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Everything posted by Henk

  1. Nice. add a rock layer to the landscape, could help.
  2. I was working on a deathmatch map at some point with a lot of floating and moving rocks. You could get from one point to the other in a 3D platformer style. It was going to look sort of like Shangri La in Far Cry 4, like a dreamworld. But the matinee was being a bitch a lot of times, the rock islands would be better as meshes and that would have taken a lot of time to create, and I had a lot of vine ladders, and those ladders volumes can't move, and are also a pain to get right in the first place.
  3. Comments mentioning Renegade X could help
  4. "Building Damage +2 VP" But yeah it's fixed in the upcoming version, as well as the floating lamp in the Barracks. Now someone also mentioned b2b Arty on Reservoir during that match on Snow, but refused to post on the forums how to, said I had to find it out myself, does anyone know where? I'm presuming he was just talking about Arties & MRLS being able to hit the dam infantry entrance, which has already been reduced a lot. If the top dam entrance is camped by an Arty, you could always take the back path with the Dam MCT, or go field side, plenty of ways to get in.
  5. nice!
  6. Are there any maps where a tiberium damage volume is closer than the Tiberium field/node the harvesters use? And of course also reachable by vehicle. Only one I can think of is Canyon
  7. make a meter that shows the amount of tiberium harvested. And more interface stuff for it, like "unload now".
  8. That happens to be implemented this week, so expect it in the next patch.
  9. I ticked the vehicle mechanics on Renegade because that was the feature that convinced me to buy the game, not because I prefer Renegade vehicle handling over Renegade X's.
  10. Those edges look realy smooth, how much verts does UDK say that model has? I think AutoCAD isn't really suited to model for games, because of the amount of detail, most game models arent as detailed. But what I mean with n-gons vs quads, is that you now have 1 plane with a lot of verts, what you need is something more like this:
  11. need to see some dots and lines, aka vertices and edges.
  12. @Veyron The reason your mesh looks that way is because the topology is done wrong. There's probably a lot of N-gons, those are polygons with more than 4 edges. Try to use 4 edged polygons, called quads. the front of those arcs/legs are probably just 1 face/polygon, with over 10 vertices right? try connecting those vertices so it's made up of quads instead of n-gons. You can also try to model it in another way, by starting of with a cube and extruding and scaling it, and repeat that until you have that shape, that way you are sure you get quads. Something like this guy does in this video at 17 sec. but he temple arcs are more complex. When you use quads you will also get the best results when smoothing your mesh.
  13. very nice update, i think I'm getting less lag in the jungle now. Added some images, that rock is pitch black, maybe it's because of my lighting, because the vehicles in the PT and some of those characters are also completely black (Not just on your map, it's because I turned off dynamic lighting) And that turret in the distance is active, can kill it with a rocket launcher. maybe an invisible mesh in front of it will block the HUD from showing the target box. I also liked riding the Recon Bike
  14. Nice! Does the rum do anything? like a slow screen wobble and some blurring if you've had too much
  15. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    I'm not adding that, I tought about extra paths that go around the map, but it would make the map just so different from what Snow originally was, that it wouldn't be Snow anymore. Besides that I think it works pretty well now with the changes made compared to the original. Like the extra path, and moving the WF further back. You can go ahead and make a variation on the map, but name it differently, like Snow 2 or Snow X
  16. post your proposal here: https://renegade-x.com/forums/topic/74012-map-cnc-snow/?page=2 Or in PM. As you can see in that topic I've had some ideas for a second vehicle path but I don't think they'd be well balanced
  17. Version 1.0.0


    I decided to make a Deathmatch map since we didn't have that many yet. I've used the same environment package as Tunnels, but the design of the map is completely different, it's inspired by the layout of Meltdown from COD : Black Ops 2. There are weapon, health, armor and ammo pickups. the weapons pickups are: Laser Chaingun Flamethrower Flak Cannon Rocket Launcher (Gunner) Unsilenced Sniper Rifle Note: The location of other players on your minimap isn't scaling correctly yet, I know this. They do appear correctly on the overview map, and your own position is also right. Enjoy!
  18. View File CNC-Caves I decided to make a Deathmatch map since we didn't have that many yet. I've used the same environment package as Tunnels, but the design of the map is completely different, it's inspired by the layout of Meltdown from COD : Black Ops 2. There are weapon, health, armor and ammo pickups. the weapons pickups are: Laser Chaingun Flamethrower Flak Cannon Rocket Launcher (Gunner) Unsilenced Sniper Rifle Note: The location of other players on your minimap isn't scaling correctly yet, I know this. They do appear correctly on the overview map, and your own position is also right. Enjoy! Submitter Henk Submitted 04/26/2017 Category Levels
  19. Can't remember the last time I got sniped while repairing tanks. Way more of a threat are SBH and free infantry sneaking up from behind, klling you without your tank buddy noticing. Best way to counter those snipers is with another sniper.
  20. I like Walls, I love Walls. But it gets played a lot, even with 5 vote options it usually gets picked, and these 3 variations we have now makes us play it even more, sometimes 2 times in succession.
  21. With 3 options it's still possible to have Walls, WallsNF and Walls Snowing as the only 3 options. What I'm trying to say is, make 1 "group" for all variations on walls, same goes for Lakeside and Islands. So only one of the variations appear in vote, and after it's been played, there should be 2 or 3 different maps before a variation of walls can pop up as a vote option again.
  22. Thankfully there's still Renegade X
  23. Gunner is Australian
  24. With only 2 vote options there could be a situation where WallsNF and Walls Snowing are the only options, even after we've just played Walls.
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