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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Calvin

  1. i thought this was funny
  2. 1 topic closed another opened, silly monkeys
  3. @Axesor @DarkSn4ke I mean if the current mine system works in someway why change the mine system then? it's just so random and a waste for the devs to focuss on this, they have probably better stuff to do and better priority's. i suggest the devs to drop this and keep it how it is right now. there's literally no reason for the mine system to change at the current state. :>
  4. I still think laser walls would make renegade-x completely different, maybe we could nerf the proxy mines and higher the mine limit? Not that the current mine system is broken or anything new players might mine wrong a few times but that happens in every game people learn etc.. it's hard to fuck up the mines except the hon is pretty hard to mine correctly but if you show a new player in private they will get it and mine correctly. so simple I would hate seeing the mine system change again or anything.
  5. The sbh in classic renegade was really bad i never really saw people using sbhs in fights aswell. And i played this game 24/7 still do at times. and for the aiming downsights you should never do that it's kinda pointless, just a tip from me. but anyway the sbh in renegade-x is way more powerfull specially with the sprint ability.
  6. 7. is the best. <3
  7. why?
  8. Omg yes, this idea 1+ <3__<3
  9. Just seems like a waste of the time for the devs to focuss on stuff like that, theres literally nothing wrong with the mine system we have now. It's just some people don't seem to understand how to defend or something.. I still think it's not needed and there should be a poll about that aswell, so everyone can speak out themself
  10. Laser walls < Cannot believe why people would even want that.
  11. Lakeside non-flying sounds dope, so curious how that would work out. Walls without flying would be so good aswell like the old renegade had.
  12. buff mcfartlands
  13. Under: http://imgur.com/a/9Q6BA ouch felt so good raping the fartlands. Scoreboard: http://imgur.com/a/jhdVz
  14. I didn't play any of the maps yet cuz the download takes literally hours for me or the game just crashes..
  15. It's not fun when people surrender after 1 building loss, maybe we can change it into 3 buildings? or longer period of time, I honestly don't mind tho. (edit) Or maybe change it so you can only surrender when you lose the BAR and WF the 2 buildings that can win you the game.
  16. It's crazy what Jessica can do with forums etc, u should totally make your job out of doing this stuff @Agent !
  17. Calvin

    New Forums!

    It's amazing goodjob agent
  18. It's fixed now thanks for the help!
  19. So i dont know really how to explain this but i did re-install windows 7 and since that my pc has been getting terrible lag when i move my mouse.. for example when i put a youtube video on and move my mouse at all it just lags, not just vids or games my whole pc lags.. does anyone know a fix i have tried lots of things did look on google but nothing works for me, i just wanna play renx and other games and have fun again, please let me know
  20. all the changes are basically personal anyway, dont even bother complaining about the changes. I feel like only 3 maybe 4 people wanted to change the sniper and they just did it without a poll or asking the community about it. Maybe you guys should make a poll about every change.. I keep saying this the changes did not make much sense to me and im sure im not the only one
  21. Ok. I see it wont get changed anyway. I came back from a pretty long break from renegade-x expecting it to be a bit the same. I was just shocked when i kept clicking to earlie when i was about to kill a few people in a row. i still do think its not fair to nerf the snipers this much.. But i will try to get used to it
  22. Sniping was never really easy only for some people, it was not needed. and it's unfair.
  23. But it felt like a sniper before aswell if you missed twice you were pretty much fucked vs decent players, why are you guys changing things that were nice before. and why not the things that needs attention? i know that 80% of this community hates snipers and that they dont give a shit about snipers whatsoever.. But that doesn't mean you have to make snipers garbage. And earlier i was playing with a friend and trust me i zig zag because i know how to dodge a LCG seriously killed us in 2 seconds. BOTH in no time. dont you think that's a little OP? did you even play the old renegade? why did they call this Renegade X if its nothing like Renegade whatsoever.. and lol
  24. I used to be pretty decent with a sniper, but it just feels so bad and slow now, tbh it does not feel like a sniper anymore... and the LCG and chems might be easy to take down but the damage output is crazy insane.. i still think it's not fair at all for people that like snipers and snipe a lot.
  25. Did they change the fire time with havocs how is that even remotely fair, were sniping against chars that seriously can kill us within 0,2 seconds?! like comeon, it was good like how it was.. Just remove the snipers already please, its not fun anymore.. thanks.. PS The Chem sprayers and the LCG are fucking OP, you should focuss on that - I dont wanna be a bitch but seriously it's not fair how it is now.
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