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Hey Yosh, you are writing these extensive posts for a good reason:

"Teach the young-uns how to Renegade"

I mean, Defang is clearly writing from the sing-hero-point-of-view and not team-based. This game is about "teamwork prevails".

How many RTS games can you play, in which you have a single unit destroying the opposing forces without being overpowered in any way?

Renegade-X is inspired on C&C Renegade which is inspired on C&C Tiberian Dawn era. Even the commando in that game isn't that OP to destroy entire armies and bases all by himself. It all comes down to teamwork.

I find PIC's and raveshaws doing enough damage as is, versus infantry, they ought to do the same as a sakura/havoc sniper and against armor vehicles some more though. Sak/Havoc snipers need 5-6 shots to kill an MLRS/Arty, but they have the range advantage while PIC's and ravs do not.

I find it fair for PIC's and ravs to kill an MLRS/Arty with 4 shots, but a light tank perhaps 8 shots (2 clips), medium tank 10 shots, mammoth tank 16 shots.

These numbers can be played with, but it's about getting the idea.

Your reverence to 4 PIC's being a walking obelisk with 50 surplus damage is a bit flawed though. Obelisk needs a chargeup time and when it shoots, it hits 100% while PIC's rely on aiming manually. Furthermore, in between shots, the tank can roll away to savety.

As for the beacons:

add 5 seconds to a 2nd beacon when the 1st is still active. another 5 seconds (total 10) to the 3rd beacon while the other 2 are active.

This adds an increased timeframe to disarm the beacons when Nod tries to SBH-spam-nuke the GDI base.

NOTE: active beacons OUTSIDE the base (fake beacons) also count for the added time! This will keep beaconspamming at a minimum or it's considered active teamhampering

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  • Totem Arts Staff
Your reverence to 4 PIC's being a walking obelisk with 50 surplus damage is a bit flawed though. Obelisk needs a chargeup time and when it shoots, it hits 100% while PIC's rely on aiming manually. Furthermore, in between shots, the tank can roll away to savety.

You're right, PICs do rely on manual aiming. Now exactly how hard is it to hit the wide side of a barn? Flame tanks, Stealth tanks, Meds and Lights all have pretty large profiles; you literally just have to click on them and get instant reward for it.

As for the Obelisk having a charge-up time, well yeah...that actually makes a group of PICs come out even stronger, as their first shot requires no charge-up. I was just remarking at the fact that they recharge their shot faster than the Obelisk after shooting.

I don't know if you're trying to argue in the Obelisk's favour, but tanks being able to run away to safety is more prevalent vs. an Obelisk. PICs can run your ass down if it's safe enough to do so.

I find PIC's and raveshaws doing enough damage as is, versus infantry, they ought to do the same as a sakura/havoc sniper and against armor vehicles some more though. Sak/Havoc snipers need 5-6 shots to kill an MLRS/Arty, but they have the range advantage while PIC's and ravs do not.

I find it fair for PIC's and ravs to kill an MLRS/Arty with 4 shots, but a light tank perhaps 8 shots (2 clips), medium tank 10 shots, mammoth tank 16 shots.

Ramjet kills artillery in 7 shots. PIC does it in 5.

Light tanks go down in 8 shots, though 7 literally leaves it with 5hp. I'd assume that something else was shooting at it too though, so I'd bank on 7 shots.

Again, the damage of PICs is kind of sensitive, but either letting them do a % more vs light armour or increasing the damage to an even 100 would make them better arty killers. Personally, I think they're still freakishly good as they are now. Look at Patch's DPS on vehicles, then you've got something that might need to be tweaked. Going through the math he can overpower a Hotwire's repairs by himself >_>.

The only issue Insee with the PIC now is that tanks got a range buff, and they could probably use a small one to compensate.


Beacons should just be the flat 30 seconds. Take out the 10 second grace period. Yes that will mean sometimes you see a bomb flying down and it disappears suddenly but 20 seconds is almost never enough time to root out a beacon, kill the SBH guarding it and then deactivate it. Its too easy to solo a building with a beacon.

Additionally I have a lot of trouble using the zoom. It spazzes out on me all the time from just one click.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  Dporcupine said:
Beacons should just be the flat 30 seconds. Take out the 10 second grace period. Yes that will mean sometimes you see a bomb flying down and it disappears suddenly but 20 seconds is almost never enough time to root out a beacon, kill the SBH guarding it and then deactivate it. Its too easy to solo a building with a beacon.

Additionally I have a lot of trouble using the zoom. It spazzes out on me all the time from just one click.

....You're aware you have like 55 seconds to disarm a beacon, right? It just starts counting when it gets to 30.

  Dporcupine said:
Beacons should just be the flat 30 seconds. Take out the 10 second grace period. Yes that will mean sometimes you see a bomb flying down and it disappears suddenly but 20 seconds is almost never enough time to root out a beacon, kill the SBH guarding it and then deactivate it. Its too easy to solo a building with a beacon.

Additionally I have a lot of trouble using the zoom. It spazzes out on me all the time from just one click.

EVA/CABAL sound message reports: Nuclear strike/Ion cannon beacon deployed! And something along the line of evacuate the area. The beacon beeping sound is a dead giveaway for defenders that there is a beacon in the area.

Total time: 60 seconds upon deployment. At the 30 second mark countdown starts. Last 10 seconds is to evacuate the scene in order to not get killed by it.

  renegadexplayer said:
I want it back to 64 players or 256-1000 players, and ai fill the the empty slots like in skirmish but in multiplayer, while we enjoy the game at the moment the devs can work on the ai, till then

64 players I'd like to see, but that's likely not going to happen unless the devs figure out a way to fix the vehicle bugs that result from high player counts. (I don't think they will, to be honest. It's an engine issue.) I hope I get to see those insane 256 player matches that happened in old Ren, since I never had the opportunity to play that online. 1000 is just a bit overkill, though.


I think something needs to be done about nuke spamming at the very least. 6 SBH with minimal coordination can take down most of the base on Walls no matter how many defenders you have.

If spamming beacons reduces their effectiveness via a countdown penalty then I think that would still allow for smart play with beacons but discourage the spamming that we frequently see in games today.

Its great when Nod coordinates a tank push with a nuke beacon and uses snipers to cover the beacon. That's excellent team play. It's retarded when 5 beacons are all placed within 2 seconds of each other on every building in the base. Not even 10 Hotwires can disarm that many especially when you have to fend off a SBH that may have a carbine.


I dunno if anyones mentioned it

but something that needs to be fixed is if someone sticks a mine to you, you cant buy anything from the control terminal

so u must quitlife aka suicide

  dregs said:
I dunno if anyones mentioned it

but something that needs to be fixed is if someone sticks a mine to you, you cant buy anything from the control terminal

so u must quitlife aka suicide

Should have been fixed.

  Frontjinouga said:
Please the helicopters sitll have the tremble bug,can you just fix it and then do the rest?

I think low frame rate is the cause of the heli's shaking.

Can a player list be added to the right side of the Renegade-X launcher to see who is playing? Maybe you can push the "Join Server" button and server info down to the bottom and squeeze it in the middle? It's your choice.


OK a list from me, bit late (who cares :D)

Would like some changes in maps to prevent stalemates and artywhoring. Too many safe places where you hold the firebutton for 30min and farm tons and tons of points without any effort.

Field should have a more open entrance.

Whiteout doesnt work at all, terrible balance. I understand you wanted to change hourglass in something less campy, but unfortunatly changes made it worse. Good thing you are going to change some promising things. Looking forward for it. Good luck, its not an easy map to balance.

Xmountain is also a bit broken, but fixable. Add 1 guard tower in the base. So gdi can focus on the field. I really like the field in xmoutain, really fun to play. Some collision issues and ladder bug. Maybe the entrance should be more open. Its a bit of a funnel.

The carbine you can buy is OP. Pretty much no reason not to buy it. I also want to see a slight increase in price for the tiberian weapons.

Laserminigun does too much headshot dmg. It was very good in beta2, didnt need a buff.

Slightly less splash on all vehicles guns, except stank. Way too easy to kill inf with tanks.

Stank missiles are still terrible, very hard to hit anyting. dmg is good, but you cant hit anything. Original stank was really good, but in renx its not worth the effort (only works in certain maps). I think stank needs 500 hp, worth a try.

Sometimes the game changes your c4 into grenades, really annoying and gamebreaking. You dont noticed this, until you want to place a c4 on mct.

I would like to see a smokestrike. Kinda like airstrike, but with smoke. The is effect already there after the emp.

Change or remove EMP, doesnt add anything, apart from stalemates.

Pretty sure I forgot couple of things, but other people in this thread made some good suggestions.

Anyway keep up the good work devs, I really appriciate it.

  Action Hank said:
OK a list from me, bit late (who cares :D)

Would like some changes in maps to prevent stalemates and artywhoring. Too many safe places where you hold the firebutton for 30min and farm tons and tons of points without any effort.

Rypel [DEV] released a mutator to disable base defences after X amount of time, We ran this on EKT server, however people started bitching about it so we removed it. People will happily whore and whore and whore, but soon as they lose a building they all leave, so go figure, Rypel was kind enough to make this mutator, the people in server at the time bitched about it, so pretty much made there bed, they can lie it in.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  angrydave1987 said:
  Action Hank said:
OK a list from me, bit late (who cares :D)

Would like some changes in maps to prevent stalemates and artywhoring. Too many safe places where you hold the firebutton for 30min and farm tons and tons of points without any effort.

Rypel [DEV] released a mutator to disable base defences after X amount of time, We ran this on EKT server, however people started bitching about it so we removed it. People will happily whore and whore and whore, but soon as they lose a building they all leave, so go figure, Rypel was kind enough to make this mutator, the people in server at the time bitched about it, so pretty much made there bed, they can lie it in.

Pretty sure Action was just referring to map design. Disabling base defences doesn't really stop anyone from point-whoring. Granted, I still think point-whoring isn't as huge of a deal as some people make it out to be. It's not like they're completely safe while doing it.


The point about whoring is: It's a legit tactic and sometimes it's necessary (a.e. if the enemy camps).

BUT: On a lot of maps, the (let's call em) whoringspots are not even balanced. Best example is Islands. While nod got a lot of covered spots to shoot ref and even a few to shoot WF, GDI is nearly always out of cover. I understand that it's hard for a map-designer to regard something like this, but it's necessary to offer a fair match. Both sides should at least have NEARLY the same amount of covered/blind spots (spots, where u can't be shot from enemy core base).


Yeah that was my point, like abraxus said. Should not be impossible, but there should be some risk and fair for both teams.

Also field has one unfair spot. Nod arty can camp behind the gdi bunker while shooting at wf. He cant be hit from the entrance side. While gdi cant hide behind the nod bunker when shooting hon.

Mesa, goldrush for example are decently fair with arty spots. Walls kinda. nod can shoot ref and wf, while gdi can only do hon. But arty/mrls are pretty vunerable in those positions, not really problem with an active team.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  Action Hank said:

Also field has one unfair spot. Nod arty can camp behind the gdi bunker while shooting at wf. He cant be hit from the entrance side. While gdi cant hide behind the nod bunker when shooting hon.

Use airstrikes. Gets me everytime.

  Encrypt said:
  Action Hank said:

Also field has one unfair spot. Nod arty can camp behind the gdi bunker while shooting at wf. He cant be hit from the entrance side. While gdi cant hide behind the nod bunker when shooting hon.

Use airstrikes. Gets me everytime.

That's not the point. NOD doesn't have to airstrike at all..even if it's sometimes nice to have.

  Abraxus said:
  Encrypt said:
  Action Hank said:

Also field has one unfair spot. Nod arty can camp behind the gdi bunker while shooting at wf. He cant be hit from the entrance side. While gdi cant hide behind the nod bunker when shooting hon.

Use airstrikes. Gets me everytime.

That's not the point. NOD doesn't have to airstrike at all..even if it's sometimes nice to have.

GDI also have the stronger vehicles, as well as ramjets to overwhelm light armor (even arties behind a bunker have some hitbox). How many ramjets does it take to fire at once and 1 hit an arty? Like 6-8?

GDI have stronger vehicles, which is why they need to enter the Nod front door. Nod does not have vehicle superiority so they get a bit more cover.

For that matter, most maps and the game itself, balance based off gdi/nod differences. Nod's tall structure is HON, GDI's is WF, both are their key gameplay utility, infantry being Nod and vehicles being GDI. Bases usually place HON in equal danger with WF. In field, WF and HON are shellable, Air and Bar as well as refs are tunnel-beaconable. In Islands, HON are right outside tunnel, and WF is right outside tunnel (as a wildcard, bar and air are also reachable), Both have WF and HON shellable as well as ref, and since SBH are more effective with nukes on Islands the Air is also vunerable at Nod entrance.

Let's speculate. City Flying baby. There is a blind spot to transfer from behind cover to behind a base structure. For Nod, its HON backdoor, for GDI, it is WF backdoor. The ref and hon and pp are all in a wide radius of attack from overpass side, and the ref and wf and pp on gdi overpass. The underpass is less a "narrow death drap" and a flexible approach being able to take cover from air under the pass and use either narrow cracks, and that entrance attacks the air and bar as well as the powerplant. WELL, if the map structure doesn't fix the finnicky crack allowing some vehs through but not others, it makes sense that, by map design, they switch the ref and PP around. That way, the PP is on the "safer" side of the base. Then again, you don't want 2 vital structures on same side of a base, but the overpass has range of all 3 so that don't matter much.

There is a method to most map design madness.


While generally gdi tanks are stronger, gdi cant ever get out to repair. This is a big disadvantage. So gdi and nod are decently balanced in battle.

I want maps to encourage teams to get on offence and get in their base, not camp behind hills and safe spots.

I dont mind exposed buildings, although I would like to see a map with only 1 building exposed, the obi/agt. See how that works. *edit* Ofcourse with enough entrances for vehicles and special backdoor entrances for inf. Dont want a funnel of death.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  Action Hank said:
While generally gdi tanks are stronger, gdi cant ever get out to repair. This is a big disadvantage. So gdi and nod are decently balanced in battle.

...GDI can definitely repair in the field,they just have to be smarter and more cautious about it. I've actually stolen more Nod vehicles while playing as GDI than I have vice-versa thanks to people thinking like that.

Tranquility has the point here, though I still think there should be a bit more exposure when Arts are at the bunker. It's actually not game-breaking though, as Nod's vehicles generally do benefit from cover better, especially the Light tank with its short profile.

  Handepsilon said:
Wait wait, in Island, WF is right outside the tunnel? I thought Bar is much closer to the tunnel

Nope, the tunnel that is on the side closest to the HON, is also the side closest to the WF front door. The other tunnel is directly in front of the bar, but the bar is a bit farther out, especially considering the bar has 1 opening and the MCT is on the far side.

You can also argue that the HON isn't as shellable as the WF. But, the distance of the HON to the base entrance is shorter, a lot of empty space in GDI's base to allow GDI to react to flame tank rushes. At the same time, the HON can be shelled from over the infantry rock-ramp albeit a limited window of attack. Thinking of it that way, it would be OP if GDI had flame tanks in that map. They could get to the Air or the HON before Nod could react. However, the distance is shorter, because mammies don't cover as much space as fast.

Posted (edited)
  Action Hank said:

Xmountain is also a bit broken, but fixable. Add 1 guard tower in the base. So gdi can focus on the field. I really like the field in xmoutain, really fun to play. Some collision issues and ladder bug. Maybe the entrance should be more open. Its a bit of a funnel.

I have to agree with Hank, light defense like Guardtower and Turrets would fit to Xmountains.

So it would be cool if Kenz3001 could edit two Guardtower to the GDI-base and tow Turrets to the Nod-base :cool:

  Action Hank said:

I would like to see a smokestrike. Kinda like airstrike, but with smoke. The is effect already there after the emp..

Well, what about smoke grenades as alternate sidearm (to replace c4).

There is something more, that i like to see in Beta 4:

alternate Skins for some GDI-characters, because they look stupid and i hate this skins since 2002.

This Skins are:

- Deadeye

- Gunner

- McFarland (not realy stupid but ugly :o )

Any one else how dislike this skins?

Edited by Guest
  Darkraptor said:

alternate Skins for some GDI-characters, because they look stupid and i hate this skins since 2002.

This Skins are:

- Gunner

Any one else how dislike this skins?

What are you, a racist? :P

Just messing, would like to have some alternate skins, like the power armours of Mobius (and Sydney), because walking around in a labcoat doesn't make me feel like i'm playing a strong class.


Proximity mines are OP... wish they were more like Ren where 1 infantry ccould jump and blow 3-4 off.

Field: AGT is too sensitive up close... you can't harv walk, even with an sbh. Inf should be able to wall hop as nod, since gdi can ob walk.

Allow server owners to set rotations instead of the vote map option.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  WhisKeY said:
Proximity mines are OP... wish they were more like Ren where 1 infantry ccould jump and blow 3-4 off.

Field: AGT is too sensitive up close... you can't harv walk, even with an sbh. Inf should be able to wall hop as nod, since gdi can ob walk.

Allow server owners to set rotations instead of the vote map option.

Wait, Ob-walking doesn't exist in Renegade X. You can face backwards and walk in all the funny ass patterns you want, but it is going to strike you down like a very vibrant fist from the heavens no matter what.

If you're referring to the fact that the Obelisk just shoots slow and can't hit more than one infantry every 4-ish seconds...then that's just because the Obelisk is built to deal with vehicles. Hell, you can engi-rush the AGT on Field already.

  yosh56 said:

If you're referring to the fact that the Obelisk just shoots slow and can't hit more than one infantry every 4-ish seconds...then that's just because the Obelisk is built to deal with vehicles. Hell, you can engi-rush the AGT on Field already.

Dit it as a Hotwire on Mesa two days ago, and there weren't any other players distracting the obelisk, there were only 4 people on the server. I walked into airstrip.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  Henk said:
  yosh56 said:

If you're referring to the fact that the Obelisk just shoots slow and can't hit more than one infantry every 4-ish seconds...then that's just because the Obelisk is built to deal with vehicles. Hell, you can engi-rush the AGT on Field already.

Dit it as a Hotwire on Mesa two days ago, and there weren't any other players distracting the obelisk, there were only 4 people on the server. I walked into airstrip.

You need to clarify what Ob-walking you're referring to, as a lot of people use the term wrongfully. I can think of several ways to get to buildings past the Obelisk, but they're not necessarily what you'd refer to as Ob-walking.


Ob walking means running 2 technicians at the obelisk from the tunnel on field. 1 will die, the other will make it in. For balance, GDI could 2 man ref hop on regular ren, but Ren-X doesn't have that. It was a fun part of Ren that should be brought back. (btw, ref hop = 1 player could jump on the back of another, allowing 1 to jump a ledge and gain access to the back of the refinery on field)

Nod should be able to harv walk to the agt but that doesn't seem possible either.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  WhisKeY said:
Ob walking means running 2 technicians at the obelisk from the tunnel on field. 1 will die, the other will make it in. For balance, GDI could 2 man ref hop on regular ren, but Ren-X doesn't have that. It was a fun part of Ren that should be brought back. (btw, ref hop = 1 player could jump on the back of another, allowing 1 to jump a ledge and gain access to the back of the refinery on field)

Nod should be able to harv walk to the agt but that doesn't seem possible either.

...Yet again, Ob-walking referred to the actual GLITCH in Renegade where the Obelisk would actually fail to kill you even while you were walking in plain sight of it. This is why Ob-walking was banned, because it was legitimately unfair and not supposed to be part of the game. Running into buildings with somebody tanking the first shot of the Obelisk is not Ob-walking.



using 2 infantry to rush the ob was always called ob walking in clanwars ("watch for ob walk"). Not saying people didn't call the ob walk glitch the same thing, but that was irrelevant in clanwars since it was illegal and nobody would risk doing it since it was too obvious.

My point was, if 2 gdi can rush a nod building on field, then 2 nod should be able to rush a gdi building on field. Its how it was in Ren, and should be the same in Ren-X.

  • Totem Arts Staff
  WhisKeY said:
using 2 infantry to rush the ob was always called ob walking in clanwars ("watch for ob walk"). Not saying people didn't call the ob walk glitch the same thing, but that was irrelevant in clanwars since it was illegal and nobody would risk doing it since it was too obvious.

My point was, if 2 gdi can rush a nod building on field, then 2 nod should be able to rush a gdi building on field. Its how it was in Ren, and should be the same in Ren-X.

Wall-hopping was generally illegal on many servers. GDI is supposed to be harder to infiltrate with infantry, it's why the AGT has guns instead of just all anti-vehicle weapons. Besides, you can wall-hop the Barrack's sandbags on Islands if you jump off the rock beside it, and land on another soldier's head. A lot harder than OldRen, but proven doable.

I'll agree that Nod should be able to Harv-walk on Field though, as that surprised me the first time I tried doing it.


In competitive Renegade clanwars, and the big servers that matter (like Jelly) it was never illegal. It only makes sense and gives a perfect balance.

Keep in mind, I prefer smaller team games where being able to do a 2 person rush makes a big difference. In a 40 player public server, not so much.

Devs have been talking about changing Field and maybe even removing the barriers at the tunnel, so we may be wasting our time debating this.

  Henk said:
  Darkraptor said:

alternate Skins for some GDI-characters, because they look stupid and i hate this skins since 2002.

This Skins are:

- Gunner

Any one else how dislike this skins?

What are you, a racist? :P

Definitley not. But this colorfull uniforms doesn't look like GDI. More like kindergarten :D

  Henk said:

Just messing, would like to have some alternate skins, like the power armours of Mobius (and Sydney), because walking around in a labcoat doesn't make me feel like i'm playing a strong class.

Its always strange to see Mobius on the battlefield. Because i remeber in TD he was more like the professor in distress :o . But his battlesuit is cool. So pls bring it back.


Just two more things I thought of.

The first is light tanks. I don't remember how it was in the original renegade, but currently headshotting with a light tank feels underwhelming. I've headshotted people who are standing still and they just walk away. Just a minor complaint.

The second is the rocket soldier. There is a delay when swapping from the rocket launcher to the side arm. This might be intended, but it's really annoying to me. It's the only class I know of that has this. I avoid using this class for that reason. It's too much of a disadvantage when you run into enemy infantry.

  Bananas said:
Just two more things I thought of.

The first is light tanks. I don't remember how it was in the original renegade, but currently headshotting with a light tank feels underwhelming. I've headshotted people who are standing still and they just walk away. Just a minor complaint.

The second is the rocket soldier. There is a delay when swapping from the rocket launcher to the side arm. This might be intended, but it's really annoying to me. It's the only class I know of that has this. I avoid using this class for that reason. It's too much of a disadvantage when you run into enemy infantry.

Officer got the same problem...and true, thats really annoying to me as well!

  Bananas said:
Just two more things I thought of.

The first is light tanks. I don't remember how it was in the original renegade, but currently headshotting with a light tank feels underwhelming. I've headshotted people who are standing still and they just walk away. Just a minor complaint.

Doesn't the med have the same problem? All tanks should have a headshot multiplier with one shot to the head being a kill. Now there's no reward for skillfully headshotting moving players.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Med still one shot kills on head shots. The Light tank can depending on the infantry unit. Tier 3, and I think 2, can tank a Light tank headshot. I'm personally fine with this. Nod has the Arty for head shotting infantry.

As for the Officers switching weapons, it makes sense in first-person. In third person there's no animation of them putting heir weapon away, so there's just an awkward delay.

Also, how has nobody emphasised one of the most game-breaking bugs in game? Can we look into fixing glitched timed C4 on MCTs!?

  tekgunman said:
  Bananas said:
Just two more things I thought of.

The first is light tanks. I don't remember how it was in the original renegade, but currently headshotting with a light tank feels underwhelming. I've headshotted people who are standing still and they just walk away. Just a minor complaint.

Doesn't the med have the same problem? All tanks should have a headshot multiplier with one shot to the head being a kill. Now there's no reward for skillfully headshotting moving players.

I believe all vehicles have HS damage, even the flametanks. The Light tank doesnt have enough firepower to kill T3 units.. not sure about T2.

Med/mammy/arty can kill every unit with 1 hs. Although mammy is more difficult, because the barrels are not centered. Unlike the original renagede stealth tank, the new stank cant ever get a hs with its inaccurate missiles.


I think it would be cool to have base OBL/ADT damage scaled to current player capacity, so that if you don't have many players on the server its not impossible to assault on those maps.

In terms of damage, I am not sure what they currently output, but something like 25% of the total units damage with 1-8 players. Meaning 4 shots to kill you.

9-16 players its 33% of units damage, taking 3 shots to kill you

17-24 would be 50% damage, 2 shots to kill

24-32 would be 75% damage

and 33-40 would be full standard damage.


Is this added/already said? They should change the radio command/q to a different color so that on team play or on defense people on spamming q on a building will actually will not hinder a much more important note from tactical players. Its hard to type only to see your typed message vanish due to q spamming.

Also if possible add up on the top of players head that he is typing like an icon that states I am typing. I hate to kill people that is typing, cause it is easy.

also make it to have remote c4 different slots and proxies on different slots.

Also make it that proxies can be removed by issuing a vote or by pressing q and then placing a different mines on much more proper places, and it should inform the miner that he/she's mines where removed by x(Player who removed his mines and change remined it). This make it to less stressful to remine. For trollers by placing mines on different location add something like a vote to invoke him/her from mining (team only).

Make a customization panel, to add in dept game play.(Just a thought)

-Like Armor(Remote Vest works well currently :P) that reduce damage and it cost like 600+ or something.

-Add armor panels for Vehicles to increase armor or increase fire rates cost like 800+.

-You should add a sentry turret not the aa turret as AA turret will be OP as Air units will just be so useless, A sentry turret that can deal moderate damage and have a bad aim will do the trick you know just a hindrance on sneaking people, but not a serious threat. And the sentry will say Enemy spotted on the user who placed them. And the user can only place 1 or 2, and it should cost like 1000 or 750.

Also the score system make it fair for the attackers, I hate to see people losing even though they were the ones attacking. Or players having higher scores even though they were only repairing buildings. Attackers make things happens they should be rewarded by having good scores, and Defenders deny things from happening and they should make it that killing people will increase scores than just repairing a building and your scores increased like 500+ or so.

  • Totem Arts Staff

Remote vest. LOL

Did you forget the proxy hat, and May I add proxy vehicle armor? :P

Anyway, I think that advanced engineer bug with AT and EMP needs to be looked at. You can't switch back to proxy once you bought either of the two until you die


Lols my grammar xD, sorry about the bad grammar I was a little piss yesterday. Proxy armor, OMG that would render apc and buggy shots useless, might want to try that kind of stuff. Nyahahahaha. Will do a little research about that and see if it will reduce damage of some sort

I do hope that some of the ideas are gonna be implemented, as some are reasonable. ^^Just hoping this is Beta after all.


If at all possible:

- UI not selecting targets through thick smoke (ie make it "blind shooting"), and add smoke grenades after.

- Expand on the old Ren units by adding more situational units, especially for GDI (Tanks are bigger, stronger, Infantry is pretty mediocre compared to some of NOD's), maybe just unique to some maps like flying.

- City, even if it's a rough draft, I love that map.

And a personal suggestion, idk if it would work:

- Make weapon upgrades available to buy-able characters only, IMHO it's only OP on free characters (and maybe hotwire/technician). Less likely to use the added gun (because of other specialties), more expensive to lose the character. And the Tiberium Flechette makes all infantry Patch-like, it doesn't feel right to me.


For beta 4, could we get the silo on Field deleted? I understand there has been talk about changes for Field, but removing it could be a temporary fix. I've really only seen the silo help snowball whichever team is already winning.


Could the devs change the scoreboard on the UI so that whichever team has more points is on top of the team with less points? This was in classic renegade.

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