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Everything posted by [NE]Fobby[GEN]

  1. Oh I used to play with you. Do you remember NE? Did you used to play with Spaz, s2luga and Za_KiLLa or was that another Quicksilver
  2. I remember RT-E and was often in the Gamespy lobby. We probably played at around the same time.
  3. Hey guys! 10 days until the Black Dawn release! This is the first in a series of 10 blog posts which will be put out until January 28th 2012, the release date of Renegade X: Operation Black Dawn. Renegade X is a Tactical FPS game with RTS elements. On January 28th, we will be releasing a short singleplayer campaign (Operation Black Dawn) as a demonstration of what is to come in the future. The release date of the final multiplayer version is still to be announced, and hence, we thought it would be good for you to have something to play while you wait. Black Dawn will be a 1-2 hour experience for most people, complete with custom cinematics. It will be an opportunity for you to get used to all the weapons, vehicles, characters, and changes before the upcoming multiplayer release. In these short blog updates, we will discuss Black Dawn, its characters, and its development process over the last year and a half. Blog 1: The Backstory Operation Black Dawn takes place on a small island in the Black Sea. The island has been turn into a fortress belonging to the Brotherhood of Nod, an international terrorist organization. Satellite images show that the island is heavily defended: automated turrets lie on all shores, and troop patrols roam the island day and night. Although it is unclear if Nod forces have access to sophisticated anti-aircraft batteries, there are large forests stretching across the island which obstruct the view of satellites. On a recent trip to the Tiber River in Italy, Tiberium research specialist Dr. Ignatio Mobius and his daughter Sydney Mobius were captured by Nod's Black Hand elite team. The UN's Global Defense Initiative, an international military force committed to world order and peacekeeping, has been authorized to conduct a secret naval operation. GDI intelligence has confirmed that the Black Hand smuggled the scientists and other prisoners of war onto a ship to Albania, where they were then flown via C-130 to this Nod island stronghold. Since Dr. Mobius is GDI's leading scientist in the field of Tiberium, he is a valuable asset and must be safely returned before the contagious spread of Tiberium further harms the world population and environment. Hence, the objective of "Operation Black Dawn" is to destroy the Nod base and recover the scientists. Two GDI battalions have been dispatched to deploy on the southern and eastern shores of the island. The battalion to the east is to distract Nod forces, while a commando team attacks the southern beachhead, flanks the enemy and infiltrates the Nod base with air and ground support. The commando team will be led by Nick "Havoc" Parker. Havoc, who grew up in Allentown, Pennsylvania, joined the United States Marine Corps at a young age. He quickly became recognized for his rough and tough attitude and bloated ego, which made him unpopular with his superiors. His service was unconventional but effective, and it made him a public relations nightmare for the Marine Corps. He was recruited by the GDI because of his proficiency with weapons and impressive war record. He was assigned to GDI's elite Dead 6 commando unit. Eventually, Havoc, due to the drawn-out anti-Nod campaign in northern Egypt, was dismissed from the unit and began operating solo, using his special forces training to fight Nod his own way, although still nominally under GDI control. In this operation, you play as Havoc, and you'll be fighting alongside two old friends from the Dead 6 and some other familiar faces and voices. We will be covering the other characters gradually in the next ten days! That's it for now. Be sure to check out THIS THREAD for the next 10 updates. See you all tomorrow!
  4. January 28 release will be a singleplayer only. It won't require UT3. It's a short demonstration of what is to come later with the full Renegade X release. The final Renegade X release will contain a fully standalone multiplayer.
  5. Hey guys! First of all, we'd like to thank all of you for voting for Renegade X during the 2011 Best Upcoming Indie of the Year awards! We achieved the #2 spot with your help. It could not have been possible without your support. Next year, we'll be aiming for the Best Released Game, and if we attain that, we'll be the first game that win all four players choice awards. Not long ago, we announced that our short singleplayer campaign Operation Black Dawn will be released on January 28th, 2012. It is a 1-2 hour 10-part experience complete with ingame cinematics. The purpose of Black Dawn is to demonstrate what the the team has accomplished since going standalone with the UDK. The multiplayer version of Renegade X will come later. Black Dawn will be the first standalone Renegade X release, which means in the future, all versions of Renegade X will not require UT3 at all. New Trailer! Check out our latest Black Dawn ingame video below! [video=youtube;5sb7xCRH7lI] We hope you've enjoyed this update. Please follow us on Facebook, Twitter, ModDB and at Renegade-X.com http://www.renegade-x.com https://www.facebook.com/pages/Command-Conquer-Renegade-X/51097837430 http://twitter.com/#!/RenXGame http://www.moddb.com/mods/renegade-x
  6. Renegade X is a Tactical FPS game bringing the world of Command & Conquer to ground level. It is a First and Third Person Shooter with Real Time Strategy elements, and on January 28th 2012, Renegade X: Operation Black Dawn will be released! Black Dawn is a singleplayer mini-campaign that will precede the coveted Renegade X multiplayer release. The United Nations' "Global Defense Initiative" (GDI), an international military force set to eliminate terror networks around the world, has discovered a secret island stronghold in the Black Sea believed to be linked to the defiant Brotherhood of Nod, an ancient and secret society looking to dismantle world governments and install its own New World Order. You will play as Captain Nick "Havoc" Parker, a rough and tough GDI commando leading a special forces team into the heart of enemy territory: Operation Black Dawn. Black Dawn is not a long campaign, but it is a step towards our full version. It will be complete with many weapons, vehicles, scores of new features, cinematics and dialogue, and much more. It will be available in just over a month, and best of all, it will be fully standalone! Any machine that meets the UDK system requirements should be able to download, install, and enjoy the full experience. Check out the pre-release teaser below! http://www.indiedb.com/games/renegade-x/videos/black-dawn-pre-release-trailer We need your help on this year's IndieDB.com awards. We are pursuing the "Best Upcoming Indie Game" award this year - please help us win an award this year! Every vote counts! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors - the more exposure we get, the better for everyone! To vote, visit this link: http://www.indiedb.com/events/2011-indie-of-the-year-awards/top100#vote16152 Scroll down until you see a header that says "UPCOMING GAMES OF 2011". Then click "Tactical Shooter", and it will unveil a group of Tactical Shooter indies. Then, please click "VOTE" next to Renegade X. And that's it! Tell your friends! There will be MANY exciting updates on the road to release, so be sure to keep in touch with us through our website, Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube! http://www.renegade-x.com [url=https://www.facebook.com/pages/Command-Conquer-Renegade-X/51097837430]https://www.facebook.com/pages/Command- ... 1097837430[/url]https://www.facebook.com/pages/Command-Conquer-Renegade-X/51097837430 http://www.youtube.com/user/NEfobbyGEN http://twitter.com/RenXGame
  7. Renegade X has made it to Phase 2 in the Indie Game of the Year Awards! Because of your support, we've made it to the top 100 games of 2011. Now, we need your help again. In phase one, the competition was narrowed down to the Top 100 games that have the most votes. In Phase 2, the votes are reset to 0, and the Top 100 compete to achieve the IndieDB awards. This means, we need you to vote for Renegade X once again for Phase 2! Phase 2 ends on December 20th! We have been a finalist for 5 years in a row - please help us win an award this year! Every vote counts! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors - the more exposure we get, the more likely you will receive a high quality game sooner. To vote, visit this link: http://www.indiedb.com/events/2011-indie-of-the-year-awards/top100#vote16152 Scroll down until you see a header that says "UPCOMING GAMES OF 2011". Then click "Tactical Shooter", and it will unveil a group of Tactical Shooter indies. Then, please click "VOTE" next to Renegade X. And that's it! Tell your friends!
  8. Just two more days of voting! Please visit http://www.indiedb.com/games/renegade-x to vote for Renegade X.
  9. The "rank" is just views per day, not votes.
  10. In 2007, Renegade 2007 was nominated for the Top 100 upcoming mods of the year. In 2008, Renegade X won 3rd place and received the Best Upcoming Mod of the Year Award. In 2009, Renegade X won 5th place and received the Best Released Mod of the Year Award and runner-up Best Multiplayer Mod. In 2010, Renegade X received an Honourable Mention for the Best Released Mod of the Year Award category. Last week, Renegade X created its official IndieDB Page! You can access that here: http://www.indiedb.com/games/renegade-x This year, we are eligible for the Best Upcoming Indie Game on IndieDB. The voting is done in two phases: in phase one, the competition is narrowed down to the Top 100 games that have the most votes. In phase two, the votes are reset to 0, and the Top 100 compete to achieve the IndieDB awards. This means, we need you to vote for Renegade X now for Phase 1, and again on December 11th for Phase 2. Every vote counts! Tell your friends, tell your neighbors - the more exposure we get, the more likely you will receive a high quality game sooner.
  11. Black Dawn altogether is about 1-2 hours of gameplay + cinematics. It consists of 10 parts, each part is about 5-10 minutes long, + about 12 minutes of cinematics. It's short, but it's something to play through before we do our multiplayer release, which will be a while from now. It will give you all a good idea of what direction we're heading in with the new Renegade X, and you'll be able to make suggestions and post critiques.
  12. We've moved ModDB pages!!!!!!!! It's about time. Since Renegade X will be standalone as soon as the Black Dawn campaign hits the Internet, we've been meaning to get a new page on IndieDB. You can access the new page by clicking here: http://www.indiedb.com/games/renegade-x The Renegade X UT3 Mod page will remain online as an archive for the Renegade X beta downloads, videos, and images. The 0.55 beta download will be available until the Renegade X standalone multiplayer release for the UDK. Development News The development of Renegade X: Black Dawn, our upcoming singleplayer mini-campaign, has been going swell. The team has been fixing glitches and completing the game's cinematics in order to refine the experience before release. We've also made some key developments in multiplayer over the past few months. Some time ago, Totem Arts created a new Game Design Document for Renegade X, which assessed what we have done so far, the ups and downs of the beta versions and releases, and most importantly, it's given us the opportunity to revamp the game formula. Like I said in the last update, we want to bring Renegade X to the current generation in gaming with our next releases. We'd like to grow beyond the remake project we originally set out to be, and instead revolutionize the experience. We've also made good progress on a couple multiplayer maps and countless new static meshes and props. Levels this time around will be a lot more detailed, with re-imagined creativity and interactive elements for players to explore. In case you haven't seen our Beyond Black Dawn development vlog, we recommend you check it out below. Here, I discuss Black Dawn and the future of Renegade X as a standalone game. Pictures! Below are some images we've taken in the middle of cinematic development in Black Dawn. Can you guess what's happening in each picture? We're interested in hearing it! Renegade X Community Q&A: Jam started a Community Q&A a few weeks ago, and with my help, he's been able to answer all questions that are thrown at him. Every Monday he releases a new episode tackling new questions. You can check out his YouTube channel and watch all 8 episodes here: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheJamnub Submit a question by posting a comment on his latest video every week! So long for now, Something BIG is happening very soon. Be sure to keep up with us http://www.renegade-x.com
  13. I really do enjoy the Q&A. I guess you can try to be more eligible (I understand you just fine though) by saying a line multiple times and using the best one. A jingle doesn't necessarily require a singer, you can find someone to make you a 10 second intro tune. As always, I can provide any information you need for these.
  14. Thanks for your interest in Renegade X! All aircraft will be featured in the UDK/standalone version of Renegade X. You'll see Chinook Helicopters in Black Dawn, and then you'll be able to drive Chinooks, Orcas, and Apaches in the future multiplayer release.
  15. Thanks VIPsp, you're my hero. Fobby <3 VIPsp
  16. Renegade X looking like a great Command and Conquer shooter http://www.pcgamer.com/2011/10/04/renegade-x-looking-like-a-great-command-and-conquer-shooter/
  17. Hey guys. We need ingame pictures of Patch and Deadeye. Please get pics from the front, back, side, and face. Post them here on this thread. From the original C&C Renegade, of course.
  18. http://www.joystiq.com/2011/10/04/fan-remake-of-command-and-conquer-renegade-nearing-completion/
  19. EA_CIRE has previewed the latest Renegade X: Black Dawn update on the official Command & Conquer website. http://www.commandandconquer.com/en/blogs/blog/144
  20. Renegade X: Black Dawn Coming Along, Dev Says (VIDEO) http://www.gamefront.com/renegade-x-black-dawn-coming-along-dev-says-video/
  21. Command & Conquer: Renegade Returns as Unreal Engine 3-Powered 'Renegade X' http://www.gamepro.com/article/news/223430/command-conquer-renegade-returns-as-unreal-engine-3-powered-renegade-x/
  22. There is a weapon limit in singleplayer, but what you use is mostly based on preference. For example, if you're fighting off infantry, you can use snipers, rifles, shotguns, chainguns, flamethrowers, etc. and they'll all work fine.
  23. Actually most of the team dislikes Call of Duty to be honest, at least their multiplayer. I honestly can't see the comparison here at all. Renegade X has structures, vehicles, aircraft, unique teams, capturable buildings, superweapons - Call of Duty had none of this. Renegade X is arcadey, our infantry and vehicles have a lot more health than Call of Duty, we have sci-fi elements, etc. It's a terrible comparison. Like Havoc89 said earlier, in the vast majority of Renegade games, you only had one weapon anyway. Sometimes, you had two. Maybe 5% of the time you would have more than that. Most servers in the old game didn't even have weapon drop. We're allowing weapon drop and weapon swap, and we're allowing you to carry 3 different C4 types, a sidearm, and two main weapons, while Call of Duty does not even get close to that. I think my points in post 7 are sufficient. Either way, we are going to do a lot of testing before the game comes out. I don't see us removing this though, because it barely changes the game at all. I'm asking you to trust us.
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