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Everything posted by Axesor

  1. The first thing I want to say is, that i disagree with this If you want it so much, you can go play C&C:Renegade. Imo this game is kind of inovation and modernization of old game and have to be bit unique and have to be better in any aspect to satisfy the modern player and get rid of EA. Back to vehicle drop. I agree that the destroyed WF/Strip, does not make a big difference. Handicaped team plays more defensive and collect vehicles. Mainly GDI has a big defensive potentional unlike the Nod that really can't defend the base with these highly specialised vehicles. My opinion on this was always the same: If team loses WF/AS, so can buy buggy's/humvee's and APC's and chinok only. Both teams got pretty good anti-air, anti-vehicle infantry and these vehicles can do some damage too + your team still woud be able to do rushes with these vehicles. But these vehicles also can't completely rekt opp team, which has the WF/AS.
  2. Dude, I wasn't talking about removing mines from the game. I just wanted to say that current idea of use mines is bad becouse it limit's whole team and may put team in danger and screw whole game, and this system should be replaced. I am totaly for keeping mines, but not in meaning as it is now. Also there are many ways how tech-tree can look like and if it's done good, then we don't even need to worry about if upgrades would be permanent. And I bet my butthole that Yosh can do it good. I can't wait to see new features in the game!
  3. Edited. Nobody want's worse performance just becouse of assist kills. If it really puts a strain on the system, I don't want it here. There still would be kill count, so nothing change for sniper racers. Maybe a bit less stress for them if they die.
  4. Up!
  5. I'd like to push some suggestion up. It had good feedback before but somehow it lost in oblivion. Main points: -remove death count -remove K/D ratio -add destroyed vehicles count -add assisted kill's count The reason is simple. Players don't like to look at, how many times they died. So they are simply doing nothing useful or sitting and trying to fix their K/D instead of doing object or something useful (such as defending base or take a free unit and run help to their teammates). Also they don't like to risk any team rushes. This kind of players is one of few reasons, why the game is stalemate and it's more like "sitting wars"=boring. Maybe you are the one who is ignoring his death count, but many ppl do care.
  6. Tech tree sounds interesting. How do you imagine it? I see it the way there would be 3 trees-Balanced, Defensive, and Ofensive tree. In the end of each tree would be special ability for specialization and you must open some improvements before you reach it. While you are leveling, you will get tech/progress points. You can use this points to upgrade yourself. You can get as much points just to reach special ability +2-3 point's so you can use them in other tree. Defensive would be ofc +hp (+50%->+100%->150%), +armor, in the end of tree "regenerateable armor", +25, +50, +75HP to your vehicle, absorbing explosion damage 10,20,30% etc... Ofensive-increased range 20, 40, 60%, increased explosion radius for any explosive weapon 10,20,30%, decreased lock on time, more ammo, increased fire rate 3, 7, 11% aaand special ability could be perma airstrike with cd 1minute aaand infinite ammo... balanced.. something with sprint stamina regeneration, +20, +40, +60%hp (i know its in defensive tree (supertank with maximum of 310hp?), sprint stamina increased, more ammo, tanks speed... And you know what I mean. And you would be able to reset your tech points anytime (or only in main menu). Ofc weapons shoud be rebalanced then, and it's much of work around it. Weapons would be buyable at terminal. Then there could be added cosmetical shop to buy skins for your character for real money. Some futuristic armor or classic character skins like a Havoc etc.. for 2.5-3-5$. You can collect them. It's just couple of ideas throwen away. Ignore it if you dont like it. I dont think tech tree is much necessary. I'd still like to know how do you imagine your tech tree Yosh.
  7. The reason why I loved RS so much is, that he was doing his role very well. This character presented "how do I think" this game should look like. Dynamic, strong, enjoyable. He was doing his job, nothing more. Simple character without need of any other special benefits. Also Perfect as co-driver or buggy driver. I didnt wanted to write much about this, becouse developers are already working on release of final game. They got plan and an clear vision of how this game should look like. So there is nothing what ca stop them... OK LET'S START CRYING! My opinion on this was always: Buff PIC and Patch and let RS be. Make them special in something else. It's not bad. But it's also not good becouse many people in the games mainly appreciates freedom, freedom to make decisions and movement freedom. Invisible walls: I am not saying that all invisible walls should be removed, but they simply should not feel so much limiting. If I see clear path behind rock so I want go there.. but.. but i can't! I would feel much more free if there was placed mega wall or crashed tank. (it's just feel of freedom. Playing with minds so players could feel comfortable). Airstrikes If I bought it for 700c I want to use it freely. It's nothing gamebreaking. It worked fine before. Great antisniper, antitank thing. Or simply make that airstrike could'nt be placed on same location 2 times in shorter time than 30seconds. Mines: mines are very limiting. It does not limit just one player, but the whole team. I tried discuss about it not such a long time ago. Nobody was interested in discussion and finding solution. If mine system stay as it is now, there would never be more than 2 full servers...ever. As I said, the game is not unknown. Many youtubers did gameplay videos with 10k-150k-???K views on this. And there is much more thing that I think should be reworked. But I'd rather not mention them, becouse local nostalgic tribesmen would bite my head off! I think there should be an experimental server.
  8. There wouldn't be any limitations if certain "problems"/things were solved differently than just copying them from original. Well, I am glad that RS will be buffed somehow. Ty for the quick reply. Cya in final version of the game.
  9. I didnt read all posts. Rocket soldier was absolutely SWEET before you broke it. He perfectly fit's into the dynamic of game. And now he is just boring. And it's not only about RS, it's about all characters, about whole game system. I see your way of thinking this way: "Lets make a super cool game full of action, explosions, flying asses and the intestines! Wait wait.. this need to be more like old renegade.. And this need's to be more realistic.. nooo I dont like, how freely can players play and decide without team-lets limit them!" -limit airstrikes, limit ammo, limit longevity on battlefield, limit mines, very limit range of weapons (mega nonsence)-limit dynamic of the game! oh my god and this invisible walls everywhere! I don't care about there are new vehicles now, I don't care it's reborn of old REN. Even through I am big fun of C&C series, I am not going to play it just becouse of that. As soon as players realise, that there is only few things you can rly do, and game has phases, very few phases, it's starts to be boring. I want use my airstrikes anytime I want and anywhere I want, move freely, use my stuff's freely, I want what is promised in trailer's, I want dynamic gameplay. And I am not writing only for myself. I am writing for whole comunity who requires this. (There is not playing only few ppl just becouse the game is unknown, but becouse it is "washy, wishy"). SO PLEASE! Bring back Rocket soldier like he was in B4 at least! and make the game more dynamic way, full of action, explosions, feels of no limits (its very important part of any good game), flying asses and intestines (not in gore meaning). I wonder what are you planning to realease in full game..
  10. I am sorry about all I've said about dev's nonactivity.
  11. Active developers.
  12. 3 words. It's freaking awesome!!! Oh men good job. I hope devs will implement this mod as official, becouse this is the way, where game should go. I like it very much.
  13. Is it over? I mean, you're not getting paid for this, and many programmers have left the team=motivation on the freezing temperature. Have all dream's melted away? I dont see any small upgrades, and hotfixes since there is autoupdater. Are you still working on this game or it's all up to server modders to keep this game alive? Really there is no solution, how to make money from this game to more motivate you guys? Any cash shop? Get rid of old Ren, implement purchase system, remake game a bit, upgradeable characters, inovation. Or just say, what are you planning to do with this game in future. I'am sure that many ppl with programming, and 3d modeling experiences are willing to help. So there are the simple questions: Did you gave up already? What about money? What about volunteer helpers, and sharing your problems and plans with comunity?
  14. I don't need think about it. If you wanna snipe, take marksman. This character perfectly fits to role of sniper in this game. SNIPER 500c just dont. This makes game so boring and stale-becouse infantry can't freely move on battleground. And it's mainly pain for Nod becouse engis can't well cover behind that small tanks. I like turtles. No, rly? You couldn't think of a better metaphor? buggy costs 300, mammy 1500-thats all my answer. Sniper costs 500 and you can 1hit kill everyone. Whatever he is good, it's just not fair for other classes. It needs bigger time to kill. As I said-marksman is perfect at sniping, or use railgun with limited range.
  15. Well, I dont see problem with this. GDI engi's can well cover in safety behind massive tanks. GDI tanks also deals bigger damage and has bigger explosion radius and more health.+many many anti tank, aoe infantry. Nod has hard times. As I wrote before... small tanks+low hp+must move fast+ small explosion radius, lower damage. Its very hard to repair in middle of fight, cant cover due to GDI big explosion radius and Nod small tanks. It's almost impossible to survive as engineer. Oh yes + snipers are hunting you down. Nod tanks simply has no chance againts GDI tank's push, as you could notice when there is playing good team againts good team. Nod almost never wins. If there was no snipers in this game, it would be much more balanced and generaly much more enjoyable to play. GDI would kill engineers with power of their tanks and Nod with SBHs.
  16. Artillery does 4% dmg to the buildings. WHO THE FUCK DID THIS &*@#*??? Is it becouse of this mutator?! Nod is unplayable now. 10 artillery's couldnt destroy 1 building and then came GDI tank cavalery and it was over. Generaly Nod has worse tanks. Its difficult to repair em becouse you cant hide behind them (tine light tank, useless stank, flamer must move quickly forward). GDI is able to push, they hide in safety behind big tanks, repairing each other. Many ppl in Nod dont even bother to buy tanks and its bad becouse Nod always have to have more tanks than GDI to overwhelm em. I am always thinking the way-good team vs good team and in such situations Nod has no chance. And now I noticed this bullshit with artillery. I just came from the game and I am so pissed off again. Artillery damage MUST be changed back to 8-9% to the buildings!!!
  17. Just do that! For 1-2 days. Nobody can imagine how cool it is untill they try it by themself. If a team cant kill one annoying player and secure strategic points, they don't deserve to win. It would be a pity if we dont even try it. I personally like trying new things and then I can decide if its good or not. Theory is stupid in this situation if they have this mutator already done!
  18. Yes, this one
  19. Since today I am using Nvidia inspector for limiting FPS and its working fine (well, sometimes it turns off FPS limit by itself so I have to rewrite it and run RenX again. Its just annoying). Main problem is that I dont feel confortable when I have to turn on/off limitation everytime when I wanna run another game (for example Robocraft) where I rly dont need 30 FPS limit. So I'd like to find solution in "core", change some values in file. Gonna try this "-fps=24" thingie. If it wont work, guess I must live with it Thank you all for your responses.
  20. I already have lowest UDK setting possible. I am asking especially for FPS limit possibility, becouse in other games it helped me from overheating. Yes, my fans are also clear. All I want to know is how to set FPS limit.
  21. Ok its not working. My FPS is still 40-45.
  22. I hope I found it! Renegade X-UDKGame-config-UDKEngine.ini [Engine.Engine] bSmoothFrameRate=TRUE MinSmoothedFrameRate=22 MaxSmoothedFrameRate=30 (changed from 60 to 30) Hopefully it wont blow my laptop up. Thx for responds.
  23. Hey I just wanna ask, if there is any option to limit FPS? Summer is coming and my notebook starts to overheat=game starts heavy breaking for like 5 minutes and then it goes smoothly untill it overheats again. I'd like to limit my FPS to like 30-40 frames to prevent my computer from overheating and game breaking. I know some games have this option and it would be nice if this option was added to setting's of this game.
  24. It is hardly noticeable. I don't know if the explosive ammunition was hurting even the shooter before changes...? Where I can find full changelist and whats the other plans? It would be very nice if we could see it. And this is only server mutator or game wide patch what came from devs? Becouse I dunno if changes was applied on both servers (tmx, ekt). Btw I like this balance changes. Waiting for unlimited ammo change for infantry now!!!!!!!
  25. Oh please PLEASE gimme that! I love this idea!
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