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Posted (edited)

EDIT: Thanks for all the replies guys! Here's a current list of suggestions:

Bringing people into the game by:

- Notifying people of updates through email notifications;

- Video making & sharing;

- A release on Steam or Origin;

- A new website with Facebook comments / AddThis / Social Media Share buttons along side a way to react like with the forum (personal note: I think we don't need an entirely new website for that);

- Trying to become a non-profit and benefit from Googles FREE ad-words;

- Spreading links to the game over communities with many players (Look for C&C communities, RTS and FPS communities);

- Offline promotion including a press release per country to game magazines and media;

- Social Media campaign funded by gamers to reach Cnc / Ren-X gamers;

- Newsjacking or specific photos / videos around certain events. ("Black Friday expansive enough? We offer you a new map for free!");

- Promotion through https://gaming.youtube.com/ ;

- Streaming the game through the in Steam stream service;

Keeping players into the game by:

- Making some kind of ladder, especially one that isn't only for clans;

- Making a reliably ending game-mode;

- Adding a tutorial (personal note: Maybe make a fan-made map using logan's voice from renegade or whatever that you can play as a tutorial skirmish?);

- Adding more gamemodes (only vehicles, only infantry, co-op, assault, ctf, whatnot), especially game modes suitable for smaller playercount;

- Replying on Facebook questions / comments in the originale Facebook Page (now people are ignored);

- bugfixes (remotes not reloading, SBH floating bug and some other minor stuff, we are getting somewhere);

- Adding a 'helpdesk team' to the game, by adding a small group of people helping gamers with updates and fresh installs;

- Adding more maps (some of the originals and custom ones);

- The fact that sniper mode should be easily addable with 2 maps now available and I think Valley can be a sniper map also.


Hey guys! First of all i would like to thank anyone that bothered to click on this forum thread and giving it a read.

I was inspired to make this thread after reading about the release of the newest patch. It made me think about how much of our current playerbase actually go to this forum, seen it, read it and therefore would not be surprised when the launcher would say 'new update available'. How do you keep people notified that don't or no longer go the forums and do you draw them (back) here?

Thinking about this, i thought about Jelly-games' end games in the original game and how they used their e-mailing system to notify people about this event. Many oldschoolers that left the forum returned once more to participate in this big event, leaving the admins shocked about how well this worked. Do we notify the people that registered here whenever a major update gets released, like the SDK and the 3 new maps that are being added to the game? I definitely think a lot of former members that left due to crashes or the lack of consistent updates that have forgotten about this game could return. All they need it a reason to give it another chance, and i think there's a lot of them currently.

But there is something that is just as important as drawing players. How do you make sure they stick around?

A new initiative needs to be formed, or the current one needs to be improved. A Steam community group could be created which allows people to communicate with others without the need to create a seperate topic.

But what about this forum? To me, this forum is like a home, but there's not much to talk about lately. Most of the new threads here lately are about game updates and projects, which are great but it's hard to actively participate in these threads without the proper knowledge. What we lack are topics that people can hop into just for fun, but these require a larger playerbase to maintain, like screenshot threads, funny in-game quote threads, one-line-at-a-time-story threads, etc.

But how are we supposed to draw new people to this game? I'm not sure, but i do have some ideas that might work.

One of them i will explain now:

There are many Youtube channels out there that are completely community driven regarding their content. Let's just say that we hold a contest. And let's say, in order to participate, you must upload a video of yourself in Renegade-X where something funny or really epic happens. You must give the rights of the video however to blah blah, and the winner wins the prize of let's say, infinite wisdom :P. We could send the best videos to those youtubers in the hope to be featured in their channel, which would be great advertising. In the meantime, we have given the current community to actively participate in an event and have generated a lot of new footage to watch on youtube, expanding our reach in the huge establishment that is youtube.

So... if you made it this far, I would like to say a big thank you! ;) But what do you think of this? What is your opinion on the current community, suggestions given and how do you think we can get to expand our community? Do you have any suggestions on your own? Do you think the current playerbase should and/or can come together and work on a big campaign to reach to new players? Do you think money can and/or should be involved? I'd love to hear your response about this!

Edited by Guest

A release on Steam or Origin, if EA wants to give it a little push, surely would bring in new people.

As for how to keep them? Some kind of ladder, especially one that isn't only for clans.


The problem is not in attracting new people, but in keeping them.

+1 for email notifications

The fact is, that playing is not much comfortable for modern player. There are a few things that doesn't smell much serious, and infantry characters are not much balanced and some characters just feels nonintuitive to play with.

I am sorry, but if average TTK is 1-2sec+, there should't be sniper which is able to instant kill anyone. Don't care if there is skill needed for it,.. the whole fact that this is possible is enought reason to fix it. Somehow. Or make sniper limit.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Snipers are always gonna be hated in every game.....

But it's not that game breaking, I mean I can deal sufficent damage with few anti infantry classes to get them run crying back to base for healing

If you can't deal with snipers, just go get tanks and move out. This game is not deathmatch where you really need to kill people


I'm not really of the opinion that current balance issues would be a big factor when it comes to people leaving the game. A lot has been done about it already, 6 months ago i may have agreed with you but not now. And about your average Time To Kill (if that's what you meant)...

If you took the sniper and put it against a unit with a similar cost in a 1v1, the sniper wouldn't be at an advantage at all. The problem with being a sniper when both you and the enemy is skilled, for every shot you miss, the enemy could have taken a lot of hitpoints or more away, putting his damage per second far above yours. If you hit, yours would definitely be above his but with the relatively long time between shots, he could still keep up pretty nicely. The balance issue here is unit placement, the sniper is effective in too many locations and efforts to rebalance this has led to major discussion, with most of the feedback being negative.

But there's more needed than just balance changes to keep the playerbase active. Something that allows them to communicate outside the game more easily, a Steam release would work perfect here but nobody knows if this will ever happen. *secretly crosses fingers*


As much as I hate all snipers, I don't think they have anything to do with players not sticking to the game longer.

As for the rest of the units, I think they're mostly ok and don't see any big remaining balancing issues.

Besides, in a 45min. round of Ren(x), you die way less than in a 15min round of most other modern shooters. Even more expansive ones like Battlefield 4 (BF3 and especially BF2 is a different story).


Balance issues and snipers is not the only thing I mentioned. It's just one of problems. Neither average TTK is not the problem.

If you can't deal with snipers, just go get tanks and move out. This game is not deathmatch where you really need to kill people

I can deal with snipers very well...in tank. That why I mostly play as SBH or in tank. Playing as infantry simply doesn't feel fair (not only becouse of snipers and tanks). The most infantry (their weapons) is nonintuitive to play.

As I said before: The whole fact, that it is able 1 hit kill in react time 1:1->0 TTK is enought reason to fix it in such a game like this. It is pretty understandable that in games like CS and CoD are snipers able of it, becouse TTK in this games starts from 0-0.2s + mega hipfire spread, but it's not understandable in Renegade X.

Question for you: Why do you think that the most of the new players do not stay in this game, if we know the problem is not attracting new ppl?


Well, at this point, the problem kind of also is attracting new people. My opinion is that snipers could use a change in some situations, However i don't know how i would change them but honestly this isn't what we should be worrying about right now.

What i'm worrying about right now is how many patches will remain until the full release AKA version 1.0. This version '1.0' will be one of our trump cards in drawing new players in and i don't know how strict the developers are with ironing out all the bugs before this release. I don't like to say it but to new players that never heard of Renegade X before, small but annoying bugs will make a far greater impact than on seasoned players that learned to live with them. We simply can't risk wasting that chance right now, but that doesn't mean we can't come up with our own way of recruiting players.

Hey guys!.......................

All Good Suggestions ^^

Sniper: True its the same in All game ..so ..off topic.

I pray the God of Games ,That EA give us a Hand ..(Not an HoN :P )

I find the player base going up slowly,but it could go expotential at any time :)

I bet 90% of STEAM users dont know how to share a video through Status Activity ..=Bad

Dont Put money or prizes for getting players ..its do the contrary effect ..Its like PAY to PLAY =Bad

Game is Good ,Fun ,Cool , Addictive ,Devs done a lot Professionaly ,They did a GREAT JOB CODING and stuff They SUPER GOOD :)

Sharing Videos is the best ways (in any forms) Until an EA insider place a Note on the EA CEO's Desk for us ,and we Fall in his Heart By Him falling in Love with RenX :)

So Please evryone Don't give up sharing and doing stuff for RenX ..Devs Did The Biggest Part ..now let return the favor for The Awesome Game ..Renegade X ..we are the Futur and futur is now :0)))

Super-Kh":qp1odesn]the problem is that EA said that : this game is not allowed to promote itself,advertise itself or even fund itself without the permission of EA.

which means we can't really help the game unless EA allows it :(

Only the funding part is true, they are not allowed to earn any money through the game, but i think the amount of trailers on youtube kind of proves otherwise regarding the promotion/advertising part.

But even with the money part, this problem could be circumvented by making everything unofficial and by the community itself. They could get approval by the devs, but I don't really see this happen soon. :P


One of my EKT members rade is using the EKT demos to make a video. If any of you guys are interested in the demos from a map to do something similar, contact me on IRC.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Watch new people play on Youtube... you will basically get your answers.

Getting new people to come: Advertisement and make things that are appealing to more than just old Ren players (I'm looking at the beta 4 trailer... which was fine up until the use of JDIU and the floating text imo. Youtube comments on that video alone should tell you what you need to know).

Getting people to stay: Make a reliably ending game-mode. Most complaints at launch weren't about bugs or glitches at all... they were about stalemates, and lack of any sense of accomplishment. Admittedly these are also the same people that run around with a rifle soldier and complain that a free unit is weak, and don't actually even know you can choose character classes... but those were our majority. That brings us to the point that this game... really... really... needs a tutorial.

Finally... I don't think RenX is cut out to have a very large player-base. Not that the game is bad... but with the inability to really make an effective anti-cheat, all we end up with is a game filled with hackers, annoyances, and bad reviews... which will inevitably bring us right back to being a 200- playerbase.

Getting a video with some epic or cool stuff happening on Kotaku highlight reel might be good. (shitty news site, but the highlight reels are funny)

Oh please gosh no.

I don't want to play with the slowtaku audience.


More gamemodes could help. Like one with just infantry or one with just vehicles. Maybe a gamemode where your team is provided with free vehicles or characters instead of having to buy them.

I often find that there are just 2 servers full with a few players scattered around multiple different servers, perhaps a map/game mode for smaller teams could work nicely to populate servers so they eventually switch to a larger map by player vote, and when there aren't enough players it would change to a smaller map again during the normal level change.

As for snipers I find that the level design plays to their advantage quite a lot, player can be killed upon exiting a spawn building on some maps and when there is no sniper class obtainable, the only short term solution is to poke the enemy sniper with the basic marksman, which isn't rewarding. Perhaps if buildings on such maps had remote controllable turrets on top of buildings, something that can shoot inside bunkers and land on top of hills, it would make basecamping less enticing. I snipe quite frequently and I find it to be quite easy, considering that I never even use Havoc/Sakura.


I remember there were talks about an Assault game mode a loooong time ago. I wonder what would've happened sith that.

But what i would love to see is co-op... ermagerd sooo good :o But i guess it's a bit much work to create. What would actually be needed to create a bare-bones co-op map, just as a proof of concept? A good thing about a decent co-op map is that it's possible to complete with a lower playercount.

P.S. Is that bird yours? I like your avatar :P

Getting a video with some epic or cool stuff happening on Kotaku highlight reel might be good. (shitty news site, but the highlight reels are funny)

Oh please gosh no.

I don't want to play with the slowtaku audience.

I'm not Kotaku audience but those highlight reels are always quite entertaining. I think there's a lot more like me.

But what i would love to see is co-op... ermagerd sooo good :o But i guess it's a bit much work to create. What would actually be needed to create a bare-bones co-op map, just as a proof of concept? A good thing about a decent co-op map is that it's possible to complete with a lower playercount.

I could help design a level, and do some of the mapping. I can't really script/program though..

So if anyone reading this, I can help think of the layout and stuff/events that should happen, and map it. (just a smal proof of concept though, I don't want to make a full campaign or something, no time for that.)


Yeah, something amongst those lines. I'm planning on recreating many of the models C&C Renegade had using ThommyK's importing tutorial.

This because i want to re-create every campaign map C&C Renegade had to RenX standards. This on it's own could easily take me a year, considering i have 0 knowledge in any of those areas.

Remodeling however will be my #1 focus. I want to recreate many 'urban' models, including the Inn, small and large church, certain houses, bridges, debris and whatever i can find so it can be used by others which allows them to create more varied maps. It's not gonna be easy but it's nothing hard work and dedication can't pull off. :)


Sorry I didn't have time to post here earlier.

I have some ideas for promoting the game, but first other things need to be done:

- Reply on Facebook questions / comments in the originale Facebook Page (now people are ignored)

- bugfixes (remotes not reloading, SBH floating bug and some other minor stuff, we are getting somewhere)

- The game could use a 'helpdesk team.' Right now community developers are busy with a load off things, but what if we have small group of people helping gamers with updates and fresh installs? Some knowledge and something like remote desktop might be enough

- More maps (some of the originals and custom ones)

- More gamemodes:

- Sniper mode should be easy addable with 2 maps now available and I think Valley can be a sniper map also

- Deathmatch, not only Deck, but I think the sniper maps and Valley can be turned into DM maps easily

- And maybe assault / CTF

I think other game modes will lead to players trying the 'original' game mode as well.

Please note you can buy models for maps as well on several site. What if the community gets to pick a theme and donate for the models to get the map going?

If the base of the game is covered and when the game doesn't get released on Steam or somewhere else these are steps we can take:

- New website with Facebook comments / AddThis / Social Media Share buttons along side a way to react like with the forum


- Get more videos going (LavaDragon?)

- Try to become a non-profit and benefit from Googles FREE ad-words.

- Spread links to the game over communities with many players. Look for C&C communities, RTS and FPS communities)

- Offline promotion including a press release per country to game magazines and media

- Social Media campaign funded by gamers to reach Cnc / Ren-X gamers. A few hundred euro's / dollars could target a large group of them which don't know about the game

- Newsjacking or specific photos / videos around certain events. Black Friday expansive enough? We offer you a new map for free! Can't come with a good explanation, but this one off the ways to gain a lot of media attention and reach potential games.

I think the community has everything we need, we just need to organize it.


- Deathmatch, not only Deck, but I think the sniper maps and Valley can be turned into DM maps easily

This is true for the sniper maps, the only changes I'd need to make are; Check the Deathmatch box in the world properties, remove the kismet that gives you a sniper rifle instead of usual weapons, and maybe remove the smoke grenade pick-ups or set them to something different. I wouldn't even need to rebuild lights,

The only downside is that it's another 110 MB of data, maybe something can be done server side so we can just use the current version?

Edit: And don't forget there's also a Deathmatch version of Complex, it's really good if you ask me.


Didn't even know about the Complex DM. But if you ask me small things / changes can make a huge difference!

  • Totem Arts Staff

- Get more videos going (LavaDragon?)

I am currently making another video and hopefully more in the future. However I am just a producer, once I release them its really up to the viewers to share them.


- Get more videos going (LavaDragon?)

I am currently making another video and hopefully more in the future. However I am just a producer, once I release them its really up to the viewers to share them.

Yeah but you are doing a good job. What the game really needs is a people like you who use their own knowledge, ideas and enthusiasm to create a product with passion (God I hate the word passion when people use it my field of work as a USP).

What might also help is to keep an archive so some videos with a specific subject can be released around a specific happening.


Thanks for the replies guys! some of them were really interesting and inspiring. Let's hope we can get something going with this. I personally got some plans already. :)

Added a list of current suggestions to the first post. Take a look!


The thing I think keeps people coming back for more is a leveling or ranking system. With incentives to reach a new level or rank. It keeps people wanting more and more. And to get better and better, or just for bragging rights if nothing else. People always want to see and acquire new things! Like, make certain vehicles only available after reaching a certain rank, etc. Attribute points aren't really essential in a game like this. Level up bonuses such as skins, or unique weapons that type of thing. And maybe soldier ranks titles or something for each faction. Just some ideas to help push along!! Keep it up!


Would be good if we can bring a global / monthly ladder back. There is a steam only option but only around 40% of renx users seem to use steam in the backround.

Posted (edited)
Would be good if we can bring a global / monthly ladder back. There is a steam only option but only around 40% of renx users seem to use steam in the backround.

Yeah we need some sort of meta game even of it's nothing crazy involved. The old ladder was cool to look at.

Edited by Guest

I think we need some decent promotion material to send to some major websites. Also, getting rid of that 'BETA' in front of the RenX title should give a boost in numbers I think.

In the end, I think that the promotional material + the amount of attention some large gaming websites will give you will decide how many people will look at RenX.

The game itself on Steam would also give a large player boost I think. It's quite easy to download and manage stuff through steam. Anyways, those are my thoughts.


We can make the promotion going when we want. But first we need some servers. With TmX only filled once or twice a week and a small group of the players playing marathon but the rest leaving cause there is no AOW the situation isn't very healthy right now.

A mayor update will attract more people, even though the update isn't mayor but we will make it look like it is... I bet loads of players havent been here since Beta3. Is there anything planned regarding to mass mailing? What if we combine this with a new beta (in a month or so with bug fixes, ladder and some maps), or call it the 'full release?'

Would be good if we can bring a global / monthly ladder back. There is a steam only option but only around 40% of renx users seem to use steam in the backround.

Yeah we need some sort of meta game even of it's nothing crazy involved. The old ladder was cool to look at.

Ladder data is still beeing recorded and can be viewed in json format here: http://renegadexgs.appspot.com/leaderbo ... format.jsp (i think i did reset it a month ago or something, so its about a month of recorded stats atm)

All that would be needed to display it again is an HTML page that transfers the JSON to a HTML table. Even if you dont know HTML i guess someone could get it done pretty easily just by googling json to html and going from there. I posted the json link with ask for help before but got no reply and i dont care enough atm to do such a transformer myself and would much rather see someone from the community to stand up for it. I dont want to hold leaderboard data forever on that server (cause im paying for that server based on serverusage and DB size) but i could reset it every month to make it a monthly leaderboard. (The previous global leaderboard involved this server and a second server that stored the data permanantly but that second server etc went inactive with its owner).

So bringing the old leaderboard back is one thing you could actually do to help community size. If somone makes such a json to html site we could easily add it to the Ren-X site and you could link/use it wherever.


I'm of the opinion that if you want more players, the game needs to be made more fun. I like RenX, but it still has some pretty glaring issues that aren't fun. A lot of the annoying bugs have been cleaned up recently which helps, but I still find the game play lacking.

I'm still of the opinion that the best thing for this game would be a merge of aow and marathon. Get a progression system set up and only end the game in a definite way (not time limit).


Player NOD GDI
Position Name Score Kills Death Played Won Lost Played Won Lost
' . escape(++$key) . ' ' . escape($value['info']['name']) . ' ' . escape($data['player']['score']) . ' ' . escape($data['player']['kills']) . ' ' . escape($data['player']['deaths']) . ' ' . escape($data['nod']['plays']) . ' ' . escape($data['nod']['wins']) . ' ' . escape($data['nod']['plays'] - $data['nod']['wins']) . ' ' . escape($data['gdi']['plays']) . ' ' . escape($data['gdi']['wins']) . ' ' . escape($data['gdi']['plays'] - $data['gdi']['wins']) . '

Didn't Agent already started the ladder project?

Might aswell use the finished one in the meantime. Talks about a new ladder and stats system based on rcon output began long ago. When that's ready enough it can replace the old ladder. There are no plans to extend the content of the old ladder so it is not competing with the new ladder. I wanted the new ladder based on rcon output really badly and pushed thst topic to replace the old ladder aswell. But they use different techniques and can coexist till the new one is ready. Also if we get a more advanced php page for the old board we might reuse and extend it for the new ladder aswell. Agent promised to show something about his ladder project soon and I'm looking forward to that. Then again no reason not to use the already finished one for the meantime.


Thx Mark. Updated it on http://renegade-x.com/leaderboard.php and added it to the Main Page.

I will reset it beginning of October. I will save the json files from older months, maybe we could make them available later too. Or maybe Agents leaderboard replaces this one too by then. I dont know when that will be ready.


I'm sure adding a bunch of random crap like crates will work about as well as it did in the original.

The vanilla gameplay, or at least the idea of it was fine. Games needs social features to stay alive now, and to rely on steam potentially providing that one day is naive. You don't need crates that give sbh spies and titans to survive, you need to keep people invested even when they're not playing.

I hate when there's no way for server owners to control how the game is played, but in your current situation you're giving servers like EKT and TMX more influence over the gameplay than you have yourselves. It is fucking over the gameplay and will continue to completely ruin any vision you ever have for the game for as long as you allow it without restriction. Emergent gameplay is great, but renegade is not in a place where that's very beneficial to anyone, you need a healthy player-base before that comes into play.

You've been in desperation mode since xmas, or earlier. Pick a vision and stick with it. If you want the guys running the populated server to design the game, get them on the team and listen to them. If you want them to fuck off so you can make your own game, tell them to fuck off (via restrictions) so you can make your own game. I don't see why "failure" could possibly matter at this point, the game has never been alive in the first place.

Take a stance, stick with it, and promote it. Playing on EKT vs TMX vs CT was like playing completely different games, and when they started competing with "lol 7x TS crate spawn" it just went to show how much of a joke the game was allowed to become.

If you want the guys running the populated server to design the game, get them on the team and listen to them.

We already did. Agent (afaik from EKT) and Yosh (afaik from TMX) are now the only active gameplay programmers and thus have a lot of influence. And getting all the fuzz from people is a shit job so you better acknowledge them and hope they stay else have fun getting the game going without programmers left. I hang arround cause i put in a lot of time into the game in the past and still want to see wheres its going (and cause i dont care how it makes me look to you when i speak my mind. and i dont have anything to prove anymore. even getting this game out there was a success given the circumstances, that i know). As i said before i dont have a particular interest in continuing to work on this game anymore for multiple reasons. And surely other devs just vanished quietly. But sure i know the problem of uniting the community. To counter that we started the so called "Community Dev Group" in which some respected people from all over the community were invited into a private forum to call shots and to share ideas without beeing distrubed by trolls etc that you have in the public forums. I tried to moderate that group and to keep it going but unfortunaly i failed cause even that costs a signifikant ammount of time and motivation and it seems i dont have that motivation anymore and other devs didnt really came in to help moderating that group. So the Community Dev Group idea would need some kind of new moderator. And whos in the group should change from time to time based on activity etc. Then it could become some kind of "council" for the game. Well at the end, as often times, i think the game needs some new/additional strong leaders/moderators to unite oppinions and to get stuff going. else youre just f*cked. Maybe Yosh could become such a guy. I dont know. All i know is that its tough and eats a lot of your time if you want to do it right.

One thing i still would like to see really badly though is a tournament. Even if it would be the first and last tournament i still would like to see the game played somewhat competitively atleast one time. So thats something i will probably still stick my teeth into to help boost that in the not so distant future.

............If you want the guys running the populated server to design the game, get them on the team and listen to them. If you want them to fuck off so you can make your own game, tell them to fuck off (via restrictions) so you can make your own game...........

Both side (Dev and servers owers) plus us the players is important .

Few months ago I brought some points to ajust and TobiArt devs agreed and fixed some of them.

So I can't say that they don't listen ..

Well i dont have to remind that one wish for the game is not necessarly good for it.

And what Some may call " shit" some stuff that are in RenX I Call them Great or Awesome .

Things that at first I was not used to because Im a former originalrenagader.. like :

Airstrikes,2 seat orcas/apaches, Titans and wolverines,Air drop and so many things in RenX i like now .

I Thanks Devs for these they done and doing a Great Game ,I just Hope you guys(Devs) Stay focus and devote to RenX .

I wont mind if some servers would make their own RenX style ...but for sure I'm pleased with The Base Game as it is and still improving ..Devs if you could feel the fun and emotions we having playing RenX that should Boost you Be proud working/playing your Game . TY

  • Totem Arts Staff

Honestly, a lot of the configuration options were put in place awhile ago because RenX was new and nobody could really decide on what the best configuration for separate levels; I feel like a whole freaking year has given us enough time to discern logical and strict limits for vehicles and mines now. Also a lot of configuration was in place to limit the devs having to balance the game back when an update meant re-downloading the whole game. Now that we have an auto-patcher and a more consistent patch schedule (rather than 3-5 months between updates) we could actually hard code things now. If there's any outrage about a setting it can be addressed in a patch.

At most, I'd like to see at least mine/Vehicle limits be static. Crates are iffy, but I think those should be left configurable. Also, nobody is talking about crates in this topic but you, 'nuk.

Already seen several extra players sticking around since we started getting active on Facebook and, more importantly, our freakin tech support forums.

Also did you ever fix 5003 for yourself 'nuk?

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