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Everything posted by Henk

  1. Henk

    Dead crates

    ^ The chance of getting a vehicle crate increases when you have lost WF/Strip, so that helps a bit. Get a free character and go on crate hunt.
  2. If I'd win the lottery I'd put together a team for this But yeah, it's just a lot of work to make all that stuff and you'd also need an Art Director, so you get something awesome and don't get 5 different visual styles throughout the character/building/vehicle designs. Other options are pitching the concept to a developer studio, or making a kickstarter campaign. Doubt that will work but just throwing some ideas I haven't read before.
  3. Ok nice, and don't worry about the script backup, I still have the sdk .zip file in my downloads folder. (will move it to my backup harddrive to save space). When I get this fixed I'm also going to retexture it, since my skills have improved over the year.
  4. I have followed the tutorials step by step, but when I recompile (in 32Bit) I get errors and my SDK just breaks.. Some differences are that I don't use an Anim Set, because my repairfacility doesn't need animations, I add particles with Kismet and change the MIC when a vehicle is on top of it. (I just basicly need the thing to sit there and have a health bar and be destroyable, and when destroyed, to no longer call the Kismet.) Here's a screenshot of the compiling: I didn't change anything in Rx_PlayAreaVolume.uc or any other class, I only added my Rx_Defence_RepairFacility.uc Here's the code: class Rx_Defence_RepairFacility extends Rx_Defence placeable; DefaultProperties { TeamID=1 //========================================================\\ //************** Vehicle Physics Properties **************\\ //========================================================\\ Health=1000 bLightArmor=false bCollideWorld = false Physics=PHYS_None CameraLag=0.1 //0.2 LookForwardDist=200 HornIndex=1 COMOffset=(x=0.0,y=0.0,z=-55.0) PeripheralVision=-1.0 bUsesBullets = false bIgnoreEncroachers=True bSeparateTurretFocus=false bCanCarryFlag=false bCanStrafe=false bFollowLookDir=false bTurnInPlace=false bCanFlip=False bHardAttach=true MaxDesireability=0.8 MomentumMult=0.7 AIPurpose=AIP_Defensive //========================================================\\ //*************** Vehicle Visual Properties **************\\ //========================================================\\ Begin Object Name=CollisionCylinder CollisionHeight=60.0 CollisionRadius=260.0 End Object CylinderComponent=CollisionCylinder Begin Object name=SVehicleMesh SkeletalMesh=SkeletalMesh'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Mesh.SK_DEF_RepairFacility' //AnimTreeTemplate=AnimTree'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Anims.AT_DEF_Turret' PhysicsAsset=PhysicsAsset'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Mesh.RX_DEF_RepairFacility_Physics' End Object DrawScale=1.0 VehicleIconTexture=Texture2D'RX_DEF_Turret.UI.T_VehicleIcon_Turret' MinimapIconTexture=Texture2D'RX_DEF_Turret.UI.T_MinimapIcon_Turret' //========================================================\\ //*********** Vehicle Seats & Weapon Properties **********\\ //========================================================\\ /* Seats(0)={(GunClass=class'Rx_Defence_Turret_Weapon', GunSocket=(MuzzleFlashSocket), TurretControls=(TurretPitch,TurretRotate), GunPivotPoints=(TurretYaw,TurretPitch), CameraTag=CamView3P, CameraBaseOffset=(Z=-100), CameraOffset=-300, SeatIconPos=(X=0.5,Y=0.33), MuzzleFlashLightClass=class'Rx_Light_Tank_MuzzleFlash' )} */ //========================================================\\ //********* Vehicle Material & Effect Properties *********\\ //========================================================\\ BurnOutMaterial[0]=MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.MI_RepairFacility_Destroyed' BurnOutMaterial[1]=MaterialInstanceConstant'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.MI_RepairFacility_Destroyed' DefaultPhysicalMaterial=PhysicalMaterial'RX_DEF_RepairFacility.Materials.PhysMat_RepairFacility' VehicleEffects(0)=(EffectStartTag=DamageSmoke,EffectEndTag=NoDamageSmoke,bRestartRunning=false,EffectTemplate=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Vehicle.Damage.P_EngineFire_Thick',EffectSocket=DamageFire01) VehicleEffects(1)=(EffectStartTag=DamageSmoke,EffectEndTag=NoDamageSmoke,bRestartRunning=false,EffectTemplate=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Vehicle.Damage.P_EngineFire_Thick',EffectSocket=DamageFire02) BigExplosionTemplates[0]=(Template=ParticleSystem'RX_FX_Munitions2.Particles.Explosions.P_Explosion_Vehicle_Huge') BigExplosionSocket=VH_Death //========================================================\\ //*************** Vehicle Audio Properties ***************\\ //========================================================\\ Begin Object Class=AudioComponent Name=ScorpionEngineSound SoundCue=SoundCue'RX_VH_MediumTank.Sounds.Med_IdleCue' End Object EngineSound=ScorpionEngineSound Components.Add(ScorpionEngineSound); } Maybe I missed something really obvious but even when I remove my class from the class folder I can't get the SDK back to normal again so that really makes it difficult to find and/or fix my problem
  5. If there's anything specific you need I might be able to help with that. But other than that I don't really want to start working on anything big that would take up a lot of time.
  6. Should be added to the main game if you ask me.
  7. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    Made some changes today, building lights now, who do I send it to so it can be added to an upcoming patch? No major changes to the layout, just moved the WF back and to the left a bit (if viewed from the Nod side) Also added team logo's to the structure exits Removed the exploding barrels because they only appear in Skirmish. Made the map slightly brighter. And I made changes to the landscape material, using heightmap blending instead of linear now: Before: After:
  8. I'll try it soon, but already looked at the code and I have no idea what I can and can not touch without breaking it. In the meantime I made the control point in Kismet. Both sides have an energy wall that stops bullets. Capture the MCT inside the dam to disable the enemy wall, also toggles the light off and plays the low power sound from Tiberian Sun (whitout voice, just the sound effect). It also spawns 2 Gun Emplacements for your team by the MCT, they don't respawn until the control point is captured by the enemy and then recaptured by your team. They get destroyed when the MCT is neutralized. Both walls are also up when the MCT is neutralised, and there's a 5 second delay before the wall goes up or down. I think this will give some dynamic gameplay on the dam. And it also makes the dam more interesting to fight over. I don't think the gun emplacements are too OP, because they don't respawn and there's multiple entrances and places for cover on the way to the MCT, and right in front of the mct, under the catwalks, you can't get hit by the gun emplacement fire. So it won't be campy I think. Having the enemy wall disabled makes it possible to shoot into the enemy base from further away, but there won't be base to base because your wall will still be up. And I improved my road decals to fit the ground better.
  9. The repairpad needs a health bar and interface. How about copying over, for instance, the SAM site package and class, remove the shooting and moving stuff, and replace all references to the sam site stuff with repair pad stuff?
  10. Wouldn't it be better if I made a vehicle class out of it? Not one that can move or be entered but one like the Guard Towers, AA towers and turrets. Because if want it to be possible to destroy it, and disable it when it gets EMP'd.
  11. How about recon bikes? - A lot of people love the TS vehicles (even though they're technically Tiberian Dawn vehicles, it came along the TS vehicles). - It's fast and has low armor > good for early rushes - Because of it's light armor it will get destroyed easier than an APC, so more people get the chance to get one during a game. - They are so cool (best reason of course)
  12. I want it to be like that but I don't know how. If anyone can help me with it, that would be nice.
  13. http://renx.wiki/wiki/Proximity_C4 If clip means what I think it means it should be 1/2. You only get 3 in total each refill.
  14. Here's some new pics of stuff I added: And here's a list: - Brought the reflections back to the dam, it's a cubemap reflection now instead of realtime. - Ambient Sounds - Lens Flares - Vines on buildings - River and lake water - Wet rocks, gave them specularity, but can't seem to vertex paint the wet parts darker.. - Swimming post-process volume - Road Decals placed, materials still need some work though - Culling done - Gave Nod a guard tower instead of turrer in the back of the base, because I could dodge every shot from that turret on my way to the Nod refinery. Up next: - Buildlights - Sending the map to some people so they can try to get out of the map, get stuck on things or get on top of things where you're not supposed to go. - Making the control point in Kismet - Improving the broken concrete - Minimap
  15. Isn't that done with just screen recording software? I can't run the game on 60FPS together with Ultra settings and recording software.. And about map trailers, how about the one I and Madkill made for Snow? I've sent it to 2 people I think. It shows the map. suggested to post it on the Facebook page.
  16. Awesome, didn't know that was possible in Kismet, thx. If it doesn't work in multiplayer i'll test Thommy's idea
  17. I think that was added to prevent people from jumping on the sandbags via the rock next to them. But the rock has been moved further away, the volume can be removed I think. It's a bit annoying that you can't jump high in there..
  18. Hi, I know the factions are different, and GDI focusses more on keeping infantry out, especially sneaky SBH's, and Nods defense focusses on hitting tanks hard with their Obelisk and turrets. But GDI can be sneaky too, and there's no option for me in the SDK to give Nod a Guard Tower instead of a turret. The turret is just too weak versus infantry for my map. And I don't want to add an obelisk, change the layout or dump more turrets in there. I have tried replacing some properties the turret has, i've taken the turret and replaced the Skeletal Mesh, Anim Tree Template, Physics Asset and Morph Set with the Guard Tower ones, but it doesn't shoot me. I also copied the Seats property, which includes the Gun Class. It makes it look like a Guard Tower, it's faction is Nod text still says turret. Only thing that works is changing the gunclass to Rx_Defende_GuardTower_Weapon, but having machine gun rounds coming out of the turret barrel just looks weird. What do I need to do to get a Nod Guard Tower?
  19. Can be fixed (if we'd want to) by scaling down the height of the tiberium volumes. Easy fix.
  20. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    Yes I'm afraid it might break more things than improve things, but maybe it makes the map a lot better. Last game I played the same things happened, we were regaining control of the tunnels, I said so in chat as well to notify my team, told people to switch to tanks now, but it didn't really happen.. Another option is to leave out the extra vehicle path, and add another infantry path instead, a one way/entrance only might work, but might be too OP or annoying to defend. I'd also like to see some server stats actually, to see how long games took, if they ended in base destruction or point difference, and for which faction. I've seen all but 1 game end in base destruction, and Nod and GDI seem about equal, but that's just my experience, exact figures would be nice.
  21. Henk

    [MAP] CNC-Snow

    I've had some fun games on the map too, but also some moments where I felt like the game wasn't going anywhere and there weren't any more options available other than trying to push the tunnels again. So I was thinking of re-designing the layout into this: Another vehicle path, with the downsides being that it's a long way, and infantry can defend it easily from their infantry only exits (they're like the ones on canyon). I still need to make it a bit more curved, and the rocks you see over the path are a cave/arc. I've also put in tankblockers to make it more difficult to camp the middle structure with vehicles. And I'm going to move the WF back beause it is easier to get to WF than HoN. And the outside timed c4 for points/credits farming was fun but doesn't really seem fair towards GDI. Your toughts? Also move the Airstrip away from the new vehicle path a bit to make it more difficult to ion the end of the strip?
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