later get a copyright claim. In fact, if I would even release my files for free, even though I created them from scratch and added a tonne of details, that would already count as copyright infringement.

Long story short: I now started coming up with my own completely unique designs. In fact I'm currently working on making these available by starting a Patreon campaign soon (for the folks that want the files to print them or who just want to support me). And for those without access to a 3D printer I will also upload the files to Shapeways.com who will handle the printing and shipping of the miniatures.

No launch date yet, but I will keep you updated :)

Here's what I got so far, more stuff will follow, enjoy!


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  • 3 months later...
34 minutes ago, kira said:

Your unique designs way better original, truely amazing 

Thank you, I'm trying my best! :)

I'd so love to get this Patreon / Shapeways campaign started sooner, but 2020 has been such a dumpster fire, globally and personally ...

But hey, the later the launch, the more buildings and units will be available right from the start. So for you it will be actually great 😄

Edited by Kalle Bowo
the grammar police called me in
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  • 4 months later...

By the way, I'm getting closer to a launch. The whole January I've been preparing stuff like crazy for the upcoming Patreon campaign, and now I'm working on a re-design of the website. After that, there are still a couple of points on my to do list. But hey, It feels like I'm currently making more progress than during the entirety of that god awful year 2020 ... how did you folks survive the last year? I hope it wasn't so crushing for you as it was for me.

Anyway, here's another picture of the growing mini base :)


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  • 4 months later...

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