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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. C&C Russia mirror: http://cncrussia.ru/files/RenegadeX_Beta_v05.exe
  2. MP Gaming mirror added: http://renegadex.game-maps.net/index.php?act=view&id=6
  3. What's new? The fourth version of Renegade X is up and ready to play! Renegade X is the Command & Conquer mod for Unreal Tournament 3, and since September 30th 2009, our beta has been open to the public to try out. We've consecutively released three versions of Renegade X in just over three months, and now our long-awaited version 0.5 is now available. This will be our final build for Unreal Tournament 3. At this point forward, the team will be concentrating on porting Renegade X over to the Unreal Development Kit - this process will make the mod standalone, and therefore, once we make our Renegade X releases for the UDK, you will no longer require Unreal Tournament 3. The process will take a few months, and we will be sure to update you all with details once things are on their way. At the same time, we will be organizing plenty of events for Renegade X 0.5. The latest version of the Server Client also includes an auto updater, which will allow us to make quick patches when necessary for 0.5 http://www.renegade-x.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=61&Itemid=69' target="_blank">New Art! The 0.5 beta includes new and updated art. Repair Gun Walls Walls is back, and is looking better than ever! Under The very first C&C Renegade map is now back, in Renegade X 0.5! That's all for now! Keep an eye out for more updates: we'll be talking about upcoming events, patches, progress news, and more, in the coming weeks and months.
  4. Cool your Japanese Jets, we're working on some last minute things it'll be out today EST.
  5. 0.5 will have 2 maps, which makes a total of 7.
  6. Thank you. On behalf of the Renegade X development team, I'd like to thank all of our fans. We've made it to Mod DB's "Top 100 mods" for their annual Mod of the Year (MOTY) awards. We could not have done it without you, and we are greatly thankful that you have chosen to vote for Renegade X out of over 3,500 active mods. We call on you again! The phase 2 to the MOTY has now begun. This is the real challenge. We are up against all the other released mods for the Top 5 Released category. Voting is now reset, and the top 100 mods are in competition for the top mods and indie games position. THIS MEANS YOU CAN NOW VOTE AGAIN IF YOU ALREADY HAVE VOTED FOR RENEGADE X DURING PHASE 1! All it takes for you is three clicks of your mouse. Visit this page: http://www.moddb.com/events/2009-mod-of-th...r-awards/top100 And under the "Top 100 Best Released Mods & Indies of 2009" category, click Unreal Tournament 3, and then click on the "VOTE" button beside Renegade X. If you feel that Renegade X has delivered good releases, updates, trailers, podcasts, and information in the past year, then we need your vote. We at the team have worked very hard on the mod, so if you enjoy playing this mod or seeing our work, and if you want to see Renegade X make it big, then your vote would be appreciated. Voting is the best way for average fans like you to help the mod receive more attention - after all, C&C mode deserves all the attention it could get! Remember that you can vote for as many mods as you want, so if you've already voted for another mod, you can still vote for Renegade X. Spread the word!
  7. Here's a closeup taken from the editor. Box art comparison:
  8. cubera, zurr and kenz, I will need your email addresses to send you the keys.
  9. Hello hello! Lots of news to go through, so let's do it! ModDB.com annual Mod of the Year voting! It's that time of year again! In 2007, Renegade 2007 was nominated for the Top 100 upcoming mods of the year. In 2008, Renegade X won 3rd place and received the Upcoming Mod of the Year Award. Now, in 2009, we call on you again. On September 30th, 2009, Renegade X made its first release for Unreal Tournament 3. There have since been two more release candidates, and the fourth release is coming soon. Renegade X is eligible for the Best Released Mod of the Year 2009. The first phase of the voting has begun. From December 20th to January 5th, you will vote for the Top 100 mods of the year. On January 6th, a second phase of voting will begin for Mod of the Year. We will need you to vote in both phases, and we need every vote we can get! To vote for Renegade X, simply visit: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x Scroll down, and hit the vote button. Every vote counts, so get your friends and family help this cause You can vote for as many mods as you want, so be sure to check out and vote for other C&C mods such as Red Alert: A Path Beyond, Red Alert: Apocalypse Rising, Command & Conquer Reborn, and check out UT3 mods such as the Ball, Planetstorm: Angels Fall First, the Haunted, and Warm Gun. Happy voting! 0.50 Release coming up! Renegade X's fourth release candidate will make its appearance on Sunday, January 10th, 2010!. While you're waiting, if you haven't tried the Renegade X 0.40 beta, what are you waiting for? Try it here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3536 Not only has the team been having a blast with the 0.40 beta, but we've been hard at work on the new build. This release will be a great way to propagate the mod for the annual Mod of the Year contest, as it will include a substantive amount of new content and fixes. 0.50 will include the following: Buildings: -GDI Powerplant -Nod Powerplant Weapons: -Ramjet Rifle -Volt Autorifle -New & improved Repair Gun -New & improved Sniper Rifle Characters: -New & improved Havoc Maps: -Walls -Under Features: -IRC Server Bot (thanks to Buzzer at MP Gaming) -New server client version -Scoreboard for end of game -PLENTY of glitch fixes -Renegade X Map Editor 0.50 will be Renegade X's last Unreal Tournament 3 beta, so we are trying to pack it with as much content as possible. With the map editor, one will be able to make his or her own Renegade X maps. We will then take some time to develop the standalone version of Renegade X for the Unreal Development Kit. We don't know how long it will be until the standalone version of Renegade X is available, but we're already hard at work on it. Until then, we will be organizing several events with the 0.50 version, and you will be hearing about them in later updates. Renegade X Contest Results! The results of our best screenshot, video, and wallpaper contests are in! Best Screenshot! Congratulations to cubera Best Video! Congratulations to zurr http://vimeo.com/8186760 Best Wallpaper! Congratulations to kenz3001 Each of these winners will be receiving a Command & Conquer 4 beta key, courtesy of EA. We're sending a Commando! The witty, rough n' tough commando is back! Captain Nick "Havoc" Parker has finally made it into the remake. As the most badass Commando to ever join the Global Defense Initiative, Havoc wields the terrifying Ramjet rifle, threatening all who decided to join Nod. Powerplants are back! The new Powerplants are back for version 0.50. A powerplant supplies power to its respective base - when destroyed, all main defenses go offline, credit flow is reduced by 50%, and all weapon and vehicle prices increase by 200%. Better keep an eye on that Powerplant, losing it can mean losing your base! Wallpaper! We've prepared a new wallpaper, enjoy!
  10. I'm a big fan of Avenged Sevenfold, and yesterday afternoon, their drummer, Jimmy "the Rev" Sullivan passed away at the age of 28. He was found dead at home; right now his death has been described as "natural causes", but some suspicions are that he had died from a drug overdose. Definitely one of my biggest musical inspirations. He was definitely one of the best drummers out there, he wrote most of the songs on Avenged Sevenfold's newest album, he did backup vocals, piano, and co-started the band. All of this happened as they have been recording their 6th album, which was set to come out in 2010. No idea what's happening to that now. 2009 has been a solemn year for musicians and celebrities. For those of you who have never heard of the band, here's a few of their songs: Self-titled album (2007): Scream: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JtYlaPYh3w City of Evil album (2005): Bat Country: Waking the Fallen (2003): Unholy Confessions: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXSV4WRfqvg
  11. Yeah, A Path Beyond is definitely one of the most well done mods ever in the C&C community, but unfortunately, I too do not have much patience for their large-style maps. Some of the smaller maps play really nicely, but the gigantic ones are too slow paced for me. I like a map I can travel through in two minutes or less and have early battles with free infantry 30 seconds into the game.
  12. Contest is over! Results will be announced in a new thread on the 30th.
  13. We, the development team, would like to wish you all a merry Christmas. To those who are celebrating this and other holidays this winter, we wish you and your family the best, and good luck in the new year. As a Christmas present from us to you, in the next few days we will be sharing news about the next release and more. Today is also the last day to submit any screenshots, wallpapers, and videos to the contest. If you're interested, simply visit the following link: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=3609 Happy Holidays!
  14. Cool! There's a number of spelling errors though, and I'm not digging the background setting 100%. Something like this can go into the contest as a Wallpaper too
  15. It's that time of year again! In 2007, Renegade 2007 was nominated for the Top 100 upcoming mods of the year. In 2008, Renegade X won 3rd place and received the Upcoming Mod of the Year Award. Now, in 2009, we call on you again. On September 30th, 2009, Renegade X made its first release for Unreal Tournament 3. There have since been two more release candidates, and the fourth release is coming soon. Renegade X is eligible for the Best Released Mod of the Year 2009. The first phase of the voting has begun. From December 20th to January 5th, you will vote for the Top 100 mods of the year. On January 6th, a second phase of voting will begin for Mod of the Year. We will need you to vote in both phases, and we need every vote we can get! To vote for Renegade X, simply visit: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x Scroll down, and hit the vote button. Every vote counts, so get your friends and family help this cause You can vote for as many mods as you want, so be sure to check out and vote for other C&C mods such as Red Alert: A Path Beyond, Red Alert: Apocalypse Rising, Command & Conquer Reborn, and check out UT3 mods such as the Ball, Planetstorm: Angels Fall First, the Haunted, and Warm Gun. Happy voting!
  16. I doubt anything can be organized on that day, as most people will be spending time celebrating.
  17. Like I said, that's one of the reasons. The other reason was that they are judging a build released to the MSUC people in August, prior to the first release.
  18. It's good news, but we are just finalists in those categories. We haven't won anything yet, which is one of the reasons why we haven't talked about it.
  19. Hey guys, our last Dev Night, which had taken place a month ago, was a blast. We will be having our second 'Dev Night' this weekend. This is your chance to play with the developers of Renegade X, and other members of the community. You could expect a great deal of teamwork as well. All the information you need can be found below. The game will be held this coming weekend. The first event will be on Saturday, December 19th, and the second will be on Sunday, December 20th. Both events will start at 3:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time). You will NEED Renegade X, version 0.40 to play. More information about that here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/news/...ctures-and-more Dev Night will take place on the [OFFICIAL]Renegade-X.com Server v0.40(borgamers.com) server. Just like our previous events such as the annual ReneGame, Teamspeak will be hosted. It is highly recommended that you use Teamspeak for this game. To download the teamspeak client, simply go to http://www.teamspeak.com The purpose of using Teamspeak is to maximize teamplay and therefore push Renegade X's gameplay to its very limit. Teamplay will be key for this game, to achieve the highest potential of organized action. We will be using the Renegade X teamspeak server. The IP is See you there!
  20. To encourage more submissions, the Renegade X team is extending the deadline of this contest. The deadline for all submissions will be changed from December 16 2009 to December 25th 2009. So get those screenshots, videos, and wallpapers in by Christmas, and the contest winners will be announced by December 30th, 2009. The prize is still a Command & Conquer 4 beta key for the winner of each category. We're seeing a lot of screenshot submissions showing off game glitches. As a hint to those who haven't submitted yet, we probably will not be choosing glitchy content as the winners. The winning selections will be promoted on ModDB.com. If you'd like to retract a submission and put a new one instead, you're more than welcome to. Just remember that each person can only submit to a category once.
  21. Central eh? Most of our players come on between 11 and 5 central. The server gets between 16-25 players at that period. Before and after that you'll find smaller pockets of players every now and then.
  22. We could use some better submissions! I've got like a million screenshots already, jump ingame and get those shots and videos!
  23. Actually EALA is still working on C&C games in the future, just not the same team. The current team members are being either fired or moved, C&C is getting an almost completely new team.
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