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Everything posted by isupreme

  1. When you nominate yourself for commander, the text should read: isupreme Volunteers for .... Why? 1. It is less egotistical. 2. It engenders the right sense of teamwork. Team members who volunteer build teamwork. This is NOT to say every vote should read that way.... just when you vote for yourself. ( BTW ~~ i generally dislike commanding, but i don't mind managing the harvy... > isupreme hopes for future sub commanders )
  2. Nice to have some action at midnight tonight.! (EST) 6 players.. having fun and learning maps and messing with recon bikes. I really enjoy the laid back atmosphere of these small games. Gives me time to practice command controls. Thanks all. And if 6 does not seem like much... WoT only had 90. so... that makes ren x 6/90 of WoT. in the wee hours of the night....
  3. Would it be difficult to achieve this? Like many of my suggestions i suppose it would be a low priority, but hey sometimes low priorities get done! (as in putting the map name on the map )
  4. Darn. >takes two steps back and looks at the situation again.
  5. I like that this is posted. It is clearly written. It would not hurt to repost it occasionally so it is in players minds. I especially appreciate your attitude and attention to swearing at other players. Thank you. Keep up the good work.
  6. Nice to see 10 players on tonight @ 11:00 est. Lets blow some shit up!
  7. Awesome! I am using this to evaluate myself. so far.. I am: 70%. focus tanking Handling 2.5 Dodge 2 cover 3.5 Field know 3! Aim 2 ;( decision 2 awareness 3 Kinda fun to evaluate yourself using this nicely detailed information. I invented some half way decisions tho.... fun stuff. I especially like the use of the term metaknowledge. That deserves its own thread.
  8. Correct me if i get any of this wrong, please. The game developers cannot make money on the game. i.e. the game cannot be monetized. we cannot give money to the game developers is the traditional thinking. ? correct or better said another way? so....... Why is RenX not a non profit? Why? Why is Ren X NOT a non profit. ? ~~~~~~~~~~ I have formed non profits before. They are not very complicated. In a normal non profit the people who participate are compensated for their time. . . .. . . . . . ? Does RenX provide a service to the greater good of the public? I certainly think so. Could 3 people be found to be President, Treasurer and Secretary of regular meetings. ... yeah...... etc..etc.
  9. Make harvester control a separate commander. I.E. allow players to vote in a harvester control player. In this scenario players could vote for a person to manage the harvester. This would allow a less consequential vote. Is it not intimidating to be voted commander? Not everyone wants to be the Total Commander. I would readily take harvy control in a game tho i loath the commander role. To some extent this is a continuation of the idea to create sub commanders. I think it would be awesome if a commander could have players who manage key aspects of the battle to help the commander focus on a winning solution. If Chat could show the sub commanders input and information... A harvester commander would be an easy first step. ofc the harvy command could be managed by any commander.
  10. done. did the trick. >looks at his settings again. >thanks community for help.
  11. I was joining just as a game was ending and the server petered out..... that day. I witnessed some exasperated commanders leaving. I immediately felt the effect. The moral in the next game was 0. Granted it was flakeside, but we had a good game where we resisted the cycles and prevailed with some teamwork. The usual comments were made: "did flakeside kill the server?" No. it did not. I think we have raised the expectations in the game to the level where --- if there is not teamwork it really feels sucky. Before commanders etc....you could continue to battle on and hope. But when they have a good commander and you have none... or when no one is healing.... do you get my drift? Just my thoughts having landed there on that day.......
  12. Woot! So i can get things to work normally by using incognito mode. ( had to learn that and happy i figured it out) But... Does this mean i suddenly have to do this all the time now? And what about users who do not do this unique step to access the website? Are they screwed ? I tried turning off ghostery and ad block but that alone did not fix things, only using incognito did it. >ponders his future ..... Thanks for help so far!
  13. I hope this posts. It is very hard to navigate in this. https://imgur.com/a/m2frrbU I have trouble with the first page and all pages after. Help appreciated.
  14. https://imgur.com/a/m2frrbU
  15. For the last few days , since the new pictured went up on the website, my graphics are messed up. I can kinda get around by using jump to content. but its unuseable. How can this be fixed ? Is something different on my end or did that post of the comparison pictures mess it up?
  16. My thought as well. I say we start designs now. the usual Hexagon approach?
  17. Thanks Syntharn. I would not have know the server was being used without your note. It is nice to know.
  18. That sounds like a plan ! (is it too late to suggest that silos could get a bounty? ) I kind of like the idea of being able to place a bounty when you are not in the thick of a fight, as in able to do it from base. But if using something like Q when you are close could work too. I missed discussions about commander that included the idea of sub command. That sounds very useful and fun. I know i have been aware of many times when a commander gets so focused on getting a plan launched - that they missed out on the flow of the battle. More Player Voice = more Fun.
  19. YES. Maybe the servers are empty in the middle of the night, but other times can get very busy. Hope you will check it out!
  20. isupreme


    Why not allow a bounty on enemy Guard towers? This would be similar to commander pointing to an objective only it comes from the players instead!
  21. This post is about the many ways that players use the game. It is NOT about players say in chat. This is primarily just a thought exercise. Player Voice in this post, is about the many ways players express themselves thru their actions and choices. In this context, if i buy a med tank i am expressing myself in the game. If i choose to add a repair gun to my character, If I put down a solid mine plan, or randomly leave them on the field - that is my Player Voice. I would like to see the game continue and expand the Player Voice which it has provided so well. The first incarnation of this I think of, may have been the ability to place proximity mines. Myself and many other players have enjoyed the freedom and flexibility and Voice they allowed. If i see there is a threat from a X direction i can place more mines at X door. (no wonder so many "discussions" result from mine placement! - Let my voice be heard!) RenX has continued this fine tradition with the addition of AT mines, Q spotting, air strikes, etc. Nice! The Essential theme i wish to bring up for discussion is -- The more you give Players Voice the more enjoyable the game becomes. If this premise is acceptable, then the question that should always be considered in every decision about implementation of features is: Does this decision maintain or increase Player Voice ? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~d Some example subjects: When servers offer the option to rebuild destroyed turrets, then that is another option for Player Voice. Recently i posted an idea to allow a bounty to placed on an enemy player. Generally well received. I mention it because I now realize that part of the appeal for me in this idea, is the High Degree of Player Voice that this would allow. I am not here to pitch the bounty idea again, but i think it is what lead me to this line of thought. If i can i donate towards goals i am given Voice. The rise of commander powers is another area to consider in this light. Is there any way to shift some of the Commander abilities to the players - so as to allow them more voice? In some sense the choice of a commander is when players are willing to give their Voice to someone else. Not too bad. I like how commander abilities can be used to increase the game action or the game conclusion. If any of that can be shifted back to the players it would increase our Voice, for example. To some degree the removal of Pedestal was a loss of Player Voice.
  22. NEC thinks they got their end straightened out. Looks like we go back up servers to use as well. !
  23. Saw it was down. I am working with NEC to enable the server to restart when it does.
  24. o0! Thanks for the support offer... its gonna get used. Yep. I am not one to go advertising another server while i am on one tho... so as always it will be up to the players to choose, which is cool. I do wonder if we might find one night a week to focus on. I.E. Monday nights players will try to join in after 8pm EDT. ~~ or some such thing.
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