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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. Genuinely think Beacon the Pedestal would be better than the mundane CTF done by every other game. In Beacon the Pedestal the Pedestal should be inside the Barracks/HoN - HOWEVER - both the Barracks and the HoN are destroyed from the beginning of the game meaning nobody spawns in either building and there are no purchase terminals inside, all other buildings have their health locked (or just have an insane amount of health/armour) ensuring that the pedestal is the only way to annihilate the enemy base
  2. An UnrealScript version of either of my suggestions for an Assault or Beacon the Pedestal would also be equally awesome to have
  3. Assault mode would be easily done if someone who knew kismet could make a simple map template which just contained 3 - 6 individual gates, which one team has to capture the nodes for to gain access to the other teams' base. The other team just has to defend every node and last against the timer. - - How these function within the game is entirely dependent on how anybody with the template designs their map - - Capture the flag in RenX doesn't work however what RenX could do is reinvent the gamemode i.e. Beacon the Pedestal (That thing which never worked in OldRen, and was just ignored) Again, just a map template with a pedestal rigged up in kismet to destroy either teams' entire base all at once No actual map needs to come designed with either of these, but pre-made kismet of such aforementioned ideas saved into an tidy .udk file would be more beneficial to everyone and ideally puts the kismet savvy's talents to better use than what they've currently been focused on @Ruud033 to just kismet either of these, how long would it take? This goes out to anybody else who knows how to use kismet ._.
  4. Having a refined list of voice commands would be great, everybody should get to work on such a list so I have some dialogue to practice. With a little bit of sound engineering and VA I might be able to do the EVA voice too so we can finally have an full announcement for all buildings and even for 'other' vehicles. Anyway, I think I've managed to get an similar to the in-game Voice commands filter going in Audition, so making some new ones can be of good quality. For Q-Spotting enemies it would be cool if the unit you were said what the other thing was locally so players nearby could know exactly what it is. i.e. Q-Spot a Mammoth, your LCG says "Mammoth Tank!" meanwhile globally to the team "Spotted Mammoth Tank at GDI Tib Field" ["Enemy Spotted!"] Most Nod and GDI would just have the same voices, barring a few principle characters
  5. Humvee with a grenade launcher and an X ability to deploy some kind of chemical on the ground which greatly reduces the speed of vehicles... Also, APCs having the X ability to deploy Anti-Tank mines should be a thing, maximum of 2 AT mines. They're just like any other AT mines, except the APC has an unlimited amount to deploy. This should just be something added to the current RenX anyway. APC must remain stationary for the duration of planting an AT mine. (obviously)
  6. If you'd like the texture being more CnC style just send the texturemap my way for editing
  7. This fixed it, awesome! Thank you.
  8. Somebody please give me some kind of fix for this nuisance of an issue It does this but then doesn't boot up the editor afterward, I've tried creating this folder but doing so does not solve this issue from popping up every time I boot up the editor. And if my only option is to download the SDK again please supply a link which isn't really slow because that always fails to download which wastes a considerable amount of time after the second attempt to re-download the SDK only to be met with an "This file is corrupt" Please halp
  9. Even if it was possible to equip a different weapon type to vehicles or an add-on X ability which allowed for a special attack at an additional cost for the vehicle..? Like an MRLS with an singular EMP missile with a long recharge rate? Or an Nod Buggy with a low fire-rate flamethrower weapon? (think Red Alert 1 Soviet Flame-Tower type of attack) Think that'd be pretty rad and adds more variety to vehicles
  10. I think all the other 'classes' besides the free infantry tiers and Tier 1 infantry could be more Pick'n'build your own class/loadout. Infantry Take the stats of each infantry class such as (Gunner, LCG, BHS, Hotwire, Technician, Mobius, Raveshaw etc.) but this only allows the player to pick a character model with pre-set stats, on top of this the player can choose from an arsenal of weapons at each factions disposal. (For Nod; Chaingun, LazerCG, Lazer Rifle, Flamethrower etc & for GDI; GDIs weapons with names I don't remember etc.) Upon selection of class based on the set stats starts the price anywhere between 150 credits to 500 credits, each choice of equipment 1 Primary, and up to 4 secondary's increased the overall loadout. Example 1: You could select the 'Gunner' class stats, base price 300 credits, with Repair Gun (Hotwire's Rep gun) adds 200 credits. 500 credits for a tougher engineer but not much else to that engineer. Example 2: You select the 'Mobius', base price 350 credits, with Patch's gun adding 150 credits, sub-machine gun sidearm adds 100 credits, 600 credits all together. How the game calculates the final price I am not entirely sure of the math on that one, (probably something to do with the highest multipliers with some magical excel formula, idk) but the cost of different load-outs would be key to balancing such a varied system. For Nod the SBH would become Tier 1 infantry for obvious undesirable load-out reasons, or just be incredibly expensive for players wanting to Railgun n Stealth. (Scoping with sniper rifle should remove stealth, just sayin') Veterancy With this in mind, just to add onto Yosh's 10-step Vet program with 10 levels of veterancy, this could introduce an more XCOM style of 'promotion' where the player can select an specific buff more in-line with what they're wanting to achieve with their own character customization(s), outside of the initial boost in stats per rank'up. Each option for promotion either remains linear with the same 3 options per rank'up regardless of class, or, is completely randomized per-game and rank'up to avoid the dreaded "1337 1oadou7". Randomized would be ace, so long as duplicate buffs weren't possible. Each buff either increasing a multiplier attack/def/speed, reducing hip-fire spread, as well as vehicle-specific buffs. Vehicles Vehicles as one-trick units are nice, but vehicles with X-abilities would be interesting too. Med tank which can deploy an smoke bomb, APCs with some kind of napalm/tib bomb, aircraft with potentially different weapon loadouts (so some players could fly bomber-equipped craft specifically for taking out heavier vehicles or a large group of small vehicles) I suppose if vehicles in RenX had a simpler load-out of the Empire's mod's vehicle load-outs, where- So like Planetside 2 load-out simplicity actually. Gameplay I've frequently dreamed up an capture-the-base type of map where one team holds off against the other team but one of the teams' bases cannot be destroyed so it is down to the defending team to keep their base alive for as long as possible, if the defending team holds out long enough then they either win or are enabled access to destroy the other teams' base with a lot of ease. Additionally/Alternatively, a game-mode where players can pick where they spawn but bases are more sporadic by being spread out, teams each start with one small base with an Barracks/HON each and must capture 2 other bases to gain access to the rest of their tech-tree. With smaller outposts dotted about the map so capturing base nodes isn't as easy. (Which is one of Unreal Tournament's team-based modes, base capturing) Destroying buildings only pushes them past the point where they are disabled instead of dead forever, however disabling the buildings increases the rate in which control nodes can be captured. I think I just want RenegadeSideX2
  11. 3rd Person probably didn't help this guy... Skip to 0:20 to see what I am referring to. Or watch the whole video.
  12. Map files all together are 3.06GB (excluding the FrontEndMap, MenuMap and MenuMap_LOC_INT files, guarantee that those are the files which create such a large update for you if any have been edited and updated then your update is replacing those files with more up to date versions. This is unavoidable whenever any (and/or however many) map(s) is(are) updated. Not sure if all updates get rolled into one here or if you will have a few other updates after your 4.0-5.0Gb update. It would be pretty moronic to be forcing clients to update map files only to update the same map files with more up-to-date map files of essentially the same map, just sounds very stupid. @Agent Are all updates rolled into one update if clients are behind in game updates? (i.e. Client A is on 5.30 but Client B is on 5.32, would both clients be downloading update 5.34, or would Client A have to update to 5.32 first?) (To any undesirable fool: P.S. This is a hypothetical, don't come in here with your "Actually the updates go in X sequence" testicular sass)
  13. The class which can destroy a building in seconds if not found within that building in a matter of some seconds. To balance out the Demolitions Expert (if any such is attempted) I'd recommend to make the class more slow, as well as having no Timed whatsoever and 3 Remote C4s so it wouldn't be able to destroy a building easily (Could still heavily damage a building achieving perma damage with 3 Remote C4 on top of its current arsenal, by shooting at the MCT giving the opposing team some more time to save the building if anyone is actually in the base. As well as hiking the price up to 550 - 650 credits ) Disciple of Kane needs EMP and Tib nades.
  14. The only redeemable part about the EA part of the E3 conference for Rivals is the RTS gamer beating the mobile gamer, he didn't enjoy the game he just wanted to put mobile gamer's in their place. GG RTS Guy. Yes.
  15. The AGT/Obby would need a secondary node with a 'power up' bar for this to even work, but it should require more than just "two engineers" In-theory it doesn't even make sense for the Obby/AGT to only be able to fire at half-power if enough Engi/AdvEngi's are in there, depends how the 'power up' meter works to be honest. I can't even imagine how much of a pain in the ass this would be for a coder to deliver
  16. Because players are more than happy to take that route with the current state of the downloader Considering how long it takes to download a 10mb mutator, I can't imagine anything over 200mb would be ideal for anybody
  17. A variety of ice and snow materials
  18. Glasses is no longer included in the base game, But Eyes is. This is what stirred me to make this thread.
  19. @DarkSn4ke : Give APCs a weight closest to that of an Arty, no longer will APCs struggle to push through most vehicles 1-on-1. One problem solved.
  20. 1-on-1, APC shouldn't be grounded to such an immediate halt Vs any other vehicle besides Mammy/Flame. Didn't think I needed to explain the common sense to this one. Those images don't mention the speed of the APCs
  21. Improve handling for both APCs, quit buffing the one APC that has a huge speed advantage over the other APC as the GDI APC goes so slow The missile penalty would only apply if all other suggestions were taken on-board Again, if the weapon was changed as suggested then "reduce the travel time of the bullets" so it would not be hit-scan, but more lethal in fewer rounds against infantry Where in my post did I say it was impossible? That's an irrelevant point, the only reason to limit the APC's weapon axis as suggested is if the gun was buffed. In-short, the suggestion to changing the GDI APC is to make it more effective against Nod vehicles whilst making the weapon a bit more difficult to hit infantry with, the suggestion to the Nod APC is to make hitting infantry easier with the MG by adding a weapon spread on top of a larger clipsize and a faster rate of fire. On top of all this, both APCs need to be able to push other vehicles out of the way with more ease than just being grounded by anything that isn't another APC or Buggy/Humvee
  22. They used a popular franchise to create a mobile game which has actual real-time gameplay for a strategy game, which would be a great step of progression if Tiberium Alliances was the only other game under the C&C name EA are pretty weird, donating $1 Million to charities against bullying, considering how much of a bully they are as a publisher
  23. GDI APC is one of the only vehicles in the game which cannot perform its primary task http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/GDI_armoured_personnel_carrier_(Renegade) The GDI APC has an M-60 Machine Gun, it should not actually be able to have a 360 degree rotation with its weapon but rather; The GDI APC should have either a 90 or 45 degree cone for shooting what is only directly ahead of it If the GDI APC needs to shoot at an enemy which is not directly ahead of it, using the treads allows the GDI APC to turn on the spot, changing its direction of fire With a 90 degree cone for the GDI APC M-60 MG, buff of the GDI APC to have ACTUAL Armour-Piercing rounds making the M-60 Machine Gun effective against more than just Aircraft and Buggy's and infantry The GDI APC should still be able to shoot at aircraft, so long as the APC is facing towards the aircraft The GDI APC should be able to obliterate anti-tank infantry in-particular so long as the bullets can hit the infantry targets, reduce the travel time of the GDI APC bullets but no splash damage as these rounds actually need to hit their targets not just hit near their targets The GDI APC should gain improved attrition against some of Nod's heavier vehicles, being able to puncture Arty's whilst denting Light tanks This should allow a GDI APC to be able to intimidate flame tanks from a distance, should there be several APCs and only one or very few flame tanks Improve the Nod APC acceleration and brake, to allow an increased chance of avoiding/dodging enemy shots The APC vehicle's main priority is to ferry units in the game Mobility is meant to be their biggest strength Increase the GDI APC general speed, treads shouldn't force this vehicles speed to be so heavily reduced compared to its Nod counter-part The GDI APC should have a heavier penalty than the Nod APC when attacked with missiles and fire, making rocket soldiers, flame troopers, flame tanks and stealth tanks the most ideal counters to ensure that Nod can still fend off any pesky GDI APC rushes at any point during a game The GDI APC should have better defense against other units with the exception of Raveshaw's, because Railgun is an 'unique' a weapon as the PIC GDI APCs should be ineffective at attacking vehicles one-on-one or as their primary directive, They are a support vehicle, not a strike force of mega-blizters Nod APC is the other vehicle in the game which cannot perform its primary task http://cnc.wikia.com/wiki/Nod_armoured_personnel_carrier_(Renegade) The Nod APC only has a "machine gun" so it should be good Vs infantry as a whole, but not so much against Meds/Mammoth tanks (which is what all other Nod vehicles/infantry are for) The Nod APC needs to have a faster rate of fire, A small increase in weapon spread A much larger ammunition clip than its GDI APC counter-part, to allow for superior anti-infantry support The Nod APC has wheels, so it needs its 360 degree rotational weapon, this is also why I think the guns should differ so much for both factions' APCs The Nod APC general speed could be a little bit faster, but the GDI APC speed needs to be closer to the Nod APCs speed than it is currently While I do agree that the Nod APC should be faster than the GDI APC, it should not be faster than it currently is (the difference between both APC speeds is ridiculous) The Nod APC is Nod's only low-budget armoured vehicle against aircraft, this is a big necessity for Nod to have an armoured unit with good anti-air capabilities Improve the Nod APC acceleration and brake, to allow an increased chance of avoiding/dodging enemy shots The APC vehicle's main priority is to ferry units in the game Mobility is meant to be their biggest strength The Nod APC main weaknesses need to be (which they probably already are but) Primarily Gunner's, Mammoth Tanks, Sydney's & Rocket Soldiers, With the suggested additional speed this should make hitting them more challenging for the enemy. The Med tank should not be as effective against the Nod APC as it currently is Nod & GDI APCs Both of these APCs need to be able to barge most other vehicles out of the way, which attempt to get in their way -So their PRIMARY task isn't so easily hindered by nearly -ANY- vehicle crossing its path. -This excludes the Mammoth and Flame Tanks Both the Nod and GDI APC should be able to withstand a few more hits, Redefining the meaning behind "Armoured" by buffing their defence, The most damaging counters against an APC should be Mammoth Tanks, Sydney's; Flame Tanks, Raveshaw's. But most importantly, both Nod and GDI APC need to take 75% damage if they drive over an enemy anti-tank mine It would be amazing if both the Nod and GDI APC had an extra defence buff against base defence structures, if this was even possible The Nod APC requires a defence buff against the GDI APCs ammunition, so that one cannot so easily shred the other vehicle, if this is doable If any of what has been detailed in this thread is doable, please consider this change to the state of the Nod and GDI APC What this means for GDI: GDI will have a vehicle which costs 500 credits which can actually support other units with suppression fire during early and later games GDI will have a vehicle which can still support their base even after the Weapons Factory has been destroyed GDI will have a vehicle class which can actually perform its task of carrying troops across the field with some hope of a pay-off (i.e. Getting from Point A to point B with heavy damage sustained, rather than annihilated with players filled with regret) What this means for Nod: Nod will have a cheaper unit which can at least hinder the pace of medium tanks steamrolling into their base allowing other units to concentrate their fire on GDI steamrolls Nod's APC will offer stronger support against all infantry types to better protect their anti-tank infantry Nod will have a vehicle class which can actually perform its task of carrying troops across the field with some hope of a pay-off (i.e. Getting from Point A to point B with heavy damage sustained, rather than annihilated with players filled with regret)
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