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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Good to hear from you again DarkKnight. Most of the fanbase is waiting for the standalone release, where UT3 will no longer be required. That version will mark the real beginning of Renegade X. The latest beta release was 0.55 in September (which was really just a fix up of the January 2010 release) and you can find that at www.renegade-x.com There are games that happen randomly throughout the day. For the past few days we've had anywhere between 4-16 people on sporadically throughout the day. You can always see how many people are playing by looking at the very top of the forum.
  2. Awesome, thanks for the new background
  3. That's awesome. I want to make this my background, is there any way you can make a 1280 x 1024 version?
  4. I think it's in the next couple weeks.
  5. Just 17 hours left guys! Get your vote in.
  6. We'll have an even better system for buildings actually. Morph targets just shift and bends parts - but in the multiplayer release, parts of buildings will fall apart as they get damaged and destroyed. Punching a hole through a wall > Morph targets
  7. The guns are similar to the Officer minigun. Of course, it won't be a walk in the park to use it as the passenger, but I think you'll get used to it. We don't want to make it too strong, but it should be worth getting in certain occasions.
  8. New Sniper Rifle The basic sniper rifle is a 500-credit weapon used both by GDI and Nod. It is powerful against infantry, light vehicles, and features toggleable night vision. All of the items above will be making an appearance in the upcoming Renegade X: Black Dawn release. You can find more exciting images on our website here. We hope to bring you more news very soon - there are many exciting developments on the standalone multiplayer release, which will make their way to public once ready. Until then, keep your eyes peeled on the forums and give our current beta a try. Until next time, aur revoir!
  9. Morph Targets! In the future versions of Renegade X, vehicles will feature morph targets. This means that parts of a vehicle, such as its turret, tracks, armour, etc. will get twisted and bent when fired at. In addition, there will be fire effects when a vehicle is near destruction. When a vehicle is fully repaired, these damages will be reversed. Below is a demonstration of morph targets in action: Transport Helicopters are back! That's right! Air units will be making an appearance in Black Dawn, and today we'd like to show you all the new and improved transport chopper. This helicopter has room for 1 driver and 6 passengers. In Renegade, this vehicle was often called the "flying coffin", because it was weaponless, low in armour, attention-grabbing, and its passengers would almost always be killed if the vehicle were destroyed. But, this is Renegade X, and we want players to get what they pay for (in credits) ingame - why remake a useless vehicle identical? To make this transport worth its salt, it has now been armed with a passenger gun on each side. This way, the vehicle can now defend itself, but only if at least two passengers are on board. Here's the passenger gun in action. Tada!
  10. Tiberium The Tiberian war is a fight that centres around Tiberium - a mysterious, lethal, and valuable resource quickly spreading through the earth. Tiberium mutates, infects, or kills all lifeforms exposed to it. The Global Defense Initiative, a UN-sponsored international security force, wishes to remove the substance and reverse its effects. The Brotherhood of Nod however, a secret society and paramilitary cult, sees Tiberium as a divinely sent gift; whose effects will spark the next stage in human evolution. Although these factions are polar opposites, they both see Tiberium as a valuable resource in fueling their arsenals.
  11. Hey guys. It's about time we update you on the progress of the project. Renegade X is an Unreal Tournament 3 total conversion FPS mod that brings the world of Command & Conquer to ground level. Our current version, Renegade X v0.55, can be downloaded here. Renegade X will soon become a standalone indie game using the Unreal Development Kit, and our upcoming standalone releases are currently in development. We will first release Renegade X: Operation Black Dawn, a singleplayer mini-campaign in the works. That demo will be followed by the standalone multiplayer client, which is also currently under wraps. New Website! Be sure to check out our new site for news, images, downloads, and videos at http://www.renegade-x.com ! Mod of the Year voting! With your votes, Renegade X has made it to the Top 100 released mods of 2010 in the Phase 1 voting! And now, we need your votes again! To vote, simply CLICK HERE scroll to the "Top 100 Released Mods of 2010" category, and click on Unreal Tournament 3. Then, click the "Vote" button to the left of Renegade X's mod description! Dynamic Lighting System In a previous update, we showed you the first glimpses of the Renegade X dynamic lighting system. When active, this system will periodically change the time of day in any level it is included in. It will first make an appearance in Black Dawn, where players will see a significant difference in lighting as the demo progresses. Of course, images are prettier than words, and we've got plenty of picture goodness:
  12. I hear 13 were on last night? Anyhow, if there's a game I'll definitely be there, and I'll try to bring some friends.
  13. What time?
  14. To be honest this is way too short of a notice. I saw this yesterday morning, and a week is not really enough time to polish up Black Dawn and release it. I also don't see much of a point of releasing a "Black Dawn demo" since BD itself is a demo of what's later to come. An unfinished demo is not that valuable. For this to be possible by December 7, BD would have to be ready right now, but it still needs more time.
  15. In 2007, Renegade 2007 was nominated for the Top 100 upcoming mods of the year. In 2008, Renegade X won 3rd place and received the Best Upcoming Mod of the Year Award. In 2009, Renegade X won 5th place and received the Best Released Mod of the Year Award and runner-up Best Multiplayer Mod. With your votes, Renegade X has made it to the Top 100 released mods of 2010 in the Phase 1 voting! And now, we need your votes again! To vote, simply CLICK HERE scroll to the "Top 100 Released Mods of 2010" category, and click on Unreal Tournament 3. Then, click the "Vote" button to the left of Renegade X's mod description! Phase 2 voting is open to everyone - whether or not you've voted in Phase 1. Members and non-members of ModDB.com can vote, but guest votes are not worth as much as member votes, so we encourage you to register a free account at ModDB.com We need all the votes we can get! Tell your friends and family, tell your neighbours, and help Renegade X get an honorable mention this year!
  16. We've got plenty of pictures on our ModDB page, click "view original" to get the full res. http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/images/renegade-x-complex-nuke-and-new-characters3
  17. We will be releasing a Renegade X UDK editor with the multiplayer standalone release, just as we released an editor with our UT3 release. So you'll be able to make custom maps, mutators, and mods for Renegade X.
  18. Awesome! Glad to have you guys on board.
  19. There were actually quite a few games throughout today, though generally speaking, most people are waiting for the standalone versions.
  20. Well it was originally an idea that was floating around for a couple years. Ever since Renegade 2 was cancelled, I knew that it was up to the community to make our own "Ren2", and that started with the various W3D mods. Renegade X as a concept was something I, Titan, and some others who started the mod with us, thought of at the end of 2005 - to make a Renegade remake with some new features on the upcoming (at the time) Unreal Tournament 2007. So the name Renegade 2007, which was the concept name, stuck to the mod until 2008 (since UT2007 was renamed to UT3). In December of 2005 we pretty much contacted everyone we knew in the modding world. I was in C&C Reborn at the time, so I was fairly acquainted with the W3D modding community. We projected a list of about 15 people before actually going forth with the project. The first 9 months or so of Renegade X were done in secret. We opened up our first internal forums in late March 2006. We didn't post about it, because it was too early, the art was premature, we didn't have a full team, and it was too early to announce a huge project like that. We wanted to be sure that we can actually do it before promising people that we will. So in 2006 we built what would become the Renegade 2007 team, by secretly contacting modders, posting on 3d art forums, sending out emails, meeting with people, etc. And we began working on all the art we need. By the time 2007 hit, we had at least one person in every position before we actually announced the mod. I believe we announced on January 28 2007. We already had the APC, Humvee, and some art that would later be remade (PIC, laser rifle, a Havoc WIP,), a domain and public forum, some wallpapers. We had a working team, design doc, and knew what we were gonna do with this mod. We made more art and built a bigger team in 2007, until UT3 came out in November and we learned the editor. And from there everything blossomed. We made our first release on Sept 30 2009. So modding is a lot of hard work. As a founder, I was always skeptical, always trying to find new members, and always trying to motivate people to work. You can't announce a project out of no where - the best idea is to learn a skill, join a project, learn the full workings of a mod project and what's necessary to get what work done. Get connections within the modding community, until you find some people who have a common idea. People can disappear at any time, and sometimes be hard to work with - I've had to deal with both - so always constantly look for new talent. And finally, be very realistic. 90% of mods never see the light of day, and most of the ones that do never get a constant playerbase - so don't try to reach any impossible goals and exaggerate with wild ideas; keep things simple, get organized early, find people to work in all positions, and publicly announce only once you know that the mod will get done.
  21. In 2007, Renegade 2007 was nominated for the Top 100 upcoming mods of the year. In 2008, Renegade X won 3rd place and received the Best Upcoming Mod of the Year Award. In 2009, Renegade X won 5th place and received the Best Released Mod of the Year Award and runner-up Best Multiplayer Mod. And now, in 2010, we call on you again. We've released 5 beta candidates since our first beta was put out in 2009. Although a mod cannot win in the same category twice, Renegade X is eligible for an Honourable Mention, which, we'd be honoured to achieve. ModDB voting is done in two phases. In Phase 1, which lasts from November 14th to November 30th, mods are voted in to the Top 100. In Phase 2, the Top 100 will battle it out for the annual Mod of the Year awards. You can vote for however many mods you'd like. We will need a vote from each of you both in Phase 1 and Phase 2. To vote for Renegade X, simply visit http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x , scroll down a little, and hit the big green "Vote" button. Every vote counts! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors - and be sure to revisit our ModDB page on December 1st for Phase 2 voting. Be sure to support other Command & Conquer mods like Red Alert: A Path Beyond, C&C Reborn, Red Alert: A Path Beyond, The Forgotten, and others! http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x
  22. Thanks for your interest in Renegade X. Legally, we're not allowed to accept donations. This project is completely non-profit, but we appreciate the kind gesture. We hope to be releasing a standalone version of Renegade X in time. We're glad you like the UT3 beta so far.
  23. We had news just a month ago. In fact, a new client was released: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2642-Renegade-X-0.55-Release!-%28UT3%29 We don't do news every couple weeks... be patient.
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