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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. [NE]Fobby[GEN]


    We tried that, but it would lag a little when scrolling.
  2. I recommend you just choose your favourites and upload two or three. We have a lot of trailers, some of them are old and outdated.
  3. Black Dawn HD trailer: http://downloads.borgamers.com/RenX/Trailers/Rx_BlackDawnTeaser_HD.avi All of our trailers can be found here: http://www.youtube.com/user/NEfobbyGEN?feature=mhum
  4. 15 years ago today, in August 1995, the legendary Westwood Studios released its revolutionary RTS game, Command & Conquer. The first game of the C&C series, known today as Tiberian Dawn, sold millions of copies and brought the RTS genre and this game series to fame. It was just 7 years later when the same company released Command & Conquer: Renegade, an FPS title based in the Tiberian Dawn universe. Without C&C, there is no Renegade X, so you can imagine how important this day is to the team. Happy birthday, Command & Conquer, and we hope the best of luck to the series in the future! And we hope to bring you more development news as it comes.
  5. Right now we are working on getting Black Dawn to internal testing, once that happens (a week or two) we will dedicate a week to fixing this problem, and others, involving 0.5, in a hotfix patch.
  6. I can't believe I almost forgot. I will hopefully be making some sort of official post tonight
  7. Hey Asgaroth. Always good to hear from you, and keep up the good work with the Facebook and Twitter pages.
  8. Actually the official website ( http://www.renegade-x.com/ ) has the latest build available for download. The 0.5 version is out, but currently the frontend (where you look for and join servers) is down due to a server move a few weeks ago. The software will need an update from us, which we hope to shed news about soon. You can still download and play Renegade X on your own as long as you have Unreal Tournament 3, but the multiplayer portion will need some time. Meanwhile, the team is working on a standalone version.
  9. No promises yet, but it is progressing, and every day more work is being done. You will get a release date once we're almost done.
  10. We already have plans to make Black Dawn into a C&C Assault map once we get to that game mode.
  11. My new background, kenz
  12. Are you possibly thinking of Petroglyph?
  13. Hey Fango. Do you have an MSN or any other contact information?
  14. [NE]Fobby[GEN]


    We did everything in our reasonable power to notify everyone, by sending a mass email via the forums. Tsu, is it possible you signed up with a different address? Either way, these things happen and it's really no one's fault.
  15. Good to hear from you Dante. Keep in touch.
  16. Can we see your portfolio?
  17. [NE]Fobby[GEN]


    Everyone got emails with instructions to reset their passwords. Check your emails.
  18. Renegade X is an FPS total conversion mod, bringing the world of Command & Conquer to ground level, on the Unreal Engine 3. Our latest version, Renegade X v0.5 requires Unreal Tournament 3, but the team is now in the process of porting the project to the Unreal Development Kit, which will mean that Renegade X will be fully standalone in all future releases. With over 12,000 downloads and 5 awards, the Renegade X beta, for Unreal Tournament 3, is available for download here. You can watch our 1 minute 18 second launch trailer here. A few weeks ago, the team announced Renegade X: Operation Black Dawn. Black Dawn is a singleplayer mission and a demonstration of some of the game's latest features, coming soon to a computer near you. You play as the GDI commando, Captain Nick "Havoc" Parker, in a GDI invasion of a Nod island stronghold. The goal of this operation is to rescue Dr. Ignatio Mobius, a renowned GDI Tiberium scientist, captured by the Brotherhood of Nod. GDI gunboats, hovercrafts, aircraft, superweapons, vehicles, and grunts will support you in your struggle against the Nod military machine. Watch the Black Dawn teaser trailer here. Day Cycle System The team has recently managed to get a working day-cycle into Renegade X: Black Dawn. This will create a new, unique atmospheric experience, as some elements of the game's lighting will be fully dynamic. The visual and even gameplay depth this system adds almost speaks for itself, but we've got some new jaw-dropping images just in case. And in terms of new features offered in Renegade X on the UDK, this is just the beginning. Black Dawn Podcast It's been a long time since we've done a podcast, but with Black Dawn just around the corner, we're back! Join Fobby, Havoc89, and Avalanche in this hilarious and informative 19 minute podcast, as we discuss Black Dawn, new Renegade X features, the UDK, programming, recruitment and more. Streaming: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/video...ck-dawn-podcast Direct Download: http://www.filefront.com/16877091/pod-cast.mp3 CNCNZ interviews Renegade X Soon after Operation Black Dawn had been announced, the popular Command & Conquer news site CNCNZ posted an interview with Renegade X founder Fobby. The interview shares some exclusive details about Black Dawn, and further discusses Renegade X's standalone multiplayer release, the UDK, the mod in the public eye, new features and more. QUOTE Check out the full, detailed interview here! Community News! Fellow C&C artist Kane Nash has created a fan wallpaper dedicated to Renegade X. It features art from the original Renegade and of course the new and improved Renegade X. We, the team, thank Kane Nash for this awesome piece! UDK X Zunnie, the man in charge of the MP-Gaming's RenegadeXServer.com , has launched a new site, UDK X, dedicated to collecting tutorials, videos, and news for all UDK Games that are currently available. Help make this site a hit by visiting http://www.udkx.net/ Sydney and Hotwire I want to introduce you all to two new ladies in Renegade X: This is Sydney Mobius, the daughter of Dr. Ignatio Mobius. She is one of GDI's best, wielding a 1000-credit Personal Ion Cannon, capable of inflicting massive damage to all enemy infantry, vehicles, and aircraft. Shai "Hotwire" Aviv A tough-as-nails commando and a woman of few words. Prior to joining GDI, Shai Aviv was a member of the Israeli Mossad, where she served with distinction. When she joined the GDI special commandos unit "Dead-6", she took on the roles of tactical engineer, proving to be an invaluable asset on the battlefield, when vehicle repair, structure capturing and demolitions were needed. Command & Conquer music track! Sebastian Aav has made a new and improved version of Renegade X's theme song, Command & Conquer. You can download this amazing track below: Download: http://sebastianaav.com/work/ren/renegadex_cnc_Final_V1.mp3 That's it for now. We hope you've enjoyed the update!
  19. 2007 Mod started Critics: This will never progress! 2008 Mod gets #3 Best Upcoming Mod of 2008 Critics: This will never get released! 2009 Mod gets released Critics: They'll never get further! 2010 Mod releases 0.5, probably one of the most complete C&C total conversions ever Critics: I'm going to shut up for a while. -- UDK Porting and Black Dawn Critics: The mod is dead Team: Then let the dead awaken
  20. I'm pretty sure E3 doesn't showcase indie titles anymore. They put an end to that a while ago. It is now exclusively for the big companies. Game conventions however may be a better idea Just a lot of money.
  21. There were about 12 people give or take. We were originally going to announce a dev night for this weekend as well, but I'm thinking next weekend will be better. Maybe we can show a couple new things while we're at it; just sayin'.
  22. Whoever did the conversion for EST definitely got it wrong.
  23. I'll be there and I'll try to bring some guys.
  24. Honestly I think it depends on the parents. Some parents that are foreign immigrants (like mine), coming from poorer countries, are completely unfamiliar with the concept of computers and video gaming. Especially if they're from an older generation. My parents can't use a computer, and therefore don't grasp gaming. So they kinda see the entire thing as a big waste of time, in some ways evil (lol). In that case, I wouldn't exactly trust them to know what's good for me in the electronic world, as they think that if and when I'm on the computer, I'm automatically playing or wasting time, when in fact I rarely play games (been a few weeks now). I also don't think violent games have much of an affect on people's attitudes. Maybe when your a kid, you'll hit someone to be like your favourite game character, or you'll dream about being in the army, but if anything, post-puberty gamers are probably THE least violent people in the world. Need proof? Look at your local WoW player, who's raiding for hours a day, and not exactly on the streets shooting people.
  25. We plan to release it once it is done.
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