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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Can't make it (again...)
  2. Photoshop, GIMP, Paint? Open and save as! http://lmgtfy.com/?q=bmp+to+jpeg
  3. Thx Thommy!
  4. Maybe for you, but not for me. Next week is another weekend of parties, so won't make it this and next week. Anyways have fun!
  5. Maybe someone who reads this topic can help out? Ruud, Dakuja, Handepsilon, Kenz?
  6. Shit, shit, shit, can't be there. Will try to sneak away from family party...
  7. Sounds good, that would turn you into a suicide bomber for everyone...
  8. I am sure we can track him down in the future, but I think he will be around during christmas holiday...
  9. Nice, nice RypeL. Armour system is good for maps like Siege, I like it when hitting a building from the outside (as defender and attacker). BTW: If we aren't allowed to donated the developers I think we can at least have you beer or a pizza delivered. Tried this with B0NG but there is no delivery available on his adress...
  10. Ryz

    9 month exile

    WB! EKT = still there, but their servers are being hit (see below) TmX = dying, I guess: viewtopic.php?f=131&t=75753&p=156302#p156302 CT = new, but not a clan Game has some new additions in the past betas, but also issues: http://renegade-x.com/news.php?id=75801 Want more info?
  11. Good we atleast know you are alive Skeeze!
  12. What would be cool is that Nod has an alternative road on some maps to exit the base (drive from a hill example). This would make stankrushes possible, now if GDI camps the front with meds it's GG. On Walls this is possible, but on this map the front of the base is almost never camped...
  13. Yeah I don't agree about artillery. We moved to the right flank early game to damage PP but didn't kill it. Than we targeted a building for a while till everybody came to repair to it and after it we killed the PP. Worked great with 4 arties...
  14. If you have multiple stanks you can bump on them maybe? I know you can get over 'the wall' in walls like that...
  15. Hmm overall pretty good, what I liked was the fact that both teams (not both sides) won two games. Overall it was pretty GDI sided like always. What I didn't like was the indecisiveness on Nod when we played it two times. Where GDi has a clear plan (meds) Nod doesn't rely on heavy force, but teamwork and stealth. On Goldrush we tried to stankrush multiple times but this was clusterfuck, but in the later part of the game it was total anarchy if you ask me. The same happened on whiteout. First the orca rush was announced but people decide to kill the WF when the orcas moved. But we forgot one thing and this was to not only plan it, but actually do it. Than, when we had only the HON left, we did nothing for like 5 minutes. People mentioned a rocketrush, but with one building to defend this was likely going to fail. Than FINALLY we moved out with SBH's with the building got killed meanwhile. It was a good PUG but I had rather lost while fighting than while waiting
  16. Good idea, didn't think about that. Now people spam 'building needs repair' , but you never know the urgency of it...
  17. We want it Yosh!
  18. Any news about this Henk?
  19. See you tomorrow guys!
  20. Ryz

    PSA: DDOS Attacks

    Didn't see that one coming, good initiative!
  21. I am down for it, but have some issues with steam, what if you take the lead Super, you know most people!
  22. Ok, I am not sure what got deleted so hard for me to decide about... I've had my own collision with people in Ren-X (or sometimes not and people decided to not tell me the truth and talk behind my back) but it is not going to make me lose interest in the game. Remember that 'those people' are just a few in the community. Edit: Added word 'lose'
  23. So what made your change your opinion?
  24. I like the idea!
  25. Main problem, if you ask me, is that the forum is down... Even without a server 'we' can still excist, but without forum this will be more difficult. But to be honest: I care more about the state of the game than the clan.
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