epicelite Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Why would you waste your time DDoS-ing a fucking game with so few players? I don't understand? What is there to gain from this? Way better ways to get your rocks if if you are in it just for that. Whos mad at who here and why?
XD_ERROR_XD Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Er, EKT, maybe. but as established before, TmX server owners can't afford the additional service. As _ERROR_ said, surely enough people should be found to pay for the additional 10€ a month that was mentioned here. That the serverowner cant (and shouldnt) pay for everything doesent mean the community cant. Hard to convince people to save a 2-legged horse with a broken leg. What. This statement is actually so bad it's funny. If your statement was even remotely comparable with the current situation, what would all the other servers be? what would Renegade X be? You can't just replace an amputated leg which was removed to prevent further spread from a deadly infection. Why do legs have to be amputated anyhow? hmmm... You know what, let's just say i'm going off topic now. Maybe i'm just that village idiot that nobody likes because he keeps screaming conspiracy theories. Oh wait, i don't, but at least i'm looking at this from a neutral standpoint. TmX has active members. It has active moderation. It manages it's servers. If there would be no DDoS issue, TmX would be as nearly much as a powerhouse community as EKT. If they do not want to shut down their server for reasons already mentioned, at least give them an equal chance to grow as everyone else. they are still providing this game a service, we need to acknowledge that. Remember that they still get members in their server even though everybody knows at this point it gets DDoS-ed. If we do not provide them with fair chances to solve their issues they obviously cannot fix on their own, than i think this game is a lot less prepared for a full release than we currently think it is. If we DO provide them support, but they still screw up, i think it's 100% fair that they get shut down. But first... let's give them the chance everybody deserves, allright? Even a tribal community is a community. If all TmX needs is some funding and some regaining of trust in it's servers... who knows, huh.
Ryz Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 I personally don't give a damn who has the most players, I just want to have fun. Indeed!
Ryz Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Ask yourself, why TmX and EKT always get ddosed, when it fills up. When people go to the "DDoS Proof" server the attack stops. Strange, right? I got a nice theory for that. I'm pretty sure i'm right with it, but well, got no proof. Guess most people won't believe me. I know that I played on CT a few times before it had DDOS protection and it was also targeted back than, so guess you theory isn't right.
Ap2000 Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 I don't know why people here talk about "player bases", "communities" and other things like that. We play Renegade X, all together, and that's it. It's pathetic that there, apparently, are people out there absolutely refusing to play on certain servers.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted September 25, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 25, 2015 What. This statement is actually so bad it's funny. If your statement was even remotely comparable with the current situation, what would all the other servers be? what would Renegade X be? You can't just replace an amputated leg which was removed to prevent further spread from a deadly infection. Why do legs have to be amputated anyhow? hmmm... The hell are you even getting off about? 2 legged horse being 'quite screwed already', and the broken leg is 'being on its last leg'. Hard to find people willing to throw money at that kind of animal.
Xtractor Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Just a side note here : It's really Bugging me when I read some negative Statement on RenX like It's doesn't Worth.. I'ts dead..We won't..We can't ..We Will never.. It's pushing a defeating mind into the heads of the ones that Believe in Renx ..like me. And it's push away new incomers That has a interest in RenX Why dont't we try to work/suggesting and play in a positive Mind We will Make it
DoctorB0NG Posted September 25, 2015 Author Posted September 25, 2015 however if people still want to play on ddosed daily based tmx or ekt even while OFFICIAL DDOS PROOF servers are online thats their own (silly) choice. Ask yourself, why TmX and EKT always get ddosed, when it fills up. When people go to the "DDoS Proof" server the attack stops. Strange, right? I got a nice theory for that. I'm pretty sure i'm right with it, but well, got no proof. Guess most people won't believe me. The attacks don't simply stop. Please don't spout your nonsense especially when you definitely have next to no idea what you're talking about. Here's why my mitigation works. This is a screenshot of a trace-route being run to my server while it' s NOT being DDOSed. Even when it's not attacked, the mitigation is already up and ready to rock. All packets are going through the anti-DDOS firewall and filters even when there isn't an imminent attack. It's proactive, not reactive like the mitigation other servers are using. I worked side by side with my server provider to tune the anti-DDOS and make sure legit clients don't get caught in the crossfire. Having shitty reactive protection is like getting punched in the face and then putting your fists up 2 minutes later to block the punch. Not so effective, is it?
Radeon3 Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 Just a side note here :It's really Bugging me when I read some negative Statement on RenX like It's doesn't Worth.. I'ts dead..We won't..We can't ..We Will never.. It's pushing a defeating mind into the heads of the ones that Believe in Renx ..like me. And it's push away new incomers That has a interest in RenX Why dont't we try to work/suggesting and play in a positive Mind We will Make it ^
Electrifyer809 Posted September 25, 2015 Posted September 25, 2015 This statement is actually so bad it's funny. If your statement was even remotely comparable with the current situation, what would all the other servers be? what would Renegade X be? You can't just replace an amputated leg which was removed to prevent further spread from a deadly infection. Why do legs have to be amputated anyhow? hmmm... I really don't think you should be fighting with a developer about a community you know pretty much nothing about.
RypeL Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 The main reason i suppose CT servers are lacking atm is that they arent EU servers. Before B0ng made this proposal he first should have proven that he can host a EU server with that Protection aswell. Else there is no point in it. He also should have made clear that some people from each community should get full admin access on the servers to host all the IRC stuff etc and to remain control about what serversettings, mutators, IRC mods, local stats databases etc are used. If he had said that it would have made it look a lot better and more realistic.
Ryz Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 I really don't think you should be fighting with a developer about a community you know pretty much nothing about. Don't forget _error_ has been beta testing the game before it even got released. He knows what he is talking about.
Electrifyer809 Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 I really don't think you should be fighting with a developer about a community you know pretty much nothing about. Don't forget _error_ has been beta testing the game before it even got released. He knows what he is talking about. Key word in there is community.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 26, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 26, 2015 So much strife just because of one asshole... I bet he's laughing at us now
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted September 26, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 26, 2015 And you think the devs know much about the community? And what are we now, silencing opposition?
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted September 26, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 26, 2015 Well this degenerated slower than expected. Congratz guys. Also back on topic or I'm jut locking this.
Night2078 Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 however if people still want to play on ddosed daily based tmx or ekt even while OFFICIAL DDOS PROOF servers are online thats their own (silly) choice. Ask yourself, why TmX and EKT always get ddosed, when it fills up. When people go to the "DDoS Proof" server the attack stops. Strange, right? I got a nice theory for that. I'm pretty sure i'm right with it, but well, got no proof. Guess most people won't believe me. The attacks don't simply stop. Please don't spout your nonsense especially when you definitely have next to no idea what you're talking about. Here's why my mitigation works. This is a screenshot of a trace-route being run to my server while it' s NOT being DDOSed. Even when it's not attacked, the mitigation is already up and ready to rock. All packets are going through the anti-DDOS firewall and filters even when there isn't an imminent attack. It's proactive, not reactive like the mitigation other servers are using. I worked side by side with my server provider to tune the anti-DDOS and make sure legit clients don't get caught in the crossfire. Having shitty reactive protection is like getting punched in the face and then putting your fists up 2 minutes later to block the punch. Not so effective, is it? I don't even stated everything. But i know... I got no idea about your little smart system you're running. But it's okay. Like i said, most won't believe me, because you (and your crew) made all things "right". Smart...
Electrifyer809 Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Either way, I think that this could quite possibly be a good opportunity for clans to get themselves back on their feet, without the stress of a server.
segaofice Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Here is my 2 cents, first, night2078 I'm pretty sure pointing fingers at drB0ng or even CT as a whole seems silly it certainly isnt bolstering their community any and I dont think it has been helping any community at all. Back on topic, we need this bad, wee need more unification, hell think of all the cool things that could happen with fewer, stonger, and non affiliated servers. Think about the random clan wars that could go on just between a few members of two different communites meeting in a non afilated server. That said, all servers should be allowed to persist, no exception really. Commnity servers are importaint and provide localised chat and game play with people that could be strongly affiliated with that clan, so that someone could decide if they want to be a part of a clan. We need to bolster our numbers before that can happen tho. Maybe we should just encourage these suposed offical servers for now that way we can fend off this ddoser, people get bored if they can't ruin things for others (or so im told). Maybe current server owners could temporarily remove their secondary server (excluding custom map and test ones) or even just reduce player count by a marginal amount so that there is some small encouragment to do these suposed official (ddos free hopefully) servers at least for a little bit. We truly cannot know what actions we must take to crush this annoying bastard who is ruining it for all of us and clearly he is at the winning point by trying to divide and conquer. So dont let him, show them that this is a proper unified cnc community like we used to have back in the good ol days( tbh idk when those were but work with me). And just because im still frusterated with night after writing this, it's importaint to remember, Connstructivetyrrany server didnt always have this powerful mitigation, its been ddosed before and i can imagine its not 100% immune. Their host is our best bet for getting protection from more damage to this game and to our collective renegade x communites. Try this out http://www.strawpoll.me/5582808 Best of luck guys, we need to support each other imo, anyone who trys to point fingers is just as bad as the one causing this whole debate. Let's come together and end this!
RoundShades Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 He isn't DDOSing the servers. Bong honestly has no interest in hosting for the game to be fair. He does it as a necessity because of some niche community things that came up. He was okay with people using TMX and to less of an extent EKT (he just doesn't prefer marathon being the solely-populated server). When his server wasn't very frequently populated, and when he was being DDOS'd and when it was successfully crashing his server, he also has a 7DaysToDie server and had opted to turn off his RenegadeX server so it stopped costing him his much better running 7Days server. He is still being DDOS'd from what I understand, but between better blocking the DDOS so it doesn't crash his server (but is still noticed when happens) and being encouraged to because of a playable server while DDOS are a threat, he has been encouraged to keep his server up. Besides, he wouldn't DDOS RenX, server or not he would not intentionally depopulate this game either. He knows it needs help, and this is the farthest thing from it. To be fair, my guess personally, was someone from Old Renegade, they would likely be the kind of person to do it because they don't want RenX to be successful and split population from them. But that was my guess, it is entirely unfounded and not very specific anyway. Not that it would stop the attacks anyway. And I respect Sega for saying that the community needs unification. Clan affiliation is fun and all, but the United Alliance, United League, and Alliance League, all need to come together instead of fighting some sort of petty war, if for nothing else then at least for a common goal such as DDOS protection. It will kill them all if they don't stand together, considering the game is all they are and it is definitely being hurt from it. You would think they would WANT to defend it and do all they could, including work together to end the DDOS shtuff...
XD_ERROR_XD Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 He isn't DDOSing the servers. Bong honestly has no interest in hosting for the game to be fair. He does it as a necessity because of some niche community things that came up. He was okay with people using TMX and to less of an extent EKT (he just doesn't prefer marathon being the solely-populated server). When his server wasn't very frequently populated, and when he was being DDOS'd and when it was successfully crashing his server, he also has a 7DaysToDie server and had opted to turn off his RenegadeX server so it stopped costing him his much better running 7Days server. He is still being DDOS'd from what I understand, but between better blocking the DDOS so it doesn't crash his server (but is still noticed when happens) and being encouraged to because of a playable server while DDOS are a threat, he has been encouraged to keep his server up.Besides, he wouldn't DDOS RenX, server or not he would not intentionally depopulate this game either. He knows it needs help, and this is the farthest thing from it. To be fair, my guess personally, was someone from Old Renegade, they would likely be the kind of person to do it because they don't want RenX to be successful and split population from them. But that was my guess, it is entirely unfounded and not very specific anyway. Not that it would stop the attacks anyway. And I respect Sega for saying that the community needs unification. Clan affiliation is fun and all, but the United Alliance, United League, and Alliance League, all need to come together instead of fighting some sort of petty war, if for nothing else then at least for a common goal such as DDOS protection. It will kill them all if they don't stand together, considering the game is all they are and it is definitely being hurt from it. You would think they would WANT to defend it and do all they could, including work together to end the DDOS shtuff... Yup. There's still one thing on my head though. Have the current community leaders actually been at negotiations/agreements yet? There's a lot of talk going on here but i haven't heard a thing about some of the community leaders yet. I think it's time to let them continue this conversation, they're the ones that have to apply the changes here anyhow.
Molested Bunny Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 (edited) Either way, I think that this could quite possibly be a good opportunity for clans to get themselves back on their feet, without the stress of a server. Yeah. Also its not like theres a conflict of interest, "official marathon" server could be the new EKT, and "official AOW" server could be the new TmX/CT/the rest. Though i dont see this happening. In recent weeks the only populated server was EKT, theres a hardcore crowd that simply wont play anything besides marathon, and their obvious choice is EKT for that. AOW regulars, and randoms are more lenient, so EKT fills up nicely, but since we dont have pop numbers for 2 concurrent servers to be filled, AOW hardcores got the wrong end of the stick and just stopped playing RenX altogether. So from an EKT supporters perspective, this does look like a hostile takeover attempt, EKT is doing well, the others are not, and now they want to take away our precious serversies. Also as stated before, EKT with its more dedicated fans will probably able to afford DDoS mitigation, the others probably not. personal note: My big problem with RenX going marathon only is that it scares away new players. I wanted to introduce my friends to Renegade X march last year when there was decent population, we played together a few times(mostly on Jelly marathon, i dont even remember seeing TmX or EKT back then), then they quit. It wasnt the bugs or the CTDs, we played buggy games together before , but the camp happy map selection, op infilitration tactics, and the inherent snowballing effect meant that we rushed/got rushed and the match was over in literally 5 minutes, after a half successful rush were camping and getting farmed for the rest of the match, or constantly and effortlessly sieging and getting kills, but not getting closer to achieving anything meaningful. This was okay for a half an hour, but my friends asked me after a 1,5 hour game on Field, "what are we doing again", and "is this really fun for anybody"? Then they quit. For good. That Field game lasted for 4-4,5 hours btw. edit: no [bold] pls Edited September 27, 2015 by Guest
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 26, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 26, 2015 TmX is still having a mod-exclusive discussion. We're also looking for someone who can contact Skeeze and ask him if he can finally provide our server a protection. If not, then we might have to take down our AoW server, or let it live without seeding. Rest assured we will still host sniper and special server, the latter might be a bit restricted. EKT, afaik, is trying to perfect their protection. From OTT's perspective (he played on EKT yesterday) it's getting attacked continuously, but thrives with lags. It finally went down at European morning However Goku and I had been having private conversation regarding TmX and EKT. I prefer not to talk about it for now until I got clearance for Goku
Idiotas Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Can people finally talk about the community as a whole? By that i mean the Ren-X community. I'm seeing that people still care about their own servers/community/needs. If this continues, more and more people will stop playing Ren-X and don't expect for new players to pop up (even if they do). Ren-X is hanging on the edge of the cliff. Stop caring about your own stuff and work together to fix these problems. Finally when the retarded ddoser is gone and the Ren-X community gets populated again, then you can care about your stuff again. How it's going now isn't good either for the people and the game itself. Get your lazy asses together and do something. Pfff
Calvin Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Can people finally talk about the community as a whole? By that i mean the Ren-X community. I'm seeing that people still care about their own servers/community/needs. If this continues, more and more people will stop playing Ren-X and don't expect for new players to pop up (even if they do). Ren-X is hanging on the edge of the cliff. Stop caring about your own stuff and work together to fix these problems. Finally when the retarded ddoser is gone and the Ren-X community gets populated again, then you can care about your stuff again. How it's going now isn't good either for the people and the game itself. Get your lazy asses together and do something. Pfff I agree with this, well said Minj!
Idiotas Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Can people finally talk about the community as a whole? By that i mean the Ren-X community. I'm seeing that people still care about their own servers/community/needs. If this continues, more and more people will stop playing Ren-X and don't expect for new players to pop up (even if they do). Ren-X is hanging on the edge of the cliff. Stop caring about your own stuff and work together to fix these problems. Finally when the retarded ddoser is gone and the Ren-X community gets populated again, then you can care about your stuff again. How it's going now isn't good either for the people and the game itself. Get your lazy asses together and do something. Pfff Also forgot to mention.. If Bong, Goku and Hande (guess skeeze went to outer space) work together, why not let Goku/EKT handle the official marathon server, Hande/TmX handle the official AOW server and Bong/CT handle the other official ones like the sniper, testing, PUG and other things. So people still have the same feeling when the play on the official servers. Also all 3 communities can moderate all of the official servers and need to work together. When problems and stuff pops up, you take care of it together. Can also select a few mods from each community that can also help the official servers. Just whatever you guys do. Talk with eachother and do something that helps this community.
RyanTurner Posted September 26, 2015 Posted September 26, 2015 Why are you fighting agiasnt B0NG, you should be on he's side i jsut read the 6 pages from this 90% of it it's stupid discussion, some people care about a server IT CAN RUN WITHOUT HAVING PROBLEMS i'm not speaking about 2 Commnuties at all can't have a server up without getting DDOS 24/7, You can see B0NG does care about server and the community of CT and Renegade-X's, people you need to think, you if you can't have a server running how are you gonna get people to play on it? Good conditions = more players. I hope for the people who wrote 90% of this crap with useless stuff did "woke up" for the life B0NG keep with a good work! -Ryan
sterps Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 I honestly don't know why most people are arguing amongst one another, it's counter productive and is not helping anything. It really feels like the Renegade forums mentality has transitioned over here, and this community needs to be thinking about what it can do for this game as greater whole. Whoever is DDoSing, you'll never know unless you get their IP address, and trace it through the relevant ISP. Now they can't be that good, otherwise they'd be putting those skills to a more useful purpose for themselves. So this person is merely trying to undermine this community for revenge, competition purposes, whatever reason, and they probably like reading all this commotion. Now if you really want to put this DDoSing behind yourselves, it's simple. Either configure your routers attached to the server with the relevant ACL's and unicast reverse-path config OR Bite the bullet and pay the extra cash to have your ISP configure this protection on the router connected to your server. There's no point paying for a server and to have it unpopulated most of the time. When the attacker sees that his attacks are not making any impact he'll stop. Moving forward, Instead of bickering about who gets all the players on THEIR server, you should be thinking about ways to extend this game to a broader audience and get more people interested. Once you have more players, you won't need to worry about whose servers are populating. This game has so much potential, more than the original renegade had. I know people have been discussing ways to increase interest in RenX, but maybe more should be done from the developers. I notice a lack of activity from the developers. I know motivation is down, or they may be busy with real life. If this mod is to survive, something has to be done about it. If the senior members are hard pressed, then it may be time to open up opportunities to have new developers join the team, whether it be map makers, texture artists, coders etc. Put it out there, and try to get some fresh talent aboard. Marketing. A good reason to why Beta 1 and 2 had so many more players, was because the RenX team put a lot of effort to advertise this at many communities, spreading the word. Dispite Beta 1 & 2's shortcomings, and the much improved Beta 5 release, most of the players that left, probably don't know about the better releases that came after. We need to implement features that will encourage players to return for their investment of time into the game. More ideas to come.
OTT Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Can people finally talk about the community as a whole? By that i mean the Ren-X community. I'm seeing that people still care about their own servers/community/needs. If this continues, more and more people will stop playing Ren-X and don't expect for new players to pop up (even if they do). Ren-X is hanging on the edge of the cliff. Stop caring about your own stuff and work together to fix these problems. Finally when the retarded ddoser is gone and the Ren-X community gets populated again, then you can care about your stuff again. How it's going now isn't good either for the people and the game itself. Get your lazy asses together and do something. Pfff Also forgot to mention.. If Bong, Goku and Hande (guess skeeze went to outer space) work together, why not let Goku/EKT handle the official marathon server, Hande/TmX handle the official AOW server and Bong/CT handle the other official ones like the sniper, testing, PUG and other things. So people still have the same feeling when the play on the official servers. Also all 3 communities can moderate all of the official servers and need to work together. When problems and stuff pops up, you take care of it together. Can also select a few mods from each community that can also help the official servers. Just whatever you guys do. Talk with eachother and do something that helps this community. Talking in case the idea of official servers sees light,custom maps servers and sniper servers were never a problem because of the ddos,the custom maps server rarely gets players,and the sniper servers can be good with only 2 players at a time,unlike the normal server,it doesn't require more players to actually enjoy the game,there is no point in ddos-ing it,and even if it gets ddosed ,its not like the normal server where a game is ruined because of that,we can just rejoin very fast,also the maps on the sniper server are custom maps,so not everyone have them,though I only had the idea for the sniper server,credits to Hande for making the 1st sniper map and maintaining the server,and to Henk for making the rest of the sniper maps,and ofc for Skeeze for the hosting. As Hande already mentioned,the tmx sniper and custom maps servers will remain,no matter what results from this discussion,whether there'll become 1-2 US-EU official servers and the rest of the main communities servers will be shutdown or not,the sniper server will be there.
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 27, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 27, 2015 Hmmm, OTT, we're not sure about shutdown yet. Remember that B0ng has edited his post (because everyone started bringing torches and pitchforks?)
OTT Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Hmmm, OTT, we're not sure about shutdown yet. Remember that B0ng has edited his post (because everyone started bringing torches and pitchforks?) yeah ,I put that just in case there is a chance they'll be shutdown
EKT-Kal16 Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Personally, this was my reatcion reading this topic
Bananas Posted September 27, 2015 Posted September 27, 2015 Yah this thread went down hill quickly hah. Anyways..back to yelling and fighting!
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 27, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 27, 2015 I...... just heard the news that CT's server defenses has finally faltered....
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted September 27, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 27, 2015 I...... just heard the news that CT's server defenses has finally faltered.... Which is bad for everyone
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 28, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 28, 2015 Safe to say, the ddoser turned from med rush to SBH spy rush. Jokes aside, Goku and B0ng are sorting things out at the moment. Let us hope the ddoser cannot be more creative than this
Ap2000 Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 amagata (or something like that) yesterday told us on the TMX AOW server that he apparently knew who it was and has him on Skype. Something about a guy wanting to market the game? It all sounded fishy and weird to me.
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted September 28, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 28, 2015 Sounds like he just want some pie
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 28, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 28, 2015 amagata (or something like that) yesterday told us on the TMX AOW server that he apparently knew who it was and has him on Skype. Something about a guy wanting to market the game? It all sounded fishy and weird to me. ....already heard that. The story of the ddoser wanting to copy paste the game, change brand and such and sell it EA and Epic Games will not just sit around for that
Truxa Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 Quite a heavy investment with all those attacks, for such a little gain he intends to have in the end. Those attacks costs buckloads. The time needed to "copy-paste and revamp" by himself would take ages (unless he got a team) The high propability of EA and Epic Games stepping in to prevent that "copy paste" intent has to be taken into account in terms of total costs effectiveness, not to mention the payment of lawsuits against him/them If he realy wants to copy-paste the game and revamp it, he must be a rich guy with a good team to invest time into it. Come to think of it, isnt everything readily availible already? In terms of code and content? Why ruin the game for others? I dont get that story, doesnt seem right to me.
Henk Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 Come to think of it, isnt everything readily availible already? In terms of code and content? Why ruin the game for others? Yeah, you can download the SDK and completely mod the game into something else. I recall some people suggesting to the devs that they should just rework the assets so it's no longer Nod vs GDI but their own IP instead, to get rid of EA's restrictions. But that takes a huge amount of time, and multiple people. I think that story is a bit far-fetched, If he wanted to copy the game he could just do it, and there's no need to ruin this game..
Xpert Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 amagata (or something like that) yesterday told us on the TMX AOW server that he apparently knew who it was and has him on Skype. Something about a guy wanting to market the game? It all sounded fishy and weird to me. You mean mutata. Same guy we were keeping an eye on before. [CHAT] "mutata": i talk to him on skype and we have been friends for over a decade [CHAT] "mutata": last time i was in his irc channel he was making his bots use a TS3 method or something I don't know how true his story is but the guy he's referring to is a ddoser that goes as far back as Tiberian Sun named lucafer66. He also attacked XWIS for awhile 2 years ago in Renegade trying to bring Jelly servers down. He came on IRC during that time trying to force people to pay him money so he would stop attacking the servers. Eventually the attacks stopped and we just moved on. <@RX> "mutata": a guy from tiberian sun is doing it <@RX> Hi-Guy: really? <@RX> "mutata": lucafer66 <@RX> "mutata": hes the same one who brought xwis down a few years ago for a few weeks <@RX> "mutata": he showed me his bnet, it has 25k bots lol <@RX> Host: (Handepsilon@IRC): you sure it's him, mutata? you got proof he did it to us? <@RX> "mutata": yeah, but i have no part in it <@RX> "mutata": we just used to be in same clan <@RX> "mutata": on tibsun <@RX> "mutata": he likes the old renegade he said
Totem Arts Staff NodSaibot Posted September 28, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 28, 2015 Apparently he is also known to be friends with a guy who goes by "Lurker". And he is MRMUHA01 or that is one of his friends
Ap2000 Posted September 28, 2015 Posted September 28, 2015 I don't know how true his story is but the guy he's referring to is a ddoser that goes as far back as Tiberian Sun named lucafer66. He also attacked XWIS for awhile 2 years ago in Renegade trying to bring Jelly servers down. He came on IRC during that time trying to force people to pay him money so he would stop attacking the servers. What a sad kid.
EXTRAADMIN Posted September 29, 2015 Posted September 29, 2015 The game is good, but a lot of cheaters crooks , hate these people, they do not exclude that behind it are the creators of the Renegade X game , your game will be less people to play, if you play the crooks will be in this play, with themselves, and I do play online I won't, because you have the rogues among server admins, moderators , they have been your friends gave your program cheats, aim bots, to see through walls, bots, respawns and teleporters, so, I will be telling people that your game is rigged, I hope in BETA 6 patch you do beyond protection from fraud and punish all rogues, eternal bans on HDD , IP , DNS , MAC do and calculate and kill them, death to the rogues should be the only way to live and play well and honestly, her head and agility, you on servers not hundreds of people play , you know why. CROOKS !
Henk Posted September 29, 2015 Posted September 29, 2015 If you're gonna post the same thing 6 times on the forums, at least make it readable for anyone not on drugs.
Totem Arts Staff yosh56 Posted September 29, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 29, 2015 The game is good, but a lot of cheaters crooks , hate these people, they do not exclude that behind it are the creators of the Renegade X game , your game will be less people to play, if you play the crooks will be in this play, with themselves, and I do play online I won't, because you have the rogues among server admins, moderators , they have been your friends gave your program cheats, aim bots, to see through walls, bots, respawns and teleporters, so, I will be telling people that your game is rigged, I hope in BETA 6 patch you do beyond protection from fraud and punish all rogues, eternal bans on HDD , IP , DNS , MAC do and calculate and kill them, death to the rogues should be the only way to live and play well and honestly, her head and agility, you on servers not hundreds of people play , you know why. CROOKS ! Now that you don't have 6 unnecessary posts, Id like to know what the hell any of this means? Cheating hasn't been really bad since like beta 2...and it's usually easy to spot.
Goku Posted September 29, 2015 Posted September 29, 2015 Wonder if he is that guy that called Fred's a C4 hacker for blowing him up with c4?
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted September 29, 2015 Totem Arts Staff Posted September 29, 2015 Ahem, he might be a troll. Ignore the guy
Truxa Posted September 29, 2015 Posted September 29, 2015 So the culprit is known. Traced back to tibsun and original ren trying to kill jelly servers. Does anyone know his IP? Or is he using a mask? (obviously he does) Now that he's know, how can you deal with him?
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