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Everything posted by TK0104

  2. TK0104

    Mutator help

    Well I will figure something out I had an idea how to load the mutator. How about making a placeable actor what can load a mutator inside the level. class Mutators extends actor; placeable; defaultproperties { } class Horologe extends Mutators; placeable; function PostBeginPlay() { WorldInfo.Game.AddMutator("RX_Horologe.Rx_PurchaseSystem_Alt", false); } defaultproperties { StaticMesh = StaticMesh'EngineMeshes.Cube' End Object } Now I already know I'm doing something wrong because when I try to build scripts I got the error: E:\Renegade X\Renegade X - SDK\Development\Src\RX_Horologe\Classes\Mutators.uc(2) : Error, Unexpected 'placeable' OR E:\Renegade X\Renegade X - SDK\Development\Src\RX_Horologe\Classes\Mutators.uc(2) : Error, Unexpected 'abstract' OR E:\Renegade X\Renegade X - SDK\Development\Src\RX_Horologe\Classes\Horologe.uc(2) : Error, Unexpected 'placeable'
  3. @TestmanAll maps with the ramps have this bug. If we just optimize the collision it should be done
  4. TK0104

    Mutator help

    @nBabNot working: open CNC-Horologe?mutators=RX_Engineer_Alt.RX_PurchaseSystem_Alt NOTE: RX_PurchaseSystem_Alt extends RX_PurchaseSystem
  5. TK0104

    Mutator help

    Well I created a small mutator but I noticed my game doesn't want to load any mutator (Not even examples like SBH Sniper) Am I doing something wrong?
  7. @GlivenDuring that Whiteout game I didn't hear it because I was focusing on someone else said something. You meant this match?: I didn't noticed you said it to me. I watched it back and noticed someone said: do not go that way. Okay I'll keep a promise. NO MORE GLITCHING FOR THOMMY!!!! Let the past behind and start a new beginning, but this glitch is been there for a long time so someone fix it asap And if I glitch once again you guys can blame me forever
  8. 10:48 - 15:40 -- Weapons Factory Nuke (How I did the Nuke on the WF Roof) NOTE: I only did this because I want to attract the Devs to fix this. Really easy to do it. Just give the ramp perpoly Collision on it and that will do the trick (I tried it already out)
  9. @TheDeadlyWolf you could make the map something lighter for the minimap. Make a 2nd CNC-Hourglass for the minimap.
  10. Renegade X PUG - October 1st 2016 Round 1: Walls Snowing Round 2: Fort Round 3: Reservoir
  11. This will probably help me with some of my own mutators
  12. The photoshopped lay-out looks very very interesting. I agree that the map is too big. I will take a look at it and make these changes soon. Planning on reducing the amount of tree's because aircraft is glitching very hard in this map. I'm still working on the 2nd version of Horologe so expect that map first EDIT So played with some other guys on Xmeteor and found some bugs I never thought those would appear. These bugs are found and WILL be fixed: - Map scale reduce - Amount of Tree's reduce to fix aircraft from glitching - Reworking volumes (Blocking volumes, Watervolumes, SoftBoundary Volumes) - Fix Nod Harverster from crashing in the Nod Refinery - Fix Decals overlay - Optimize lighting - Add Communication Center (Tech Building) - Add Additional Features - Background - Minimap (I learned how to make 1, yaaay) - Material Editing IF YOUR REPORTED BUG IS NOT IN THIS LIST, THEN I PROBABLY FORGOT THAT ONE. IF YOU HAVE FEEDBACK. REPORT IT ON THIS TOPIC
  13. Thanks for the feedback. I have to say: that is very very very helpful feedback (I'm serious, No sarcasm) It will be a fun map when it's more improved! New version will include a mutator so it will be possible to play as GDI or Nod Engineer in his alternative skin
  14. View File CNC-Horologue CNC-Horologue --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Official Renegade X Map from UT3 days. This map will bring back memories from the Original Horologue AND Hourglass map. Submitter TK0104 Submitted 09/28/2016 Category Levels
  15. There is something going on with one of the files which makes my game unloadable (He doesn't crash). He starts up normally but won't go any further than the first loading screen (that old one with the Command & Conquer Mode overview). The old loading screen shows up and keeps there. I've been away for 30 mins and he was still on the same loading screen Any explanation? Could it be one of the .udk, .upk or .ini files?
  16. Ah well I have to explore them in Skirmish. Question: Snow is in the .zip file but it is already added to the game. Overwrite the file?
  17. Also good cause that will gives us time to explore the map
  18. That will be very very very very very interesting PUG Hope it will be more that a standard 4-round PUG I suggest River won't be added to the rotation at all because it's just a shitty map I created back in the day and I don't really like it at all
  19. Maybe it's an option to create the building without the code to repair vehicles. So the building destruction from UnrealScript and the repair thing with Kismet
  20. I've tried it milion times to get on the roof but the only way is to hop on a big tank and then jump on the airstrip. We usually do this when PUG isn't started yet.....you know a bit trolling But it isn't allowed. In a previous versions there was a way to get on the Nod PP roof. Someone did that once and used an ion and he took down the Nod PP. After that he got kicked for doing that. So watch out what you're doing. People want a fair game and not with unfair stuff like that
  21. Well this is Whiteout whitout Whiteout. It's the original Horologe only with some changes made by me and it has the original environment of the Original Renegade Hourglass which I liked very very much. It's my tribute to Hourglass of course 2 Upcoming Episodes for coming weeks: Episode 2: Ion Cannon Beacon - September 28th 2016 Havoc takes on the Nod Airstrip with an Ion Cannon Beacon and his humvee. Got anything bigger?! Humvee's are not my style! - Havoc Episode 3: Black Nod Engineer Appears - October 5th One of the Black Nod Engineers are making their apppearance in the battlefield to destroy the GDI Refinery.
  22. Yeah will do that next time Tomb is on V1.5. Uphill is on V1.3 since yesterday
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