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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Picking up weapons slows the game down, and people with 10 weapons avoiding battles, rushes, and teamwork doesn't?
  2. This method rewards strategic players. You're still going to be able to hold 2 main weapons and unlimited sidearms, but after that point, you're going to have make decisions on what weapons are better to carry. Players with good insight will succeed. Anyone can carry around 10 weapons, it takes no skill and often makes the game worse. If you were an SBH picking up whatever you find, there'll be no point in purchasing expensive weapons anymore, since you can spend small amounts of money and simply pick guns off other people's kills. Moreover, there's a good reason why hotwires and techs don't come with any primary weapons; they can take out a building and most vehicles on their own. We're not barring them from picking up weapons, but putting a cap keeps relative balance. Also, the more weapons you have, the more likely you'll hide, stay away from major battles, and not do any complex rushes, base attacks, or any real teamwork. It dumbs down the game. In one sense we're not like Battlefield where you can only carry one primary weapon, but at the same time, we don't want people carrying an armory in their front pocket.
  3. A new HUD, new character movement animations, third person reload animations, chinooks, chinook guns, airstrike, colour grading, cinematics, gun emplacements, night vision, and you're complaining about THAT?!?!
  4. Hey guys! It's been a few months since our most recent media release, and we're working daily to bring a quality game to our loyal fanbase. The style of this update will be more "down and personal", but if you're too tl;dr about it, at least check out the video 2 Years Since First ReleaseThe 2nd Year Anniversary of the first Renegade X beta release is coming up in a few days. Renegade X version 0.35 was released on September 30th, 2009. Since then, we've made five beta releases, earned several awards from Epic Game's MSUC and ModDB, and have begun our move to the Unreal Development Kit. The current Renegade X beta, version 0.55, was released for Unreal Tournament 3 last year around this time, gaining widespread attention and tens of thousands of downloads. The World of DevelopmentAnd since then, the public sphere has been calm - the team has crawled back into its hole, which is quite nostalgic of the early stages of the project - and started working on the standalone version of Renegade X. We have been making substantial progress on the project regularly, but instead of putting out updates every week, we'd rather give out the news in big chunks. Renegade X right now is constantly being refined, and we prefer showing what is finished rather than what is in progress. We recently put out an ad saying we had some positions available for people wanting to join the project. Since then, we've received over 150 applicants, all coming from different artistic disciplines. So there have been some additions to the team, but there are still some positions open. Namely, if you're a programmer, animator, character artist, or environment artist, check out the following thread: http://forums.epicgames.com/threads/808326-Renegade-X-is-looking-for-talent! Soul Searching We've recently been reviewing our project and how far we have gotten. We began development of Renegade X years ago, when most of us were still in highschool. The team and the project have come a long way, and as we've matured, so has our vision for Renegade X. During the UT3 beta phase, we were strictly a remake mod of Command & Conquer Renegade, and we were very conservative with changes that would effect gameplay. From that perspective, the UT3 betas succeeded, because we kept true to the original game, remaking its maps, the vast majority of its ratios, and slipping only a few new things in between. With the UDK, we see a glowing opportunity to bring Renegade X to its climax. Over the summer, we've written a new Game Design Document and began executing our new vision for the project - we want Renegade X to be less of a remake, and more of a spiritual successor to Westwood's classic in 2002. Renegade X will still be the Command & Conquer FPS everyone knows and loves, but brought to the modern day. Some innovations have been inspired by other contemporary FPS games, while others have always existed within the team and community, and it is only now that we are bringing these things to life. We want to emphasize the "X" in Renegade X. Other changes are not necessarily gameplay oriented - our visual, audio, and animation work is constantly evolving. Beyond Black Dawn In the video log below, we show some never-before-seen snippets of Black Dawn gameplay, cinematics, and I discuss some of the new innovative changes this post has described earlier. It will also feature the first look at Renegade X's UDK multiplayer maps. The video has TONNES of new content that you don't want to miss. YouTube: ModDB: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x/videos Direct Link: http://www.renegade-x.com/Rx_BeyondBlackDawn.mp4 We hope you've enjoyed this update. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, ModDB and at Renegade-X.com http://www.renegade-x.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Command-Conquer-Renegade-X/51097837430 http://twitter.com/#!/RenXGame http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x
  5. No, this is all volunteer work.
  6. 10 years? We announced a UT3 mod in early 2007, UT3 was released in late 2007, we released UT3 betas in 2009 and 2010, and now we're making Renegade X its own game.
  7. Sorry I couldn't come, I was busy all morning. I hear the turnout wasn't too big - maybe we can try again during the week. We had a lot of 10+ people games earlier this week.
  8. Hey Wizard, good to hear from Renegade oldies. People are playing these days, but probably a bit too early for Western Canada. Most of our players are in Europe or the east coast. Servers are empty after 1 or 2 pm your time. Since it's still a mod and a beta (once that has been out for almost 2 years), naturally there won't be many players. However, we are going standalone with the project, and I can assure you that the standalone multiplayer will be a blast.
  9. Hello Stig, Yes I have received your e-mail and ModDB message, we are assessing your application. Thanks for your interest in Renegade X. We will reply to you if we are interested
  10. It appears that some people have been having trouble with the e-mail. I did successfully receive some e-mails, so definitely try again. If it still does not work, you can either post a thread in this section, or e-mail me directly at el_pollo_diablo20[AT]hotmail.com I still have not replied to Voice Actor e-mails, but I will be asking for some samples from all applicants very soon.
  11. Great games guys, we had some nice 16 player games. Let's try to do this more often!
  12. A bit difficult considering the 17th of July was 10 days ago. I think you meant today, the 27th. If so it's probably best to plan the event a few days prior, because I missed the game even before seeing the event.
  13. To quote a great post in another thread.
  14. Dev Night starts today! 2 hours from this post.
  15. Hey, welcome to the RenX forums. This section is okay. Standalone version is underway - you can check out our latest update here: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?3034-You-Picking-This-Up-Good. For now, we've got a beta on Unreal Tournament 3. If you can, join us Saturday and Sunday for a couple games.
  16. Hello. Thanks for your interest in Renegade X. You can join us for two nights this weekend, here is the information: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showthread.php?3034-You-Picking-This-Up-Good.
  17. Buy 5 Unreal Games for $25 at Steam. Unreal 2, Unreal Gold, UT2004, UT3, UT: Game of the Year Edition. So if you haven't picked up Unreal Tournament 3 for Renegade X yet, what are you waiting for? Pick it up, and join us for Dev Nights this weekend. Sale ends July 10. http://store.steampowered.com/sub/683/
  18. Hey Fango. Thanks for your interest in Renegade X! I'll be getting at your MSN very soon.
  19. Renegade X is a Tactical FPS mod for Unreal Tournament 3. Soon, Renegade X will be a standalone indie game - starting with the singleplayer "Black Dawn" demo release, then by the multiplayer UDK version. So... while we were under a rock working hard on the upcoming versions of Renegade X, we noticed that it's been months since we've made an update. With our level editors, environment artists, programmers, audio engineers, and testers all busy developing the game and using up our quota of elbow grease, we were too busy to notice a bastion of fans waiting at our front door for us to bring home the bacon. But what was there to show? The cinematics we've been working on, perhaps? Maybe a premature beta release of some kind? While some would enjoy these kinds of updates, we are, unfortunately, perfectionists. Is that unfortunate? On the negative side, you'll have to wait for the goodies, but when they come, they'll be good-ee indeedy. A lot is happening behind the scenes - Black Dawn has gone into its testing and polishing stage, and many preparations are being made for multiplayer before we go all-out on it. Before we do any big updates, we wanted to slip in a Work in Progress development blog with pretty pictures to warm you all up for what's coming. Operation Black Dawn: Work In Progress Black Dawn will be the first standalone iteration of Renegade X. It is a singleplayer mini-campaign, and you will play as GDI commando Captain Nick "Havoc" Parker. After invading a Nod island stronghold, your objective is to rescue captured GDI scientists and POWs. Most of the resources used in Black Dawn will be used again in multiplayer, so therefore, Black Dawn is a necessary (and fun) stepping stone to that future release. Here are some fresh images: To see more images, wallpapers, and videos, visit http://www.renegade-x.com Renegade X 0.554 Frontend Update! On the 23rd, we released an autopatch for Renegade X 0.55 for Unreal Tournament 3. This patch was dedicated entirely to the Frontend (server client), adding new features to it. The new Frontend includes an IRC Chatroom, where players can communicate with each other and organize games more easily. It also includes a new compressing system for speedy downloads and better error reporting. You can upgrade to 0.554 simply by launching your Renegade X Frontend and approving the update. If you have any issues, feel free to report to this thread: http://www.renegade-x.com/forums/showth ... #post36706 Dev Night - July 2nd and July 3rd! Time to get back to the battlefields, and now that summer has officially rolled in, you've got no excuse. On Saturday July 2nd and Sunday July 3rd, be a renegade! Join some members of the development team for a game of Renegade X v.0.55 for Unreal Tournament 3. This is your opportunity to play with the Renegade X developers, ask questions, and team up with us or against us. Both events will occur starting at 3:00pm EST (Eastern Standard Time) If you haven't tried the beta yet, what are you waiting for? Pick up Unreal Tournament 3, get the latest patch, and download Renegade X 0.55 at http://www.renegade-x.com We will be playing on the "RenegadeXServer.com Slaughtehouse #1" server. See you there! Looking for help! The team is looking for: 1. Programmers with experience in Unreal Script. We will also accept those efficient in C++, C#, Java, and other languages who are willing to start learning Uscript. 2. Character Artists capable of creating high-poly and low-poly characters, normal maps, and 2048x2048 textures. 3. Environment Artists with Unreal Editor experience. We will also accept prop artists with no editor experience. Farewell for now! Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Command- ... 1097837430 Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/RenXGame ModDB: http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x Website: http://www.renegade-x.com
  20. I think I'll let the testers answer this one
  21. Looks like some people's Renememories are a little fuzzy?
  22. Hey Aircraftkiller. Thanks for your interest in Renegade X, it's good to see some familiar names. I will look into your application with great consideration! Feel free to add me on MSN if you still use that.
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