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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Scoreboard points of interest should be changed, like discussed in a previous thread in regards to switching k/d and deaths for something else such as vehicle destructions and repairs. By the way if playerA damages an enemy player for a majority of their health but playerB delivers the killshot surely the kill should go to playerA not playerB
  2. Winter season, different theatre, better pay, more work. Fun flys Tis nice to work in such a magnificent place
  3. The video literally mocks the franchise with one line, thats funny to me
  4. This is my new favourite track ever https://youtu.be/DhkgohG9lTM
  5. Did I not just back it up? I backed it up and get nothing, such disappoint
  6. I will just take credit for this one, its fine guys and you're welcome.
  7. In sight Nod APC, all bots aim and shoot their weapons and you die in seconds however if you fly above them high enough with a Transport Helicopter and hold still then para-drop onto the plateau and just wait for the transport helicopter to land on them. It doesn't kill them but the airstrike will.
  8. Madkill40


    Stream RenX plays?
  9. I thought the barn replaced the silo...? Cos oldskool ren field
  10. CT kept RenX alive, if it wasn't for CT then the DDoS would have succeeded in killing the game. The CT server is incredibly stable but it isn't CT at fault for having the popular server, players have their own free will to join any other server and nobody impedes this.
  11. Navmesh will resolve it. Navmesh will resolve everything.
  12. Currently on an 89 hour work week, handling market stalls (crowd control, not selling) every Sunday for 11 hours followed by a 9am - 10pm Mon - Sat show run in Bradford City at the Alhambra Theatre for their christmas pantomime as a Theatre technician. Once performances start I go from a per hour wage to £26.50 per performance Mon - Fri, then £39.75 for performances on Saturdays (2 performances on Saturdays) Payday is gonna be wicked come January/February after all of this. The next 6 - 8 weeks of work 7 days a week are going to *be interesting. Makes a nice frikken change, the other theatre I worked at barely gave me any hours.
  13. i.e. What's been accomplished, what is in progress. This would be communal.
  14. *A continually updated change log would be nice .
  15. I found some I used in Toxicity, but had to make the collisions myself out of volumes so its not entirely pleasant. Prefabs are in the Environment file tho.
  16. Most of us are presently witholding our volatile thoughts of criticism until the lovely big update for Renegade-X is released which we have been promised to be a Winter update from our gracious and godly devs. Depending on the impact such a release will have will decide whether or not to share similar concerns as yourself, which many of us have already. We just gotta wait and see.
  17. You should try the official .msi download from the downloads section before trying this, however if you have done this then please see this thread for up to date downloads.
  18. i cracked yur code. http://consilr.info.uaic.ro/uploads_lt4el/menu/resources/gerwords.counts.sorted.fmt.txt
  19. People's issue with Rav/Syd is they can 1-hit-kill ALL infantry. Keyword is the 'ALL', at most a Rav/Syd should only be able to 1-hit-kill up to a Patch and that's only by the excess burn damage after they've been hit. Anything above that with more health should be safe, flak units should also take less damage cos flak.
  20. Be sure to have dragged the 'UDKGame' folder from the .zip into the Renegade X folder and not into the original UDKGame folder.
  21. Madkill40

    C&C3 units

    I wanna fly that orca
  22. You're only in the way because you didn't Move Out!
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