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Closed Beta Testers
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Everything posted by Ryz

  1. Wow I think this is your best map Thommy. except City in progress ofc.! Can we test it during next weeks testing session or the week after?
  2. This is a commonly posted solution: In DefaultSystemSettings.ini check "bAllowD3D9MSAA". If it's set to True, make it False... or vice versa. Then delete UDKSystemsettings.ini and start the game.
  3. Sorry I didn't make it, I had unexpected visitors and I am also not able to make it next week....
  4. Aight, can't wait to see Crashsite in action though!
  5. I will try to be there, might not make it but will join later!
  6. Nice idea, i f people can't understand that than I am clueless what they understand
  7. Maybe you are right Cannuck, but I rather go down fighting. The moment when I give up is when I ask / warn / tell my team about stuff and the don't react for 5 minutes. If I leave after a building goes down it will be after I said goodbye and donated credits. People say I am a person who is always complaining, but afaik I never ragequit any game, that's just not my style1
  8. You showed up waay to late last week Yosh, but I am looking forward to the next one!
  9. OR make q messages increase / decrease according to the situation? Sometimes I hit Q several times to notify people I really need help. What if the 'Q message' would increase when there is more damage or damage to be done to a building? So for examle when there are multiple C4 on MCT at building X the message gets way more attention? Or when a person rams q 12 times for the same target / building / thing the message just pops-up bigger instead of getting repeated?
  10. Wow. than you didn't get it. If people leave during any round it's ok, but not when they leave cause the team just lost a building and people exit in less than a minute (or sometimes ten seconds). I share your 'hate' against marathon btw!
  11. Yeah lots of mud there...
  12. And Islands (I don't have to mention it has water)
  13. Nice work! I like the ranks also, maybe this can be combined with the veterancy system RypeL might be making...?
  14. Just walk through water, it sounds very intense, probaly due the changes for LCG now being used by every character...?
  15. I can't go any further without the overpass You know I added the ':P' with a purpose, cause I noticed your topic. Hope somebody can help asap.
  16. Why don't you try it? If it works your done with it and can post the solution here, if it doesn't work you have to reinstall the game again in the worst case scenario...
  17. Good job again!
  18. Ok so people either like the plan, or dislike it completely. Main reason is NOT to mark people as a noob, nor that I like punishing them, but primary from a balance perspective. After 5 rounds with 20 ragequitters in total (and new people joining also) the server had half of the players left (20) yesterday and I see this happen sometimes. Imagine you are a new player and you play 4 of 5 of these rounds, would you come back? Maybe there should be an option for players like Axessor to mark on which team they would prefer to be. Personally I think the bigger picture is more important than satisfying the individual, but to be honest I didn't like it to be on the winning team (and part of making them win) and than crash and be on the other team on which I just killed a building... Still competitive, sportive gameplay is more important if you ask me than my own fun. Cause if it's competitive it will be fun eventually...
  19. Yup they are, unfortunately for you... Maybe, if they keep on growing and more people can manage the players there can be a new date in the future, but this timeslot looks to be the best right now.
  20. But City ?
  21. Curious which other 2 will be in there ! And what Glacious says, I personally prefer focus on one map, makes if more satisfying to see one being used and than work on the other, but hey I am not a map maker myself so who am I to judge?
  22. Hope you have new hardware soon!
  23. Hmm I see different sentiments here, but with the Renegade playerbase slowly growing I think this is one of the subjects which needs attention. Yesterday we played 20 vs 16, the round after 18 vs 15 and so on. You could see the amount of people getting annoyed by this growing every match, untill Field poped up and half the server emptied..
  24. Usually we (meaning Machette and me) are here an hour in advance of the PUG, so I think you can count us in!
  25. Great!
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