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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. I think you're thinking of C&C Renegade. This is a mod for Unreal Tournament 3.
  2. I believe the plan is to finish it up and release it as a multiplayer map for Renegade X.
  3. That one: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/member.php?8105-Havoc89
  4. Check out the main post for TS2 information.
  5. I'd be in support of having a mutator like this only for teammates, not enemies. It gives away enemy positions - also a rule against typkilling would be lame. If you kill someone who was tying, its their fault for typing in an unsafe environment.
  6. I think this is him, a few comments down: http://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2010/10/07/mod-news-some-kind-of-sourcery/ The article has a paragraph about Renegade X, by the way.
  7. Hey guys! We hope you're enjoying the Renegade X 0.55 release so far! We certainly have been. If you haven't tried the beta yet, what are you waiting for? Pick up Unreal Tournament 3, get the latest patch, and download Renegade X 0.55 here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/downloads/renegade-x-055-beta-ut3 The first Dev Night will be this Sunday, October 10th, at 3:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). Dev Night is your opportunity to play with the Renegade X developers, ask questions, team up with us or against us, and get some classic R&R&R: Rest, Relaxation, and Renegade! We will be playing on MP-Gaming's RenegadeXServer.com We also encourage the use of Teamspeak 2 voice chat for this game - the details to the TS2 IP will be made available this Saturday. The developers hope to see you this Sunday at 3:00pm EST! ----------- Teamspeak 2 Information: We will be using the official Renegade X TS2. The IP is:
  8. Awesome video. Almost makes me want to make a nuke compilation with that Powerman 5000 Drop the Bombshell song in the background.
  9. The explosion was animated separately from the missile, I think Havoc89 just forgot to increase the speed of the missile or mistimed it.
  10. I personally like them. I can understand that it stands out if you're hiding, but you probably shouldn't be typing in that scenario anyhow Maybe if it was just a yellow exclamation mark above their head without the big bubble?
  11. ^ He's right. Disallowing model replacements is a modest move. The current system forces all clients to play with the same version of Renegade X, with no advantage skins, cheats, model-replacements, etc. As soon as you open the door to that stuff, you open a pandora's box of advantage material. You're more than welcome to make your own models, maps, skins, etc. for Renegade X and either run them on a server or convince the MP server that they are a great idea to use. But I think it's only fair if all players are using an identical version of the mod. In other words, we encourage mutators and fan maps, but they must be server-side and not client-side.
  12. I'm the Stank in the front By the way, that's Under, not Field.
  13. How to take screenshots in Renegade X 1. Go ingame 2. Press F9 at the opportune moment 3. Go to My Documents, then My Games, then Unreal Tournament 3, then UTGame, then Screenshots 4 ????? 5. PROFIT!!!!! Post your best screenshots here.
  14. Renegade X is an FPS total conversion mod, bringing the world of Command & Conquer to ground level, on the Unreal Engine 3. Renegade X is currently a mod for Unreal Tournament 3, but the development team has since been working hard on a standalone version, to be released in the near future, using the Unreal Development Kit (UDK). The 1 Year Anniversary of Renegade X! One year ago today, on September 30th 2009, the Renegade X beta officially went live. And what a great year it's been! With tens of thousands of downloads, 5 awards, a steady playerbase and an amazing community, the past year has been great for Renegade X. We thank you all for your support, and we hope that our best days are still ahead of us. Much has changed since version 0.35, and to celebrate our first birthday as a released mod, Totem Arts is proud to release Renegade X 0.55. Renegade X - 0.55 Beta Originally, the previous version of Renegade X was meant to be the final release as a mod for Unreal Tournament 3. However, after a necessary server move, the Renegade X server browser stopped working, and thus all players were facing difficulties in finding and joining servers. Although it's rare to catch a dev team like ours with our trousers down, we are not infallible (though that would be nice). On the bright side, these technical difficulties gave us an excuse to release Renegade X 0.55. This should be the perfect pass time as we work to complete the standalone releases in the near future. DOWNLOAD NOW: Renegade X v. 0.55: www.renegade-x.com/releases/RenegadeX_Beta_v055.exe *You need a legitimate copy of Unreal Tournament 3, updated to its latest patch, before installing Renegade X* (UT3 Black Edition also acceptable) 0.55 includes: - 19 weapons and 2 superweapons - 11 vehicles - 8 maps - And the unique gamemode everyone loves: C&C mode We took this opportunity to not only fix the server browsing issues, but also bring Renegade X up to date by adding new content into the mod. We want 0.55 to truly live up to its name as being a step up from the previous release. You can read the full 0.55 change list here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?2641-0.55-Full-Changelist&p=32866#post32866 Check out some of the new content below: New Characters No more placeholders for these units - we've got Sydney (Personal Ion Cannon), Dr. Ignatio Mobius (Volt Autorifle), and Hotwire (repairs and sabotage) ingame, and they're looking better than ever. Complex Complex is back. A personal favourite for many classic C&C Renegade fans, Complex is a medium-sized map with no automated base defenses. Stealthy tactics or bloodbath, it is up to you. Nuclear Strike Animation No more redeemer blast placeholder; the Nod nuclear strike has finally made its way into Renegade X, and man is it devastating. This wouldn't be Command & Conquer without shiny explosions. And of course we've also got a video of the nuke in action: Download: http://www.renegade-x.com/RenX_Nuke.avi Streaming: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/videos Stay tuned. The primary focus of the team at the moment is our standalone singleplayer demonstration, Renegade X: Black Dawn, which will act as a stepping stone to the final batch of indie multiplayer releases. Until then, you've got 0.55, and we hope to add small updates via the autopatcher along the way. Renegade X also has its own modding tools, and the community is more than welcome to make mutators, maps, and mods for Renegade X. There is already some fascinating custom content released and in the works; be sure to keep your eye out for fan content. Until the next update, ciao!
  15. Renegade X - v0.55 Beta Release =============Renegade X v0.55 Beta============= Name: RenegadeX_Beta_v055.exe Size: 616mb Date: 30/09/2010 Description: This is the official final Major beta release for the Unreal Tournament 3 version of the total conversion mod "Renegade X" that is recreating Command and Conquer Renegade and improving upon what made the game so great. Features/Fixes: Characters: - Added GDI Sydney (Personal Ion Cannon) - Added GDI Mobius - Added GDI Hotwire - Fixed SBH Cloaking being shared Maps: - Added Complex - Field has new lighting - Horologe has new lighting - All maps except "Islands" have boundaries for Air Units - Walls has new lighting Purchase Terminals: - Added purchase icons for new characters - Added Preview images for new characters - Preview image for all purchase items are now present - Added item description for new characters Vehicles: - GDI Humvee steer speed reduced - Nod Buggy steer speed reduced - MRLS missiles turn radius increased - Stealth Tank missile turn radius increased Weapons: - New Temporary Sniper rifle - New Temporary Railgun - Volt Auto Rifle textured - Railgun, PIC, Laser Rifle, Automatic Rifle, Chaingun range reduced - Nuclear Explosion added - Super weapons now damage infantries and vehicles - Shotgun accuracy improved - Grenade Launcher's alt fire fixed - Rocket Officer missiles can lock on to targets - Added new Sniper Scope texture Server Client: - Server Browser back online - Removed ModDB Vote page - Added dynamic Map Cycle List Miscellaneous: - Main Menu Background changed - Added various community mutators ===============HOW TO Install================= 1) UnInstall any previous versions of Renegade X and Remove the "Renegade" folder (Skip this step if you don't have it installed) 2) Install Renegade X 0.55 beta to "C:\Users\\Documents\My Games\Unreal Tournament 3\Renegade" =================HOW TO Run=================== Run the Renegade-X.exe found in the root mod installation folder. This will launch the Renegade-X frontend system that allows you to either launch the mod or join a server. By selecting a server you wish to join in the frontend application, and pressing the "Join Server" button, the mod will automatically launch and connect to the server you wish to join. If you are having difficulties with the frontend system, please make sure you have version 3.5 or higher of ".NET" installed as it is required to run this application. If you are continuing to have difficulties, then please state the problem on our forums at http://www.renegade-x.com/Forums/ and we will assist as fast as we can. In the frontend application; press the "Start (Offline) Game" button to launch the mod where you will have the option to play the mod by yourself through "Instant Action" or configure your settings. Note, at the moment we have not yet established the ingame multiplayer server list to show the servers that are avaliable, and must use the frontend to join them. However you are able to join the servers by launching the console in the main menu by hitting F10 and typing in the Open IP command. Simply type the word "Open" followed by a space, and the IP of the server with the port you wish to join, and hit enter. To Launch the editor simply go to the Editor tab in the Frontend program, and click on the "Start Editor" Button. You also have the option to start a map from launch so that a map will automatically load when you click the launch button. Note, maps for Renegade X cannot be cooked due to the current system. In the future maps will be able to be cooked. Thank you and enjoy the mod. - Renegade X Development Team
  16. Yeah, and +1
  17. In my experience of international Renegade clans, clanwars, tournaments, Dev Nights, and Renegade X gaming, 3:00pm EST as a starting point works best. In the middle of the day for East coasters (majority player base), noon for West coast, and evening for Europeans (8pm and 9pm)
  18. We are looking to add extra buildings in the standalone version, yes. And Black Dawn will be made into a C&C Assault map later on in development.
  19. Far, far from it.
  20. We're working on something as you speak. Be patient with us - a lot of us started up with university and college again, so our time is limited. But don't let that fool you; there is a lot happening behind the scenes you will soon be aware of. The hotfix will address the frontend issue and a few other things, we're working on packing a few more things into it, to prevent it from being just a "hotfix".
  21. http://www.cncsaga.de/foren/viewtopic.php?id=990
  22. Do you have an MSN or any other way of contact?
  23. Hang in there guys we are working on a patch that will fix the frontend issue and add a few cool things.
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