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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Wall hooks with the missiles in them or just have the missiles stood on their base, or they sit in partly obscured wall vaults or summin. But the shelf seems odd for missiles. Like, surely if a missile is propped up by its wings/fins(?) as they are on the shelf then over time wouldn't those bend out of shape even just a little bit and then they wouldn't be as effective travelling through the air when fired? Y'know, if that's how it works.
  2. I was referring to the issue on the wiki regarding multiple file downloads.
  3. Really hope you manage to solve the download issue in the near december, you guys can do it! I believes in you Code bq o i s.
  4. Sometimes I spam "Move Out!" To frequently harass Ryz in-game.
  5. " Von Profis für Profis entwickelt Tasten mit Federspannung 6 programmierbare Tasten 4 im Spiel wählbare Empfindlichkeitsstufen HAAAAAX
  6. Yeah, if you want to be some kind of Welsh peasant.
  7. I have this: https://www.amazon.co.uk/ASUS-Cerberus-Ambidextrous-Four-Stage-Indicator/dp/B017UBEEDK
  8. Isn't this also the area in which GDI can attack the Nod Refinery? With the exception that this is pretty much as far as GDI can go, whereas Nod get it much easier and can hit 4 out of 5 buildings without much issue from the AGT? Seriously. That ridge needs to be moved further away from the GDI base.
  9. If you're able to open the launcher then go into settings (the cog) then select 'Verify Game Integrity' ?
  10. Its a shame that these details for the map aren't based on the .ini file because that would make changing these limits much easier, especially when everybody has to download the changes made.
  11. But to move the ridge a bit further back (away from GDI's base) may still keep that advantage.
  12. When you see how much space Nod get in front of their base on the short path, would it not just be simpler to make this distance similar for the GDI side of the short vehicular path? [Sidenote: The big rock which is meant to prevent Arty's from firing at the Ref (South of the bigger red circle) is also the very obstacle which puts GDI at a disadvantage] The smaller red circle (Cover) could be moved south east, the blue and reds being the only main cover to exist, which would give GDI the bit mobility they so desperately need. Changing the elevation of the GDI short vehicular path to be less steep (like on the Nod side) may just disadvantage Nod completely but it is doable, in my opinion moving the steep elevation on the GDI side further west of its current location would make the short side fairer on both sides, Arty's would have to be way more exposed to fire at the GDI Refinery likewise GDI's vehicles would also be exposed getting to them but at least more GDI units could push that side if need be in order to overpower Nod forces. As for ways to reach the bridge from the cave, using some of the cave debris which currently exists inside the tunnel as ramps to reach the bridge would probably be the best way to add that extra pass into the map without altering much of the cave itself. (Its a nice cave)
  13. The terrain on Mesa's short side is ridiculously unfair, GDI cannot get as close to the Nod base as Nod can get to the GDI base which gives GDI no where to maneuver and leaves repairs slightly immobile, both vehicles and reps on GDI are immediately decimated by Nod vehicles. GDI needs a longer slope and generally more room so they're not so easily bottleknecked at the side of their base entrance/exit.
  14. There is always of course the Kucaminati, but nobody knows about them in the RenX community yet.
  15. It'd be interesting to have servers which differ and the most practical way to do this would be to use TortoiseSVN rather than relying on the in-game downloader depending on how many changes are made on a customised server, additionally giving the IGDL less traffic. It would have to state in the server name that it is a non-vanilla server, so new players wouldn't get the wrong idea. Aesthetic changes seem okay until v1, practicing the way this works would be good preparation. Whether or not this would ve worth it is debatable.
  16. Madkill40

    C&C3 units

    Regardin the flag you may want to look at the GDI Barracks flag.
  17. Madkill40

    C&C3 units

    Keep them as micro vehicles and we could make some interesting racing maps for extra kookiness in RenX, best part being is that the maps don't have to be HUGE because the vehicles are somewhat micro.
  18. Integrate Launcher with RenX Discord channel. job done.
  19. I think the main point is that it might be time for an Ameican server to surface to have another server going which runs with a decent amount of players from that particular region. And so long as European players don't pour into the American server bitching and moaning about a lack of players in the EU server then it is the American "god given right" to tell them to shut up and play.
  20. Changes as of November 2nd: Center Chainlink mesh removed Sky Misc
  21. Getting +6 to +9 VP for killing an engineer with a Sakura is pretty ridiculous, down right glorifying snipers and patting their backs a bit too much to be honest.
  22. I thought MVP was just the player at the top of the scoreboard of their respective team? If this is not the case then this should be changed as that is how Old Ren did it, it's how KANE did it, and it's worked out pretty well so far.
  23. 2111 Games. Get out.
  24. Changes as of November 1st: Nod and GDI Refineries added Removed 4 of the 8 Silos New Minimap Enhanced map look and feel Complete arena redesign Misc Pictures of bases added to OP. But here's the Arena...
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