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Phase 5 Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Madkill40

  1. So with my current budget circulating around and under £750, I require a new Mobo, CPU (and due to DDR4 Mobo's new RAM) The other pieces were just to draw up the actual stats (1060 and Evo I already own) The place I'd be buying from has both the CPUs going for the exact same price of £319.99 The AMD Socket mobo is at £106.99 on my preferred site for parts, whereas the Intel Socket mobo is at £155.99 I trust Corsair for RAM, but any recommendations for RAM (preferably cheaper) would be appreciated. But with what's listed and on my preferred site: £218.99, which is quite dear for RAM... My issue is that I am unsure which CPU to upgrade to, the i7 or the Ryzan 7? No kiddin, the 'Workstation' 88% kinda has me here. Note: Workstation "This formula is weight towards multi-core CPU performance"
  2. Somewhat self-explanatory really, but wouldn't it be a good idea for the Launcher to include a change-list using some RSS feed of some sort? [RSS feed so the Launcher itself doesn't have to be updated for each and every additional change-list] Allowing an easier way for players to view what changes have come to the game without having to open up their browser > go to Forum > Navigate Forum > Click on specific thread > Read > Go back > Search and Click on previous update thread > Read > repeat. Include the change-list in some tab or box for easier perusal within the Launcher itself, one which dates back to the beginning of update 5. [I would willingly compile the list to spare Launcher-tinkerers from having to do that task]
  3. The price-hike when a Power Plant is destroyed is all well and good but what if when the Power Plant was destroyed this added a cool down timer after a purchase of a character or vehicle? Much like in the RTS when you have low power it takes longer to produce units, wouldn't a cool-down period be more adequate than a price hike? For example, Power Plant has been destroyed - The next Gunner the player purchases will have a cool-down period before a Gunner can be purchased by that player again The player may still purchase other infantry besides the Gunner The next APC the player purchases will have a cool-down period before an APC can be purchased by that player again The player may still purchase other infantry besides the APC Free Infantry are unaffected Beacons and Airstrikes are unaffected [Because unless we disable them completely there is no point adding a timer] When a player joins a game they should not be affected by the cool-down duration UNTIL they have purchased something, like everyone else For the player who dies easily, you will still likely die just as easily no matter what you have. For the player who is adept or above, your 2K+ credit stash won't mean a thing should you end up dying too frequently with your preferred unit after the Power Plant has been destroyed This makes players get used to other infantry/vehicles they may not normally use, which may be more beneficial for their team This promotes players to survive for longer This creates a much greater importance for the Power Plant for the whole team rather than just the poorer players in a team This should encourage greater teamwork for both teams This will make snipers much more infuriating/important in which case we all already know that a base which allows enemy snipers an advantage is just poor map design The price-hike never made much sense to me and since Power Plants aren't on too many maps this increases the importance of the Power Plant for maps without Primary base defenses (Like Walls) where so long as you or somebody on your team becomes the teams' loan shark, the Power Plant being destroyed doesn't affect the team a great deal as much as losing the Refinery, Weapons Factory, Air Strip, Hand of Nod or Barracks. This idea would be to replace the price-hike. Suggestion of cool-down periods; T3 Inf - 7 minute cool-down T2 Inf - 4 minute cool-down T1 Inf - 2 minute cool-down Stank, Flame Tank, Mammoth Tank - 9 minute cool-down Arty, MRLS, Med/Light-Tanks - 6 minute cool-down Humvee, Buggy, APCs - 3 minute cool-down This could be very impractical, but it means the Power Plant would become as equally important as the other buildings. Like with any other game-changing idea, it would (in my opinion) probably be better to trial this with a mutator than by simply adding it to the game itself. [However I am an idiot when trying to understand how to make a mutator]
  4. This is why the tick rate when the refinery is destroyed was increased from 0, perhaps the Harvester dump is the only thing the refinery should be good for? However this puts down the importance of keeping the refinery alive in-general. The reduced tick rate upon refinery death is also why captured silos were introduced into some maps.
  5. There is still no justification for deliberately harassing players in-general and telling people to "just ignore what I say" is trying to subtract responsibility from the fact that verbal abuse has consequences. If the status quo is to just ignore players acting like trash people that affects the game overall because as much as you may wish to ignore the insults towards somebody else or yourself, this reflects poorly on the whole community as well as the servers. People may not want to play a game where shit-talking goes unpunished. Shit-talking to such extremes as displayed by Kaunus causes personal conflicts and people shouldn't have to put up with such drama due to toxic players lacking self-control, so other players will go play other games when really it should be the minority of the toxic players going off to play other games.
  6. It wasn't just the Obby lazer but quite clearly an LCGs LCG, it was coming through the door because I looked around the corner and the lazers were coming through the door. Literally through the door as the door was closed and it was constant until the building died. I thought I had taken a screenshot but Steam gets confused as to where to save screenshots for this game due to me running the launcher through Steam. (i.e. I cannot find the screenshot)
  7. So you take responsibility but expect people to ignore you- Never mind. That right there is the most incriminating and selfish thing you could possibly say. You just bamboozled yourself. I find the comment funny but at the same time it is a funny at the expense of somebody else's enjoyment, its not about other people shrugging it off its about you having some self-control. Do not do it future. But you say this is being taken out of context? And nothing to do with this server? Okay, cool. I'll not derail the topic further. Let us just leave it at this.
  8. The server has a strange definition of 'respect' if it means you should only refrain from disrespecting players who make mistakes because they are new. There is trash talk and there is being a trash person, Kaunus here displays the latter, surely? When If I get killed by Minji in RenX, and I say "Inaccurate Minji strikes again", that's trash talk, but if I say "Die in a fire you sniping fuck'tard" that isn't trash talk, that would be me being the embodiment of trash itself. Just like what Kaunus actually did as seen in the image above.
  9. C&C Generals 2 - How one publisher proved how little they pay attention to the gaming community by trying to SimCity the C&C Franchise and then giving up entirely because the strategy genre only makes money via browser games... R.I.P. Passionate Game Development teams If Grey Goo wasn't riddled with game-breaking performance issues on release it could have been a great game because it had depth and a satisfying art-style (imo) if Grey Goo didn't flop so hard they would have had more money to spare them from the shallow game that is 8-bit invaders, 8-bit Invaders is an amusing little n light RA2'esk RTS but its single-player mode is shallow and repetitive. I'm not quite sure what Petroglyph are trying to achieve but they seriously need to try harder at creating a game with depth, similar to Grey Goo but allow for more expansive base construction which by the looks of the trailer Forged Battalion may do justice to anybody wanting to build bases and produce units... The reviews for Forged Battalion are 'Very Positive' on Steam so far. Third times a charm, aye?
  10. If we use this video as an example... We can see that the electricity shoots from the middle, so maybe both sides conduct electricity which then causes the electricity from both coils to meet in the middle and shoot forwards (somehow and for some reason beyond our own understanding of C&C science) There should be a 1 - 2 second (or 1.5 second) charge up of the coils before the initial electrical strike, it may also be a good idea to include a lock-on for this particular weapon? So the weapon has to lock-on before it can actually strike an enemy... Because electrical attacks that miss by an inch makes very little sense... With this in mind then a Tesla Tank could be allowed to do up to 25% damage to a Mammoth tank with one hit ...The Tesla tank itself not being a particularly tough vehicle, but would make it nightmarish if driven by somebody who is at Heroic rank
  11. It may have just been some weird visual glitch but during a game of Field I kept seeing red lazers hitting the weapons factory MCT despite the fact that the building's door was shut, there were 4 players repairing the building so I am unsure if it was having any effect regarding actual damage to the building, I didn't think to run in front of the lazer to see if it was able to cause damage... That being said at one point the Obelisk went off and the beam struck the Weapons Factory MCT. What causes these visual hiccups? [I was on the AGN server at the time]
  12. If somebody wants to use these mutators on a server they have to get your written permission first?
  13. RenX Discord or will you be using your own discord channel for this?
  14. I actually managed to find some castle assets, I have yet to use them though
  15. Delta Force distances, its a trekk, but "random" huh
  16. I have no idea what I am doing with this program but I don't dare, the last time I did registry-cleanings I BSOD'd myself However I do desperately need to clean RenX from the registry, the game takes forever to actually load up and having 4 instances of RenX in the app/programs list is probably why
  17. Yes. [Thought I had answered this, apologies]
  18. Whereas M A N T A N K S played 1 match against Dragon Clan and 1 match against nobody?
  19. Common sense says that if you don't plant mines in a bottleneck then you're a moron. No amount of friendly reminders or indications will help with this. A general indication of where mines typically go and something to inform players that Techs/Hottys mines are for the whole team and not just for that player, should probably be made clearer via the game itself than some pub-reg spewing toxic language obnoxiously creating a foul piece of shit representation for RenX and the community.
  20. Allow me to just reiterate my point by focusing which part of the pic I was referring to Look at the 'Played' column
  21. ExDee need updating as well to '2' Played and '2' Wins
  22. I nominate @TK0104 to livestream from spectator slot
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