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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Looks like the server isn't up - MP friends, any idea what's up?
  2. There's a lot of new things planned for aircraft and anti-air in the upcoming UDK release. The Orca and Apache will be different from each other, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as special abilities. That being said, now MRLS, Rocket Officers, Mammoth Tanks, and in some scenarios the Stanks, will be an effective anti-air tool in Renegade X UDK, ones that were not so effective in Renegade.
  3. Good games!
  4. Dev Night is TODAY! See you all there. If you'd like to join us on Teamspeak 3, the IP is ts.borgamers.com and the port is 9988
  5. The Nod vehicles are colored red to keep them looking like the Renegade vehicles. We didn't change up vehicles and buildings much, but basic infantry, engineers, and officers have the traditional gray camo. Although Renegade was mainly based on Tiberian Dawn, this isn't a Tiberian Dawn mod per say. The two can be considered different parts of the canon, because TD took place in 1995 (C&C-time) and Renegade took place in 2002 (C&C-time). So things aren't to look exactly like they were in TD, as it seems Nod was getting more "red" in time (see Tiberian Sun and C&C3). As for APCs, Nod didn't have APCs in TD singleplayer, but in its expansion pack "Covert Operations" they did have an APC. The Recon Bike will be making an appearance in the future, but again, a Nod APC does make sense since they had one in Covert Ops and Renegade. As for Harvester animation, actually Drummer it wouldn't really make a difference in performance. Any difference it would make would be miniscule and would never be noticeable, since it would be a simple animation with no performance-dragging effects. We do plan on making an animation in the future, but the current version doesn't have one (it is more of a polish issue).
  6. On a related note, there will be a new ion cannon animation.
  7. Probably 2-3 hours?
  8. We haven't done a news letter for the same reason why we haven't done a blog. As you have all noticed, our news doesn't really come periodically. Some weeks, things get done worth showing, other weeks, we're working on things either not ready to show or need to be kept secret/internal. Sometimes we do a large monthly update, and other times we wait longer. If we did a weekly blog or newsletter, there's bound to be a few weeks where I'd just write nonsense. I think the best way to keep up with quick almost-daily updates is through the Renegade X twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RenXGame
  9. We gladly invite you all to another Dev Night! The frontlines have been quiet for a while, and now is the time to get the battle raging again! On May 1st 2011 at 3:00pm EST (Eastern Standard time) you can join some members of the development team for a game of Renegade X v.0.55 for Unreal Tournament 3. This is your opportunity to play with the Renegade X developers, ask questions, team up with us or against us, and get some classic R&R&R: Rest, Relaxation, and Renegade! If you haven't tried the beta yet, what are you waiting for? Pick up Unreal Tournament 3, get the latest patch, and download Renegade X 0.55 HERE! We will be playing on MP-Gaming's RenegadeXServer.com. Any custom server content will be downloaded upon joining the server. However, if you'd like to install the custom content manually (or are having problems downloading it from the server), please visit THIS THREAD, and look under the heading "Newcomers and Required Downloads" in post #1. We're looking forward to seeing you there! You can always follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or the community forums for frequent Renegade X updates. New screenshots and wallpapers of the work-in-progress Operation Black Dawn singleplayer campaign are also being posted every few days on THIS THREAD. Keep in touch - we have NOT forgotten you.
  10. ^ But if it does not meet our standard, then it might be wasted. Are you willing to take that risk?
  11. In terms of programming we need someone who either knows Unreal Script or is committed to learning it. As for character art, I can't really make a decision based on incomplete models. You have talent yeah, but we need to see finished work before coming to a conclusion.
  12. ^ I'm assuming he wants to do both art and coding.
  13. Hello. Thanks for your interest in Renegade X. Your work is pretty good, but I was wondering if you have done a full character, and if yes, can we see it? The way we make our characters: high poly, normal map, low poly, diffuse map (2048x2048), and specular map. Are you able to do that? Do you have a full portfolio?
  14. Thought this was cute http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqVSMB_BHqo&feature=channel_video_title
  15. This is terrible to hear. Although it has been a couple years since I've last talked to Phyre, as Mighty BOB pointed out, he did help out a bit in the formation of Renegade X and Reborn, and while he was active, I had the pleasure in talking to him many times, serious work and jokes. Horrible to hear that he's gone... and very early for him at that. I was just thinking about him a couple weeks ago, wondering when I'll talk to him next. But it looks like that'll be some other day in some other life. Live everyday like it's your last, people, because one day you'll be right. Rest in peace buddy. One of his promotional works in the early days of Renegade X (late 2006):
  16. The team is working on it literally every day, I don't think we've missed a day in months. Game development is a lot of work, especially with a small team, so I don't want to give any release dates. But, right now we are working on things like a short singleplayer campaign, multiplayer maps, lots of programming, setting up weapons and vehicles, animation, audio work, etc. The trailer on the Renegade-X.com frontpage will give you a good idea of what's been done so far.
  17. At the moment the public beta requires UT3, and you're free to try that out whenever. We've been in beta since September 2009. In around March 2010 we started working on porting Renegade X to the UDK, which will make it a standalone indie game. The version is still in development though.
  18. We still need to do balance testing, but right now they work like Officer guns. Effective against infantry and lighter vehicles, but not very effective against heavy vehicles.
  19. In March's CommandandConquer.com "Community Watch" blog, EA_CIRE mentioned Renegade X, and presented a fan trailer created by TheJamnub. Check out the full post and video here: http://www.commandandconquer.com/blogs/blog/93
  20. Hey K4os, thanks for the post. We are working on a standalone version of Renegade X, which should make complications involving UT3 and playercounts disappear. The reason why we're doing Black Dawn first is because it is a necessary stepping stone towards the multiplayer. There are a lot of very basic things that needed to be recoded for the UDK, such as the weapons and vehicles, the HUD, reloading, health and armour, and much more. Almost everything in Black Dawn, therefore, will be used in the multiplayer version, and a lot of the work we are doing now for BD we had to do anyway. We may even be using the map itself in a future gamemode. Anyhow, we are also working on the multiplayer aspect at the same time, and quite a bit has been done (maps, props). So Black Dawn will help get the word out for the upcoming multiplayer release.
  21. Well after reading your long post I'm not exactly sure what you are critiquing is valid. There are things to critique about Renegade X, like some glitches and the semi-active playerbase at this point, but all you've really said in your post is that it does not "feel" like renegade at all. In your post you only gave the examples of walking around, driving, and planting beacons. But what exactly is so different? Walking animations are from UT3 so they won't be the same, the camera angle is slightly different, and I think beacon planting is identical. But why do these differences matter whatsoever? These are tiny, and these things at the very least and much more are bound to be slightly different when you jump from 2002 to 2007. Other than that, you've pretty much mentioned how disgusted you are with our project, which is fine, Renegade X is not for everyone. But wouldn't you at least want to try it with players before jumping to a conclusion? Renegade X remade C&C mode. I can imagine that the only thing that stands out when playing alone are the graphics, and you may call that a gimmick, but judging a game without playing or even seeing a video of its gameplay is simply abrupt. As for gameplay videos, there are plenty. Here is our official November 2009 launch trailer: If you'd like to see some unedited gameplay clips: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9yIUn4NSmaI Though like I said, this mod is not for everyone. If you'd like the original C&C Renegade walking animations, camera angles, physics engine, graphics, etc. then I'd recommend checking out the original game, as there is still an active fanbase. But when bringing the gameplay to a new engine, there's bound to be some changes, and our team and community focuses on what improves the overall experience rather than keeping it exactly the same. Otherwise, a remake has no point to it.
  22. I'm not sure what the website is doing. Giving information about the Laser Rifle, albeit it's all wrong? Technically they're not doing anything wrong, unless they start selling the art or something...
  23. Some time ago, a Dutch magazine called PCgameplay wrote a piece on Renegade X. I have been looking for it for quite some time, and the team has just found it again. Check out the scans of the story below:
  24. What were the numbers like?
  25. It's not the official server so they don't need my approval Just fans paying and playing.
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