Totem Arts Staff DaKuja Posted March 3, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 3, 2016 Awesome, keep it up the good work! Quote
Totem Arts Staff Handepsilon Posted March 3, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 3, 2016 It's.... beautiful... Quote
Henk Posted March 4, 2016 Author Posted March 4, 2016 Thx for the comments. Here's a new update, yes again, I've been crunching Made a lot of changes to the style of the map, I think it looks way better now. Water will be added later. Quote
Glacious Posted March 4, 2016 Posted March 4, 2016 That looks really nice Henk Looks kinda amazon/jungle themed almost Can't wait for a playable version to test hint hint Quote
Henk Posted March 4, 2016 Author Posted March 4, 2016 That looks really nice Henk Looks kinda amazon/jungle themed almost Can't wait for a playable version to test hint hint That's still going to take some time. Need to block stuff off, and make sure you can't get stuck or go outside of the map. But I also want to make it look more polished before I release a playable version. I also still need to make the capturable control point in Kismet, and add ladders, apples and camels. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 4, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 4, 2016 I see a lot of base defence. Won't that be an issue on Marathon Servers? Quote
Henk Posted March 5, 2016 Author Posted March 5, 2016 In regards to sneaking in: Nod has 3 turrets, GDI has 2 guard towers. Nod's 2 front turrets are quite easy to hit with tanks, especially the one by HoN, a bit like on lakeside. There is enough cover, maybe even too much, to sneak to the airstrip, because the turret takes time to aim at you and shoot, and even then misses sometimes because of it's projectiles' speed, but it's also a good alarm system, if you hear the turret go off, go check it out. The 3rd turret is between the Refinery and PP, and you can run from the PP to the turret without getting hit, and then to the refinery, if you sprint the turret only has time to shoot at you once. Early infantry rushers might decide to go for the PP, you'll get shot 1 or 2 times depending on how quick you are. GDI's front guard tower is a bit more difficult to hit, because that one is very important for that side, it can serve as an sbh alarm, the downside is, it has line of sight towards both base entrances, and it takes time for it to turn it's gun around (and it can only shoot into 1 direction of course). Tried sneaking in multiple times with sbh, and it shot my armor and some of my health, pretty deadly, but from there you can get to the Ref frontdoor (harv docking side) and WF backdoor if you go around the corner quickly The second guard tower, by the PP, is more difficult to hit, it also has less eyes on the base, but I think i'm gonna make that one a bit less OP, because you can't even c4 it at the moment. Might swap it with the destroyed guard tower (see page 1). You can enter PP and Barracks when coming from the dam without getting completely destroyed by the guard towers. For vehicles there's now an extra path, see the top down shot, I think that will also help. But what I want is for rounds on this map to end in base destruction, also within AOW's time limit. I think players have enough different options now to destroy the enemy base. Quote
Henk Posted March 5, 2016 Author Posted March 5, 2016 No pics but it did happen: - Replaced a lot of trees with treeline meshes - Added huge rocks in the background of the landscape - Blocking Volumes, also some to prevent getting stuck - 1 Soft level boundary added - Vehicle Blocking Volumes - Anti B2B stuff - More Landscape smoothing - Repair Pad meshes added back in, and moved to a seperate package - GDI repair pad now done too. - Repair pad now also works on Tiberian Sun and APB vehicles, even on Hover MRLS . - Added grass and small rocks - Added water particle effects Next up: Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 5, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 5, 2016 Next up: Lol. Keep up the good work Quote
Ryz Posted March 5, 2016 Posted March 5, 2016 Hope the ladders won't launch you like in the first versions of Xmountain.... Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 5, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 5, 2016 Did you scripted the repair pad?! Quote
Henk Posted March 6, 2016 Author Posted March 6, 2016 Yeah with Kismet. I actually want it to behave more like a building/small base defense and make it have a health bar. Right now it repairs your vehicle if you're in it (and on the right team), also changes the material to a flashing one, and triggers particle emmiters for some repair sparks. Quote
Henk Posted March 7, 2016 Author Posted March 7, 2016 I've got a busy week ahead so progress will be a bit slower than it was the last couple of days. I'll update this post with screenshots later today (~9 hours from now probably). Things I did: - Fixed floating grass and rocks - Ladders - Added water + water volume, it's BSP now, will make a mesh for it later - Concrete base entrances at the dam side - Floor numbers on the walls, done with a Material Instance instead of a Decal, so everyone sees them. - Re-added Tiberium ground texture - Lights in dam - Post-Processing, some subtle level coloration - Lightposts at the back of the Nod Base - Some vines on structures - Falling leaves - Landscape meshes on the outside of the map Things I will do next: - Fix some UV Channels for the dam - Try to optimize water reflections on the dam - Culling - Improving the broken concrete - Road Decals yay - Ambient sounds - River mesh - Lake mesh - Swimming post-process volume - Try to get my character stuck on things - Minimap I'm also glad the Harvesters both arrive at their tiberium field at the same time Edit: Here's some pictures, I hadn't shown the GDI repairpad yet, and those mountains in the background are new too. Quote
CoreDefender Posted March 11, 2016 Posted March 11, 2016 Very nice!! Finally we get a Repair Facility Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted March 11, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 11, 2016 looking awsome man .. but i think the rock texture could be a bit "whiter" they seem out of place right now Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 11, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 11, 2016 Love the repair pad Quote
Schmitzenbergh Posted March 11, 2016 Posted March 11, 2016 Looking very nice! It reminds me of Field, but in a good way. The entrance, silo in main area, the river. The overall feel seems good aswell. Keep up the good work! Quote
Henk Posted March 11, 2016 Author Posted March 11, 2016 looking awsome man .. but i think the rock texture could be a bit "whiter" they seem out of place right now Was thinking of making them more brown, to fit the mud/sand on the paths and by the river. To make it look like the sand and mud is sedimented from the rocks in the area. And thx for the comments everyone Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 11, 2016 Posted March 11, 2016 Looking very awesome there Henk! Can't wait for the first playtest (and get stuck on things ) Quote
rocky44r Posted March 11, 2016 Posted March 11, 2016 this looks really really nice and new buildings in base it brings an end to "repair me" spamming in base maybe add the new repair pad to standard ren x SDK so we can see more maps with it? Quote
MarkSchnayder Posted March 11, 2016 Posted March 11, 2016 Maps is looking better and better ... very nice details! hope we can make a test play soon. Great work! Quote
Redline Posted March 11, 2016 Posted March 11, 2016 all aboard the hype train. the next line up of maps to be released is looking awesome pads, EMP cannons, tib sun vehicles...all this reminds me of old Ren custom maps. well done henk. it would be nice to have these special features as a prefab or something similar to make it easier for future map implementations. GJ! Quote
rocky44r Posted March 11, 2016 Posted March 11, 2016 pads, EMP cannons, tib sun vehicles... don't forget the helipads of kenz on beach head ^^ Quote
Henk Posted March 12, 2016 Author Posted March 12, 2016 I've made a seperate package for the repair pad, and when I release that package and the map, people can copy the kismet from the level file. Takes a bit more work than dragging in a prefab but still quite easy to do. Going to work further on the map tomorrow, had a busy week but now I have time again Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 12, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 12, 2016 I've made a seperate package for the repair pad, and when I release that package and the map, people can copy the kismet from the level file. Takes a bit more work than dragging in a prefab but still quite easy to do.Going to work further on the map tomorrow, had a busy week but now I have time again I thought there are already sounds of Repair Facility under attack and destroyed. Maybe you can do something with it Quote
Totem Arts Staff kenz3001 Posted March 12, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 12, 2016 if you make the rep pad a prefab and save it to the rep pad package it will save the kismet to the prefab Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 13, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 13, 2016 pads, EMP cannons, tib sun vehicles... don't forget the helipads of kenz on beach head ^^ And I'm trying to re-model the communication center. Interior is already done. 1 problem. Theyre all regular static meshes. But with some kismet you don't see the difference Quote
Henk Posted March 13, 2016 Author Posted March 13, 2016 Here's some new pics of stuff I added: And here's a list: - Brought the reflections back to the dam, it's a cubemap reflection now instead of realtime. - Ambient Sounds - Lens Flares - Vines on buildings - River and lake water - Wet rocks, gave them specularity, but can't seem to vertex paint the wet parts darker.. - Swimming post-process volume - Road Decals placed, materials still need some work though - Culling done - Gave Nod a guard tower instead of turrer in the back of the base, because I could dodge every shot from that turret on my way to the Nod refinery. Up next: - Buildlights - Sending the map to some people so they can try to get out of the map, get stuck on things or get on top of things where you're not supposed to go. - Making the control point in Kismet - Improving the broken concrete - Minimap Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 13, 2016 Posted March 13, 2016 That's amazing Henk! The stuff you're making here is beautiful ! I'd downgrade the fog-level on those spherical fogs @ the lights though, I'd half the density. Quote
j0g32 Posted March 14, 2016 Posted March 14, 2016 Looks great, Henk! Reminds me a bit of Bad Company 2, and Crysis 3 (?) Keep it up! Quote
CoreDefender Posted March 14, 2016 Posted March 14, 2016 When you mouse over/highlight the Repair Facility, does it show the green cursor box for buildings and display "Repair Facility" with building health? Is that something that the mutator does? Similar to this picture, where you highlight the Helipad (made by Kenz3001) and it displays "Helipad" Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 14, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 14, 2016 That's Ruuds Building Interface mutator. It's only possible to attack it if it is scripted. That is hard to do Quote
Henk Posted March 15, 2016 Author Posted March 15, 2016 I want it to be like that but I don't know how. If anyone can help me with it, that would be nice. Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 15, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 15, 2016 viewtopic.php?f=138&t=75852 Check the tutorial Quote
Henk Posted March 15, 2016 Author Posted March 15, 2016 Wouldn't it be better if I made a vehicle class out of it? Not one that can move or be entered but one like the Guard Towers, AA towers and turrets. Because if want it to be possible to destroy it, and disable it when it gets EMP'd. Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 16, 2016 Posted March 16, 2016 Let me get this straight, you want to have the guard tower scripted with health? or the repair pad? The guard tower should just be an extension from the GDI one with a TeamID override (should be about 1kB in size when youre done lol) As for the repairpad, scripting that to a building is very hard, I'd suggest you ask Agent or Rypel for help on that. Maybe HandEpsilon can even help you. Quote
Henk Posted March 16, 2016 Author Posted March 16, 2016 The repairpad needs a health bar and interface. How about copying over, for instance, the SAM site package and class, remove the shooting and moving stuff, and replace all references to the sam site stuff with repair pad stuff? Quote
Daxter Posted March 16, 2016 Posted March 16, 2016 this repair pad, when finished, will help a lot of mappers bringing in a new building. i so hope for it in the future ^^. Quote
Ruud033 Posted March 16, 2016 Posted March 16, 2016 The repairpad needs a health bar and interface.How about copying over, for instance, the SAM site package and class, remove the shooting and moving stuff, and replace all references to the sam site stuff with repair pad stuff? Might be worth looking into Quote
Totem Arts Staff TK0104 Posted March 16, 2016 Totem Arts Staff Posted March 16, 2016 I think a lot of errors will appear. I tried it a lot of times. But always had errors Quote
Henk Posted March 17, 2016 Author Posted March 17, 2016 I'll try it soon, but already looked at the code and I have no idea what I can and can not touch without breaking it. In the meantime I made the control point in Kismet. Both sides have an energy wall that stops bullets. Capture the MCT inside the dam to disable the enemy wall, also toggles the light off and plays the low power sound from Tiberian Sun (whitout voice, just the sound effect). It also spawns 2 Gun Emplacements for your team by the MCT, they don't respawn until the control point is captured by the enemy and then recaptured by your team. They get destroyed when the MCT is neutralized. Both walls are also up when the MCT is neutralised, and there's a 5 second delay before the wall goes up or down. I think this will give some dynamic gameplay on the dam. And it also makes the dam more interesting to fight over. I don't think the gun emplacements are too OP, because they don't respawn and there's multiple entrances and places for cover on the way to the MCT, and right in front of the mct, under the catwalks, you can't get hit by the gun emplacement fire. So it won't be campy I think. Having the enemy wall disabled makes it possible to shoot into the enemy base from further away, but there won't be base to base because your wall will still be up. And I improved my road decals to fit the ground better. Quote
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