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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. QUOTE Could you pose a better argument than "I don't like it"? Not switching back the the old HUD because there is no point. As I already stated elsewhere, the new HUD is a modernized take on the original. And fyi, the layout and general shape of the HUD is almost exactly the same. You're comaplaining about how it no longer looks like a floating button but rather an actual digital heads up display. There isn't even any new information on the HUD that you cannot access anyways in Ren. So again, quit complaining.
  2. And leak some patches too We're in EA's good books - they allowed us to work on the mod since the beginning, and we've been mentioned on their site a number of times, and twice in Battlecast Primetime. Heck, Apoc even talks about us in his Twitter. There's no sensible case against the mod, unless of course, we sold it.
  3. No idea where the hell Rob's been, he keeps telling me he's about to update it...
  4. SBH and Engineers are actually done, check our Mod DB page. SBH is actually in the wallpaper
  5. Well to be honest, although I'm a good sniper I tend to miss my first shot. I use 500s because Ramjets give away your position.
  6. QUOTE (vitus @ May 20 2009, 08:43 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You really want that? A glitchy, unfinished mod?
  7. I think that depends on what they want to do with the mod. We're here to remake and revamp C&C Renegade and we've got very specific plans as to how we want the final product to turn out. If EA were to come to us and want us to trash certain aspects of Renegade that we loved, and replace it with things we don't want, I don't think I'd be in favour of that decision.
  8. You can use Teamspeak by going to http://www.goteamspeak.com and downloading their client version. You could then join a Teamspeak server and communicate with other players. And yeah Renegade's not dead at all. There's about 200-300 on XWIS at all times, and about 70-100 players on Gamespy at all times, which means anywhere between 270-400 players are online at almost any given time in the day. That may even be more than UT3.
  9. I played at RenBattle, not so much RenWarz though.
  10. QUOTE Renegade wasn't released until 2002. Just so you know.
  11. Awesome, thanks a lot guys!
  12. I could kind of see the appeal of having a lot of servers. I personally don't like most of the popular servers, either because there are too many bizarre server side mods, or because I don't like high player counts, or both. I usually get a few buddies of mine and join a small server with little to no server side mods, which aren't very popular. If Renegade only had a few servers, this luxury would be taken away.
  13. Happy birthday man! Spice's birthday is tomorrow, and mine's on Thursday. Heh.
  14. QUOTE (Killa @ May 9 2009, 06:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I actually had used a Mac for about five months. They're really no where near as good as Mac cultists claim them to be. A lot of Apple people say Macs don't crash or freeze, but I've gotten a lot more crashing and freezing on a two year old Mac than I do on my 8 year old PC.
  15. Yeah. I loved the first Duke Nukem games, it's a shame.
  16. QUOTE (thrash300 @ May 6 2009, 12:20 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I Think You Were A Troll On The Renegade Forums I Think? If you troll on these forums, we won't deal with it the same way the Renforums did for so long. Enjoy your stay.
  17. QUOTE http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/index.php?showtopic=2531
  18. He had trouble with some of the team members and vice versa, so he is no longer part of the team. Though we don't want to go into any details with that.
  19. EpicElite, please enough with going off topic on the Renegade X forums. You have been warned once again. The question has been answered. Thread locked.
  20. QUOTE (epicelite @ Apr 29 2009, 12:17 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Your question was, "Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?" We don't get the question. Please reword it.
  21. QUOTE (CrazyCharger @ Apr 27 2009, 10:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Must've been an old shot, I haven't used any custom material in my Renegade for a couple years.
  22. QUOTE (epicelite @ Apr 26 2009, 05:56 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Heretic!
  23. QUOTE (Cutting_Orchids @ Apr 25 2009, 12:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> We're not planning on anything specific until Renegade X is finished.
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